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Rumble 20591 Leatherface (2003) vs. Victor Crowley
Leatherface (2003): 0
Victor Crowley: 1

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The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers): 0
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Rumble 20587 Nathan Drake vs. Vastatosaurus Rex
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Vastatosaurus Rex: 3

2:4 - Voldemort vs. Mattias Nilsson

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Slot: The Team Anchor

Season Wins: 0

Season Losses: 0

Fantasy Team Page

Read more about Voldemort at Wikipedia

Official Site: Joanne Rowling


Mattias Nilsson


Slot: The Team Anchor

Season Wins: 0

Season Losses: 0

Fantasy Team Page

Read more about Mattias Nilsson at Wikipedia

Official Site: Electronic Arts


Battle Terrain

Combat Terrain: R'lyeh



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Guest bigballerju

Ha...Ha....Yeah he better put those guns down or else Voldemort will make him wish he were dead.

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Guest sithisson

Voldy even gets a new home out of the deal whether the merc joins with him or dies! Tom Riddle never had it this good...

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Hmmm... If the two were facing each other on even footing, I'd go with Voldemort. He could probably flick his wands and make every gun the merc has go poof. However, the guy carrying an assault rifle has a pretty decent advantage over range, and I'm not sure the horcruxes will stop his head from popping.

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Wow, this fight is such a stomp for Voldemort... the terrain is extremly in his favor, and he's fighting a muggle (or whatever wizies call normals.)...


iirc muggles don't quite perceive Wizards on the same level of conciousness as others. It's how they get by with little random acts of magic that can be just shrugged off. Like people walking through walls on a train platform <.< That too would be in voldemorts favor.


Mobility is his too, as I doubt you could get any sort of vehicle around R'lyeh unless it was flying, and that would be a highly visible target for a Wizard hiding in the shadows.

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Those are game mechanics, and not actually something that Mattias is capable of on his own.


This fight is Mattias against Voldemort, not Mattias and his entire organisation against voldemort.

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Guest badpierce

Those are game mechanics, and not actually something that Mattias is capable of on his own.


This fight is Mattias against Voldemort, not Mattias and his entire organisation against voldemort.

I think being an anchor he should have some ability to have a call in or at least start with a vehicle. That was the best part of those games. Also vice did ask when we where picking what slot a character who can call in a strike should go.
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I think being an anchor he should have some ability to have a call in or at least start with a vehicle. That was the best part of those games.


What you think, is completely irrelevant, since it contradicts the terms of the draft.


What has been specified in the draft, is that these are single characters that are fighting against each other, not characters with their entire organisation behind them.


In that case, Mattias doesn't have the capability to call in airstrikes, vehicles or anything else, since that relies on other members of his organisation.

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I think being an anchor he should have some ability to have a call in or at least start with a vehicle. That was the best part of those games.


What you think, is completely irrelevant, since it contradicts the terms of the draft.


What has been specified in the draft, is that these are single characters that are fighting against each other, not characters with their entire organisation behind them.


In that case, Mattias doesn't have the capability to call in airstrikes, vehicles or anything else, since that relies on other members of his organisation.

Mattias buys his airstrikes, in the first Mercenaries game the Russian Mafia hacks into the computer networks of the other factions for the air strikes and for the most part in the second game, he has his own pilot.   The only acceptation are missions. Going by the logic of the first game, Mattias could already have the airstrikes and use them at any time.  Not to mention he would be very well armed regardless. He carries a large range of weapons of the coarse of the Mercenaries games. Including Assault Rifles, RPGs, Grenades, shotguns, sub machine guns and light machine guns. One of his more power personal weapons includes a fuel air RPG. Then there is the cheat weapons which are unlocked at the end of Mercenaries 1.  All of them are insanely overpowered.

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Voldemort has his own Network too if we were going that route (e.g. the death eaters and related allies).  Just mentioning. 


But yeah we generally look at characters as they exist on their own for Season purposes.

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Guest sirmethos

"Mattias buys his airstrikes"


I.e. to get his airstrikes, he contacts people other than himself. People that are not a part of this match.


Since his airstrikes depend on him contacting people other than himself, he can't actually use them in this fight.  The fight is Mattias vs. Voldemort, not Mattias and a bunch of other random people, vs. Voldemort.


Even if he has already bought the airstrikes before the start of the match, the same still goes.   In order to call an airstrikes, Mattias contacts someone who then makes the airstrike happen.   The match is Mattias vs. Voldemort, not Mattias and a pilot vs. Voldemort.


All Voldemort has to do is fire an AK at him.  Or use an Imperio and have Mattias shoot himself.  Or half a dozen other ways of taking Mattias out, that Mattias has absolutely no defense against.

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Guest sithisson

Indeed and just to get some of those neat toys you had to work to earn them especially in Mercenaries 2. Mattias is a good character, I use him over the other two on my play through, and I think given a chance to snipe at Voldy he have a shot literally. However this sort of environment might cater better to the wizard as these are not your normal mountains, valleys and what not Nelson tends to work with.

Even if given a vehicle at start other then extra firepower you'd might be given Mattias even more of a disadvantage. Just because they tend to not use technology doesn't mean a wizard, especially one so determined to destroy Muggles like Riddle, doesn't know what one might not sound like. It would make more of a chance for him to be spotted then being on foot which at least gives Nelson a slight better survival rate.

