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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/10)



  1. Nikita crawled into a connected room. Nicole shot at Nikita with her shotgun. Nikita was just barely able to avoid being hit by the blast. She was able to slam the door behind her and grabbed one of her pistols. Nicole shot the door open with her shot gun. Nikita then quickly shot at Nicole’s direction with her pistol. Nicole jumped back while Nikita shot at her. Nicole took cover in the bathroom, while Nikita used the opportunity to get out of the bedroom. She quickly looked over the rooms for Nicole. Nicole came out of the bathroom and knocked the pistol out of Nikita’s hand. She then tried shooting Nikita again with her shotgun. Nikita was able to kick the gun out of Nicole’s hands. Nicole then punched Nikita across the face. Nikita kicked Nicole back into the bathroom. Nicole scrambled to get to her feet. Nicole quickly drew her pistol and tried aiming it at Nikita. Nikita was able to grab Nicole’s hand that held the pistol and twisted it out of her hands. Nicole slammed Nikita back against a mirror. Nicole then leaned down to pick up her pistol. Nikita quickly took off the top of the toilet’s lid and smashed it against Nicole’s face. Nicole dropped her pistol and stumbled back. Nicole kicked Nikita back into the cabinets. Nicole shook her head and tried grabbing her pistol once again. Nikita grabbed a shard of glass from the mirror and jumped at Nicole. Nikita then stabbed Nicole in the collar bone. Nicole screamed in pain while dropping her pistol. Nikita kicked her back on the floor and then quickly grabbed her pistol. Nikita then shot Nicole twice in the chest and then once between the eyes. Nikita got to her feet and quickly gathered her supplies. She knew that she would not have long before more agents would come. Nikita realized that with killing this FBI agent, she would be the most wanted person in America. She knew that it would be an impossible task in trying to take down the CIA officer that set her up. Nikita was able to find a car and sped away. She was able to get intel on the CIA officer and set her sights for her. While Nikita planned to track down the CIA officer, she found out that she was being tracked by an assassin. The Professor had received a new assignment. After looking over the assignment, he had on a government radar that an FBI agent was found dead in a government safe house. The Professor figured that it was Nikita. He had tracked Nikita down to a business complex. The Professor was able to get his rifle ready and started searching for the assassin. He knew that she was tricky, and he had to make sure he could not let his guard down. Nikita was able to find an area in the business complex to get her weapons ready. She had looked over the intel on the CIA officer and hid it away in a compartment in the business complex. Nikita realized that she would have to take out the assassin before she could continue on with her mission.
  2. Nikita saw a glimpse of the Mother sitting in the window. Nikita jumped down behind a building while the Mother tried to shoot her. Nikita ran alongside the back of the building. Nikita tried to find a way to get to the Mother without getting shot. Nikita slid through the snow under into the alleyway that led to the Mother’s vantage point. The Mother could not find her target anyway. Nikita ran up to the building that the Mother was camped out in. She climbed up a fire escape and toward the window closest to the Mother. Nikita jumped into the room and kicked the Mother’s rifle out of her hands. Nikita then flipped the Mother onto the floor. The Mother was able to immediately get to her feet and take out a knife. The Mother tried stabbing Nikita in the throat. Nikita was able to evade the attack and grabbed the Mother’s hand. She twisted the knife out of the Mother’s hand. The Mother pushed Nikita back toward the window. The Mother then kicked Nikita in the chest. Nikita fell back through the window and onto the fire escape. The Mother reached for a pistol and tried shooting at Nikita. Nikita swung down under the fire escape and was able to avoid being shot. She busted through the window of another room. Nikita ran through the room and toward the door. The Mother then ran toward the door and into the hallway. The Mother slowly started walking toward the stairwell. She looked down and did not see her target anywhere in the dark stairwell. Nikita then jumped out with her pistol in hand. Nikita started shooting at the Mother. The Mother jumped down to the floor and started crawling away. The Mother crawled back into her room and slammed the door behind her. She aimed her pistol at the doorway and waited for her target to make a move. Nikita was able to grab a bottle of alcohol. She tore off a piece of fabric and made a Molotov cocktail. Nikita threw it at the door, and then proceeded to run down toward the first floor of the building. Nikita was going to wait for her opponent to make a move. The Mother jumped onto the fire escape and made her way down to the lower level. She was able to get there before Nikita. The Mother watched as Nikita emerged from the shadow. The Mother tried shooting at her. Nikita jumped behind a garbage can. Both women heard police sirens quickly approaching. Nikita came out from behind the garbage can and knocked the gun out of the Mother’s hands. The Mother was able to disarm Nikita as well. Nikita kicked the Mother back against a brick wall. The Mother slammed her fist against Nikita’s jaw and then unleashed an uppercut. Nikita fell back but immediately hit the Mother in the throat. The Mother fell to her knees and started gasping for air. Before Nikita could finish off the Mother, the police arrived on the scene. Nikita immediately ran away from the scene, and the Mother disappeared in the chaos. Nikita was able to escape on her contact’s boat. The assassin then set her sights for the U.S.A. She knew that if she wanted this contract off her head, she would need to take down the person responsible. Meanwhile at the CIA, Marissa heard about Nikita’s escape. She grew furious but wanted to find a way to make Nikita a public enemy across the world. Marissa was able to plant evidence that framed Nikita and made her wanted across several government agencies. At the FBI headquarters, Agent Nicole Scott had received word that Nikita was in the United States. The evidence that was planted showed that Nikita was responsible for the deaths of several government agents, including FBI personnel that Scott was close to. Nicole was able to track Nikita to a safe house in a port city. The FBI agent wanted to make sure that the skilled assassin was not tipped off, so she went in alone. Agent Scott took out a shotgun from the back of her vehicle. She went to the door and kicked it open. Nikita was startled by the intruder but immediately ran for cover. The assassin was able to get her hands on a pistol and crawled into another room. Nicole said “I am with the FBI and you are under arrest.” Nikita said “I am not going. I am being framed.” Nicole said “If you resist then I will be forced to stop you by any means necessary.” Nikita said “You are making a mistake.” Nicole said “You are the one who made a mistake when you killed my friends.” Nikita said “I will not let you arrest me.” Nicole said “Then I will bring you in a body bag.”
