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Rumble 20618 SCP-682 vs. The Avengers
SCP-682: 2
The Avengers: 1

Flash Gordon vs. John Silver (Disney)
Flash Gordon: 4
John Silver (Disney): 1

Beast vs. Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Beast: 1
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski): 4

Cloud City vs. Cloverfield Creature (Clover)
Cloud City: 2
Cloverfield Creature (Clover): 4

Rumble 20614 Lydia Frye vs. Cana Alberona vs. Eve (Stellar Blade)
Lydia Frye: 0
Cana Alberona: 0
Eve (Stellar Blade): 2

Tales of Belleterra, Adventurer's Guild - RP


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Farley knew he woofed the first attack. He was out of his game, too much inside of his own head. Panic set in the pit of his stomach, if he didn't get it together then he'd be letting people die. He wouldn't allow that.

Farley spun toward the weakened pirate, spinning his quarterstaff until he let the full force of it collide with the guy's neck. Farley heard the bone snap immediately.

Farley would rush to block off any other pirate getting on the Angel Steve.

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Angered at the death of his of one his comrades, the second pirate shot a bolt at Farley, but missed again.

It seems either these pirates were not trained very well at all, as they kept missing over and over again. Despite this, they were still eager to fight.

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Viantius sized up the pirate ship. The man barking orders was obviously the captain, and the regular men looked like they couldn't hit the broad side of a ship. However, the beauty of cannons is that they don't have to be aimed particularly well. 

He smirked as he saw Farley's quarterstaff wipe out the injured pirate. "Well done, my new friend. Expertly struck!" With his encouraging words came an aura of Bardic Inspiration.

Viantius strummed his lute, but instead of the intense chords from before, he played a soothing, relaxing lullaby, aimed at the two pirates manning the cannons. "Haven't you two earned a break? Why not take a little nap?" As he speaks, the magic infused in his song flew towards the pirates.

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Corvo gave a nod of thanks to Komi, before launching himself as he flew at their wizard! His sword slashed down, necrotic damage inflicting further damage as he put himself in their midst.

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"Ah, my baking arm!" The Pirate Wizard shouted, as Corvo's blade sank into it, slicing deep.

"How am I going to cook now!?"

With their other two mates knocked out cold, the three pirates surrounding Corvo leaped at him, all missing as he danced around the oncoming flurry of strikes.

"Damned wings! I wish I had wings!" One of the shouted out.

"Darryl, you know if you had wings you'd be too lazy to fly you bloke!" Shouted the other at his comrade 

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Cliff, remembering his poor fishy friend exploding, decides to find out what happens to other humanoids when they're struck by a cannonball.


As the smoke clears in front of Cliff, he can see the spattered mess of what was once a pirate wizard.

"Next one is coming for you, captain asshole!"

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"May the divine light of Unity punish those in its path." Komi pointed toward the one called Darryl and he mostly dove out of the way as a literal bolt from heaven lit him up with divine fire. She then unburdened and loaded her crossbow, prepared to use physical force for the next strike.

Provided she could hit. She was sort of mediocre with target practice, though she did pass the proficiency back at the temple.

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Stunned by the sudden death of his wizard, and furious at Corvo for hurting her, the Pirate Captain lashed out at Corvo in anger, but still he missed.

Pulling up his loaded crossbow, he took a shot at Farley, hoping to finally be able to hit something, but yet again, he missed badly.

Boy, just lots of misses everywhere, it seemed everyone was rusty all around.


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Farley notices that nobody was on the board connecting the two ships, so he struck it with his cane. But it didn't budge. Sturdy wood, that board.

He was tempted to try and lift it and pull it off, but Farley simply accepted that he was bested by this board. He'd come up with another strategy to fight off these pirates.

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3 minutes ago, OMFG said:

Boy, just lots of misses everywhere, it seemed everyone was rusty all around.

Doesn't he know it. :(


Another whiff at the captain!

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As the crew complimented the Captain, smacked a piece of wood with another piece of wood, and missed a swing, two pirates got busy waking up their sleeping friends.

Having decided that they were tired of being mocked, the remaining pirate began to cross the plank, their eyes set on Darker and Viantius.

They licked their lips menacingly 

"I always liked da turtle soup meself!" Shouted out Pirate #6, with a name like that, he was destined to be a disposable pirate henchman.

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Cliff realizes firing into a crowd that includes Corvo might have some nasty consequences, and hearing a pirate threaten to eat Farley, swings the cannon around his direction.


The cannonball catches two pirates, turning half of each of their bodies into meat paste and sending them spinning into the sea.

"God damn Erine, keep packing that powder tight! We're blowing through them faster than a whore on silvers night!"

