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Match 18305 Dazzler vs. Jem and the Holograms

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*This match up features a continuation to a storyline I did in the Dreadnoks vs the Misfits.  Feel free to check out that match up by clicking the link! 

Match 16314 The Dreadnoks vs. The Misfits - CBUB Rated Matches - The Magnetic Ferret Message Boards


The fairgrounds were buzzing with excitement.  Semitrucks and tour buses had cordoned off the area and were plastered with posters.  “July 4th Weekend! Stereo Wars!  See the Biggest Names in Music put on the Biggest Show of the Year!  And YOU pick the Winner!”  Crowds of fans hurried to see their favorite bands perform.  Kimber peeked out from behind a curtain at the audience gathering in front of their stage.  “Outrageous!” she gushed.  “We’ve got this thing in the bag for sure!  Look at all those people!”  Jerrica smiled as she pulled the curtain in front of her sister and walked her back to the rest of the Holograms.  “Take it easy, Kimber.  We haven’t even sung our first song yet.” 

“I know, I know!  But with all those Jem fans out there?  You know there gonna love our music!” 

Raya looked up from program she was reading.  “Well, there are a lot of other bands and singers.  The Space Cadets, Luna Dark, the Limp Lizards…” 

“And no Misfits,” said Aja with a sigh of relief.  “Don’t get too comfortable, girls,” said Jerrica.  “Eric Raymond told me that even though the Misfits weren’t invited, he was going to enter the new band he signed to Misfits Music.”  Shanna shuddered.  “Yuck.  Cold Slither.  Just hearing that name makes my skin crawl.” 

“Oh, come on, guys!” said Kimber.  “We can handle any dirty tricks Eric tries to pull!”  Raya turned a page of her program.  “Oh!  Here’s something.  Have any of you heard of this Dazzler woman?”  Jerrica looked over Raya’s shoulder to see.  The program showed a picture of the Dazzler in a polyester jumpsuit and blue face paint.  She was striking a pose in roller skates while holding her microphone to the skies.  “I heard she was a pretty big hit on the disco circuit,” said Jerrica.  “I guess she’s trying to make a comeback.”  Kimber giggled at the picture.  “Now that’s outrageous!  Who’d go onstage in a get up like that?” 

Rio Pacheco walked through the backstage area and up to the Holograms.  “Okay, ladies.  It’s almost showtime.  Has Jem showed up yet?  We need to start the sound check.”  The Holograms glanced at each other before Aja piped up.  “Oh, she’s here.  She’s in the dressing room getting changed.” 

“I’ll go let her know you’re ready for her, Rio,” said Jerrica.  “Thanks, Jerrica!” said Rio as she made her way to the dressing room.  She knocked gently on the door and poked her head inside.  “Jem!  It’s time for soundcheck!”  Then Jerrica swiftly entered the dressing room and closed the door.  The dressing room, as she knew from the start, was empty.  Jerrica reached up and touched her right earring, and grinned.  “Don’t want to keep Rio waiting!  It’s Showtime, Synergy!”  A pink light enveloped Jerrica Benton, and in an instant she was visually transformed into Jem.  She opened the door of the dressing room, calling back inside.  “I got it, Miss Benton!  Don’t you worry!  The girls and I are gonna do great!”  Jem strode up to the Holograms.  “You ready to get started, Jem?” Rio asked.  Jem turned to her bandmates.  “Well, what do you say, Holograms?  You guys ready to win this contest?” 

“Yeah!” the Holograms cheered.  “Great!” Jem laughed.  “Then let’s do it!” 

The Holograms followed after Jem and Rio, but Kimber lingered behind to take one last look at the Dazzler’s picture.  “Ha!  Disco!  Time to teach Miss Dazzler a thing or two about rock ‘n roll!” 

In her dressing room, Alison Blaire put the finishing touches on her make up. She gave a final look in the mirror and sighed.  She was interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door.  She got up from her seat and opened the door and was surprised to find an empty hallway. 

“Hello?  Anyone here?” 

