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Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

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MST3K: 4
Athena (Tomorrowland): 0

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Castor Troy: 0

Match 19375 Red Hood vs. The Phantasm

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On the rooftop of an abandoned Gotham City tenement, Carlos Pereira glanced down at the traffic below.  He wiped sweat off his brow and tried to slow his breathing.  He then heard a familiar click and gulped. 

“Turn around.” 

Carlos slowly turned to face Red Hood aiming a pistol at his head.  “You messaged me you wanted to talk,” he said.  “Start talking.” 

“I’m sorry, Mr. Hood,” Carlos babbled.  “I just wanted to ask you for a favor.” 

Carlos flinched as Red Hood drew closer.  He could see his reflection in the red helmet. 

“It’s just… I’ve been having a run of bad luck.  The cops hit my warehouse.  They took me for 5 mil.” 

“You want me to give you a sympathy card?” interrupted Red Hood sarcastically.  “I don’t give a damn about your bad luck.  The deal is 40%.  You will give me 40%.” 

“I just was thinkin’ we could maybe arrange something.  I can give you more than money!  I’ve got connections!  My boys picked up a shipment from LexCorp.  You need weapons, and bullets ain’t cheap, right?” 

Carlos’ attempt at a smile crumbled as Red Hood jabbed the pistol back in his face.  “Who put you up to this?” 

“What?  Uh, nobody!  I wanted to negotiate a new deal!  Honest!” 

“Shut it.  You don’t have the spine or brains to try to set this meet up on your own.  I want the name.” 

Carlos started whimpering as a cloud of smoke began to gather behind him.  “Please, Mr. Hood.  I didn’t have he choice!  He said he was gonna kill me and all my boys if I didn’t go along with this!” 

“Give.  Me.  The.  Name,” Red Hood hissed. 

“Please!  Don’…” 

Carlos was cut short as a curved blade stuck out of his chest.  Red Hood jumped backwards, cursing himself for being so focused on the mob boss that he missed the warning signs.  The armored figure of the Phantasm emerged from the smoke, with Carlos Pereira still stuck on the blade on their right gauntlet. 

“Red Hood,” the Phantasm intoned.  “Your Angel of Death awaits.” 

“Well, what do you know?” sneered Red Hood.  “Didn’t think we’d ever see you in Gotham again.  Does the old man know you are in town?” 

The Phantasm tossed Carlos off the blade and advanced on Red Hood.  “You know nothing, Hood.  I have returned to Gotham to find that it is still infested by scum like you.” 

Red Hood shrugged.  “I’m just doing what is necessary.  I’d have thought you’d appreciate that… Miss Beaumont.” 

The Phantasm paused and Red Hood pulled out a second pistol.  “Oh yeah.  I know who you really are under all that smoke and mirrors.” 

“I suppose it’s to be expected… Jason Todd.”  Red Hood cocked his head incredulously as Phantasm started advancing again.  “Your identity was not impossible to discover.  You can hide your face, but you can’t hide your training from Bruce.  Only a protégé of his could have achieved what you have.” 

“Huh.  Touché.  I’m sure Bruce would be thrilled to know that his dead lover and his dead partner are chatting on a roof.  But I’ve got this situation under control.  Either get out of my way and out of Gotham, or I can make you a ghost for real.” 

The Phantasm pointed at Red Hood with their blade.  “If this city is to be saved, then all these criminals must be put down.  And if you presume to be their leader, then you will be the next to die.” 

Red Hood quickly aimed and fired his pistols.  The Phantasm projected a blast of smoke until the entire roof was enveloped.  Red Hood glanced around him in the mist and raised a pistol just in time to catch the Phantasm’s blade.  The blade cut the gun in two, then the Phantasm threw a left punch that dented Red Hood’s helmet.  They brought the blade down again only for Red Hood to catch their arm.  “You’ll have to do a lot better than that,” Red Hood snarled. 



Both armored and at full strength. 

Red Hood with two pistols and knife. 

Game On!

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Going to have to go with Red Hood on this one, unfortunately. He's got way more skill than The Phantasm, it's quite the unfortunate gap. Very cool matchup though, I like the contrast that you have at play here that you've referenced yourself (two "dead" characters from Bruce's past duking it out.)

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9 minutes ago, broadwaybeyonder said:

Hey, @IKA.  Does this mean @Macklemore is going to get the rating from this? XD 

Only if it rates high. If it rates low, I'll let you keep it.

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Been a while, Rated Matches. :) 

Good set-up as usual, broadway. I'm not that well-versed on Red Hood, but you have Phantasm's characterization about down pat. 

After looking up more on Red Hood, I think he wins this. The Phantasm's gonna make this interesting with her skill and tools, but Jason ultimately has better weaponry and seems more skilled. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.70 - Pizzaguy2995
5.00 - StormChaser
4.70 - DSkillz
4.00 - Boratz
5.00 - Macklemore

FPA Calculation:
5 Total Votes cast
23.40 Total Combined Score
23.40 / 5 = 4.68 Final Rating on the match

Red Hood: 5
The Phantasm: 2

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The Phantasm fought free from Red Hood’s grip and charged forward swinging her blade.  Red Hood nimbly sprang over her and stabbed his knife into the armor shielding her neck.  Landing on his feet he spun and fired his pistols as the Phantasm fired a blast of air with enough force to send him colliding into the stone parapet surrounding the roof.  
“Neat trick,” Red Hood grunted.  “If your plan was to give me lung cancer.  All that smoke does nothing long as I’m wearing my helmet.”  
“Then I will gladly peel it off your skull,” snapped the Phantasm.  
She yanked the knife from the base of her helmet and sped towards Red Hood, only for two bullets to catch her in the left shoulder.  She reeled backwards but still pressed on, the Kevlar in her suit absorbing the impact.  Another bullet hit her right shoulder, and another to the gut.  The modulated voice of the Phantasm gasped in pain as her sprint slowed to a stumble, before dropping to a knee.  Red Hood stood unmoving, both pistols at the ready to fire again.  The Phantasm struggled to catch her breath and raised her gauntlet for a desperate burst of smoke, only for a final bullet from Red Hood to send her falling backwards to the rooftop.  
Red Hood strode over to the injured vigilante, blood dripping through the holes in the Kevlar.  He stamped his foot on the bladed gauntlet and yanked it off the Phantasm’s arm.  Then he pulled the mask from the battered face of Andrea Beaumont.  She looked up defiantly at Red Hood.  “So, what happens now?”  
“Well, I guess I’m going to have to kill you,” Red Hood said matter-of-factly.  “Can’t have you telling the old man his favorite sidekick is in town.  Not yet anyway.”  
“Then you learned nothing from Bruce!  I used to think that vengeance would heal me, but it’s a lie!  I was fooling myself!  Whatever your planning, it won’t…!”  
Red Hood stood over the lifeless body of Andrea Beaumont.  “And that’s why you lost.  This city doesn’t need an Angel of Death.  Or a Dark Knight.  It has me.”  

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