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Tournament - Judge Doom vs. Carnage
Judge Doom: 2
Carnage: 7

Zurg (Lightyear movie) vs. Goliath (Evolve)
Emperor Zurg: 2
Goliath (Evolve): 0

Psylocke vs. Danielle Moonstar
Psylocke: 6
Danielle Moonstar: 2

Rumble 20570 Arkin vs. Komodo
Arkin: 0
Komodo: 1

Rumble 20569 Minsu Kim vs. The Avengers
Minsu Kim: 2
The Avengers: 4

Match 18892 Ghostbusters vs. The Dark Dweller


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It was hot. The fans were going and everyone was staying very still, trying to enhance their discomfort.

A man walked in. Dark-skinned and very beefy he seemd to wear island robes over his western clothes.

Janine greeted him. “Can I help you?” He voice was dry to point of her being annoyed at being interrupted from doing nothing.

“I hope you can.” The man said boldly. My island is experiencing strange occurrences.”

Janine put her hand up. “Let me get someone for you.”

Leaning her head back, she screamed- “Doctor Vankmaaan!”
“Don’t bother me Janine!” A man screamed back.

“You’ve got a customer!”

A long pause later. “Does he have any money?”

“I don’t know!”

Lazily, Peter Vankman stammered into sight.

“Hey pal. What can I do for you?”

The man walked up to him.

“My name is Tui. I’m the chief of my island. We seem to have displeased the gods and I’m here to ask for you help.”

“We don’t do ‘gods’.” Peter replied plainly.

“Yes we do!” Ray Stanz came in. “They’re not really gods though. Their just supernatural beings toying with mortals. Got some in the containment unit right now.”

“Thank you for that, Ray.” Peter sighed.

Enthused by the new man’s cooperation Tui explained his case.

“The disappearing fish was the first alarm. Then people started disappearing. First the ones that sailed out to sea and then those on the shore.

“After that someone reported that something black in the water attacked them. We didn’t know what to make of it but more people disappeared and more people reported a dark black thing in the water attacked them. Finally a bunch of us saw it.

“It was like water but kind of solid. It… ate a stick someone threw on it. And then it kind of chased us like a rising tide. If we don’t stop this dark water we’ll have to evacuate the island- our home.”

Ray and Peter looked at each other- Ray with a look of excitement, Peter with a look of doubt.

“We’ll take your case.” Ray said.


* * * * * * *


Polynesia was a long way away but the Ghostbusters made their way there. They had less gear than some of them would have liked but as Peter explained, they couldn’t take everything.

Tui’s island was desolate. Huts and huts and huts.

“How are these people gonna pay us?” Had been uttered several times since arriving.

“This is my daughter Moana.” She will guide you to the dark water.”

Moana- a teenage girl- took the Ghostbusters into a huge cave. Several boats were stored there, some actually pretty big. A stream lead out into the sea. Another stream went the other way, trickling deeper into the cave.

Naturally, Moana lead them to the darkness.

“Some of our brave men went down here.” Moana’s seemed to talk in ghost story as if these guys would be intimidated by it. “They never came back.”

“If they can be saved we’ll save them.” Winston Zedmor said confidently. “Getting any readings, Egon?”
Egon Spangler had his EKG meter out and scanning.

“I’m getting something but it’s not a regular reading. Supernatural to be sure but different.”

“So like not a ghost but something we can handle right?” Peter inquired.

“Hey don’t scare the young lady.” Winston scorned his teammate. “We can handle whatever’s down there.”

“Sure we can.” Peter said unconfidently.

The cave opened up revealing an underground lake. Right away, the lake was off. The water was black. It didn’t move like regular water but more like a melted jelleton.

“Don’t get too close.” Moana warned the group. “It’ll get you.”

“I’d like to get a sample.” Egon stared at the dark water.

“I don’t know how you’re going to do that.” Moana said nervously. “This stuff reaches out and grabs you and pulls you in.”

Heeding her warning, the Ghostbuster stayed back.

“What do you think?” Ray asked of Ego.

Staring at his EKG meter for a long moment, Egon looked up. Our particle accelerators will probably have an effect but not to to the degree that we’re used to. We’ll have to find another way to deal with it.”

As the dark water swished in its stream, The Ghostbusters watched it. As the Ghostbusters watched the dark water, the master of the dark water- the Dark Dweller- watched them.





Fight Parameters:


The Ghostbusters must discover the source of the dark water (which is the Dark Dweller) and somehow keep him from covering the Earth with his dark water.

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Another good set-up, leroy. This could almost be an offshoot of your Megastory with all the crossovers here. Don't remember that much about Pirates of Dark Water and haven't seen Moana, but you have the Ghostbusters right in-character. 

As for the match, since the Ghostbusters have already defeated gods and the like, I have a feeling they could deal with the Dark Dweller and the Dark Water, but they may eventually have to find the Thirteen Treasures to help matters. 

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