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Marvel Man

CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by Marvel Man

  1. Well, it wasn't the public that took down Erin so much as the insurance company itself right? I don't remember any calls to boycott Esurance. If anything, I think Erin became way more popular than the marketing team probably thought although most likely not for the reasons they would have wanted. But point made about Kellogg's ability to weather the storm. Very true. It would have to be an incredibly slow news day to move the needle for the general public.
  2. I was planning on leaving that link unclicked and take everyone's word for it, but I see that it's actually a guardian article. As far as this match goes, I think it's a pretty even battle. While Erin definitely appeals to the broader masses overall, I think there is a bit of a novelty angle that Tony could play. Tony affiliated underwear is something that could appeal to adults and children alike, whether it's a gag gift or a novelty item. The tiger has years of history. That's without adding in the furry element of it all. Of course, if word got out to the public about the furry thing, then that might really torpedo Kellogg's chances to win here. Although does the public really feel positive about the kind of stuff Erin was retired for? At the end of the day, I think the court of public opinion can probably accept Erin a bit more than what the internet did to the beloved Tony.
  3. How long do these fights run for again? I still haven't seen the Snyder cut so I feel a little out of the loop. Was there a massive power boost from the old JL movie to the new cut? Wasn't the movie Cyborg a really young guy who was still in that "discovering my powers" phase of the hero arc? Unless someone can tell me otherwise, I see Movie Iron Man dropping the hammer on Cyborg. Downey Jr is just too smart, too quick, and too experienced to lose here.
  4. Marvel Man


    I get that. I think there are some songs that I just can't listen to today just because they were overplayed on the radio back when I was working in a setting that only played the Top 40. Hope there's a bit more variety on the stations you're listening to. And I miss good music videos. MTV was playing reality tv nonstop back when I had cable, and I don't even know if VEVO is still a thing on youtube. At least it's pretty easy to find music online these days.
  5. I am doing good, just living my best possible life. Seeing matches and posts on CBUB is like falling through a time portal, really takes me back. I'm glad the site is back up and running. Feels like this place was just oozing creativity back in the day and I'm glad matches and discussions are still being made. Oh man, that's a bit of a shame since there were some epic hunts for the Predators back in the day. They were just going to town on the marvel universe. At least the backlogs of your stories still exist and no one can take away the Dark Horse comics or old films. I feel your pain when it comes to years of content being de-canonized, I still remember when Brand New Day came out and wiped away the Spider Man backlog. I don't even know if they ever went back and undid that, it was such blatant "we want a teenaged Peter" kind of thing that I stopped keeping up with what was going on in the main Marvel universe and focused on other series. Haha this hits a little too close to home, especially trying to fit in time to write. Best of luck with all your goals, I feel like I have similar ones myself. I'll make sure to drop in before the match finishes next time so I can throw my rating and vote. I look forward to see who the Turtles face off next.
  6. Marvel Man


    Does anyone listen to music anymore? And man, a 2013 era discussion on Kanye. What would any of these fellas think of Kanye now post his religious album.
  7. A bit late to this discussion but I actually enjoy Xbox, if only for Game Pass. I feel really out of the loop with what's the public opinion on game pass but as someone who has a small game collection, game pass has really let me play games that I would never have bought otherwise. And since they added the EA Access, I can even play Madden and FIFA without that awful need to buy a new game every year. With all that being said, I am definitely thinking about getting a gaming PC, but trying to find a graphics card feels like trying to find one of Willy Wonka's golden tickets.
  8. Marvel Man