  3. Francisco kicked the door open to the back of the gas station. It was dark outside and he could hardly see a thing. He heard the sound of several cans falling over. Francisco spun around and aimed his golden gun at the sound of the noise. He stopped before he could pull the trigger. There was a stray dog running through an alley. Francisco then heard the sound of footsteps from around the corner. Francisco turned and pulled the trigger. He then realized that he shot a bystander. The bystander was dead before they could hit the ground. Nikita then came out and shot Francisco in the shoulder. Francisco stumbled back and ran back into the gas station. Francisco held onto his shoulder. He could not realize that he let this woman get the drop on him. He held up his golden gun and aimed it at the door. The lights in the gas station flickered. He then he heard the bell at the front of someone entering the store. Francisco turned toward the front but realized it was the rest of the people running out of the store. Nikita was able to cut the power to the gas station. The generator came on and lit up some of the lights. Nikita snuck into the back of the store. Francisco's shoulder was throbbing with pain. He kept looking back at the front of the store and near the back. Francisco knew he had to make a move or he would be a sitting duck. Francisco grabbed a handful of papers and lit them on fire. He threw the lit-up papers near the neck of the store. While the smoke started to fill up the station, Francisco ran out the front of the store. Nikita slipped out of the back of the store. She quickly ran around the building and saw Francisco with his gun aiming at building. Nikita jumped out and started firing her gun. Before Francisco could react, Nikita shot him three times in the chest. Francisco fell down on the pavement. Nikita walked over to him and picked up his golden gun. She then left before emergency vehicles could arrive. Nikita started thinking about how she would get out of the country. She knew that the CIA would send more people after her or call on more of their assets around the world. At CIA headquarters, the analyst that had hired Francisco had gotten word of his death. He informed his director about recent events, and he was told that he needed to get this mess cleaned up. The analyst started looking for more assets in that area of the world. The analyst found an assassin that worked for a black operation military organization. She had the code name of the Mother. He saw that the Mother was supposed to testify against a rogue special forces operative and drug lord. He figured that before she performed this task for the FBI, he could get her to complete this mission for the CIA. He contacted the Mother. The Mother answered the phone. The Analyst asked "Are you the Mother?" The Mother said "Who's asking?" The analyst said "That is above top secret, but I am aware that you are supposed to testify against some pretty powerful people." The Mother said "That is top secret." The analyst said "I am not here for that. I want to hire you for a job. I can make it worth your while and I can make sure your daughter is set for life." The Mother said "What is the target?" The analyst said "There is a rogue terrorist near where you are stationed. I want you to take her out. I will send you her information." The Mother agreed to hunt down Nikita. She packed her sniper rifle and a pistol. The Mother tracked Nikita down to a small fishing village that was covered in snow. Nikita had gotten word from one of her contacts that the Mother had been assigned to assissinate her. Nikita had a boat set up to take her out of the country but she knew she needed to stop the assassin before the assassin could get to her. Nikita had a hunting rifle, pistol, golden gun, and hunting knife The Mother has a sniper rifle, pistol, and combat knife
  4. Hanna looked at the motel that her father's killer was staying at. Hanna looked over the parking and saw the lights over the vehicles. Hanna used her bow and arrows to quietly take out the lights. Nikita saw the lights go out in the parking lot. She looked through the scope of the rifle and searched for anything out of the ordinary. Nikita felt that something was off. Nikita dived for the floor. Hanna had shot one of her arrows through the window of Nikita's room. Nikita started crawling away from the broken glass. Hanna could not see any sign of her father's killer. She took out another arrow and walked over toward Nikita's room. Hanna pulled back on the arrow and searched the dark room for Nikita. Nikita drew her pistol and started shooting out into the parking lot. Hanna jumped to the side and shot off another arrow. The arrow just barely grazed Nikita's arm. Nikita lunged deeper into her room. Hanna jumped through the shattered window and charged at Nikita. Hanna jumped at Nikita and wrapped her legs around the assassin. Hanna flipped Nikita onto the floor. Nikita dropped her pistol under the bed. Hanna took out her hunting knife. Hanna tried slicing through Nikita's throat. Nikita evaded the end of the blade. Nikita kicked Hanna back against the model's television. Hanna pushed herself off the television. She tried stabbing Nikita in the stomach. Nikita grabbed her arm and twisted the knife out of her hand. Hanna pushed Nikita back against a wall. Nikita grabbed the arrow that Hanna had previously shot at her. Hanna jumped for her knife. Hanna lunged at Nikita with the knife. Nikita jumped out of the way and stabbed Hanna's collar bone with the arrow. Hanna gritted her teeth with pain. Hanna tried running at Nikita again with her knife. Nikita grabbed Hanna's arm and punched her across the face. Nikita then flipped Hanna across the bed. Hanna rose to her feet and had her knife pointed it at Nikita dived for the floor and reached for her pistol. Hanna jumped across the bed and tried striking Nikita. Nikita grabbed her pistol and quickly shot Hanna in the chest. Hanna fell back on the bed. Nikita steadily took the knife from Hanna hand. Hanna looked over Nikita while she was slowly dying. Hanna asked "Why did you kill my father?" Nikita said "He was training you to be an assassin for an evil program. I did what I had to do to stop that from happening." Hanna said "They will come for you." Nikita said "Who?" Hanna died before she could respond. Nikita gathered the rifle and pistol. She left Hanna's lifeless body lying in the bed. Nikita found a truck that was driven by Hanna. Nikita unlocked the truck and found documents inside the glove department. She realized that these documents were for a list of potential targets from around the world. Nikita realized that she needed to get these documents up to the proper authorities. She knew that the Agency that created Hanna would stop at nothing to keep these files from falling into the hands of her superiors. Nikita left the motel parking lot to head back to her headquarters. The CIA was scrambling after receiving word of Hanna's death. They found out that the other agency was the Centre. In order to gain the upper hand in their war with the Centre and other government agencies from around the world, they knew they would need to stop Nikita. An analyst was looking over assets and operatives in the area where Nikita and Hanna had their battle. He found that there was gun for hire in the area. The analyst ran to the agent in charge. The analyst had the information for the gun for hire. The analyst said "The Man with the Golden Gun." Marissa said "Excuse me." The analyst said "Francisco Scaramanga. He is a gun for hire. we can hire him discreetly to take out Nikita." Marissa said "How much for his services" The analyst said "$100,000." Marissa said "Hire him." The analyst contacted Francisco. The Man with the Golden Gun accepted the offer without hesitation. Francsico had grown bored recently and wanted to find a new hunt. He had looked over the file that was sent to him on this Nikita. Francisco was fascinated by her training. Francisco felt that she would prove to be a worthy challenge. The Man with the Golden Gun left for the area where Nikita was last spotted. After traveling for hours, he saw Nikita's vehicle pull up to a gas station. Francisco pulled in right behind her. Nikita saw the strange man pulling into the gas station behind her. He was far different than any of the locals that she had encountered in her journey. Nikita concealed her pistol and walked into the gas station. She then caught a glimpse of Francisco's golden gun. Nikita ran to the back door of the gas station. Francisco cussed under his breath once he saw Nikita running to the back of the gas station. He knew that he lost the element of suprise. Francisco ran around the building in hopes of cutting her off. Nikita has a pistol Francisco Scaramanga has his golden gun