“Good afternoon, Miss Blaire.” 

Dazzler nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of the voice behind her in the dressing room.  She spun around to see the transparent bald man sitting calmly in a wheelchair.  Dazzler close the door in a huff and walked back to her vanity.  “You really should stop doing that, Professor,” she said, applying some more blue face paint.  “Do you usually beam into people’s dressing rooms?” 

“I assure you, Miss Blaire, I merely put the sound of knock at the door in your mind.  I don’t go about using my mutant powers frivolously.” 

“Yeah, yeah,” Dazzler interrupted.  “Spare me the lecture.  I know why you’re here.  And I’ll tell you the same I told you before.  I’m no superhero.  I don’t want to be one of your X-Men.”  Professor X’s mental projection moved up to the vanity behind Dazzler.  “I’m not asking you to, Miss Blaire.  I merely wish to offer the services of my school to you.  To help you grow and master your powers.” 

“I don’t want your help!” Dazzler snapped.  Glowing spheres of light began to sparkle around the dressing room, making Professor X raise an eyebrow.  Dazzler noticed and took a breath, allowing the lights to fade. “Look, you and your people did help me out of a tight spot, and I’ve returned the favor a couple of times.  But this is where I belong.  On a stage, doing my music!” 

“And constantly hiding from the world that you are a mutant?” Professor X asked.  Dazzler turned away back to the mirror.  “Just leave, okay?  Could you just leave me alone?  No more hero stuff, no more adventures, and I promise I won’t go crazy and try to take over the world or something.  Does that sound fair to…”  Dazzler looked back to see the professor had gone.  There was another knock at the door, and a man in loud suit and tie barged in.  “Hey, babe!  How’s my disco queen doing today?”  Dazzler wiped her eyes and stood up.  “Ready to go, Stan.  Good crowd?”

“Oh, they are hot, doll!  Yessir!  Disco will never die as long as the Dazzler get down!  Um, you did bring the roller skates, didn’t you?” Dazzler fought the urge to roll her eyes.  “Yeah, Stan.” 

“Well, get ‘em on, lady!  We’ve got a show to do!” 

On the outskirts of the fairgrounds, the Misfits van was parked over two spaces.  The Misfits lounged inside with the back doors open as Eric Raymond led Cold Slither up to them.  “Glad to see you girls be on time for a change,” Eric said. 

“Oh, can it, Eric!” Roxy sneered.  “Yeah!” said Pizzazz.  “Why’d you want us here?  These dweebs wouldn’t let us sing here!” 

“Well, then you are sure to get a kick out of my plan, Pizzazz,” said Eric, gesturing to Cold Slither.  “This contest will be just the thing to send Cold Slither to the stratosphere.  All we need to do is make certain that these other bands don’t win.”  Pizzazz sprang out from the van and pointed an accusing finger at Eric.  “You trying to replace us, Eric?” 

“Oh not at all, Pizzazz,” the front man for Cold Slither soothed.  “The boys and I are here to help all of you.” 

“Like you tried to kidnap us last year?” Jetta snapped. 

“Oh don’t start that again!” Eric ordered.  “Cold Slither is what’s best for Misfits Music, and what’s best for Misfits Music is what’s best for the Misfits!” 

“But how can we help you guys win if we’re not even in the contest?” asked Stormer.  Eric gave a knowing smile.  “By doing what you do best.  How’d you like to gatecrash this competition?”  The Misfits all perked up at that.  “Oh yeah!” Roxy laughed.  “Stick it to ‘em for disrespecting us!” 

“And while you all keep security busy,” the leader of Cold Slither went on. “We can sabotage the other bands.” 

“Including Miss Pink Hair herself!” Pizzazz cackled. 

“And do some snooping around to find out what we can about how those special effects of theirs work,” Eric concluded.  “We could even take a look at this Dazzler’s set up.  If we could create a light show like that, both of your groups would be drawing record breaking crowds everywhere you perform!” 

Zartan of Cold Slither smirked at Pizzazz.  “Sound like a plan, Pizzazz?” 