    Oh man, this is the first time I heard about Disney purchasing the Predator IP. This feels like a sick joke. I know the Predator films have been on a downhill slide but this really feels like the final nail. As highly praised as the Mandalorian was, it still feels like Disney execs were spiking the football at how much merchandise baby yoda got. Unless the Predator reboots are going straight to Hulu, I don't see it going well. Unrelated but I'm also curious to hear people's take on the Snyder Justice League cut. Obviously, the marvel fan deep within me has taken a bit of joy from seeing the DC movie universe flounder, but the justice league really deserved a lot better than what DC put out a few years ago. I'm glad they were able to go back and correct some wrongs with this Snyder cut. I've been seeing positive stuff online and I'm looking forward to watching it this week.
  9. First of all, it does my heart good to see another Rakai storyline. No one knows their characters better than you Rakai and this set up was excellent. I owe you a ranking but judging from the match creator leaderboard, I think it's obvious to us all the skill here. As far as the match, it looks like the voters really took a landslide for Mikey. Now, I personally haven't played KOF, but fighting a master is no joke. It is a good thing that Mikey was warned ahead of time so as to really take this challenge accordingly. Having said that, I agree with the votes on having Mikey finish a TMNT clean sweep. The Mirage turtles are no joke and while I could see Chin getting some good hits early on, the long game is going to go Michelangelo's way. Looking forward to see your write up for how this plays out. The drunken style especially should be a fun read.
  10. I feel like I am in one of those cheesy commercials that plays on late night tv. That is exactly what I was looking for! I will be checking that out. Thanks.
  11. I've really been meaning to watch Black Lagoon. I've heard really good things about that one.
  12. Oh man, this is awesome. Loving the discussion on this fight. It's just a good ol fashion throwdown. Personally, I love gundams, but Mechagodzilla feels like the type of threat that would require a whole squadron of gundams to take down. Of course, I haven't seen every single gundam anime, but if I just picture a generic gundam, I don't see how it could take down Mechagodzilla by itself. Having said that, I also don't believe Mechagodzilla could move FTL, there's just no way. If someone can link to a clip from the movie where someone uses a speedometer or something to gauge his speed, I'll take back my next statement, but I think the gundam is no doubt faster/more mobile than Mecha. I see the gundam staying in this contest longer than he should, simply due to his mobility, but eventually Mechagodzilla is gonna cause some damage and that speed is going to go down greatly. Mechagodzilla will tear into the gundam and then destroy the rest of Paris for fun.
  13. I've recently been watching a lot more anime and I'm actually ashamed of how little I knew back in the day beyond the must watch Shonen stuff. If anyone has anything they'd recommend, definitely let me know. Note: For the longest time, my only source of recommendations has been Landon's blog post on the top anime (which have always been great) but if anyone else has anything to say, I'm all ears
  14. Ah, that is much better then. In that case, I might have to go with the Sex Bob-Ombs if only because of the kind of music they play. Their lyrics would really lend themselves to silly rhymes if they switched it up, while all the Puffy AmiYumi stuff I remember was much harder rock.
  15. Is this Pilgrim by himself, or does he have his band? Because, he isn't even the lead singer, he plays bass. I got to give it to Puffy AmiYumi although it's a fun thing to think about.
  16. Oh man, finally, I've stumbled onto a battle where "feats" are being used. It's been years and I don't even think I have any of those big forum collection links bookmarked where these type of things are collected. Let me dust off the cobwebs and see if I still remember how to make a case for this. First of all, I find it somewhat hilarious that this battle is occurring in a foggy, and sharp dropped environment, especially when both characters are capable of flying and one of them can render herself invisible. Not that it even matters, as the Surfer has incredible senses, beyond what should even be possible. Here he is, detecting a heartbeat across a light year. As far as the actual battle goes, I think it would be much closer than people expect, if only because both opponents are quite familiar with each other. And while I agree that Sue's shields are not getting the respect they deserve, it is a far cry from being enough to take on the Silver Surfer. We aren't talking about a herald like Terrax, the kind of guy who seems to get clobbered on the daily. This is the Silver Surfer, the type of guy who can dip into a star without breaking a sweat. His durability, speed, senses, and sheer power is too much for Sue, especially without the rest of the FF.
  17. I'm just happy to see Jade being used in one of these matches, even if it's for a snowman making competition. As far as a snowman competition, how creative has Hermione shown to be? It's been a few years but it always struck me that she was the studios, hard working type that is more likely to spend a snow day at the library than actually outside of Hogwarts making a snowman. Meanwhile, Jade is a creative child with boundless energy. While Hermione does have the deeper bag of tricks for any kind of snowman, would that translate directly to a better snowman? How does one even judge something like that? Who are the judges for this? Could Hermione simply create a living snowman ala Frosty, or is that against the rules? I'm siding with the underdog here. Hermione makes something too predictable and is defeated by the power of a child.
  18. Arcade's only chance would be some kind of technicality where Reed uses something so advanced that it can't be classified as purely rocket science. Which is to say, RR all the way here.
  19. While I find the thought of a Light "Death Note" styled internal monologue for this hilarious, he really has no chance. What is the proper current term for a one sided domination like this? Are people still getting stomped?
  20. I feel like Ender is best suited for this. I haven't read all the Song of Ice and Fire but from the tv show, I didn't get that Arya was the board game type. Having said that, this is monopoly, so it really comes down to who lands on whose properties first.
  21. If you're trying out woodworking, are there any type of maker spaces near you? I realize with Covid everything is up in the air, but that might be a good way to get your hands on some basic tools. They also have a space and might have people around who wouldn't mind showing a new person around. Also, I second the two player game idea. If you haven't looked into Mysterium, I would definitely recommend it, if only for the artwork. Codenames has a two player version which is also incredibly easy to pick up. As for hobbies, I am really thinking about making my own cider this year. I know it's kind of a cliché to get into brewing your own beer and all that, but it does sound rather interesting.
  22. It's been years since I've been here. Can anyone tell me how this place works anymore. Feels like coming home and all the furniture is on the ceiling. 

    1. C.T.


      Marvel Man! Good to see you again! As for how this place works now, well...not that differently? 

    2. Marvel Man

      Marvel Man

      Yeah, I think the only really major change is this new CBUB fantasy team styled seasons that have been added? I'm guessing serge eventually came back as Fox and fixed the place up? But yeah, glad to see people being active on here

  23. What's up with all this new stuff?? Anyways, Dr. Strange just destroys Mewtwo, although it should be an interesting encounter. Especially if they enter the astral plane or something along those lines.
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