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CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by Pizzaguy2995

  1. I was close to saying that Shadow is just too fast, but then I remembered that Superman is probably faster so I got nothing for Shadow.
  2. Tough match. Brainiac 5 probably has better scientific and robotic feats but Rick would probably understand dance styles and flair better. Hard decision.
  3. Wouldn’t he get DQed though? Not sure how exactly he’d “get away with it”?
  4. I mean I could see two people pull off a two person reindeer costume, you know like a two person horse costume? Maybe?
  5. Bruce is probably quicker and a smaller target to hit. Sorry Steve.
  6. The Transformers might just suffer their first L in this type of matchup. Storm Blaster is just too much faster and can fly.
  7. While I don’t see Saint Nick quite pulling off the Vamp costume, I do think he’ll be able to host a television program with his own style and personality. Much more so then Elvira will be able to pull off delivering toys to all the children of Earth in one night.
  8. My bad, I was making sure I won at least one of my own matches. Gotta look after the #1 right?
  9. I think the Bull Shark from Maneater wins it for his team, like the entire scenario you described above sounds just like what the Bull Shark had to do in his game.
  10. I see Columbo winning this. In comics the Clock King never really impressed me, he seemed less a supervillain and more just slightly above a mobster.
  11. Now this is a more even matchup here Rakai. Donnie’s definitely gonna need to work for this one. Looking over the feats while Billy Kane does seem to be a more natural warrior and fighter then Donnie by feats Don might just win out. Donnie is at the very least in the same league as his brothers who are fast enough to dodge laser weapons and bounce off missiles aimed at them, not to mention durable enough to tank attacks that collapse small buildings. I see Don just barely beating Billy by a narrow margain.
  12. Okay dude I really think you’re miss-characterizing Michael here, like to say he’s a complete PR disaster or incapable of being a respectable leader is just plain not true. Say what you will about his personality flaws; that he’s shallow, selfish, socially inept, his own worst enemy, but the fact of the matter is that for almost a decade Michael Scott served as regional manager of the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin and not only has he never once been fired or demoted he’s actually made Scranton branch the best performing branch of the ENTIRE company. Not one of the best, THE best! Well ahead of their closest rivals Utica or Nashua (See S5 episode “The Duel” if you don’t believe me). Keep in mind he did all this with employees like Dwight Schrute, Jim Halpert, Pam, Ryan, ect. all of whom are in many ways even bigger HR nightmares then Michael is and in any other environment probably wouldn’t last a week and yet under Michael’s leadership they have made Scranton the single most valuable branch of Dunder Mifflin. Isn’t the fact that Michael is able to keep eccentric personalities like Dwight and Jim under (reasonable) control and on task not show that Michael is clearly capable of managing problematic situations and turning them into a profit? Isn’t that literally what Umbrella is looking for in this scenario? I like Dig ‘em Frog as much as the next guy, but in a scenario where you need someone capable of guiding a company through a controversial situation then I definitely trust Michael Scott more then Dig ‘em.
  13. Also unlike Skynet, HAL was actually shown playing chess and being very good at it.
  14. But Skynet DID NOT take over the world my dude, it failed utterly. Despite having the advantage of a surprise attack that wiped out half of humanity and crippling the two most powerful military nations Skynet was outmaneuvered and outmatched by a bunch of rag tagged rebels lead by a civilian who had zero military experience prior to this. That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement for Skynet’s supposed skill at strategy. The people who are the best at chess are the types who are always thinking two or three steps ahead of time, that always have a backup plan just in case their original idea get’s blocked. The worst thing you can do is make a knee jerk reaction and move a pawn without thinking, especially in reaction to something your opponent did. In chess that’s called “forcing a move” and it’s one of the most common tactics that grandmaster chess players use to put their opponents on the defensive and move them towards a check. Skynet was said to have made the decision to destroy humanity “shortly” after it was activated, according to Kyle Reese in the first Terminator it "decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination". That is the definition of a knee jerk reaction that was made in the heat of the moment, and it shows that Skynet despite being a cold hearted machine is capable of human emotions such as overconfidence and panic, ones that ultimately contributed to it’s own defeat and destruction. HAL meanwhile showed that he was capable of being more subtle and cunning with how he went about killing his human adversaries, first earning their trust as a member of the crew all the while laying the foundation of their deaths by planning exactly how each astronaut would react to a situation and putting them in an unwinnable spot or a check. Sure he ultimately failed in his mission but HAL more then showed that he had greater capacity to plan ahead and force his opponents into making costly mistakes, which will serve him well when going against an opponent like Skynet whose way too aggressive and short sighted to excel at chess.
  15. Team Natsu hard stomps. Natsu could honestly solo Zuko and Adam.
  16. Does “madness” count as fear? I don’t know about that because insanity is often described as the absence of rational thought and emotions, and fear is one of the most rational emotional responses a human can have, especially when faced with danger. So really I think the fact Cthulhu spreads madness just by existing might work against it because his victims will be too insane to be scared of it. Buddy can win this as long as he spreads just enough joy to just enough people.
  17. Hal 9000 probably wins. Hal was designed with problem solving skills and interpreting emotional behaviors which means he’ll quickly figure out Skynet’s motivations and tactics and counter them in the most efficient manner possible. Skynet’s being a military ai will ultimately be it’s downfall as it’s programming will drive it to press forward aggressively and try to destroy it’s opponent quickly, which is an ill suited strategy for a game like chess. Heck the fact that it ultimately failed it’s original goal of destroying humanity despite having the element of surprise on it’s side and had to resort to cheating via time travel proves that as a military commander Skynet’s tactics are ultimately very flawed.
  18. The Crypt Keeper is a far more popular and recognizable character whose literal job is to tell scary stories on a tv show that millions watch everyday. Wintergreen is barely well known even amoungst the most recognizable KND fans, and his job as Santa’s enforcer doesn’t give him much experience in actually spreading joy of any kind.
  19. If the Storm Blaster can reach lightspeed then I fail to see why it can’t just reduce its speed to just enough to be faster than the Roadkill vehicle? Like Usain Bolt doesn’t always go full speed when he’s running ya know.
  20. You almost got him on a technicality Nesh. Almost.
  21. If this is KH Mickey then Tasky get’s one shotted, no cap.
  22. Poor Blair Witch is gonna lose on a technicality.
  23. Whilst Beetlejuice can certainly be reformed with the right type of character (like Lydia in the TV show) Robot Santa is most assuredly NOT that. He lacks the charm and personality to reach Beetlejuice and his threats of physical harm won’t do much to an already dead ghost. The Ghost with the Most wins.
  24. If it was a direct fight Jo would win, but Helena was pretty damn slippery during the Dial of Destiny so I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she was able to get away.
  25. Grodd’s telepathy>>>Jedi mind trick. Grodd wins.
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