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Everything posted by Culwych1

  1. That was specifically chaos magic, which is an immensely powerful force in DC and it was causing all sorts of issues. Aquaman is a passionate chess player, and considered an expert. Aquaman's "improvement" against Amazo is Amazo beating him in 16 moves, which is an improvement on how quickly he got beaten the previous times. It by no means suggests that Amazo could not level up again, as he has shown to do.
  2. He may win in his own films, but that isn't happening here. His top speed must be around 100 mph? Blurr's is 800 with a high level of manouverability, and he's packing a level of armor and a whole arsenal of firepower that puts most of the Twisted Metal competitors to shame.
  3. Nah, I guarantee that if there was wind of the fact that there was a real Dracula, there'd be a queue of people knocking on his door to either kill him, interview him, invite him to join a dating show on TV, or simply oggle at him. Whereas the tales of a real Belsnickel would have kids behaving themselves and waiting eagerly at the door to find out if they've been good enough for cakes and candies. Kids would be better behaved, it'd bring families together, and it would be 48 days of Christmas cheer!
  4. Sadly Herbie is an easy target here, and Blurr will be looping back around as a victor and passing him again by the time Lindsey even figures out she definitely doesn't want an ice cream from the nice ice cream man.
  5. I'd lean towards the AI that can adapt (and absorb) the complex mechanisms of a Green Lantern ring in seconds, or peer into the microverse, or be able to do complex enough computations to move entire planets to different dimensions in the blink of an eye. The level of complexity and speed of adaptability is just far greater than anything Data has ever shown.
  6. Whilst he does use the T-spheres (and often against heavy hitters), he is a superb fighter and athlete, and frequently practices his martial arts without the T-spheres (even boxing for example, where he one shots a guy whilst using the Tspheres as a running knowledge quiz).
  7. They'd definitely end up friends - there's a quirky humour combined with a warrior spirit that is in them both. Po's bringing some firepower of his own, including fireballs, Ki attacks, paralying moves and more. A lot of these are fully capable of launching Trevor out of the forest completely.
  8. It is taken down by an EMP specially designed to do it damage, and by two terminator related warriors. Puny flesh will be destroyed in seconds.
  9. If I recall, this is the same android that turned on Braniac 5 and attacked him so that may not be really a reliable feat. I think a lot of scientists could build faulty robots. Kang on the other hand has significantly more years on Brainy, as well as having developed numerous robots that have successfully taken over timelines in reality. There's an old proverb that states ‘Never give a sword to a man who can’t dance’, essentially that if a robot can fight - which Kang has demonstrated numerous times - then it can dance.
  10. This is a hunter that can literally take the shape and mimic anyone, as well as can hack any system and use any part of its body as a deadly blade. Fox is going to be fighting for every spare second of his life, not figuring out a way to hack the Rev back.
  11. Right there with you. A lot of my picks were already taken so I just tried to think of characters who I liked or who sort of fitted the description. Never expected to get beyond the middle of the pack so have just been enjoying the debates.
  12. There's a place that may be a bit weird - who's more likely to sell it? The master salesman who has spent his entire career focused on sales, ran the most successful branch of a company, and who ended up loved by his staff, or a weird chocolate vampire. Michael Scott obviously. Plus we know that he isn't even superstitious, so Silent Hill will be an easy sell.
  13. The key here is "grab the most items by any means necessary". The Bugs will rampage over that store and kill the Orcs and the staff, and stuff their mouths full of whatever goodies they desire. They are faster, more ferocious, and with their collective hive mind are easily able to plan strategies to ensure they succeed.
  14. Kids these days dress up as vampires for fun - as do adults who long to become creatures of the night and live as part of Dracula's court. That is amusement, admiration, and desire, but no fear these days. That plus the world is fully aware of exactly how to kill vampires - pretty much everyone and their gran would be covering the house in garlic and crosses, and sharpening their stakes the moment anything weird cropped up on social media. Sweets however bring joy wherever or whoever you are, and Belsnikel is like a 100% free sweet delivery service. He can deliver to countless houses in one night - imagine how many sweets he could deliver in 48 whole days! Belsnikel wins, by being able to more easily spread his emotion further.
  15. On top of his robot armies, Kang has been shown to use robots that are visually indistinguishable from humans to infiltrate, spy, or fight in his stead. There are even some that can manipulate time, dimension warp, or absorb a range of energies. If they can do that, he can definitely make a few that can dance.
  16. The Rev-9 is not going to be convinced to give up the hunt. He is bring a lot of firepower and deadly blades to this fight and may well end it quickly.
  17. Mr Terrific is an expert martial artist who hangs with the Justice League. In general, a diverse style favours you in MMA and a pure boxer is going to struggle when, for example, his legs are kicked out or he is put in a lock.
  18. Amazo's hobby is playing chess (as seen in the series and listed on his villains wiki), and he is a being that thrives on near instant evolution (which can happen even during a best of 100 games). Deanna Troi beat Data at a game of chess in the series. I think it'll be close, but Amazo has enough power and add to his amazing brain to do this.
  19. Both are great fighters, but yes, Po can drive Trevor out of the forest. His skills, abilities and strength, especially by the later films and series give him that advantage. And then they go for a beer and some dumplings together.
  20. I don't think Death can be rehabilitated, he comes for all beings. And this Death in particular is pretty warped.
  21. I agree. EDI's approach will likely be a lot more compassionate and in line with human values, whilst AM's will likely take a cold robotic logic approach with a side of psychophatic sadism. Think Ultron mixed with a bit of Freddy Krueger. I don't think there was any indication that AM's motives were for the greater good; indeed it hated humanity with an almost human-like passion. The way I see it; if the task is to solve the paradox with the most lives + resources at the end of it, then EDI. If it is to solve it just with the most resources left at the end of it, then AM. Could easily sway either way (although I suspect EDI based on popularity).
  22. Summary version is that there was a global war and the main countries built computers which merged and wiped put humanity. Think Skynet, except where the AI decides to keep a few humans alive and torture them by playing tricks on their minds, warping the environment around them, starving them to madness, or creating beasts to torment them - but not letting them die. It's not really explained, if I recall why AM can do all this, but it is a great (and very short, only a few pages) read. If you Google "I want to scream but i have no mouth pdf" it's available for free.
  23. Agree with the majority here. She's just too quick a target, and (because this is comics "peak human") is regularly shown using her acrobatics to avoid gunfire. Her accuracy is off the charts too, and she has experience throwing knives and other weapons to take down her targets.
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