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Morphin Rangers v Psycho Rangers

Guest Adam Safran

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Guest Adam Safran

Mid-season MMPR Rangers versus Psycho Rangers long term battle. basically, Tommy is Green Ranger, teh Rangers havge Titanus, and this is before the Green Candle.


Basically, Rita somehow manages to steal the Psycho Rangers from 'a future timeline' and is able to seal their magic over to her. Now, she is both a less adept 'master' at controlling them and keeping tehir infighting in check due to being.. Rita in general, but she's also a much more powerful witch than Astronema was, an Finister is much more knowledgeable about monsters than any of Astronema's aids, so he can help with controlling them. They're at full power, and aren't threatened with draining energy.


Rita has two weeks with them for researching them and finding ways to control them before they fight back and she sends them to Earth to fight the Morphin Rangers. Zordon has no diea what he's up against due to them beign from the future, though if they let slip their origins he would most likely be familiar wiht Astronema and Dark Specter. How well do the Morphin Rangers match up against them in combat and tactisc? In giant size battles? Can the Rangers figure out how to separate and take them on, or can the Morphin Era Rangers take them on in a direct fight, or do they try and separate them to take them out one at a time? Rita also has her trump card available of bringing about 'Hell on Earth' (Cyclopsis Saga) early on if necessary or she thinks she can eliminate the Rangers in one fell swoop. Goldar and Scorpina are her 'intended' generals for htem, but may or may not accompany them down to Earth.


No help will come from the future, and Zordon is limited to what canonically exists for external resources for him to call upon in this -existing- timeline that he has expressed canonical awareness of or would be canonically willing to help him if necessary.


What happens? Just an idea I'm throwing around as the Psycho Rangers aren't in the database, and none o the Ranger Villains are over Putties.

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Given that the Psycho Rangers were powerful enough to kill a Pink Ranger on screen in Power Rangers: In Space, I would say that the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers have a fair chance of actually dying in combat, but not without a fight. I see Kimberly and Billy dying in the fight against their counter parts. Trini (Thuy Trang, rest in peace), Zack and Jason have perhaps the most chances of winning. Infact, I'm willing to go with those three seeing as they are willing to pull out all the stops against the Psycho Rangers-- but the damage would be done to them on a mental level.


Trini would quit being a Ranger.


Zack would perhaps be paralyzed for life.


Jason would perhaps become such a hard ass that he might end up being the last ranger left, but with Renegade tendencies.



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Guest Adam Safran

In fairness the MMPR era Ranger suits were much stronger than the In Space era ones. I can quote pretty high end durability feats for them - they were among the most 'durable' of Ranger Suits fo at least the first decade. Blaster wise, I'd rate their combiner weapon and melee things against the In Space Team. MMPR lacks a Battlelizer, and Andros is a better leader than any PR leader but late end Tommy..


But the Jason + Tommy One Two KTFO is hard pressed. And Billy is a tech GOD among anyone in the entire series. I mean, eh built a dimensinal teleporter in things he had in his kitchen, plus teh Rad Bug.. Trini's no slouch herself. Zordon's defintiely going to be much faster at figuring out the weakness of the Psychos than Andros was, and I think that the MMPR tema will be more apt at setting them to infighting.


Thing is that the MMPR team hasn't been through a trial by fire like the Space team has. MMPR has.. Green with Evil. Where they ahd tehir coming of age and proved themselves worthy. Whereas the In Space team has fought off nightmares beyond just about anything any Ranger ever faced at all. So, hard call.

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Psycho Rangers must be added.


I actually watched "In space", and I think the Psycho's could take them out. Individually, they were a match for all 5 rangers, & together they easily stomped them. In the end they had to kill them off individuall. They were too much.


Psycho ftw.

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Guest Adam Safran

Can someone else add the Psychos? They're on my list of chars that I could do a story arc with, I jut dunno where to find links on them and such

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