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Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

Tournament - MST3K vs. Athena (Tomorrowland)
MST3K: 4
Athena (Tomorrowland): 0

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Oroku Hiroto: 0
Samael: 1
Kim Minsu: 3

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The Xenomorphs: 3

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Cameron Poe: 3
Castor Troy: 0

12:16 - Artemis vs. Amaterasu


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Slot: The Team's Deity
Season Wins: 3
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Artemis at Wikipedia
Official Site: Public Domain


Slot: The Team's Deity
Season Wins: 2
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Amaterasu at Wikipedia
Official Site: Public Domain

Battle Terrain
Deities: Sway Ewoks

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Great battle for this one.


The Ewoks, however, are shown to be a society of hunters. They do not have any agriculture depicted in Star Wars media. They should be more aligned with a goddess of the hunt and the forest here. Artemis should take this one.

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Jeez @Fox you really like putting my girl Amaterasu in the Ewok scenario huh? Well I got two main arguments for why Amaterasu will take this scenario once again:

#1 again:


She’ll start the match already looking like an Ewok deity so they’ll already be perfectly willing to bow down to her and grovel at her feet. And with Artemis being very quick to anger I think starting off with the Ewoks already shunning her for Amaterasu will cause her to lose her temper and alienate herself from them even more.

#2 I assume that the Ewoks will have to deal with the Empire invading their planet at some point and will need a deity who they can count on to lead them into battle and Amaterasu has much better credibility here then Artemis. Amaterasu is a samurai goddess trained in bushido and has had to fight and defeat fellow gods like her brothers Tsukuyomi and Susano before. While Artemis has had to deal with the occasional perverted mortal before I don’t recall a time she’s had to fight other gods before. So I would think the Ewoks would better trust Amaterasu to lead them against the Empire then Artemis.

Amaterasu for the win! 

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Artemis's wrath is feared by the gods including her brother Apollo (after he killed Orion)


But you want Myths about Artemis being a BA? I'm glad you asked.


"The twin sons of Poseidon and Iphimedeia, Otos and Ephialtes, grew enormously at a young age. They were aggressive and skilled hunters who could not be killed except by each other. The growth of the Aloadae never stopped, and they boasted that as soon as they could reach heaven, they would kidnap Artemis and Hera and take them as wives. The gods were afraid of them, except for Artemis who captured a fine deer which jumped out between them. In another version of the story, she changed herself into a doe jumped between them. The Aloadae threw their spears and so mistakenly killed one another. In another version, Apollo sent the deer into the Aloadae's midst, causing their accidental killing of each other.[2] In another version, they start pilling up mountains to reach Mount Olympus in order to catch Hera and Artemis, but the gods spot them and attack. When the twins had retreated the gods learn that Ares has been captured. The Aloadae, not sure about what to do with Ares, lock him up in a pot. Artemis then turns into a deer and causes them to kill each other. "

Takes out two super immortal beings

"Hera tries to catch Zeus and Callisto in the act, causing Zeus to transform her into a bear. Hera, finding the bear, points it out to Artemis, who is hunting; Zeus, in panic, places Callisto in the heavens as a constellation"

Zeus fearing the wrath of Artemis turns the huntress he slept with into Ursa Major.

Early in the Trojan war the pro-Troy Artemis and the pro-Greek Hera come to blows and are only stopped when Zeus steps in.


Is a primary weapon for the Ewoks a katana or is it a bow? If we go by deity's martial prowess one deity is certainly more in line with the Ewoks' weapons of choice than the other and it is Artemis.

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In my experience Artemis has always been one of the weaker Greek gods/goddesses. Sure she’s handled the occasional arrogant mortal or demi god but has she ever had to take on a fellow full on godlike being? Not that I’m aware of. Also Zeus was clearly afraid of Artemis hurting Callisto, not himself. If anything he seemed more scared of Hera’s wrath then Artemis.

Again Amaterasu has actually had to fight her fellow godly siblings Tsukuyomi and Susano and she absolutely kicked their asses! That plus her writing the books about being a samurai and bushido makes me trust her more to lead the Ewoks to repeal the Empire more. 

Also whose room say that she won’t be able to teach the Ewoks how to wield katanas? They seemed to learn how to drive a speeder bike or an AT-ST quickly enough.

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The katana is a bad weapon, literally in WW2, Chinese swords made of Japanese pig iron were superior throw in the Ewoks short reach and it is a bad weapon pairing.


A ranged weapon capable of letting them use their arboreal nature to the fullest, now that would be worth following.

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