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Komi took aim and fired at the closest pirate to her, striking him in the chest dead on, after which he began bleeding profusely, his eyes widening. "I am sorry for this, but you invaded our ship, you must have known the cost when you chose this life..."

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The Pirate Captain was furious! He lost the vast majority of his crew, and not a single one of them had managed to get a hit on anyone!

Enough was enough he thought, disengaging from Corvo, he pulled out his crossbow and fired a shot at Cliff to get him off the cannon, but he missed 

He took another stab at Corvo, but he missed.



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The battle was going on around him but Farley remained in thought. There was truly no way to save these pirates.

Such is the way.

Farley looked around, saw a pirate was nearing him for an attack but he was most concerned with the pirate manning the cannon. It was likely the same cannon that killed his friend Muggy. Farley wasn't one for vengeance but... Perhaps Muggy's spirit was with him because Farley got the crazy idea of whipping his grappling hook around, throwing it to the mast of the pirate ship, and swinging.

Farley was surprised his aim with the grappling hook was so firm. He'd never used one before, he just thought it was neat.

He focused, using his weight to swing toward the pirate manning that cannon. With incredible speed and ferocity, Farley's shell collided with the pirate. The collision barely slowed Farley down as the pirate, who must have had weaken bones from some unnamed disease, crumbled into a bloody heap on the deck. He let go of the rope and the shell skidded to a stop. Farley stood to see there wasn't much left of the pirate.

Nothing except an unmanned cannon...

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Viantius stood stunned for a minute. Did the captain smile when he mocked him last time? How was that even possible? He sighed deeply, struck power chords on his lute, and tried again. If at first you don't succeed...

"Hey Captain, apparently the only thing worse than a pirate is a pirate's aim!" He viciously mocked him again

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Corvo missed entirely and consigned his dice to dice jail without bail. Before a court of their peers, he would judge them guilty and watch impassively as the verdict for the electric chair came up.

But there was no closure to found here. ;___;

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Erine has been quite, listening to Cliff's orders to reload, and reload, and reload. She knew she could help out more, after all she had spent so many years training. 

As the fight raged around her, and as Corvo and the Pirate Captain flailed wildly with their blades like she used to do as a young child with sticks... In fact she thinks she actually managed to at least hit something back in the day...

That's when she saw her opportunity, a lone pirate, gushing blood and limping up and down the ship.

She pulled an apple out of her buxom, carefully aiming it she threw it.

The apple bonked the pirate on the side of head, causing him to go overboard and fall into the deadly waters below. Only the Captain was left.

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Seeing that all other targets have been eliminated, Cliff levels the cannon at the captain. He takes in a big breath, the smells of smoke, blood, and salt filling his nostrils. One of his dilated eyes closes, the other peering down the rudimentary scope. He opens his mouth and whispers:


The cannon roars once more, a red spray spewing forth from its mouth. It seemed that while her mind was on apples, Erine had managed to load fruits instead of a cannonball. But the well packed powder nevertheless sent chunks of red flying towards the captain.

Apple and flesh became one, as the captain was eviscerated by the fibrous fruit.

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After the looting of all the dead bodies, like a pack of vultures attacking roadkill, the team would hear banging coming from below the deck of the pirate's ship, loud thumping noises, whimpering.

It seemed something was below the first floor of the pirate ship, was it friend...or foe?

"Hey, I think I hear something thumping and whimpering coming from the second floor of the pirate ship, do you think it's friend, or foe?" Erine would ask, pointing at the ship after having recollected her apples.

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9 hours ago, OMFG said:

After the looting of all the dead bodies, like a pack of vultures attacking roadkill, the team would hear banging coming from below the deck of the pirate's ship, loud thumping noises, whimpering.

It seemed something was below the first floor of the pirate ship, was it friend...or foe?

"Hey, I think I hear something thumping and whimpering coming from the second floor of the pirate ship, do you think it's friend, or foe?" Erine would ask, pointing at the ship after having recollected her apples.

"Let's find out." Corvo replied as he went to search.

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Viantius strummed a brief, sad ballad after recovering a spell scroll from the ground. They drew arms against them, but it was a shame it came to blows so quickly. What a waste of life.

Viantius followed his newfound companions. He strode up alongside them and stretched out a hand. "Viantius Dinoryn. And you are?"

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22 hours ago, Peypeypeypey said:

Viantius strummed a brief, sad ballad after recovering a spell scroll from the ground. They drew arms against them, but it was a shame it came to blows so quickly. What a waste of life.

Viantius followed his newfound companions. He strode up alongside them and stretched out a hand. "Viantius Dinoryn. And you are?"

"I'm known as Komi. I am a cleric of the church of Unity. That's why I cast my emboldening bond on you and Corvo, as you two would be most likely to have suffered discrimination because of your appearance..."

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