  5. One day Hanna was training with her father in the wilderness. It was extremely cold outside, but Erik trained Hanna to fight through the cold. Hanna had completed training and followed Erik back to their cabin. Hanna and Erik felt that something was wrong. Erik told Hanna that they would split up to look around the area for any intruders. Erik took his rifle and went into the woods that was north of the cabin. Hanna took her bow and arrow to head east. Erik was searching through the woods until he came upon a bloody sight. Erik leaned down to look over the bodies of the animals that were murdered. He then heard a sound behind him. Erik spun around and saw Nikita standing in the snow. Nikita had her pistol aiming at his head. Erik knew that he would not be quick enough to lift his rifle to shoot the assassin. Erik said “You killed those animals” Nikita said “They got in my way” Erik said “Why are you here” Nikita said “You trained an assassin since she was 2 years old to carry out unspeakable actions for the government. The Centre cannot let that happen” Erik said “I am not with the CIA anymore or any government agency” Nikita said “You still trained a killer. I have to stop you and her” Erik said “You can’t stop her” Nikita shot Erik between the eyes. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the forest. Nikita knew that she would not have much time before Hanna would arrive. Nikita could not allow herself to be caught off guard by Hanna. Nikita picked up Erik’s hunting rifle and ran away from the dead body. Hanna heard the gunshot from where she was. She looked up and saw birds flying away from the area that Erik had traveled. Hanna ran as fast as she could through the forest. Hanna reached the location where Erik was murdered. She felt deeply saddened but she remembered her training from Erik. Hanna saw the footsteps in the snow and followed them. Hanna traveled for a while until she reached a road. She saw skid marks on the pavement and realized that the person that murdered Erik had driven away. Hanna returned to the site where Erik was murdered. Hanna buried his body and went to the cabin. She gathered her weapons and found a secret case that Erik had kept from her. She realized that Erik must have been targeted and she would probably be next. Hanna set her sights for tracking down the person that was responsible. She took the information from Erik's secret case and gathered her supplies. Hanna left the cabin to find the person that murdered her father. Nikita contacted the Centre and let them know of her successful mission. She also informed them that the asset that Erik was training was not there but would be coming for them. The Centre ordered her to take down the asset by any means necessary. Nikita thought about her training at the Centre. She also thought about the choice she was given. Nikita knew that the asset was trained to be a cold-blooded killer. The Centre assassin realized that Hanna would be a formidable target. Even with Nikita's training, she knew that she could not let her guard down. Nikita started planning on how she would take down Hanna. Nikita knew that Hanna would be coming for her. Nikita had found a place to stop for the night and set up a trap at a small motel. She waited for Hanna to find her. Hanna was able to track her father's killer to a small motel. Hanna remembered her training and knew that this could be a trap. Hanna took her bow and arrow in order to hunt down her father's assassin. Hanna has a bow and arrow, and a hunting knife Nikita has a hunting rifle and a pistol
  6. Miranda Frost swung her sword at Jane Carter. Carter was able to block the attack. Miranda tried stabbing her but Carter moved out of the way. Carter slammed Miranda against the wall. Carter the punched Frist in the abdomen and then immediately unleashed a right hook across her face. Frost stumbled forward and away from her opponent. She looked and saw Carter charging at her. Frost swung her sword across the air. Carter ducked down and was slightly able to dodge the blade. Carter immediately picked up a sword and blocked Frost's next attack. Frost and Carter clung their swords together. Frost tried to find a weak spot on the agent. Carter tried stabbing Miranda several times but Miranda was able to block each attack. Carter was able to kick Miranda in the chest. Miranda fell back against the wall of the plane. She jumped forward and tried stabbing Carter in the face. Carter was able to dodge the attack and then unleashed a palm strike to Miranda's throat. Miranda dropped her sword and grabbed her neck. Carter then used the opportunity to unleash several punches to Miranda's face. Miranda fell on the floor. She reached for her sword and tried getting to her feet. Carter immediately took out her knife and stabbed it into the top of Miranda's head. Miranda almost cried before her life quickly faded away. Carter then looked at the drugged John Matrix. She was able to revive him and the two escaped the plane. Once they parachuted safely to the ground, John confronted the female agent. John said "Who are you" Jane said "Jane Carter with the Mission Impossible Force. We got word that there was a terrorist attack and you were being framed. I recruited Luke Hobbs to help find you daughter" John said "Hobbs put up a good fight. We is my daughter." Jane said "I haven't heard back. I found you first being kidnapped by that blonde MI6 agent. Then I killed her and rescued you." John said "You gave her a lot to think about when you put the knife in her head." Jane's phone rang and she saw that it was Hobbs calling. John walked up to listen in on the conversation. Jane answered the phone. Jane said "what is it Hobbs" Hobbs said "I found the girl but she was kidnapped by a former MI6 agent." John said "who" Hobbs said "a son of a bitch named Alec Travelyn" John said "Where is her" Hobbs said "im sending you the location" John saw the location and said that he would go. Both Hobbs and carter said they would help. John gathered his weapons and went to the location. He saw that there were several soldiers patrolling the area. Hobbs and Carter were able to create a distraction. Matrix went into the base and found his daughter tied up in a cage. Matrix tried to her out but then heard a laughter. Alec said "You must be John Matrix. You are supposed to be dead." Matrix said "Sorry to disappoint but i will make you dead for kidnapping my daughter and trying to frame me." Alec said "It wasn't supposed to go that way but you were simply a scapegoat. I guess I have to finish you myself."
