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Tournament - Judge Doom vs. Carnage
Judge Doom: 2
Carnage: 7

Zurg (Lightyear movie) vs. Goliath (Evolve)
Emperor Zurg: 2
Goliath (Evolve): 0

Psylocke vs. Danielle Moonstar
Psylocke: 6
Danielle Moonstar: 2

Rumble 20570 Arkin vs. Komodo
Arkin: 0
Komodo: 1

Rumble 20569 Minsu Kim vs. The Avengers
Minsu Kim: 2
The Avengers: 4

Match 18875 Sonny the Cuckoo Bird vs. Willy Wonka


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“Attention, all Oompa Loompas!” Willy Wonka proclaimed from a balcony overlooking the Chocolate Room.  The Oompa Loompas all looked up at Wonka with their usual stoic expressions.  “My friends,” Wonka continued.  “It’s that time of year again.  The time of year where people dream of love, romance, and, most importantly for us, chocolate!  Yes, St. Valentine’s Day is upon us!  I know how excited this makes you.”  The Oompa Loompas remained silent and looking up at Wonka, who went on with his speech.  “This means we must double, even triple, even quadruple our chocolate production to keep up with the demand.  But don’t worry, I will be with you every step of the way!  Now come along!  We have so little to do, and so much time to do it!  Strike that!  Reverse it!  Begin!” 

As the Oompa Loompas took their posts in the factory, outside the gates Sonny was running as fast as his spindly legs could carry him.  He leaned against the stone wall and held his breath as he heard the cheerful voices calling out to him in the distance and around the corner.  “Oh, Sooooonny!  We got your favorite!” 

“Easy, Sonny!” Sonny whispered to himself.  “Don’t go cuckoo now!”  Sonny flapped his wings and took to the air.  “Just don’t think about that munchy, CRUNCHY, CHOCALATEY taste of… COCOA PUFFS!” 

In seconds the Cuckoo Bird was careening through the air at a breakneck speed, over the wall and over the factory.  “I’M CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!  CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!  CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!”  Sonny went into a nosedive and smashed through a window into the factory. 

From around the corner came three children, two boys and girl.  The younger of the boys held a box of Cocoa Puffs.  “Oh, Soooooonny!” the oldest boy said.  “Come out, come out wherever you are!” 

“Yeah!” the girl giggled.  “We have our Valentine’s gift to give you!” 

“And it’s your favorite!” the younger boy chorused.  “Munchy, crunchy, chocolatey…!” 

The three kids waited with gleeful expectation, but there was no reply from Sonny.  “That’s funny,” the girl said.  “I thought you said he went this way, Peter.” 

“He did, Mary-Anne,” Peter (the oldest) said.  “He must be around here somewhere!” 

“But if he is,” Paul (the youngest) interrupted.  “Why don’t we hear him going cuckoo?” 

“I don’t know, Paul,” said Mary-Anne, sounding worried.  “Maybe we went a little too far this time.” 

“Aw, don’t be such a girl!” said Peter.  “Sonny’s our pal!  He knows it’s just a game!  He gets his Cocoa Puffs, we get to see him go cuckoo!” 

“I guess, but then where is he?” 

Peter started to run down the cobblestone street.  “Maybe he went this way!  Come on!”  Mary-Anne ran after Peter, but Paul looked at Wonka’s factory for a moment before following.  “Wait for me, guys!” 

When Sonny came to, he shook his head to clear the cobwebs and looked where he had crashed.  His eyes widened as he took in the wonders of the chocolate room.  “What kind of a cuckoo place is this?” Sonny asked himself.  But then he smelled a very familiar smell.  It wasn’t Cocoa Puffs, but there was the smell of chocolate all around him.  Sniffing the air hungrily, Sonny scampered past the edible candy plants until he reached the banks of Wonka’s chocolate river.  Sonny’s eyes bulged out of his head and he whooped with glee.  “YAHOO!  I’ve landed in chocolate heaven!  What could be better than Cocoa Puffs?  An entire river of chocolate!  CANNONBALL!”  Sonny crashed into the river, and started swimming and drinking as much chocolate as he could. 

“Excuse me!” 

Sonny licked his beak as he looked up at the man dressed in purple.  “Um, hello!  Would you like to try some chocolate too?” 

“I don’t need to try the chocolate.  It happens to be my chocolate!  This river helps mix the chocolate that gets packaged throughout my factory!  And I can’t have you taking a dip in it.  Now how about you climb out and…” 

“Wait a minute!” Sonny said, splashing to the shore and grabbing a hold of Wonka’s leg.  “You mean there’s MORE chocolate around here?!” 

“Oh yes, more chocolate than anywhere else in the world,” Wonka said flippantly.  “Now be a good bird and…” 

Before Wonka could finish, Sonny jumped back into the river and started swimming downstream.  “Sorry, buddy!  I can’t help myself! I just gotta have more chocolate!  CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!  CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!” 

Wonka quickly blew a tune on his flute to summon an Oompa Loompa to his side.  “Get the Wonkatania onto the river immediately!  We must stop that bird before he eats every drop of chocolate we have!” 