Pizzazz turned and ran back to wheel of her van.  “Just watch us!  Let’s make some mischief, Misfits!”  The van sped off towards the fairgrounds, knocking over barricades as it went.  “You all get going!” Eric told Cold Slither.  “You’ve gotta to sabotage those acts and gather as much dirt as you can!  Move it!” 

“Sure thing, Mr. Raymond,” Zartan said as the disguised Dreadnoks walked around to other side of the fairgrounds.  “I would love to roast that little twerp!” Torch muttered. 

“Who’s he think he is, bossing us around?” grumbled Buzzer. 

“Shut up, you fools!’ hissed Zartan, his chest plate glowing.  “This is the moment we’ve been waiting for!  If we find any useful technology from this little festival, we can sell it to Cobra and name our price!  Now, get going!” 

Cold Slither made their way to the fairgrounds, as the crowds grew more and more excited for the concert of a lifetime.  


Dazzler and Jem and the Holograms are both performing at the festival. 

During the concert, the Misfits will causing their usual chaos, and Cold Slither (G.I. Joes Dreadnoks in disguise) will attempting to sabotage their acts, as well as trying to learn their secrets (Jem is Jerrica and Dazzler is a mutant).

Who is able to keep their secret, stop the Misfits and Dreadnoks, and win the festival? 

Game On! 

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Another good set-up, broadway. Nice that you're making something of an arc from Jem and the Holograms. It's likely going to have a very niche audience, though. 

As for the match, I think Jem and Co. have this. They're old pros at dealing with Eric and the Misfits' antics while keeping the big secret of Jem's identity. Dazzler, however, already seems a little shaky at keeping her mutant powers under wraps, and she's been rejecting Professor X's help. She likely won't be ready for the level of sabotage and chaos the Misfits and Cold Slither can bring. 

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It's so crazy this match hasn't happened before. This seems like the kind of battle you'd see back in the day.

Good set up and you nail the character of Dazzler pretty good. I'm no expert on Jem but I like them here and believe they have a solid chance. But I like Dazzler's chances even more. Dazzler is a performer and a superhero, this is up her alley.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.60 - DSkillz
4.90 - leroypowell3
3.00 - Shoggoth breeder
4.50 - SSJRuss

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
17.00 Total Combined Score
17.00 / 4 = 4.25 Final Rating on the match

Dazzler: 1
Jem and the Holograms: 3

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The crowd pointed and shouted in alarm as the Misfits van crashed through a concession stand and sped down the midway.  A team of security guards in florescent shirts chased after them as Jem and the Holograms looked on from the stage.  “Will those Misfits ever learn?” Shanna groaned.  “They can’t get away with this!” said Kimber. 

“Stay calm, guys!” said Jem.  “Let security take care of them.  We need to keep this crowd from going into a panic.”  She turned back to the restless crowd gathered in front of the stage.  “Sorry, folks.  Guess the Misfits saw all the people and figured this was a demolition derby!”  There was laughter and cheers from the audience.  “But don’t worry!  We’ve got some great music for you!  OK, Holograms!  “Like A Dream”!  1!  2!  1, 2, 3 and…!” 

Before the Holograms could start playing feedback blared through the speakers.  The crowd covered the ears in discomfort and Jem cried out as she dropped to a knee.  “Jem!”  Kimber got out from behind her keyboard and rushed to her sister’s side.  “Jerrica,” she whispered.  “What’s wrong?” 

“I… I don’t know!  The hologram… it feels different!  It’s hurting me!  Synergy!  What’s happening?” 

Synergy’s calm, synthesized voice sounded out through Jem’s earrings.  “Jerrica, my sensors are detecting a jamming device at work.  It is negatively affecting the Hologram’s sound equipment.” 

“That explains the feedback,” winced Aja. 

“Correct, Aja,” said Synergy.  “And I believe that whatever device is at work here is also disrupting the hologram, redirecting the energy to Jerrica’s body.  I may have to deactivate the Jem hologram for Jerrica’s own safety.” 