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If I am not mistaking(and someone please correct me if I'm wrong)I do remember the author of Harry Potter stating the most powerful wizard can be taken down by a farmer with a shotgun.

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Guest badpierce

Voldemort has his own Network too if we were going that route (e.g. the death eaters and related allies).  Just mentioning. 


But yeah we generally look at characters as they exist on their own for Season purposes.

Good point. You might want to bench him in that case, Vice. He is way underpowered compared to the other Anchors. A guy with an AK is no match for say the Flash or Wonder Woman. I still say he wins this though unless some one shows me where it says Voldemort is bulletproof. I think he can pull the trigger on his Automatic rifle faster then Lord V can say a spell. Or shoot home with a rocket launcheror grenade for that matter. He had a pretty big arsenal on his person.

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Guest sithisson

Good point. You might want to bench him in that case, Vice. He is way underpowered compared to the other Anchors. A guy with an AK is no match for say the Flash or Wonder Woman. I still say he wins this though unless some one shows me where it says Voldemort is bulletproof. I think he can pull the trigger on his Automatic rifle faster then Lord V can say a spell. Or shoot home with a rocket launcheror grenade for that matter. He had a pretty big arsenal on his person.

The bulletproof is going to be hard pressed to give evidence on but at the same time I've only found rumors about the above idea that J.K said anything about a gunman can take a wizard. Realistically this would be correct until one notes the setting around being something out of Voldy's greatest dreams. If Nelson can fight off the weirdness of the landscape and get himself into a position where he snipes then I can see it happening.

As to the speaking part of the spells. I think it's been shown a few times that certain of those spells did not need a verbal competent. Didn't Bellatrix cast a curse non-verbally? Even Hermione pulled off a shield without speech so it's feasible he'd not have to speak them. Concentration needed  for intent however is another matter entirely.

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Hmm... Basing this off of a mutual understanding from each character that they are in a battle, and know what their foe looks like.



First, I will consider each characters Stealth, as that's the first part of any fight. Matt has relatively 0 for stealth. He has as much stealth sense as your common man, instead relying on his call in's and such to give him the firepower to just waltz into situations.


Voldemort however is a Wizard. The Wizarding world has for centuries stealthed under the nose of the Common man, with only top level officials in the muggle world being informed from time to time when the Wizarding world needs to do so. Not only That, but Voldemort is also a wanted criminal in the wizarding world, and spent pretty much all his time on the run, hiding and stealthing around from when he was struck down by the whole scar on the forehead incident to when that rat guy brought him back. This would give him a tremendous advantage in setting up the fight.


The terrain would also be an advantage to Voldemort in this sense, as he's spent almost his whole life in the dark arts, dark places, doing and being pretty evil. Matt however has not...


Voldemort wins this and gets the drop on Matt.




Matt has whatever he could bring into a match. Presumably this is all hand held weapons, grenades, and the like, Though he might get One vehicle. If he does take a vehicle, he default looses on stealth, which wouldn't matter anyway. As I'm sure R'laeh doesn't have streets (idk?) he'd have to take a flying vehicle, presumably a gunship. That would give him either the Ambassador or the Warsong gunships. With a 20mm auto cannon, two 70mm rocket pods, two Anti-tank guided missile quad launch racks, and two Anti-air missile launchers. The only armaments of value in this fight would be the cannon and the rocket pods. Or on the warsong a  23mm cannon, two 57mm unguided rocket pods, and some Anti-tank missiles, with the missiles being useless like the other. This gives him Alot of firepower, and a really good chance at taking out Voldemort... if he could find him.


Voldemort on the other hand has a varity of spells that could handle the Gunship, most prominent of them being Reducto. While Matt is flying around looking for Voldemort, he could cast Reducto, causing the Gunship to turn to dust around Matt, dropping him out of the sky onto the ground. If we are talking no Reducto, then he can use Fiendfyre to create an Independent, Beast made of Fire to attack the Gunship while he hides in the shadows. Then there's Confringo, which seems to have the power of a Tremendously powerful explosive, enough to decimate a building and leave a crater in the street, which could easily take a vehicle (even an armoured one) down.


Winner of this bout is indeterminate. Voldemort has the power to easily compete with a high powered military vehicle. But if Matt is forced to ditch the vehicle, he would be at a huge disadvantage.




Well, Matt is just a human, he could take body armour into this fight, but against Voldemorts arsenal of spells, it would be next to useless. Having a heavily armoured vehicle in the fight though would up his odds here. Assuming he takes a Gunship, that should give him enough armour to turn small arms fire, and survive glancing anti-armour hits. If it weren't for the unconventional weaponry at Voldemorts disposal, that could easily counter the gunship, he would have an awesome advantage.


Voldemort however.... while being technically human in regards to durability is a wizard. And as a wizard of Great skill and ability would more then likely have access to healing spells such as Vulnera Sanentur. As long as the wound isn't too lethal, he could presumably be back on his feet in seconds. Not only that, but he presumably has spells like a Shield Charm, that could provide physical barriers against Direct Attack.


Winner if this bout, well, I'd have to say Voldemort by a nose ( :D) against Matt in a Gunship, but out of it, Matt looses so hard it's not funny.


Total wins? Voldemort. Though this would be an interesting fight to watch, the winner is clearly the Dark Lord.

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His name is Mattias and he shoots people for calling him Matt.

Well, I'll be scared when he finds some way to travel through dimensions into our reality... Until then, idgaf

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