Sonny wins by devouring all of Wonka’s chocolate and escaping the factory. 

Wonka wins by catching Sonny. 

Game On! 

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A naturally chocolatey match-up. :) Another good set-up, broadway, and CBUB Match debut for Sonny. 

As for the match, Sonny's definitely gonna give Willy and the Oompa Loompas a good run for a while, devouring as much chocolate as he can along the way.  Thing is, Willy's factory is about as magical as Sonny is toony, and Sonny is only used to dealing with boxfuls of Cocoa Puffs. Sonny's eventually going to get his fill of chocolatey river flow and other treats (and may even lapse into a chocolate coma :D), allowing Wonka and crew to bring him in. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.70 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - patrickthekid
5.00 - Boratz
4.70 - DSkillz
5.00 - Venom 2009
5.00 - StormChaser

FPA Calculation:
6 Total Votes cast
29.40 Total Combined Score
29.40 / 6 = 4.90 Final Rating on the match

Sonny the Cuckoo Bird: 2
Willy Wonka: 4

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Sonny bounced along the chocolate river like a stone skipped on a pond.  He was so overwhelmed with his desire for chocolate that he didn’t even noticed the bizarre images that bombarded him as he went through the tunnel.  He careened into the dock and flew into the laboratory as the Wonkatania screeched to a halt.  Wonka sprang to shore and rook off after Sonny.  “Quickly, quickly!” he urged the Oompa Loompa’s panting for breath on the boat.  “He’ll devour all my, er, all our chocolate if we don’t stop him!” 

Oompa Loompa’s scattered out of Sonny’s way as he jumped from station to station, chomping on every speck of chocolate he could find.  “I’M CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!  CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!”  He darted out of the way of two Oompa Loompas who attempted to tackle him, then zoomed down a hallway.  He screeched to a halt and stared in manic hunger.  Before him were Wonka’s golden egg laying geese.  They honked in alarm at the sight of the wild eyed bird.  “GOLDEN CHOCOLATE?!?” Sonny bolted towards the nearest goose only to have three Oompa Loompas jump on top of him.  Wonka strode into the room as Oompa Loompas were sent flying by Sonny’s chocolate fed mania.  Wonka put on a pair of goggles and raised a device that looked like a handheld camera.  “Out the way, fellows!  Shield your eyes!  Lights!  Camera!  Action!”  Sonny turned just in time for a beam of light to shoot out of the camera and strike him.  The bird disappeared, replaced by a series of blinking, glowing lights that floated over to a tv set being pushed in on a cart by the Oompa Loompas.  Wonka pressed a couple of buttons on the tv, and the shrunken form of Sonny appeared. 

“Hey!  What happened?” Sonny asked groggily.  Wonka reached into the tv and pulled out Sonny.  “You, my feathered friend, very nearly threw off my entire chocolate making schedule!”  Sonny looked at Wonka as he held him by the scruff of his neck.  “I’m sorry, mister,” Sonny said sheepishly.  “It’s just that chocolate always makes me go cuckoo.  Please change me back!  I won’t touch another crumb of your chocolate if you’ll let me go!” 

An Oompa Loompa hurried over to Wonka’s side and whispered something to him.  Wonka nodded and the Oompa Loompa ran over to another monitor and switched it on.  “Well, I’m glad you have good taste anyway,” said Wonka as the monitor’s image cleared.  “However, there is another matter I must deal with!”  The monitor displayed the image of Peter, Paul, and Mary-Anne attempting to climb the wall that surrounded the factory.  “They must be looking for me!” said Sonny. 

“Are they friends of yours?” asked Wonka. 

“Well… yes, they are.  They’re good kids, really.  But I think they enjoy me going cuckoo a little bit too much.  That’s how I wound up in here!”  Wonka looked thoughtfully at the monitor and smirked.  “I think I have an answer for that.” 

Peter grunted as Mary-Anne stood on his back and Paul clambered onto her shoulders.  “You sure Sonny’s in there?” Mary-Anne asked, wincing as Paul kneed her in the face.  “Where else could he be?” Peter groaned.  “Can’t you smell the chocolate?  Now stretch and get Paul onto the wall so he can get us in before my back breaks!”  Paul reached over his head against the brick.  “Still too high.  A little bit more!” 

“Hi, gang!” 

The sudden voice of Sonny startled the three kids and sent them tumbling to the sidewalk.  Mary-Anne got back on her feet and rushed over to Sonny.  “Where have you been?” she said giving him a hug.  “We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 

“Oh, I’m fine, Mary-Anne.  But it’s been a real long day.”  Paul picked up the fallen box of Cocoa Puffs with a grin.  “Are you still hungry for some munchy, crunchy…” 

Sonny held up a wing to stop Paul.  “Actually, I’ve got something to give you all!  The nice man who owns this factory gave it to me for you to try!”  He held up a glass bottle filled a clear, bubbling liquid.  “What is it?” asked Peter. 