“But then people will see that Jerrica and Jem are…!”  Kimber stopped short after Raya shushed her.  Rio pushed past the crowd to get onto the stage.  “Are you all right, Jem?”  Jem nodded, her face still twisted in pain.  “I’m fine, Rio.  I just… need to lie down.” 

“Get Jem back to the dressing room, Rio,” said Kimber.  Rio nodded and helped Jem up as Kimber turned to face the crowd.  “Sorry, guys.  We’re going to take a quick break to check our equipment and be right back!”  The audience grumbled impatiently as Kimber turned to the other Holograms.  “I’m going to stay with Jem and have Rio look all of our stuff over.  Meanwhile, you three look around for whatever this jamming thingy is.”  The Holograms nodded and exited the stage as the crowd started to boo. 

Jem lied down on the couch in the dressing room as Rio knelt next to her.  “I can’t understand it.  I looked over those speakers and the soundboard myself.” 

“I’m sure it’s not your fault, Rio,” said Jem, trying to remain calm as the feeling of static shocks began to become more painful.  “I know you’ll figure it out.” 

“I hope so,” Rio said smiling.  “Jerrica would never forgive me if I let something happen to you.” 

“Rio!” Kimber said as she burst into the dressing room.  “We need you to check out those speakers!  The natives are starting to get restless!”  Rio looked back at Jem.  “Don’t worry,” Jem said.  “Kimber can keep me company.”  Rio sighed, but leaned over and kissed Jem on the forehead.  “Just take it easy, ok?”  Rio quickly got up and jogged past Kimber, who closed the door after him.  The Jem hologram started to glow brighter as Jem groaned and convulsed.  Kimber ran to the couch and took a hold of Jem’s hand.  “Hang on, Jerrica!  The others are looking for the machine that Synergy was talking about.”  The glow faded away and Kimber gasped.  The hologram was fading away.  Half of Jem’s face was gone, revealing Jerrica’s face underneath. 

“Synergy!  Show’s over!” Jerrica touched her earring and the rest of the Jem hologram faded away.  “Whew!” said Kimber.  “That was a close one!  Are you alright now, Jerrica?” 

“I think so.  Got a king sized headache, but I’ll be ok.  Synergy!  Can you try to lock in where that jammer is?” 

“I will attempt to do so, Jerrica.  But I can make no guarantees that the device won’t interfere with my signal to you.”  Jerrica got off the couch with assistance from Kimber and headed for the door.  “Understood, Synergy.  Do your stuff!” 

Behind the stage, Ripper and Torch chuckled evilly as they heard the sounds of angry festival goers.  “Aww, what a shame,” Ripper said.  “Looks like these Holograms are about to be out of the runnin’.”  Torch tossed a small remote control from hand to hand.  “All thanks to Tomax and Xamot’s little doodad.  Once Zartan and Buzzer finish off the disco bird, we’ve got this in the bag!” 

“Hey!  What are you doing?!”  Ripper and Torch turned to see Aja, Shanna, and Raya glaring at them.  “Uh oh!  Look out, Ripper!”  Torch laughed.  “It’s the attack of the rock stars!” 

“Well, don’t just stand there, mate!” sneered Ripper.  “Give ‘em a warm welcome!”  Torch grabbed his flame thrower and aimed at the Holograms.  “Get down!”  Shanna pulled down Aja and Raya to ground after her as the burst of flame just missed them.  

“Charbroiled singers!  Ha!  My favorite!”  Torch took a step towards the terrified Holograms, when suddenly Rio leapt off the back of the stage on his back.  “Oh no you don’t, creep!”  Rio landed a punch to the back of Torch’s head before Ripper yanked him off the Dreadnok’s shoulders.   Ripper aimed his rifle at Rio.  “Now, you’re gonna pay for that, hero!” he snarled.  “Think again, pal!” Rio shouted, holding his ground.  “You’re gonna tell me what you two are doing back here!” 