  7. Cassian started shooting at Matrix. John jumped for cover and immediately took out his gun. He waited for the opportunity to shoot back. Cassian took coveted behind a wall. John Matrix came out and shot several time at Cassian's direction. Cassian was able to reach for a fire extinguisher. The assassin threw the fire extinguisher from around the corner. He then shot the fire extinguisher and caused it to explode. John Mattix could not see anything in the haze. Cassian came out from behind the corner and started shooting. Matrix dropped to the floor. He then saw the outline of the assassin in the haze. Matrix tackled Cassian through a door and into another room. Cassin wrestled his way out of Matrix's grasp. He pulled out a knife and tried slicing open Matrix's neck. Matrix jumped back and took out his knife. Cassian tried stabbing Matrix but Matrix was able to grab his arm. Matrix plunged his knife into Cassian's thigh. Cassian cried out in pain and pushed himself away from Matrix. He tried slicing at Matrix again, but John sliced open his arm before he could manage to get close to John. Cassian dropped his knife on the floor. John Matrix said "Stick around." Matrix threw Cassian against the wall and impaled him with his blade. Cassian was stuck against the wall with the knife in his chest. Cassian struggled for air. John Matrix said "Where is my daughter?" Cassian said "screw you." Cassian bled out and died. John retried his pistol and knife. He was able to get to the roof but the helicopter was gone. Matrix knew he had to escape from the tower in order to find his daughter. Matrix said a way to get to a nearby building. The special forces operator was able to get to the other building. John Matrix evaded the law enforcement that was after him. John searched for contacts and was able to find a contact from the M16. Matrix waited for his contact to arrive but was surprised to see a female agent. John looked over her and grew suspicious. John said "Who are you? Where is Bond?"" Miranda Frost said "He is not coming. My name is Miranda Frost. I am here to get you to the airport." John Matrix said "why?" Miranda said "You have caused a mess here. Your daughter was kidnapped by a terrorist that is wanting you to assassinate a political leader." John said "When do we leave?" Miranda said "Right now." John and Miranda left for the airport. John was still suspicious of this female agent. They arrive at the airport and boarded the plane. Before John could act on his suspicion, he was shot with a dart by Miranda Frost. John grew dizzy and started stumbling around. He tried to grab the M16 agent but Miranda took out a sword. She pointed it at the former special forces operator. Miranda looked down at John and smiled. John felt his strength faded by the drugs that were moving through his system. Miranda said "I heard you were dangerous and hard to kill. I will have to try something more to the point." After receiving a new mission, Jane Carter looked at her orders. She saw that there was an international arrest warrant for John Matrix. Carter also saw that he was possibly innocent. Jane was able to meet with the recovery Luke Hobbs. Hobbs looked battered and beaten from his battle with Matrix. The radio said that there was another body found but appeared to belong to an assassin. Jane said "What can you tell me about John Matrix?" Hobbs said "He's a tough son of a bitch. He didn't kill me. I don't think he did it." Jane said "I think he is innocent too." Hobbs said "whoever did it has his daughter." Jane said "I'll find him, if you find his daughter." Hobbs said "sounds like a plan." Jane was able to track Matrix and Frost to an airport. The IMF agent snuck onto the plane that they were in. She saw Miranda Frost pointing a sword down at a drugged Matrix. Jane jumped out and grabbed a sword. She looked at Miranda Frost. Miranda looked back at her and smiled. Miranda said "I don't know who you are dear but there is nothing you can do to stop me. I can read every move you make." Miranda Frost has her sword Jane Carter has a sword and 2 knives
  8. John Matrix and Luke Hobbs ran into one another. Luke was able to toss Matrix against a wall. Matrix was able to kick Hobbs in the chest and sent him flying back on the floor. Hobbs immediately rolled up and threw himself to his feet. He threw out a left hook, but Matrix was able to block the attack. Matrix tried to unleash a powerful uppercut, but Hobbs dodged Matrix’s fist. Hobbs tackled Matrix through a piece of drywall. Hobbs tried unleashing a series of punches on Matrix, but Matrix blocked the attacks. Matrix kicked Hobbs back and jumped to his feet. Matrix then ran at Hobbs and ram his body into his chest. Both Matrix and Hobbs flew back through another wall. Matrix got to his feet and picked up Hobbs. He was able to throw Hobbs through the top of a table. Hobbs was able to kick Matrix back and lunged at him with a superman punch. Matrix was knocked back onto the floor. Hobbs approached Matrix, but John was able to punch the DSS agent across the face. Matrix then kneed Hobbs in the chest and flipped him over his body. Hobbs was slammed against the floor. Hobbs tried to get back to his feet, but Matrix unleashed a power kick to his face. Matrix knocked Hobbs unconscious. Matrix looked over Hobbs and realized that he was just a lawman. Matrix could sense the good in him and left him there. Matrix turned back and saw that his daughter was missing. He got angry once he realized that she must have been taken while he was battling the DSS Agent. Matrix started running through the tower and searched for his daughter. He saw beams of light coming from outside the tower. Matrix was as a helicopter circled around the tower. Matrix felt that if his daughter was taken, whoever it was might be trying to get her to the helicopter pad. Matrix ran as fast as he could up to the upper levels of the tower. Before he could reach the helicopter pad, he was confronted by an armed assassin. The former special forcer operator could see that he would have to fight his way through this enforcer to get to his daughter. Before Matrix’s battle with Hobbs, Cassian was contacted by a criminal organization. The assassin was given information on a potential target named John Matrix. Cassian read through the file and saw that the file indicated that Cassian would need to kill Matrix before he could retrieve his daughter. Cassian did not like the idea of the organization kidnapping a man’s daughter, but he was not paid to ask questions. He was paid to get the job done. Cassian followed the coordinates to a large tower. He saw that the tower was surrounded by police. Cassian heard on a radio that Matrix was wanted for a major crime and that he was being confronted by a DSS agent. A crooked DSS agent named Riley Hicks was able to sneak Cassian into the tower undetected. She told him that if Hobbs was unable to get the job done, then Cassian would need to kill Matrix by any means necessary. Once Cassian went into the tower, he saw a group of men taking Matrix’s daughter. Cassian saw Matrix and Hobbs fighting. He was then told by the other men to follow them to the helicopter pad. Cassian followed them up to the roof. After Matrix’s daughter was loaded into the helicopter, he was given his orders to stay behind and finish off John Matrix. Cassian walked back into the tower with his weapon. He then saw Matrix running before him. Cassian took out his pistol and aimed it at Matrix. Matrix jumped for cover before Cassian could shoot him. Matrix said “Let my daughter go” Cassian said “I don’t have your daughter, but I do have orders to kill you.” Matrix said “That is a big mistake. If you don’t let my get to my daughter, I will cut off your head.” Cassian said “I have my orders. You are dying tonight” John Matrix has a pistol and a knife Cassian has a pistol and a knife
  9. After rescuing his daughter from his former comrade Bennet and President Arius, John Matrix and his daughter sought to live a peaceful life. John was offered a job for a private security firm. At first John was hesitant about taking the job, but they offered incredible benefits. The private security firm also promised that there would not be any dangers associated with what he would be doing. Joh would be overseeing security for the firm’s different locations throughout the world. He would mainly be sitting behind a desk all day while he reviewed security procedures. John knew that he needed a decent job with good benefits for his daughter. Matrix accepted the offer and was relocated to a tower in Europe with his daughter. While reviewing the security personal, he saw some discrepancies in some of the operations being done. Matrix went to report this to his superiors. After his superior looked over his findings, he went to go meet with the firm’s board of directors. Matrix went back to see his daughter at the tower. While there, he heard a commotion from outside. Matrix went to check and saw a group of armed men heading in his direction. The former special forces Colonel was able to take them out with ease. He escaped the room with his daughter, but he learned that the tower had gone on lock down. Matrix saw that there was a group of law enforcement surrounding the tower. Matrix heard his phone ringing and he went to answer his phone. Matrix said “Hello.” Luke Hobbs said “Is this Colonel John Matrix?” Matrix said “Who’s asking?” Hobbs said “I am Luke Hobbs. I am with the DSS. You are wanted across multiple continents for treason, murder, theft, and bribery.” Matrix said “I am being framed.” Hobbs said “We can talk about that after I take you in.” Matrix said “I am not going in. I am going to clear my name.” Hobbs said “That is the wrong choice.” Matrix hung up the phone. He looked at his daughter and realized that he had to find a way to escape the tower with his daughter. Matrix was able to get some of his gear and weapons ready. He knew that whoever set him up, did not only have the DSS come after him but had other assassins as well. Meanwhile, Luke Hobbs threw down his phone after hanging up with Matrix. He was furious about his conversation with Matrix. He knew that Matrix would be a hard target. After getting the file from his new partner, Riley Hicks, Hobbs felt that he had to take down the former special force’s soldier by any means necessary. Hobbs quickly looked over Matrix’s file. He took notice of his classified records from his time with the special forces. The DSS agent realized that Matrix would be a formidable target. He saw the redacted records of Matrix’s exploits on President Arius’ private island. Hobbs felt that if he was not after this guy, he would be slightly impressed by him. The DSS agent commanded his partner to stay behind as he felt that there could be a high level of danger involved in trying to apprehend Matrix. Hobbs gathered his gear and went into the tower. The tower seemed almost too quiet, but Hobbs made his way up the different levels. After kicking through a door, Hobbs accidently knocked Jenny unconscious. Before he could check on her, he saw John Matrix in the flesh. Hobbs said “John Matrix, you are coming with me.” Matrix said “Don’t count on it.” Matrix has a pistol and a knife Hobbs had a pistol and a baton
