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Ayane: 4

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John and Jane Smith: 5

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Match 18905 Android 18 vs. Blue Mary


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In an effort to do some family bonding, Krillin convinced his wife, Android 18, to bring their young daughter, Marron, and accompany him to help locate the dragonballs. While initially reluctant, 18 eventually agreed to this after Krillin agreed to find a job that would bring in serious income as soon as they were done.

After tracking down their first dragonball in a treacherous Chinese mountain range, their search for their second dragonball took the family to the Spanish island of Ibiza. While they strolled across a boulevard, Krillin theorized on the dragonball’s location while looking down at dragonball radar he had borrowed from Bulma.

“I hope you guys are ready for a swim, I bet this baby is underwater!” Krillin guessed with excitement.” The radar’s beeping grew louder and louder. “Oh wait a minute, maybe not. It’s…it’s….” Krillin looked up at the storefront of a shop at the end of the boardwalk. “It’s in the window of that store down there.”

Krillin sighed with disappointment.

“What’s wrong?” asked Android 18.

“It’s just so simple. I… I was hoping for something more,” stated Krillin.

“I don’t understand. Isn’t the goal of this whole thing to collect them all?” Android 18 questioned.

“Well yes, but the fun part is supposed to be the journey and this one is just sitting on display ready to pick up,” said Krillin. “That’s not the excitement I was wanting for our family.”

“There’s seven of them, right? That leaves five, and I am certain most if not all of them will be in hard to reach places or hazardous hellscapes that you are exposing our daughter to,” Android 18 reasoned.
Krillin shuffled uncomfortably. “When you put it like that..” His eyes darted downward to an A-Frame sign promoting a martial arts exhibition. “Hey, look at this. We are back in business, yeah!”

“What is it?”

Krillin pointed to the sign promoting a tag tournament sponsored by the King of Fighters. “A martial arts competition. It's been so long since I’ve been able to sit down and watch some good matches. It looks like this pit stop in Ibiza might not be such a major disappointment after all.”

"Are you seriously suggesting we put our quest for dragonballs on hold to watch some martial arts matches?” Android 18 inquired.

“Absolutely! It’s not like the world is ending right now so we don’t need them right away or anything. And besides, Marron also loves watching martial arts matches, don’t ya kiddo?”

Marron clapped her hands together and giggled with glee.

“Are we even sure the fighting will be any good at this thing?” asked Android 18.

“Oh yeah, didn’t you see the name of the host? The King of Fighters has always put on great tournaments and they have a fantastic array of martial artists that they showcase,” stated Krillin.

“Fine. Very well. Should we go and obtain he dragonball first?” Android 18 suggested.

“Nah. According to this promotion the matches are about to start. I don’t want to miss any of them,” answered Krillin. “The dragonball will still be here when we are done.”

Krillin and his family quickly made their way to the outdoor stadium where the tournament was being held and arrived just in time for the preliminary matches. Krillin and Marron watched each match with joyful enthusiasm whereas Android 18 showed only a passing interest. That was until a certain fighter really caught her eye. The fighter, a beautiful blonde woman who had more than a passing resemblance to Android 18 herself, employed a variety of bone breaking grappling moves that Android 18 really appreciated. With each victory, Android 18 found herself getting more and more invested.

The fighter, Blue Mary, won the semifinals matchup for her team by jumping on her opponent, Luong’s head, putting it in a headscissor with her legs and spinning toward the ground, knocking out Luong with a thunderous slam. Android 18 stood up and cheered the victory.

Krillin’s eyes widened. “What was that?”

“What? It was a good move,” said Android 18.

“I’ve never seen you cheer for a move like that, ever. Not even from me,” Krillin countered.

Marron giggled. “Mommy really likes that fighter.”

“Hey, I don’t see what the big deal is. Yeah, I think she has been the best thing about this tournament. She obviously has a good fashion sense and I get a kick out of the way she kicks ass.”

“No. This is amazing. You don’t like anyone. This is even better than finding dragonballs, we might find you a friend. We need to go meet her!” Krillin exclaimed.

Android 18 was defensive in her response. “I have friends. I… I can tolerate Bulma on occasion.”

The announcer announced over the speakers that the finals would be held the following day and thanked all of those in attendance.

“This is our chance,” said Krillin.

Android 18 rolled her eyes. “This is ridiculous.”


The family left their seats and made their way down to the bottom level where some of the fighters were still congregating. They found Blue Mary talking to her partner for the event, Terry Bogard. Blue Mary stood next to a motorcycle and held a helmet underneath her arm.  She wouldn't openly admit it, but the fact that she was a biker made Android 18 like her even more.

