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Rumble 20592 Art the Clown vs. The Leprechaun
Art the Clown: 1
The Leprechaun: 0

Rumble 20591 Leatherface (2003) vs. Victor Crowley
Leatherface (2003): 0
Victor Crowley: 1

Rumble 20590 The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers) vs. The Djinn
The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers): 0
The Djinn: 2

Rumble 20589 Nathan Drake vs. The Xenomorph Queen
Nathan Drake: 0
The Xenomorph Queen: 5

Rumble 20588 Waldstein vs. Metera vs. Mutagen Man
Waldstein: 0
Metera: 1
Mutagen Man: 2

Match 18621 Werewolf by Night vs. Kurt Barlow


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Opening Narration, "From one cursed night to another. The ever-growing struggle between good and evil, light and darkness has continued on in the story that you are about to read. The man that carries the curse of the werewolf, Jack Russell has put an end to the wicked Nosferatu. He used the monster within him for the good of mankind and saved the once beautiful small river town that sits upon the Mississippi River. Before he can find rest from his struggles with this beastly curse that he carries, he will be called once again to face an evil of the night. In a setting that takes place during Halloween Night, Jack Russell will face a new evil in 'Salem's Lot. Just as Count Orlok had been a curse to humanity for centuries, this evil that the Werewolf is about to face has plagued mankind for far too long. In yet another story of good against evil, you will witness the wretched Kurt Barlow's reign of terror come face to face with the Werewolf by Night..."

Magnetic Ferret Presents...  




Written by Boratz  


In association with the C.B.U.B.  