  10. Charles Davis saw the city of San Francisco went downhill day in and day out. At first, he thought about doing something to change things but he found a new opportunity on the other side of the country. Charles decides to take the opportunity and move to New York City. Charles spent months trying to get used to his new life, but things were just as bad. He hated his commute to job and hated the people that he saw in the streets. Charles decided instead of trying to move somewhere else, he was going to force the city to change. He started planning out how he was going to turn things around. Charles watched a documentary on the Zodiak Killer and thought that he could do something similar. He found the name Scorpio and started looking for victims. One day, Scorpio got on a roof of an abandoned building and shot an innocent victim. He then wrote a letter and left it close to the crime scene. Scorpio's letter demand that he be paid $1,000,000 or else he would kill a new target. CSI New York responded to the crime scene. Mac Taylor arrived on the scene and walked past the crime scene tape. Stella Bonasera was taking crime scene photos. Lindsay Monroe was collecting evidence. Don Flack was talking to nearby pedestrians. Scorpio was watching from a distance and studying his potential adversaries. Mac Taylor looked over the victim and saw a signal gunshot wound to the head. Judging from the wound, he knew that it was from a high caliber rifle that was taken from a distance. Mac said "Looks like it must have been a targeted attack." Don said "Why do you say that?" Mac said "Bullet wound is from a rifle and judging by the wound, it would have to be from quite a distance. The perp would have to be really good." Mac looked at the surrounding buildings. He saw a couple that he thought might have been where the shot was fired from. Stella walked up to Mac and handed him a letter. Stella said "Lindsay found this close by." Mac read the letter and got angry. He looked at Stella and Don. Mac then looked at all the crowds of people that stood on the other side of the police tape. Mac said "We may have a serial killer on our hands." Stella said "The killer wants this sent to the mayor's office. You think we should send it?" Mac said "Not yet. We don't want to get a panic on our hands. Let's see what we can find out first. I will go to that building over there and search for clues." Stella and the rest of the CSI team bagged up the evidence. The body was taken in by the coroner and the scene was cleaned up. Mac headed over to the building that Scorpio had taken the shot. Mac searched for hours but could not find any trace of the killer. He then found a window that he felt might have been where the shot was fired from. Mac looked over the window and then looked at where the victim was discovered. Scorpio was outraged that nothing was being done about his demands. He felt the NYPD was not taking him seriously and knew that he would have to follow through with his threat. Scorpio was about to search for his next victim. He then thought about Detective Mac Taylor. Scorpio felt that if he took out Taylor then maybe that would prove to the NYPD and to the Mayor's office that he was a credible threat. Scorpio set his sights on Detective Taylor. Mac thought about the letter that was written and the crime scene. He felt that the killer was probably around earlier that morning when his team was investigating the crime scene. He also knew that the killer was probably going to try and find a new target. Mac had suspicions that he was going to be targeted as the killer would want to pose a valid threat to the city. Taylor got his pistol ready and started searching for the Scorpio Killer. He knew that he would have to keep cover or else he would end up another one of his victims. Taylor called for backup and then stated searching for the Scorpio. Mac Taylor has his pistol Scorpio Killer has a rifle
  11. Elle ran at Rama with her sword drawn. She tried decapitating Rama with her sword, but Rama was able to block the attack. Elle continued to try slicing at him with every opportunity that she had. Rama was able to block the attacks with his sword. He then smashed his fist against her upper chest. Elle stumbled back and found herself gasping for air. She looked up at Rama once again and tried stabbing him with her sword. Rama dodged the attack and was able to unleash a punch across her face. Elle fell to her knees, but quickly jumped back up to her feet. Elle started slicing at Rama as fast as she could. Rama dodged and blocked each attack with ease. Elle then was able to kick Rama in the back. Rama fell forward while Elle tried using that moment to cut off his head. Rama was able use his sword to block the attack. Elle was able to knock his sword out of his hands. Rama jumped forward and unleashed a series of punches and kicks upon Elle. The Viper Assassin dropped her sword but immediately took out her knife. She tried stabbing the special force operator, but he was able to counter the attack. Rama grabbed Elle’s arm that held the knife one of his hands. Rama struck Elle’s throat with his other hand and twisted the knife out of her grasp. Rama kicked in Elle’s knees, and the assassin fell to the ground. She took out her pistol and tried aiming it at Rama. Rama grabbed her arm and snapped her wrist under his hands. Elle cried out in pain while dropping the pistol on the ground. Rama unleashed a series of punches and kicks onto the assassin. Elle fell hard against the ground. She spit out blood while trying to reach for her pistol. Rama took out his knife and lunged at Elle. Elle pushed herself up to her knees and spun around to face Rama. Rama stabbed Elle in her one good eye before she could shoot him with her pistol. Elle dropped her pistol once again and started screaming in agony. Elle swung her legs and fist in every direction. Rama watched the blood draining down her face from where he the knife was imbedded into her eye. He reached down and picked up her pistol. Rama aimed it and shot the assassin several times in the chest. Elle’s lifeless body fell backward onto the ground. Rama looked over the lifeless assassin and reached down to take his knife out of her face. He then picked up the sword and got back into his car. Rama knew that there was one last mark on Beatrix’s list. He knew he had to take out Bill to rescue Beatrix’s daughter. After Bill had gotten word of Budd’s death, he made arrangements for his daughter to be taken away to a safe place. Bill then headed for the Continental Hotel in Casablanca. He knew that he could either set a trap for this killer or at least set up a hit on him from the Continental. Bill had checked into the hotel and tried contacting Elle to see if there was any status on her hunt for the man that killed so many members in Bill’s squad. Bill was frustrated that he did not receive a response from Elle. He then went to meet with the manager at this Continental. Bill said “Sofia, I want to find out some information on one of my assassins.” Sofia said “Bill, you have been out of the game for a long time. You have some nerve showing up at my Hotel.” Bill said “Sofia, please, some son of a bitch has killed several of my old squad which includes my brother. I sent someone after him but I have not heard back from her.” Sofia said “What is the name of the person that you sent?” Bill said “Elle Driver” Sofia looked over a computer and said “Looks like your associate was found murdered in a desert.” Bill said “Damn, well I need to set up a job while I am here.” Sofia said “Bill, like I said. You have been out of the game for too long. I don’t think the High Table will approve of you doing business here.” Bill took out a brief case full of money and gold coins. He handed it to Sofia. Sofia opened the brief case and looked over the money. She smiled and then looked up at Bill. Bill said “I will make it worth your while and the High Table’s. I need this man dead before he gets to me.” Sofia said “Alright Bill. I will see what I can do. It may take some time to re-open your account, but you are welcome to stay if you need to. Willing that you are willing to pay for the services that are provided.” Bill said “Thanks, Sofia.” Sofia said “Same rules apply, Bill. No work is to be conducted at the Continental grounds.” Bill said “Understood.” Bill knew that he did not have much time, and he could not wait for the High Table to decide about opening a mark on Rama. Bill sent out information on his whereabouts. He figured he could set a trap for Rama at the Continental. Rama was able to get the location of where Bill was located. He did not know if Beatrix’s daughter was with him. He had heard rumors that the place that Bill was staying at was a haven for assassins and a large criminal organization. Rama knew he had to evade being caught by the different criminals that he would encounter. Rama was able to sneak into the Continental Hotel. He made his way through the halls and found the suite that Bill was staying in. Rama picked the lock and snuck into the room. Rama found Bill sitting in the room with his sword by his side. Bill had his handgun in his hand but laid it down on the bed. Bill smiled and looked over Rama. Bill said “You have come a long way. Who are you exactly?” Rama said “It does not matter who I am. I know what you are. You murdered innocent people and took that poor woman’s child from her while she was in a coma.” Bill said “That child is also my daughter. I am guessing Beatrix did not mention that before you killed her.” Rama said “You set me up to kill her. You lied to me.” Bill said “Well technically that was not me, but I am curious. You killed just about my entire squad. I want to see how good you really are.” Rama said “It will be the last thing that you see.” Rama has a Honzo sword, a pistol, and a knife Bill has a Honzo sword, a pistol, and a knife.