“Rio!  Be careful!” shouted Raya.  The Holograms looked on in fear as the Dreadnoks stepped towards Rio with weapons drawn.  Rio put his fists, ready for a fight, but his attention was so focused on the Dreadnoks, he failed to notice the purple shimmering light behind him.  Ripper and Torch’s eyes went wide as seemingly out of nowhere a crowd of police officers appeared.  “Geez!  It’s the cops!” Torch cried out.  “Run for it, mate!” shouted Ripper.  The Holograms shared knowing grins as the Dreadnoks turned and ran, leaving behind a confused Rio.  He turned to look behind him, but the policemen had gone. 

As the Dreadnoks ran past the Holograms, Aja stuck out her leg and tripped Torch.  The Dreadnok fell sprawling to ground, colliding with Ripper and sending the remote control flying into the air.  The control pinwheeled in space before colliding with a forklift and smashing into fragments.  “You clumsy idjit!” screamed Ripper.  “No time for that!” snapped Torch.  “Let’s get out of here!” 

“They’re getting away!”  Rio shouted.  He started after the Dreadnoks until Jem and Kimber ran around the stage.  “Rio!” Jem called.  She ran to his side and gave him a hug.  “Well, glad to see you’re feeling better,” said Rio. 

“Oh, much better.  And our equipment’s working now, too!  Thanks for whatever it is you did!”  Rio cleared his throat.  “Um, thanks, Jem.  Well, I better do another check, just to be safe.  You just take it easy and I’ll let you know when we can start your set again.”  Rio jogged off around the stage as the Holograms gathered around Jem and Kimber.   

“Nice one, Jem!” Raya said.  “Yeah!  But those bozos got away!” said Shanna. 

“Don’t worry, guys,” said Jem.  “We can have Rio let the authorities know.  But for now…” 

“Jerrica!” Synergy interrupted urgently.  “I’m detecting another jamming signal in your location!” 

“But we smashed their machine!” said Kimber. 

“Maybe they have more of those things?” asked Raya.  Jem put her hand to her earring and started running around the corner.  “Or those aren’t the only guys!  Synergy!  Try to focus on where that signal is!  Come on, Holograms!”  The Holograms took off running after Jem. 

The audience at Dazzler’s stage booed in frustration.  On the stage, Dazzler was handcuffed to one of the pole supports as Zartan stood next to her with a microphone.  Buzzer pointed his chainsaw/rifle at the crowd.  “Shut up, you lot!  We’re here to do you a favor!” 

“You want to do me a favor?  Then let me go!”  Dazzler snapped. 

“Oh, I don’t think I’ll have to do anything, Miss Blaire,” Zartan hissed.  He turned out to the audience.  “Forgive us for the intrusion, ladies and gentlemen.  But my friend and I are indeed here as a public service.  To show you all that you are all victims of a fraud!”  The crowd murmured as Dazzler’s face went pale.  “You’ve come here to watch the Dazzler perform,” Zartan went on.  “You all came to see her enthrall you with her light display.  But what if I told you that not one of these pieces of equipment is rigged for those effects?  That those pretty lights are actually being generated by something else?  Or rather by someone else?” 

Dazzler pulled on the cuffs as she lunged at Zartan, just out of reach.  “What are you talking about?!  My lights are just special effects!” 

“Special, perhaps,” Zartan smiled confidently.  “But perhaps not as special as you, Miss Blaire.  I believe that you can generate those lights at will: as a mutant!”  The crowd gasped, some of them started shouting accusations at Dazzler.  Dazzler glared at Zartan.  “You’re nuts!  I’m not a mutant!” 

“There’s one way to find out, my dear.”  Zartan gestured to Buzzer who walked towards her with the chainsaw.  “If you are a mutant, then it should be no trouble for you to use your powers to free yourself.  If not, then I suppose your comeback will be… cut short!”  Zartan and Buzzer laughed as Dazzler held her breath.  The chainsaw blade drew closer and closer. 


The feedback through the speakers caused everyone to groan in pain.  The shock of it caused Buzzer to cry out and swing the chainsaw wildly.  Dazzler leapt aside just in time for the chainsaw to cut through her cuff and free her.  Zartan covered his ears and glared around the stage.  “Turn off that cursed noise!” 

