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11:6 - Robin Hood vs. Hasky


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Robin Hood

Slot: The Team's Thief
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Robin Hood at this Wiki
Official Site: Public Domain


Slot: The Team's Thief
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Hasky at this Wiki
Official Site: Toei Animation

Battle Terrain
Thieves Challenge: Acrobatics

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Forgive me for not responding the last time Hasky was put in this scenario, my mind was on other things.

Generally, what we know and are shown about Hasky is that she is a master thief in the Dragonball world, who enters, steals, and exits from job's sites without leaving a trace of her being there. Her reputation for doing this, often attracts the Red Ribbon Army to her, as they were looking to acquire the dragon balls Goku had with him, from the young boy. In doing so, she fails, not due to her skills lacking, but rather due to the off the wall nature of how the Dragonball universe is, and the combination of Goku's power pole and flying nimbus.

Now, although she fails in acquiring Goku's dragon balls from him, it is still shown that she is a very proficient thief, as she is able to nab three amusement park tickets from patrons, before they even aware of her being around them or stealing the tickets, an act that shows her pick-pocketing abilities in a relatively tricky situation. In addition to this, she is shown to be a fairly proficient impersonator and actress in her own right, as she was able to create a role as a fortune teller, which stumped Goku and the others, but in the Dragonball Universe that wouldn't lead to much. Finally, her skills in agility and acrobatic feats are notable as well, for although we don't get to see as much of them in her episodes for the most part, in a flashback segment, we see her dodging and avoiding a laser field grid at a museum, a scenario in which should be very difficult for most thieves in modern society, except those who either now how the system works or know how to avoid it physically, as they attempt to get to their prize.

Here, it's that agility that she displayed that makes me feel pretty confident in her ability to walk along relatively nimble spaces, such as a tightrope, for while the two scenarios aren't exactly the same, and while it can be argued that she may possibly be afraid of heights, I think she still would be able to cross a tight rope if she had to, and cross it pretty well based on the museum heist and her other feats which arguably portray her as a very delicate thief with an inventive and strategic mind in certain situations.

In this challenge, it is hard to say who might win from me, as there are many incarnations of Robin Hood with relatively different stats depending on each one, but I would say that Hasky, might just have the edge on him here, as avoiding a laser grid isn't an easy thing to do to begin with, and to do it alone and with acrobatics, suggests to me that she might just have a slight advantage over many of the situations Robin Hood had to deal with in his day.

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