  12. Rama snuck up onto Budd’s trailer. He tried to open the door, but Budd had shot at him with his shotgun. Rama had just barely missed being shot by the blast. Rama dived on the ground while Budd unloaded more shots from his shotgun. Budd said “I hear you killed Beatrix! That is impressive. I also hear you killed Vernita, not as impressive” Rama did not respond. He looked around to see if there were any openings that he could use to attack his opponent. The trailer was small, but every entry point would mean that he could be shot down by Budd. Rama crawled underneath the trailer and took out his pistol. Budd stopped firing and slowly walked around his trailer. He tried to listen for the faintest sound so he could attack. Budd slowly walked over to the door and looked outside. He did not see any sign of Rama. Rama heard the footsteps above him and started shooting through the floor. One of the bullets went through Budd’s foot. Budd screamed in pain and started jumping around. Budd immediately aimed his shotgun down at the floor and started firing. Rama rolled out from underneath the trailer and jumped toward the door. He shot at Budd’s direction. One of the bullet’s grazed Budd’s shoulders, and Budd dropped his weapon on the floor. Budd jumped over and ran into one of his rooms. He took out the Honzo sword that he kept secret from Bill. Budd looked down at the blood coming out of his foot and shoulder. He knew that he lost the element of surprise, but he was not going out without a fight. Rama kept his gun held high and slowly started walking toward the room that Budd ran into. Rama knew that he had to be ready for anything. He looked around to make sure he knew what his surroundings were. Budd tossed a knife at Rama’s direction. Rama jumped out of the way. Budd limped out of the room as fast as he could and started slashing at Rama with his Honzo sword. Rama was able to dodge most of the attacks. Budd was moving slower with his wounds and his years of not practicing with his sword, but his attacks were still precise. Rama was able to dodge all the attacks with ease and slammed his fist against Budd’s face. Budd stumbled back after he felt his nose break under Rama’s fist. Budd spit out a mouth full of blood and looked over Rama. Budd gave off a bloody smile. He lifted his Honzo sword once again and pointed it at Rama. Rama took out his knife and held it as a defensive position. Budd said “You are tough. I think you might give old Bill a run for his money.” Budd tried slashing at Rama once again, but Rama dodged the attack. Rama was able to slice open Budd’s throat with one movement. Budd’s stumbled back and fell back against his recliner. He held his hands against his neck and looked up at Rama. Budd slowly faded away while Rama leaned down to pick up the Honzo sword. Rama knew that there was something different about this sword. It was extremely sharp and durable. He knew that if he were to face off against stronger opponents, he would need something that would be able to keep up with their weapons. Rama took the sword and left the lifeless Budd behind in his trailer. Rama set out to track down Bill. While he was planning to head off to his location, Elle had driven to check on Budd. She was upset that she had to go see the drunken old fool, but Bill had requested that she check on his brother. Elle arrived at the trailer and saw the bullet holes throughout the trailer. She walked inside and found Budd’s lifeless body laying on the recliner. Elle started to laugh while she looked over his body. Elle took out her phone to call Bill. Elle said “Bill, I’m so sorry but Budd is dead. He must have come in the middle of the night.” Bill said “Report back as soon as possible. I am going to make arrangements for us to trap this son of a bitch.” Elle said “Of course.” Elle headed out of the trailer. She got into her car and looked over the Honzo sword that she picked up from the aftermath of Rama’s battle with the Beatrix and Vernita. Elle then decided that she could try and track down Rama herself. She thought that if she brought Bill his head, that would impress him. Elle started using her contacts to track the special forces operative that she had manipulated into killing the Bride. Elle was able to track Rama down and started following him. After hours of trying to catch up with him, Elle was able to drive up behind Rama’s car. Rama noticed that he was being followed. He did not want this person to follow him much longer, especially if he was going to try and face off against Bill. Rama drove off the beaten path and led Elle to the middle of nowhere. He spun his car around and stopped in the middle of nowhere. Rama jumped out of the car with his gun ready for battle. Rama reached for the Honzo sword and knelt behind the car. He waited for the other person to stop. Rama saw a glimpse of the one-eyed woman that was following him. Elle got out of her car and looked around. She smiled as she reached for the Bride’s Honzo sword. Elle also went ahead and took out a pistol. Elle said “You have proven yourself, Rama. I am glad I got you to kill Beatrix for me. She would have proven to be a problem if you didn’t kill her. Also you did me a favor in killing that drunken fool and that housewife” Rama said “It was you. You tricked me and lied to me into killing that innocent woman. She deserved her revenge.” Elle said “That woman was far from innocent and she will never get her revenge. You saw to that.” Rama said “I will do what she could not. I will rescue her daughter from that Bill.” Elle said “Your services are no longer required. I am going to bring your head to Bill and clean up this mess once and for all.” Rama has a pistol, a knife, and a Honzo sword Elle has a pistol, a knife, and a Honzo sword
  13. Vernita shot at the distracted Rama. Vernita missed her target. Rama immediately spun around and threw Beatrix's knife in Vernita's direction. Vernita quickly jumped out of the way. The knife got stuck into the wall next to the elevator doors. She looked over and saw the knife lodged into the wall next to her. While Vernita was distracted, Rama threw his knife into her chest. Vernita's body slammed back against the elevator doors. Vernita's body slid down onto the floor. Rama slowly walked over toward his attacker. Vernita let out one final breath before her head dropped against the floor. Rama reached down and took his knife out of Vernita's chest. He then left her lifeless body behind. Soon after Rama left, the elevator doors opened wide. Nicki stood in shock while she looked down at her mother's body. She then looked over and saw the body of Beatrix Kiddo. Nicki turned her head and saw Beatrix's knife lodged into the wall. Rama was able to find Beatrix's car in the parking lot. He found the files regarding the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. After looking over the files, he realized the other woman in the lobby was Copperhead. After looking over the other members, he found that the remaining members were Budd, Elle and Bill. Rama was angry that he was manipulated into fighting Beatrix. After hearing her dying wish for him to rescue her daughter, Rama decided to set out to find Beatrix's daughter. Rama set his sights for the United States. Meanwhile, Elle had received