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Match 18315 Power Rangers (RPM) vs. The Screenslaver

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Previously: After escaping the Terminators, Red X surrendered to the Power Rangers to help stop their plan. He later ran away while an undiscovered virus planted during the villains break in at the Power Chamber activated the Zeo Zords and they attacked the city.



“This is getting too crazy.” Carlos- the green Turbo Ranger- mused outloud. “The Avengers are going to come and kick our butts.”

“The Avengers aren’t coming for us.” Wes- the red Time Force Ranger-reassured him. “We handled the Zeo Megazord just fine. We didn’t even damage it that much.”
“Speak for yourself. Aye yai yai!” Alpha 5 complained. “You don’t have to do the repairs.”

“Sorry Alpha.” said Wes. “All I’m saying is that we’ve all had battles worse than that.”

“But we still don’t know why or what happened.” Justin- the blue Turbo Ranger- whined.

“We do know what happened.” Rose- the pink Operation Overdrive Ranger- addressed him. “Our Zords were infected with a virus. Trini and I purged them while you were bringing down the Zeo Megazord.”

“We still don’t know why though.” Trini-the yellow Mighty Morphin’ Ranger- admitted.

“And our only lead ditched us.” Cassie- the pink Turbo Ranger- made a point to say.

“We’re not giving up.” Scott- the Red RPM Ranger- said confidently. “Red X wanted our help but he found something that made him want to go it alone. Whatever it was that spooked him, we were the target.”

At that moment, a message came into the power chamber.

“It’s a message from Red X.” Cassie glared at the screen then looked at Scott with confusion. “How did he get into our system?”

“Check this out.” Scott read the message out loud.

“I think he wants to meet us here.” Wes deduced.

“Then let’s go!” Justin said enthusiastically.

“Hold on.” Scott held his hands up. “It’s great working with you guys, but I’m going to need ‘my’ team.”

“You don’t have to apologize, man. I get it.” Wes responded.

So Scott called in his RPM Power Ranger team. He only asked for the main five man team- Dillion, Flynn, Summer and Ziggy. The gold and silver Rangers respectively- Gen and Gemma- stayed in Corinth in case of trouble there or if the RPM Power Rangers needed more back up.

They teleported to the coordinates from which Red X’s message originated. A manufacturing facility awaited. They were outside and went right in.

“No sign of Red X.” Flynn declared after they looked around for a bit.

“He couldn’t have sent us on a wild goose chase.” Scott replied, a pitch of desperation in his inflection. “Maybe there’s something here he wants us to find.”

The team split up, each ranger going a different direction.

Little did they know, they were being watched. Their observer could easily monitor all of them.

Ziggy and Scott went up to the second level and then broke left and right respectively. Flynn opted to check on the operating tech while Dillion and Summer spread themselves around the main floor.

They’re observer watched and waited. The time to spring the trap was approaching.



Fight Parameters:


Obviously, the secret observer is Screenslaver. She’s out to hypnotize the Rangers with her tech.


For Screenslaver to win she must hypnotize all 5 rangers.


If you think even one can escape, then Screenslaver looses.


The RPM Power Rangers don’t have to capture her or discover her or anything to win, just at least one of them evades her hypnosis tech.


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Like this match and using Screenslaver is a cool touch. Plus seeing power rangers in big multiverse stories is always my kind of thing.

This is certainly Screenslaver swinging up though. If just one of them breaks the hold, they get the win and honestly that's likely here. This kind of attack is not unheard of in power ranger stories.

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I like the match. I give the setup a 5.0.

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Another good set-up, leroy. Not all that familiar with the Incredible films or Power Rangers past the Zeo era, but somehow, I don't think this Screenslaver will be able to entrance all of the members of this Ranger team. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Venom 2009
4.20 - DSkillz
4.50 - SSJRuss

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
13.70 Total Combined Score
13.70 / 3 = 4.57 Final Rating on the match

Power Rangers (RPM): 2
The Screenslaver: 2

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