“Sorry about that!”  Zartan and Buzzer turned to see Jem and the Holograms onstage.  “We’re better playing rock ‘n roll!” Jem shouted.  The crowd started to cheer as Zartan and Buzzer moved towards the Holograms.  “You would be wise to stay out of my business, ladies!” Zartan snarled.  Dazzler grabbed a hold of one of the disco ball props that was on the set.  Channeling her powers into it, she raised it above her head and charged at Zartan.  “Look out behind you!” Kimber called.  Zartan sneered.  “That trick?  Pathetic!” 

Dazzler slammed the disco ball into the head of Zartan, accompanied by a flash of her powers as the disco ball sparked.   Zartan staggered backwards and fell out from under the canopy of the stage to the ground.  His body turned blue as he moaned.  “Ah!  The light!  Buzzer!  Get me out of here!”  Buzzer leapt of the stage, and held the crowd at bay with his rifle as he fumbled with a radio.  “Don’t worry, Zartan!  Ripper!  Torch!  Bring the bikes!  We’ve been made!” 

The crowd charged after the Dreadnoks as Ripper and Torch sped up to them on ATVs.  Dazzler, Jem, and the Holograms watched them speed off.  “I guess I owe you a thank you,” Dazzler said to Jem.  “How did you get my equipment to make that noise?  I thought those creeps did something to it?”  Kimber winked at Jem.  “Eh, we know somebody who’s good with technology.” 

“And that was some hit you made!” Aja said.  “What do you have in that disco ball to make it explode like that?”  Dazzler looked at the remnants of the prop.  “It’s just a part of my act.  Which I guess is pretty ruined thanks to those losers.”  Jem looked out at the crowd of people.  “Well, it looks like these people still want to see a show.  Since our set got messed up too, how about we all give these people some music?”  The audience began to clap their hands and cheer in expectation.  “You’re serious?” Dazzler asked.  “I mean, you aren’t weirded out by what those guys were saying?”  Kimber waved it off.  “Don’t worry about it.  We don’t have problems singing with a…” She paused and grinned.  “Disco queen.” 

Dazzler smirked at Kimber.  “Oh really?  At least people can still dance to my music, as opposed to that shlock and roll of yours!”  Kimber looked annoyed as the other Holograms snickered. 

“Okay, you two!” Jem laughed.  “What do you say, Dazzler?  Show us what you got!”  Dazzler looked out to the crowd of cheering fans and smiled.  “You’re on!” 

The sounds of Dazzler and Jem entertaining the crowds floated through the air as Eric angrily paced back and forth in the parking lot.  The Dreadnoks raced past him on their ATVs.  “Hey!  Come back here!” Eric yelled.  “We have a contract!” 

“Stick it in your ear, Yank!” Buzzer shouted back. 

“Goodbye, Mr. Raymond!” Zartan called.  “The Dreadnoks are out of the music business!  COBRAAAAAAA!” 

Eric stood stunned as the ATVs disappeared down the road.  The Misfits van crashed through a fence and into a parked car.  Pizzazz stuck her head out the window and smirked.  “Need a lift, Eric?”  Eric scrambled over to the van.  “We need to get out of here!” he shouted.  “Aww, did your plan not work, Eric?” Roxy said mockingly.  “And he lost his precious Cold Slither too,” sneered Jetta.  Stormer opened the door for Eric and climbed inside.  “But look on the bright side, Eric,” said Stormer.  “You still have the Misfits!”  Eric looked up to ceiling of the van.  “Yeah.  Lucky me.” 

“Now let’s talk business, Eric,” Pizzazz said, as she put the van in reverse and smashed into the car parked behind her.  “With those Slither creeps gone, I think it’s about time we got a bump in our pay!”  Eric groaned as the Misfits van zoomed off, followed by the festival security.  Soon, the noise of racing engines was replaced by the sounds of music, cheers and applause in the summer night. 

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