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Match 18936 Hancock vs. Icon


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Black on Black Violence

Hancock vs. Icon


Uncle Ruckus here for another round of black on black violence.


“This time we got Two wishingtheywere Superman, half-men.

“Hancock is that bitch slapping Will Smith’s attempt at being the Man of Steel. He didn’t really do anything in the movie but smash hit foot through a car to get it to stop and shoulder an oncoming train like it was runaway shopping cart. You notice he didn’t have a villain in that movie. Almost like he was scared to pick on somebody his own size.

“To make it even worse, this black bastard was a bastard. Didn’t know how to treat people. Didn’t even know how to be a hero. Luckly he had a good white man to show him how to be human. What would we do without the white man?

“Then there’s Icon. Started off right- a slave. But then he outlived slavery and got free. Curse the Lincoln.

“Icon stayed under the radar for like a hundred years and then some teenaged girl convinced him to start flying around in his pajamas. Least he didn’t ware his underwear on the outside like a lot of these costumed buffoons do.

“To his credit, Icon didn’t act like a lot of those baboons you see out here. He spoke well, and voted Republican. Good home training. Must have grown up in the Big House. Learned good manners. And the black mans place.

“It would be easy to get these two gorillas to pound each other to death. Given their personalities, Hancock would piss Icon off real easily. Hancock would most likely throw the first punch too.

“And then that foul blackness would rise up in Icon and we got ourselves some good ‘ol black on black violence.

“Let the battle begin!”

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I remember reading a long time ago that Hancock as it was originally written was going to push the envelope a lot more on the jerk hero trope, probably to the point of being a proper precursor to the Boys, but pulled back a lot for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is the fact that Will Smith never wants his characters to be portrayed in too negative a light in his movies. Ah, what could have been.

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