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Match 17996 John Rambo vs. Simon Phoenix


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Previously: the Arabia sorcerer- Jafar went to Lau Chan’s restaurant intent on soliciting his help. Lau refused and Jafar’s muscle- Bayman- proceeded to compel him through physical means. Bayman lost but Jafar simply hypnotized Lau Chan with his serpent staff to bring him under his control.



“Action!” The director shouted.

Fei Long stared for several seconds and then started smiling.

“You forgot your line didn’t you?” Pai Chan smiled back at him.

“I was working so hard on the choreography I didn’t really study the dialogue.”
The set manager walked in to give the actor his lines while the makeup manager touched up on Pai’s blush claiming it was a bit off in the camera angle.

A black sedan pulled onto the set. Two men got out and surveyed the area. They found what they were apparently looking for and approached Pai.

“Miss Chan, a word please.”

Pai was a little reserved but she curious of what could be this important.

“Ma’am, your father has gone missing.”

Pai stifled a wave of panic. “What do you mean?”

“It appears that he’s been kidnapped for lack of a better word. We don’t believe he’s dead, but right now he cannot be located. If you come with us we can explain more.”

Pai left the set and went with the government men.

Now that they had some privacy inside their car they could disclose what was really going on.

“We believe your father has been taken by this man.” the picture on the screen showed a man unfamiliar to her. The men assumed this and explained who he was. “His name is Jafar, of Saudi Arabia. Until recently he’s been the Saudi royal family’s problem. Now he’s entered the world stage.”

“What does he want with my father?” asked Pai.

The other man finally spoke. “This information comes directly from the Chinese government. You’re father is the King of Chefs.”

“I’ve heard that but it hasn’t meant much to me.”

“Probably not. The King of Chefs was a title bestowed on a man who cooked for the Emperor of China. It’s a legacy that hasn’t died even now that China doesn’t have an emperor anymore.”

“I know that but why is that relevant to this Jarfar person taking my father?”

“China assumes it’s because of some forgotten secret that the King of Chefs would know.”

“I can’t help you with that. Like I said, I know about him being the King of Chefs. I thought it was just a joke. But he’s never told me any kind of secrets. I really don’t even know how to cook like him.”

“Regardless, ma’am.” the first man said. “We’re taking efforts to get your father back.”

“That’s something I’d like to know more about. But he’s a Chinese citizen. Why is the US taking this up?”

“We have an interest in the case. China had our back in a planned terrorist attack. We’re returning the favor.”

The second man took over. “There’s a military team getting ready to go. It’s thought that maybe you can help secure your father in case he’s been compromised in some way.”

“I’ll help in any way that I can.” Pai said immediately.

They reached the airforce base where the team that the government men were talking about were finishing loading gear onto and airbus.

A dark eyed, haunted looking man glared at her.

“This is John Rambo- mission leader.”

A softer looking soldier came to stand next to him. “This is Rick O’connel- he has experience with this sort of thing.”

The third man to stop working was smaller and closer to the second man, O’connel, in demeanor. “Madmartagin is probably a guy you’d like to keep close. He eats harry situations for breakfast.”

“And of course, his royal highness- Prince Phillip.”

A dashing young blonde was securing a horse, to Pai’s confusion, onto the plane’s cargo hold.

“Don’t forget the horse.” Rick O’connel said lightly. His voice was deeper than what Pai expected. “Gotta get in good with Maximus.”






When they got to China their military liaison greeted them. “Fa Mulan- .”

She had good English and looked at Pai a lot. She knew that look. She was a fan.


* * * * *


The hypnosis spell stayed effective as Lau Chan continued to cooperate with Jafar’s wishes. The King of Chefs didn’t have as much information as the sorcerer hoped but he saved him a lot of research time.

Not many people knew about the true first emperor of China. Han had united the provinces but it was in such a brutal way that know one he knew about him wanted to talk about it.

When he died, there was a conspiracy to resurrect the emperor so that he could expand his tyranny across the world. Over the millenia, Han’s burial site had been forgotten. Jafar deduced that a remnant of Han’s royal legacy would hold that information.

That is why he sought out Lau Chan- the King of Chefs.

A few days into their search, the Hun- Shan Yu- came to Jafar and did as he had paid him to do. Report any opposition.

“The Americans have sent a team. Lau Chan’s daughter is with them.”

Jafar nodded. “I will add a bonus to your payment. As my thank you. You can go back to your revolution. My men will handle the Americans.”

Shan Yu looked disappointed but didn’t argue.

When the Hun was gone, Simon Phoenix started with the questions.

“Why didn’t you put his men on them?”

“Because that is why I pay you Mr. Phoenix. I do not want a war out here, drawing in the government military. For me to be successful here I need anonymity.”

Phoenix understood. He rounded up Bayman and the old master and they set out to end the American pursuit.


Fight Parameters: Since they are the leaders of their respective groups I’ll set it as Rambo vs. Simon Phoenix (for the sake of getting on record).




Rick O’connell (The Mummy)

Madmartagin (Willow)

Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)

Maxmimus (the horse from Tangled)


Pai Chan (Virtua Fighter)




Simon Phoenix (Demolition Man)

Bayman (Dead or Alive)

Pai Mei (Kill Bill, plus a couple of old kung fu movies from the 80s)


The bad guys have set a trap so being outnumbered may not matter so much.

I’m going to cheat and put the bigger fight in the rumbles for people to mull over. This is just to get a record since only 1 on 1’s get counted.

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I don't usually like things going on records under different circumstances. But I don't think this will change the outcome. Bayman can handle the sword people. The Chinese martial artists may be evenly matched, but Simon is heavily favored with superior tactics and abilities.

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I understand the disappointment. It didn't occur to me that this could be a Stallone/Snipes battle until I saw the pictures together. Since the vote goes to the guy that can lead his team to victory, think it favors Simon Phoenix. All three of this team would mop the floor with most everybody on Rambo's team. Plus they have a trap set so there's the prep time factor. Simon actually planned pretty well and Rambo did get caught a lot (gotta get those Stallone torture screams in).

I'll try to do better with writing the characters into the story and showcasing these people a little better. Off to the rumbles for how the fights should go.

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Pretty good set-up, leroy. Interesting crossover story here. 

As for the match, I'm actually not sure who would win. The good guys have the numbers, but the bad guys seem more powerful and skilled overall.

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