Werewolf by Night ... Jack Russell  


Kurt Barlow .... Kurt Barlow



Waking up in the middle of the woods, Jack felt as if his body was on fire. With his eyes adjusting to the light of dawn, Jack stumbled around the area that he found himself in. He was covered in mud, grass and small traces of blood. While his head was throbbing, Jack sniffed at the blood in hopes that it belonged solely to the vampire that he faced the night before. He a let out a sigh of relief once he realized that the foul scent had only belonged to the beast that he had come to face. While the haze of the night before started to fade away and the world was becoming clearer with the start of a new day, Jack could hear the faint sound of a creek nearby. He glanced around in all directions to make sure that no else was around while he headed toward the running water. 
Jack collapsed to his knees as he scooped the cold creek water up with his hand. He brought the cold water up to his lips and started drinking. His hand trembled from a combination of the cold water and the adrenaline that flowed through his veins from the night before. Jack brought the cold water against his chest and body. He shivered as he tried cleaning off the mud and blood. While he shivered with the cold creek water, Jack could not cool off the fire the burned within him. He had trouble shaking the feeling that he hurt someone while he cleaned off his body. Jack had learned to control the beast and turn himself at will outside the nights surrounding the full moon, but the moon was full last night. He had no control over the beast last night but he hoped that he was able to use it to defeat the vampire that brought terror upon this town. 
After cleaning himself of the mud and the blood, Jack could feel the burning inside of him starting to dwindle. He took a breath as he looked up at the blue skies above. Through the thick forest that surrounded him, Jack could not see much that was around. With the early morning sun, he had a basic idea of the directions that were set out before him. While he gathered himself to get ready for his trek back to town, he caught a scent of someone nearby. This person moved silently through the thick forest but that scent gave them away. Jack realized that this person was not trying to keep himself hidden. 
Jack steadily made his way through the woods, and saw the man that had carried that scent. This many had an eye patch that went over his face. Jack could tell by looking in his one good eye that was left that he had seen a lifetime of war. He had silver strands in his dark hair and scruffy looking face. The man stopped and dropped a duffle bag on the ground below. He reached into his jacket pocket but he continued to keep his gaze on Jack. At first Jack was hesitant at what the man was about to take out of his pocket but eventually let out a sigh of relief. This man took out a large cigar and placed it in his mouth. 
"Jack Russell?" The man asked while lighting up his cigar.
"Yes." Jack said reluctantly while his body trembled with a cold breeze.
"I am Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury replied as a puff of smoke escaped his mouth.
Jack took a quick glance at his surroundings and then stared back at Fury. "How'd you fine me?" He asked putting out his arms.
"As I said, I am the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury said while pointing down at the bag. "There are some clothes in the bag, if you want to get warm."
Jack opened up the bag and shuffled through the contents inside. He placed a jacket over himself and pulled up thick socks over his feet. He also found a stainless-steel mug that had warm coffee inside. Jack slowly sipped on the coffee while Fury smoked on his cigar.
"Excellent job with the vampire last night." Fury said while looking off into the trees.
"Did I hurt anyone?" Jack said while sipping the warm coffee.
"Just that vampire and you certainly did a number on it. My team was afraid they'd have to clean up the entire town square, but the remains turned to ash by morning." Fury said while glancing back at the cursed man. 
"That is good." Jack said sipping the warm coffee.
"I know a lot about you, Mr. Russell and I know you usually are able to control it at night. I also know that on the night of a full moon and the surrounding nights, it controls you." Fury said with a scowl. 
"I do my best keep myself contained when that happens." Jack pleaded.
"I know. I'm not here to take you in. I'm here to ask for your help." Fury responded as he threw the cigar butt onto the ground. Fury stomped on the end of the cigar and glared at Jack. 
"My help?" Jack said with a dumbfounded look.
"Yeah. I'm aware that Strange sent you here to look into this." Fury said with a smirk. "You did good. I have recently got intel that there is possibly another old blood sucker in Jerusalem's Lot, Maine."
"That does not sound like a S.H.I.E.L.D. problem." Jack said while taking the last sip of coffee from the stainless-steel mug. 
"This is different. The Intel believes that this vampire is an ancient. Apparently, it is trying to build an army." Fury replied. 
"An army? An army for what?" Russell asked.
"Don't know. Don't care, but we could use some help." Fury replied.
"Why not just ask Blade?" Russell asked.
"Eric Brooks is still tied up with the Midnight Sons. So, we are asking you for help." Fury said with a piercing stare.
"Asking..." Russell said with a slight pause. "Or telling?"
"What do you think?" Fury responded with a grim smile. "We got a chopper that will take you to Maine. I suggest you start looking before the sun goes down."
Jack followed the hardened S.H.I.E.L.D. Director back to the town. The community was hurting, but a new day brought a sense of healing. A helicopter roared in the distance as it approached the center of the town. Fury stood and watched while the helicopter approached. Jack looked over the destruction that was caused by the beast within him. There were claw marks throughout the different buildings in the town square and shattered glass scattered over the street. Lamp posts were torn down and abandoned cars were flipped over. Jack's dark eyes stayed on the destruction while Fury gave him a small glance. Fury could see that there was concern in Jack's face.
"The town will rebuild." Fury assured the distraught Russell.
"I've carried this curse with me for a long time. I've seen what it can do. The pain that it can cause and the battles that I have had. It does not make it any easier." Russell responded.
"I've seen many battlefields in my lifetime, Mr. Russell. This is just another battlefield. These people in this town, they owe you a debt of gratitude. With that said, there is even more evil out there. You can either help or you can sulk. Your call." Fury said coldly. 