“It’s called Fizzy Lifting Drink,” explained Sonny.  “It’s very tasty!  I’d say it tastes even better than Cocoa Puffs!”  Peter and Paul’s eyes went wide.  “Better than Cocoa Puffs?” asked Paul.  Peter held out his arms to Sonny.  “Let me have some!  If you like it more than Cocoa Puffs it must be amazing!”  Sonny handed the bottle to Peter.  “Be my guest!”  Mary-Anne looked unsure as Peter took a swig from the bottle.  “I don’t know about this, Peter.” 

“Don’t be such worrywart, Mary-Anne!” said Peter, handing the bottle to Paul who quickly drank.  “It tastes like soda pop!  Go ahead and try some!”  Paul licked his lips and closed his eyes.  “Yeah!  Try some!  It’s nice and fizzy, Mary-Anne!”  Mary-Anne looked at Sonny, sighed and took a drink from the bottle.  “Well, there sure are a lot of bubbles in it.  But why’s it called Fizzy Lifting Drink, Sonny?”  Sonny looked to the sky.  “You’ll see.” 

“WHOA!”  Paul and Mary-Anne spun around to see Peter was now floating three feet in the air.  The boy flailed his arms and legs in a panic.  “What’s going on?!”  In a moment Peter and Mary-Anne also were rising off the ground.  “Sonny!  What’s happening?” shouted Paul.  “Don’t worry, gang!” Sonny said, taking to air to fly next to the three.  “That’s why they call it Fizzy Lifting Drinks!”  Mary-Anne spun around as they continued to float higher and higher.  “Look!  I think I can see my house from up here!” 

“Yeah!  This is fun!” Peter shouted.  “Bet I can fly higher than you!” 

“Oh, yeah?” shouted Paul.  Sonny looked on as the boys shot themselves higher up as Mary-Anne enjoyed the view.  “This feels wonderful!  Like I’m lighter than air!”  But then Mary-Anne’s face went pale.  “But… how do we get down from here?” 

“Will you stop it, Mary-Anne?” said Peter.  “We’ll just fly down!  Like this!”  Peter turned upside down and attempted to propel himself lower, but he only started spinning head over heels.  Paul’s voice began to tremble.  “We can’t get down!  And we’re still going higher!”  The three kids could now see that they were nearly a mile above the village and still rising.  “Sonny, what are we going to do?!” Mary-Anne cried.  “Maybe Sonny can fly us down?” asked Paul.  “Sorry, Paul,” said Sonny.  “The Fizzy Lifting Drink has filled you all with bubbles to make you float.  I could get you down, but you would just start floating up all over again.” 

“I want my mama!” whined Paul.  “You knew all along this would happen!” accused Peter.  “But why?” asked Mary-Anne.  Sonny took a deep breath and spoke in a caring but firm tone.  “Because I wanted to make sure I had your attention before I tell you how to get down.  Look, kids.  I’m glad you’re my friends, I’m happy you want to give me my favorite cereal, and I even don’t mind going cuckoo for you, but I could really use a break every once in a while.  I’d like just to hang out and have fun with you all and not have to worry about my cereal making me do crazy things.” 

“Okay, okay!” said Peter in a panic.  “We won’t ever make you go cuckoo again!  Now get us down!” 

“Peter, you don’t need to stop giving me Cocoa Puffs!  But I’d appreciate if we could keep this to a once-a-month thing.  One day a month you can make me go cuckoo.  Is it a deal?”  Mary-Anne looked with understanding at Sonny.  “It’s a deal.  Boys?”  Peter and Paul looked down at the ground that was nearly five miles away.  Paul nodded and Peter sighed.  “Okay, deal.  Now how do we get down?”  Sonny flapped his wings and started making his way earthward.  “All you have to do is burp!  That’ll get the bubbles out!” 

The kids looked at each other in disbelief.  “Well, here it goes,” said Paul, who let out a large belch.  Instantly he started descending after Sonny.  Peter gave a burp and followed after as Mary-Anne fidgeted.  “Girls don’t burp!”  She took a glance at the approaching clouds, cleared her throat and let out a small burp. 

After a few minutes the three kids and Sonny had landed outside of Wonka’s factory.  Paul hugged a lamppost.  “It’s so good to be back on the ground!” 

“But now that we know how that stuff works,” said Peter.  “We could use it all the time!” 

“All the time?” Mary-Anne said warningly.  Peter glanced at Sonny and sighed.  “Well, maybe some of the time.”  Mary-Anne took a hold of Sonny’s wing.  “Just like your Cocoa Puffs.  Some of the time.”  Sonny looked at his feet and kicked at the ground.  “Sorry for scaring you like that.  But I didn’t know how else to get you to listen.”  The kids gathered around Sonny.  “We should be saying sorry to you, Sonny,” said Mary-Anne.  “We all had so much fun making you go cuckoo that we got carried away.” 

“Yeah, we’re sorry,” said Peter. 

“Sorry,” said Paul.  “Hey!  It’s almost dinner time!  Maybe we could have some munchy, crunchy…”  Peter and Mary-Anne shot Paul a disapproving look.  Sonny wiped away some Wonka chocolate off his beak.  “Actually, gang, I think I’ve had enough chocolate for a while.”  Sonny let out an enormous belch and the kids laughed.  Sonny smiled sheepishly.  “Excuse me.” 

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