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Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

Tournament - MST3K vs. Athena (Tomorrowland)
MST3K: 4
Athena (Tomorrowland): 0

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Oroku Hiroto: 0
Samael: 1
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11:2 - Black Jack vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek 2009)


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Black Jack

Slot: The Team's Medic
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Black Jack at this Wiki
Official Site: Osamu Tezuka

Leonard McCoy (Star Trek 2009)

Slot: The Team's Medic
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Leonard McCoy (Star Trek 2009) at this Wiki
Official Site: Paramount Pictures

Battle Terrain
Medical Challenge: The Island of Doctor Moreau!

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First of all, man who got Black Jack on his team? Proper amazing. I watched the OVA's and it's quite a soulful show and Black Jack is a very interesting character. Fortunately, all I saw from that selection in OVA's is that while he is quite improper in his methods, they always seem to be non-hurtful and consensual methods for Black Jack to cure his patients. He's quite ethical even though he's essentially shunned by the medical profession due to not having a proper medical license. That's all I have to say on this.

On the other hand, McCoy might not want to do it but as someone else brought up earlier in a different match the people in the Star Trek era definitely do have the means to create a well and functioning beast-person.

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Well both being Doctors of ethics and morals, neither of them would typically participate in the things that Dr. Moreau invested himself in, as said activities elude the type of characters that each doctor has in and of themselves both morally and ethically.

For the sake of the competition however, that is if Black Jack and McCoy were to agree and actively participate in the match, it can be said that from the outset McCoy would definitely have an advantage in terms of his knowledge of various alien species and their anatomy as his training at Star Fleet and his experiences with the Enterprise crew of the reboot universe would introduce him to a multitude of different species and anatomies with which to experiment with and use to create Moreau beasts of his own, so there's that in his favor.

Black Jack is of course at a slight disadvantage here, being that he lives in a present day Earth and is limited by present day understandings of human and animal anatomy and bodily functions as compared to that of the age McCoy lives in, however it should be said that Black Jack has seemed to have participated in the type of transmorphism that Moreau participates in in some fashion, as he does transform a girl into a human-bird after successfully granting her wings from her human arms, so in that he seems to have some ability to create man-beasts or beasts-men from human beings, and could likely do the same from animals to humans if able and given the chance. Granted, he wouldn't like to do said thing, and he certainly would not agree with it or recommend it as his first course of action in dealing with or treating patients medically, but it does show some strength and ability in terms of what he is capable of and what he can do in this type of field.

Surprising elements to me when I first read up on them, but truly noteworthy ones in terms of how he fares in this contest, should he participate, which for the sake of argument we will ignore here in order to discuss the topic at hand.

Ultimately, I'll actually give Black Jack the win here, in spite of the disadvantage he has against McCoy and the latter's knowledge and experience as Black Jack seems to have some knowledge and methodology with which he can and has used to his advantage in creating hybrid creatures of man and beast akin to Dr. Moreau's works, so with that I think he'll end up getting the win here.

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