Jack shook his head and watched while the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopter descended in the middle of the street. The Werewolf by Night took a confident breath before getting into the helicopter. He gazed over the small town while the helicopter took off into the skies above. Jack leaned back in his seat and thought about what was about to come. He almost chuckled as he thought about the Midnight Suns. There was no telling how they were doing in their battle against the armies of darkness. While gazing down upon the world, Jack hoped that they would be successful in preventing the rise of the Mother of All Demons and her legions. A small smile formed across Jack's cheeks while he looked out the window of the helicopter. 
"I've never been to Jerusalem's Lot, Maine." He muttered under his breath. "I certainly hope it is nice this time of year."
Jerusalem's Lot - On Halloween Day
The S.H.I.E.D. helicopter descended from the skies as it reached its destination. There was an uneasy feeling that lingered in the pit of Jack's stomach. Fury leaned back in his seat and provided Jack with some information on the local authorities. Jack's arrival was expected by the Sheriff's department, but not much information was given to them as far as who Jack was. Fury told Jack that he assurred the Sheriff that he was sending them help. The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. then told him that he would be heading to a classified location to deal with a threat from Hydra. While the helicopter landed, Jack's gaze went out in the world around. That uneasy feeling that lingered in his chest started to grow worse as his dark eyes moved along the small Maine town. The helicopter door opened and Russell hopped out. He glanced back at the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopter while it started to lift up into the skies. He briefly saw the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. give him a nod before the helicopter lifted away. 
Russell turned his attention to the approaching Sheriff's vehicle. When the car stopped, a small smile formed across Jack's face as the officer stepped out of the vehicle. The Werewolf by Night greeted the older Sheriff, but he could see that there was weariness in the eyes of the Sheriff. The Sheriff explained that recently there had been several disappearances and murders through the small Maine town. Jack got into the passenger seat of the Sheriff's car and they drove around the small town. As they drove the Sheriff explained the history of Jerusalem's Lot. Throughout the ride, Jack caught a scent of something all too familiar. The Sheriff then told him a story that centered around an infamous house in 'Salem's Lot.
The Marsten House stood almost empty in the town of Jerusalem's Lot. There was a quietness that surrounded the Depression-era home that was once owned by an infamous hitman. The house was well known throughout the town for its evil history. Many of the adults in town simply avoided it, while the town's children were frightened to the bone by the sight of it. There were stories surrounding that it was haunted by its original owner. The stories of the original owner are still discussed by the town to this very day. Stories of the tragedies and horrors that surround the Marsten House had been passed down from one generation to another. Recently, the home was purchased by a reclusive Austrian immigrant known as Kurt Barlow and his business partner, Richard Straker. His name is known throughout the Lot for the antique furniture store that he recently opened, but none of the residents were able to identify him. Since his alleged arrival, there has been a trail of pain and death. Jerusalem's Lot or Salem's Lot as it is known by many also had a sinister history of evil and darkness. In recent times, the small Maine town as tried to turn from its dark history. Despite their attempts for a better tomorrow, the town found itself in the clutches of a horrifying evil. 
As they drove near the dreadful Marsten House, that familiar scent grew stronger the closer they got. Jack turned to the Sheriff and asked about the murders that had been discovered. The Sheriff did not give him much information, but said that they had two suspects in custody. After the Sheriff said that the suspects had been in custody throughout the day, Russell quietly dismissed them as he realized that the true killer was hidden somewhere in this town. While driving throughout the town, the scent would come and go. Russell realized that the evil that had descended upon this small town had spread the vampire curse to some of the poor residents of 'Salem's Lot.  
With Halloween night approaching, Jack Russell had left the Sheriff behind. He walked throughout the streets and noticed that the neighborhoods were empty. The Sheriff had mentioned that the residents and parents were frightened by the latest horrors that had erupted in the small Maine town. As the light of the sun started to fade in the distance, Jack could feel the beast within him started to awaken. Jack remembered the scent was strongest at the Marsten House. With a steady breath, he headed toward the cursed estate. As the sun disappeared in the night, the full moon shined over 'Salem's Lot. 
In front of the Marsten House, the Werewolf by Night clawed out of Jack Russell. The Werewolf unleashed a blood curdling howl in front of the house of evil. Stepping out of the cursed house, the fiery yellow eyes of Kurt Barlow gazed upon the Werewolf by Night. A horrific smile formed across the vampire's face as he stood between the Werewolf and the house of evil. The Werewolf unleashed a terrifying roar as the Ancient Vampire...
It's Intermission Time. Please visit your own kitchen snacks and refreshments.
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Another great set-up for Halloween/Day of the Dead, Boratz. :) Just like your previous match, you really get a feeling for what Jack goes through on a regular basis. 

As for the match, Barlow seems like he'd be a tougher opponent than Orlok with his hypnosis and telekinesis, but as mentioned, Jack has plenty of experience dealing with vampires and the like. The Werewolf just may be able to eke out a win and save Salem's Lot.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.90 - DSkillz
5.00 - patrickthekid
5.00 - StormChaser

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.90 Total Combined Score
14.90 / 3 = 4.97 Final Rating on the match

Werewolf by Night: 4
Kurt Barlow: 0

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