“Hey! Great stuff out there!” Krillin called out.

Blue Mary and Terry turned to them. “Thanks.”

“My name is Krillin, this is my wife 18, and our daughter Marron. We are fighters ourselves so it’s hard to impress us, but you put on some killer moves.”

“Appreciate it. Wait a minute. 18? Is that your name?” asked Terry.

“Yes,” Android 18 deadpanned expecting further questions.

Terry shrugged. “Cool.”

“Hold on, it really is you isn’t it?” stated Mary.

Android 18 did not know how to respond.

“Yes. You were the woman in that World Martial Arts tournament in Japan from a few years ago. Terry, you remember, the one that was blown up by that short blonde man after the finals,” Mary reminded.

“Oh yeah. Sounds like a King of Fighters tournament finals,” Terry joked.

“I watched that whole thing,” Mary told Android 18. “You were amazing. Never saw anything like it. I couldn’t believe you lost the finals. It seemed unreal.”

“I took a dive for lots of zeni. We needed the money,” Android 18 explained.

“18! You’re not supposed to tell anyone!” Krillin exclaimed.

Android 18 shrugged. The two couples continued to talk for another hour, finding a lot of common ground although Krillin couldn’t get Terry to admit that he and Mary actually were a couple. Right around the time Mary offered to show Android 18 the Mary Typhoon technique from the semi-finals match, Krillin remembered about the dragonballs. Terry and Mary agreed to accompany them back to the boardwalk where they saw it earlier in the day.

“Sorry you guys. We sold that item a couple of hours ago,” the shopkeeper announced when they asked for it after they arrived.

“Sold it?!?” Krillin cried out. “To who?”

“Skinny guy, red and white striped shirt and beanie, glasses, said his name was…uh.. Waldo I think. Said he wanted to bring it with him to a party down on the beach.”

Krillin was incredulous with this information.

“Hey, if you want to get that dragonball we still have a small window here, we just need to get down to the beach,” stated Mary.

The foursome along with Marron then went down to the beach where they were greeted by the sight of a sea of people almost indistinguishable from one another.

“So many of them look alike, this could be a challenge,” Terry observed.

“It may seem daunting at first, but if we apply the right amount of pressure we can get the information we need,” Android 18 opined. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Lucky for you guys you have a secret agent with you, finding hard to find things is right in my wheelhouse,” Blue Mary boasted. “I just wish I knew what the dragonball looked like.”

Krillin pulled out the dragonball they had found in China. “It looks just like this one, only it has three stars instead of two. But there is no need to worry.” Krillin pulled out the dragonball radar. “I have this baby right here and it will tell us exactly where the dragonball is.”


In a flash of violence, Terry Bogard grabbed the radar and smashed it on the ground in a fiery blaze.

Krillin yelped. “Huh? What? Why? Why did you do that?”

“I think it would be more fun for us to have a competition between Mary and 18. The first one to find the dragonball wins,” Terry suggested.

“I’m in,” said Android 18 with a small smile.

“Yeah, sounds like a good time,” Mary added.

“Sorry Krillin didn’t want anyone to have an unfair advantage,” stated Terry.

Krillin appreciated that Terry was trying to find a way for 18 and Mary to bond, he had told him back at the stadium how badly 18 needed to find a friend. Still, he was very upset about this turn of events. “Yeah, I get it bro, but you could have just told me. You didn’t have to destroy the dragonball radar. We will still need it to track down the other dragonballs.”

Terry apologized again. “Oops, my fault. Tell you what, I will go with you to get another radar while the ladies are tracking down this ball. On the way you can tell me more about this destructo disc technique of yours.”

Android 18 handed her daughter over to her father. “Take Marron with you.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Mary clasped her hands in anticipation. “Now that that is out of the way, shall we do this?” 

“May the best woman win.”

“I intend to.”


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A good Challenge entry, Johnny. I was worried for a moment that you were actually going to put Android 18 and Blue Mary in a fight, since 18 would crush almost any video game fighting game character. Not a bad idea to have them become friends and go on a Dragon Ball hunt. 

Bulma's gonna be so mad that Krillin "let" her Dragon Ball radar get wrecked. :D 

As for the match, this has the potential to be a close call. 18, being an android with planet-busting potential, would have the keener senses of the two and could pick out the Dragon Ball sooner. Mary, though, is a secret agent and likely more of a people person, and could probably finesse the Dragon Ball away in a potentially tense situation. 

I wonder if you can find Waldo in that pic ...

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