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Tournament - Jean-Luc Picard vs. Magneto

Hugo Fowl

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Picard stared with incredulous eyes at the sight before him.

He had used this scenario before. A mansion-turned-school in Winchester, quiet and serene. Within this place, he had many fond conversations with the advocate for Federation values that called it home and enjoyed his company. But this was new and quite frankly, impossible in every sense of the word. The parameters extended only to a single man constructed within and no more.

So who was this man that stood where normally Charles would be seated, looking out at the grounds for Picard to join him? Whoever he was, he did not recognize him in the slightest. 

He was a powerfully built man, clad in dark purple armor. A cape that wouldn't be out of place upon the shoulders of an Emperor rested on his form. His helmet resembled that of a Spartan of old and altogether, he looked intimidating to the layman-a look carefully cultivated, realized the good captain. He knew who he was now. Aloud, he spoke.

"Erik Lensherr I presume?"

He turned to look at him, giving Picard his full attention as he mused aloud in surprise. "Charles? Congratulations on your miraculous recovery. Though I confess, I'm curious as to what purpose it serves you today to act as though you've seen a perfect stranger." Picard shook his head.

"Sir, I am not Charles Xavier. My name is Jean-Luc Picard; Captain of the Enterprise and on occasion when duty permits, I come to visit my friend here." Erik smiled and Picard was struck by the charm inherent in it as the man spoke cordially.

"In that we are much the same Captain. For I too seek out my friend, when duty permits. Though I see by your expression you know of me." Picard nodded and gestured to a seat, taking the chair he normally did when Charles was here, the captain curious as he asked.

"He told me many things. None the least of which was your curious history together and your respective ideology."

"If you refer to the direction our people must take to survive. Then yes." Erik sat down, completely at his own ease though he kept the helmet as he spoke. "Humanity is an intolerant people. I say this with the hindsight of both experience and firsthand account. As a child, I saw thousands rounded up and burned alive for reasons that amounted to simply 'they were different and therefore, undeserving.' Charles believed that humans could understand, could accept us and yet,what does he do? He keeps his people here, on what amounts to less than a reserve for our people and far less than we deserve. Even as a pacifist, he subconsciously knows the truth. I have no such illusions as to the work I perform and thankless as it may be, it is the only way."

"It is true that humans can descend to black depths. But I believe that can change and has changed." Picard declared as Erik looked on politely. "In my time, such barriers had vanished entirely. Racisim, intolerance has become subsumed by a spirit of unity and brotherhood. We reach to the stars together in a Federation and boldly go in a mission to extend this collective mission to all. We are not a perfect people, but am I not living proof that such a future is not simply an impossibility? And worth fighting for?"

Erik's smile grew fond as he looked on before he spoke, his tone nostalgic and a little wistful.

"You even speak like Charles. I must say, the resemblance is quite uncanny. He was quite passionate as well. I had come originally to speak with him. But perhaps fate has given me someone to take his place, however briefly. Very well."

He inclined his head to Picard, Magneto speaking on as he challenged.

"Are you prepared to defend from the platform our mutual friend has declared his hill to die on?" Picard smiled and leaned back. The sun was shining. The tea was hot and he had quite a conversation to look forward to.

"Sir, I was born ready." The two men shook hands.

The debate began.

The Setup

Captain Picard, taking Xavier's place debates with Magneto over the possibility of a peaceful future for mutants and mankind. Will the captain be able to sway the Master of Magnetism? Or will Magneto leave Picard's argument in a wheelchair?

You decide.

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A debate contest.  Excellent match concept and nice write-up.

I had to go check if Magneto appeared in TV, Movies, Games in the 1980's.  The X-Men animated series ran in the 1990's.  However the pilot for it ran in 1989 and featured Magneto.  Also, Magneto appeared on Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends in the 1980's.

Anyways, back to the match.  You know, I think it's really hard for people to change their minds about positions they've built a hard position on.  For Magneto that's really a core belief that Picard is trying to sway.  I do not think Picard can win through debate. 

Magneto would only change his viewpoint through the experience of living in the Star Trek reality and seeing for himself that his viewpoint was no longer useful.

I think the best Picard could do here in debate is convince Magneto such a future could exist, without actually changing Magneto's views on the present.  Magneto does not walk away from the table a changed man, no.

Great match, thanks!


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I had some initial trouble thinking of an 80s match we hadn't seen before. Classics like Freddy Krueger vs Ghostbusters for example had been done before, and I wanted something that wasn't just a beat down. Then I remembered these properties and it took off from there. Thanks for the kind words!

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Really unique match and well written. I think Fox has a point though, Magneto isn't going to be swayed by just a conversation. He needs to spend time in the Star Trek world to see Picard's argument. Magneto will be interested and consider what is said, but at the end of the day he's always going to believe that mutants and mankind can never get along.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
CBUB Match Judge : 4 Stars x 2
CBUB Member : Join date after Dec. 31 2019. Not counted.
CBUB Match Judge : 3 Stars x 2

FPA Calculation:
0 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 4 Total Votes
( (0 * 5) + (2 * 4) + (2 * 3) + (0 * 2) + (0 * 1) ) = 14 Total Stars Score
14 / 4 = 3.50 Total Rating

Jean-Luc Picard: 3
Magneto: 4

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I see you haven't lost your touch, Hugo. It's too late for my rate to count toward the match, but I went ahead and gave it five stars anyway. :)

As for the match, though Magneto has gone the more peaceful route on a couple of occasions, he always goes back to defending mutants against homo sapiens at all costs eventually. I don't think Picard sways him here.

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