word that both Beatrix and Vernita were killed. She was hesitant about confronting Bill. She knew that Bill would be furious once he received the news. Elle quietly made her way to her boss. Bill patiently waited for Elle to provide him with current events. He them saw that Elle seemed distressed. Bill said "What is it, Elle?" Elle said "Beatrix woke up from her coma" Bill said "She will be coming for us. Someone should warn Vernita." Elle said "I tried... I knew you had a soft spot for Beatrix. I was going to try and set a trap for her." Bill said "And how did that work out?" Elle said "She killed the woman that murdered O-Ren. She then killed a couple operatives that I sent for her." Bill said "Where is Beatrix now?" Elle said "Dead. Vernita was hiding out at a complex in Indonesia. The operatives that i sent there killed both Beatrix and Vernita." Bill said "That is upsetting." Elle said "I have lost track of the operative." Bill said "That is very disappointing, Elle." Bill started gathering his things and packing his luggage. Bill then booked a flight to meet with him brother Budd. Bill then turned and looked at Elle. Bill said "You need to clean this up" Elle said "Where are you going" Bill said "I am going to warn my brother." Bill left Elle to search for Rama. Bill set his sights Budd's new home. Bill looked over the recreational vehicle Budd that lived in. Bill wanted to help his brother but he knew that Budd wanted to live a simple life since what they had done to Beatrix. Budd saw his brother approaching and walked out to greet him. Budd sat down in a chair in front of Bill. He took a mouth of dip and spoke with his brother. Bill said "Vernita and O-Ren are dead." Budd said "Was it Beatrix?" Bill said "She's dead too" Budd said "was it Elle?" Bill said "not exactly. It is a long story." Budd said "Then what happened?" Bill said "Elle hired an operative to trap and kill Beatrix. He then killed Vernita. I'm worried that whoever it was will come for the rest of us. I'm worried he'll come for you" Budd said "Well I'll be here. " Bill said "Where is you sword?" Budd said "I pawned it for a couple hundred bucks." Bill said "That sword was priceless." Budd said "Well the pawn shop owner didn't seem to think so. Listen brother, whatever happens will happen. I ain't running from anyone" Bill left his brother behind. Budd did not know what to expect but he figured if the person that killed Beatrix would be a worthy opponent. Budd got his shotgun. He then picked up his sword and looked over it. Budd laughed when he realized that Bill believed it when he told him that he pawned it off. Budd sat back and waited. He opened up a cold bottle of beer. Budd sat back in bis chair and waited for whoever this assassin was. Rama had tracked Budd's location. He looked over the recreational vehicle and figured that he could not underestimate his surroundings. Rama waited for nightfall in hopes that he could use stealth to help in his battle. Rama has his police gear, pistol, baton, and knife Budd has a shotgun and his sword
  14. Beatrix took out her sword and went to strike Rama down. Rama was barely able to miss the powerful blade. He was able to take out his pistol and aimed his at the Bride. Beatrix kicked his gun out of his hand. Rama then knocked the Bride into the lobby of the apartment complex. Beatrix immediately got to her feet and held her sword in a defensive position. Rama took out his baton and held it up in the air. He knew that there was nothing his baton would do against his opponent's sword but he had to find a way to get her sword out of her hands. Beatrix swung her blade through the air. Rama was able to dodge the blade once again. He slammed his baton down against the Bride's collar bone. Beatrix cried out in pain but was able to push her adversary back. Rama jumped forward and punched Beatrix across the face. He then knocked the sword out of her hand. Beatrix immediately tried kicking Rama in the thigh. Rama was able to counter the attack and twisted her ankle. Beatrix spun around and pivoted her other foot toward Rama. Rama caught her leg and threw her against the front desk. Beatrix busted through the wooden desk. She took out her pistol and spun around. Rama dived behind the counter. Beatrix shot a couple times but missed her opponent. Rama picked up a phone book and tossed it at Beatrix's direction. Beatrix dodge the attack and then tried shooting at Rama again. Rama jumped on the floor and crawled away from the gun shots. He then jumped over the counter and kicked the gun out of Beatrix's hand. Beatrix took out her knife and tried stabbing Rama. Rama immediately took out his knife. Both Rama and Beatrix circled around each other. Beatrix looked at Rama's dark eyes. She was almost happy that she met a worthy opponent but she knew that he stood in her way of revenge. Rama could see the anger and rage in her eyes. He had to stop her before she could hurt any innocent lives. Beatrix swung her knife through the air and tried slicing at Rama. Rama dodged the attack and quickly sliced the upper arm of the Black Mamba. Beatrix felt the blood drip down her arm. She could not stop and she could not let her guard down. Beatrix tried stabbing Rama but he blocked her attack and landed a punch across her face. Beatrix stumbled away and glared at Rama. She held her knife up while they continued to circle around each other. She tried to slicing at him again. While Rama dodged the attack, the Bride was able to kick him in the thigh. Rama fell to his knees. Beatrix tried to use the opportunity to stab him in the face. Rama swung his knife up and cut through the fingers that Beatrix was carrying her knife. Beatrix cried out in pain. While her knife fell out of her severed fingers, Rama caught her knife and stabbed her several times in the stomach. He then stabbed her multiple times in the chest. Beatrix fell down on the floor and started crawling away from Rama. She knew that she had been defeated and she was dying. Beatrix pushed herself against the front desk and looked over Rama. Beatrix said "I underestimate you." Rama said "Many more have. You fought well." Beatrix said "Did Bill send you?" Rama said "No, I am a special forces with law enforcement. I was here to stop you from killing innocent people." Beatrix laughed and said "someone lied to you. I'm not here to kill innocent people. I was here to have revenge against someone that wronged me 4 years ago." Beatrix started coughing up blood. She then had teats run down her face. Rama looked visibly confused while realizing that she was telling the truth. Rama said "Who are you?" Beatrix said "I'm Beatrix Kiddo. 