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Everything posted by Bergy_Berg

  1. Cool, except those would all get it disqualified immediately. So even then the arrow car loses.
  2. The man your man could smell like is a bit overtly sexual to be selling toys to children. I'd think parents would be uncomfortable with his doll commercials.
  3. Nope, different scenarios. Anyway, this is a survival sprint. Survive the gators, get out of the house, get rescued, go on with life. Dutch basically does that against the predator, alligators are no problem.
  4. Probably wouldn't do anything, the Mach Five is insanely durable. Also I'm almost certain that's against the rules at Le Mans.
  5. It's the Mach Five in a race. There's no debate needed on this one, Mach Five wins.
  6. Yeah, that's fair. Maybe a more apt stabbing metaphor is a wooden stake through a vampire's heart. That's why I was wondering what kind of magic those characters were using.
  7. Yeah, but that just means he's affected by magic the same as everyone else, right? Like, relative to anyone else I don't have a "weakness" to being stabbed, but it would definitely fuck me up. What kind of magic are we talking?
  8. Um, no. If that were the case Speed Racer would be bleeding out. They literally shoot the door right where he's sitting. Look, bullets don't matter. They just do nothing. Hell, lave does nothing. The DB5 is screwed, the Mach Five is apparently invulnerable to damage. Which I agree is kinda ridiculous, but there it is.
  9. By the way, here's the Mach Five crashing through rocks, also here it is taking out helicopter blades with no harm to the vehicle, and here it is fully resisting machine guns. The Mach Five has incredibly high durability, the DB5 may not even be able to damage it at all.
  10. The vsbattles wiki only has info about Dutch from the first Predator movie. It completely misses his post-movie feats.
  11. Electro has lower durability and lacks the force fields static can create. That scan also isn't a "fight". Venom gets the jump on Electro, who never gets a shot off. I like Static's chances of protecting himself better than Ecectro's, being that if Static stays above the tree line Venom can never get behind him like that.
  12. Lighting strikes cause intense amounts of heat and have a sonic aftereffect, both being Venom's weaknesses. A strong strike from Static, which he can easily make stronger than the scan above that hurts Venom, is going to have an effect That looks more like him not expecting the blitz, but the shield still protecting him. It proves he has knowledge of the Spidey-sense, which implies knowledge of Spider-Man. Unless spiders in milestone/DC universes have a 6th sense. Right, so Static has a great understanding of the science surrounding his powers. Which he's shown to be able to use creatively to create advantages for himself. Is unobtanium a metal? That may be even one additional piece that Static can take advantage of, since he can sense metal and rip it out of the ground. It gives him an additional tool. I don't think Static needs that to win, but it's an option.
  13. "Go with the Flo" is the perfect marketing slogan for this product. People will also trust Flo, who sells a reliable product already, more than the bird who sells sugar for breakfast.
  14. You're supposed to pretend your guy can win, and lose all credibility arguing for them. Do you even draft, bro?
  15. Nightcrawler is able to teleport out of the way of a bullet after the shot is fired, and teleports quickly enough to clown the likes of X-23. He should be able to take out the Punisher before he gets tagged. Hell, NC could just teleport Frank a few miles out in the Ocean and call that game.
  16. Yeah, I asked about taking someone from a lower tier for this draft, because Professor X is freaking tier 10. Decided against doing that because, I mean, come on. Ridiculous.
  17. Ninjas in Naruto casually run on water, the swamp doesn't work against Itachi at all.
  18. What I mean is the Mach Five can avoid damage from the DB5 and choose its engagements, and thereby better utilize its tools to win. The DB5 is formidable, but the dirt track puts it at a clear disadvantage.
  19. I'm busy for the next few hours, but want to throw a couple things in for Static before I have to go. First, it appears he's aware of the Spider-Man comics. He probably knows about Symbiotes already, which means he can target the person inside. Or, he takes advantage of the known weaknesses of symbiotes and starts some fires. Also, how much noise do you think he can produce with his strikes? My guess is a lot. He has incredible control over his powers, pulling the electrons off and enemy and frying him in a creative fashion. Also, I can't find the scan right now, but I know when I tried to pick static for an earlier draft and he got denied I ended up finding a scan of him melting his way through what looked like a bank vault. Will try to find that later.
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