4 years ago, my boss and coworkers tried killing me. They killed my fiancé and his family. He then took my unborn daughter. I was going to kill them all." Rama said "Who was your boss?" Beatrix said "His name is Bill." Beatrix took out her list of names and slid it over to Rama. He reached down to pick it up and looked over the names. Before he could say anything else, Beatrix passed away. Rama knew he was lied to and he knew he had to go rescue Beatrix's daughter from Bill. He was going to avenge Beatrix and find the people on this list. Rama looked over her body once again. He wanted to make this right. Meanwhile, Vernita was sitting in the apartment room with her daughter Nicki. She was thinking about the assassinations that she went on in Europe not long ago. Vernita was still upset that she was double crossed by that blonde government agent. She then thought about her battle with Jane Mark. Jane discovered that Vernita was following her. Mark then tried shooting down the assassin that she double crossed. Vernita was able to take cover. Copperhead then jumped out and knocked Jane's gun out of her hand. She kneed her in the stomach and then flipped her over on the hard pavement. Vernita then remembered Jane Mark looking up at her. Jane tried to plead for her life but Vernita stabbed her several times. Copperhead then slit her throat and watched her bleed out. Vernita thought that was the end of it until she had received that call from Elle. Vernita could not believe that Beatrix was alive. Elle promised her safety in this hotel. She then heard the gunshots from lower levels and hoped that everything was being taken care of. Vernita then heard her phone ring. Nicki was panting in fear. Vernita told her that it was going to be okay. Vernita looked at her phone and saw that Elle was calling. Vernita rolled her eyes before she answered the phone. Vernita said "What do you want?" Elle said "She's there." Vernita said "You're a little late. I can hear the gunshots from the lower level. I have my daughter here. I can't lose her." Elle said "Calm down, Copperhead. Leave your daughter in the room and kill her while she is distracted. Then kill the cop I sent. I don't want anyone asking questions." Vernita said "I can't do that. My daughter is here." Elle said "You can and you will. If you don't; then I won't just kill you, Ill butcher your whole family." Vernita said "Okay, but if I see you then I will cut out your other eye." Elle laughed and said "Looking forward to it. Just know that I will make it worth your while if you get me Beatrix's sword." Vernita told Nicki that she would be right back. She also told her to stay in the room until she returned. Vernita kissed her daughter's forehead and left her in the room. She picked up a pistol and knife. Vernita then headed down to the lower level. She saw that Rama was standing over the lifeless body of Beatrix Kiddo. Vernita felt that this would be the perfect opportunity to strike while he was tired and distracted. Rama has two knives Vernita Green has a pistol and a knife
  15. Beatrix looked over the two assassins that stood around her. She looked over the man with the baseball bat and the girl with the hammers. Beatrix then looked at her wrecked truck. She spit on the ground and then got in a defensive position. The Baseball Bat Man swung at the Bride, and Hammer Girl tried smashing her face in with her hammers. Beatrix dodged the attacks and then kicked Hammer Girl in the chest. Hammer Girl fell back against the wrecked truck. Baseball Bat Man tried swinging at the Black Mamba once again. Beatrix dodge the attack and then sliced open his upper arm with her knife. The Baseball Bat Man stumbled back and looked down at his arm. He then looked back up at Beatrix. Hammer Girl stood next to Baseball Bat Man and they both looked over their target. They charged at Beatrix with everything that they had. Hammer Girl was able to kick Beatrix in the thigh while Baseball Bat Man swung at her with all the strength that he had. He was able to strike Beatrix in the chest with his bat. Beatrix fell on the pavement but immediately got back to her feet. Baseball Bat Man tried hitting her again, but Beatrix was able to dodge the attack. She sliced open his stomach while punching Hammer Girl in between her eyes with her stone hard fist. Hammer Girl stumbled back, and Beatrix kneed the Baseball Bat Man in the back of his upper leg. She then unleashed a power right hook across his face. Baseball Bat Man tried to swing at her again, but Beatrix did a palm strike to his throat. She then kicked him on the pavement. Hammer Girl charged at Beatrix and tried smashing her face in with her hammers. Beatrix was able to dodge each attack and sliced open one of her wrists with her knife. Hammer Girl dropped one of her hammers on the ground. Beatrix then elbowed Hammer Girl in the face and kicked her back. Baseball Bat Man pushed himself to his feet and charged at the Bride. He swung his baseball bat with all the force that he could. Beatrix quickly evaded the attack and impaled her knife into his collar bone. The Baseball Bat Man dropped his bat and pushed Beatrix back. Hammer Girl tried hitting Beatrix in the back of the head, but Beatrix was able to do a rear kick into her stomach. Beatrix then launched herself at the Baseball Bat Man. Baseball Bat Man tried wrapping his arm around her, but Beatrix twisted his arm and impaled the back of his neck with her knife. She then pushed his body forward onto the pavement. Beatrix looked at Hammer Girl. She held her knife in a defensive position. Hammer Girl held up her hammer and looked at Beatrix. Hammer Girl then looked down at the lifeless body of the Baseball Bat Man. Beatrix said “It’s not too late to walk away.” Hammer Girl shook her head and ran at Beatrix. Beatrix was able to knock Hammer Girl back onto the pavement. She then knelt down beside the assassin and stabbed Hammer Girl several times in the chest. Beatrix then stabbed her multiple times in her throat until she was dead. Beatrix stood up and looked over the dead assassins. She then heard police sirens approaching. Beatrix quickly ran to her totaled truck and took out her weapons. Beatrix left the murder scene as quickly as she could. Elle had received word about the deaths of Baseball Bat Man and Hammer Girl. She knew that Bill would soon learn about the of O-Ren Ishii at the hands of Madison Lee, and then Madison’s death at the hands of Beatrix. Elle decided to contact Vernita to warn her of Beatrix’s return. Once Beatrix arrived at Vernita’s house, she found that Vernita was missing. Vernita was able to leave with her daughter. Elle arranged for the mother and daughter to fly out of the country. Elle devised a plan to try and lure Beatrix into a trap. She left breadcrumbs for Vernita Green so that the Bride could track her. Elle arranged for Vernita to stay at an apartment complex in Indonesia. Beatrix was able to track Vernita to the apartment complex and made her way inside. Beatrix felt that something was off and knew that this must have been a trap. She took her weapons and made her way inside the complex. She did not know if Bill and her former acquaintances were going to try and kill her, or if Vernita was going to set a trap. Beatrix figured whatever it may be, she would kill her way to vengeance. Elle had contacted the special forces group that Rama was apart of. She lied and manipulated Rama into believing that Beatrix Kiddo was there to cause several deaths. Rama made his way toward the complex. After Rama got into the building, he found Beatrix in the foyer. Beatrix saw Rama coming her way. She knew that he was going to try and stop her from enacting her revenge. Beatrix got ready for battle against Rama. Beatrix Kiddo has her Hattori Honzo sword, a knife, and a pistol. Rama has a machine gun, pistol, knife, and baton.
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