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Everything posted by Peypeypeypey

  1. Once again, EDI basically had to canonically make this decision in ME3. She was integral to the choice Shepard makes in the game and the choices you make at the end of the game are not very different at all from the Thanos Paradox. EDI should take this
  2. Seems like a good amount of ties this round. Still a lot of competition for those top 4 spots
  3. I'm not going to respond in depth because I just don't really want to get into the weeds of what Michael Scott as a boss, because it super doesn't matter. We're not looking for a boss, or anyone to lead the company out of trouble, we're looking for a mascot. A symbol for the company to rally behind. Michael's flaws are a lot more of problem in that context, and his opponent is a much more tried and true mascot, so he should win. Honestly, Michael shouldn't even really be in this category in my opinion
  4. More to the point, if Cthulhu is fully awake, it's the apocalypse. There is going to be a ton of fear from everyone in that case
  5. None of those examples are mascots at all. They are people in charge of companies making horrible PR mistakes that drive more eyes and negative attention onto already bad situations. All of those examples are so obviously bad that I genuinely don't think I even need to refute it. None of those situations helped those companies at all so I really don't know what you're talking about. Those are situations where people, decidedly not mascots, made things far worse for the companies involved
  6. That is not how corporate mascots work. Michael is not really even a mascot, but if you're using him as one, then this argument is not doing you any favors. All this will do is drive more eyes onto the Umbrella Corp and fan the flames
  7. Michael would make the situation worse more often then he would improve it. He did read off a statement of apology for Sabre (written by someone else), but there are tons of examples of Michael taking a small issue and making it into a much bigger problem. The watermark incident and the shareholder meeting both come to mind as major corporate examples, and that's but even to mention the HR problems and sexual harassment that would realistically follow him
  8. It's not solely his, but he played an integral role in creating it. That's just how science usually works. Most inventions aren't done by one person, but by a team of people. Mordin was the most intelligent member of the crew and the one who was able to craft a way to reverse it. I think it's fair to say it counts for this category because his specialty is genetics. A biological agent is definitely a type of invention I would say
  9. In the season finale, 9 has a chance to wipe out the Daleks at the cost of most of humanity and he doesn't take it. He knows humanity would survive and the Daleks would die and he doesn't do it anyway. It leads to the famous "Are you a coward or are you a killer?" line. The War doctor would possibly make that choice, although it's worth mentioning that the War Doctor actually doesn't wipe out the Time Lords and the Daleks. The 50th anniversary special reveals that all the Doctor's incarnation's saved Gallifrey. However, the War Doctor definitely seemed willing to, I'll give you that. Not 13 though
  10. Admittedly, I don't know much about the Thirteenth Doctor, so the sonic thing is my bad. Looks like she did design it. However, my larger point stands. No version of the Doctor would be willing to replicate the Genophage, which is undoubtedly Mordin's greatest accomplishment, and so Mordin should win just because the Doctor isn't willing to even think about what he did as a viable invention
  11. Battle Beast's only motivation is to find a worthy opponent to die in combat with. In the comic, he believes in this goal so strongly that he severely injures himself just to make the final fight a fair one. He would likely have no interest in hunting Road Runner because it wouldn't advance his goals and he would see Road Runner as a coward. And as I've always said, I think this should be read as the only way to convince the hunter is literally with words. Road Runner just isn't the kind of hunt Battle Beast is looking for, and he isn't the kind of prey he can catch, so he would go on to search for his true goal and leave Road Runner alone
  12. This one really depends on the timeline. Death could eventually win. I mean, everything dies. But its Rube Goldberg Machine style of killing would really not work well against a supernatural being that seems to be more durable and hardy than any real person could be. I think Santa could survive any reasonable amount of time with this version of death after him, especially if just regular people are able to figure it out and survive it for long periods of time
  13. At first I thought my boy was screwed here, but there are two important things to remember as to why I think Mordin should win: 1. The Doctor herself did not invent most of the crazy advanced tech they use. The TARDIS was stolen and it produces the Sonic Screwdrivers. On top of that, Mordin is an incredibly brilliant scientist who can quickly and easily understand advanced alien tech and produce countermeasures to it as seen with the Collectors 2. If we take the Genophage as Mordin's most advanced tech, the Doctor would be 100% morally against creating it. The Doctor has many times shown that they are unwilling to go to such extreme measures even if it's to save the universe. They offered to save the Master and Davros even after they almost wiped out humanity and reality, respectively. I know I say that we should assume the candidates are motivated to win, and I still think that, but the Ninth Doctor was willing to keep humanity get destroyed by the Daleks rather than personally having to kill all the Daleks and the humans. There really isn't a motivator that would make the Doctor agree to build the Genophage. Could she? I don't remember her ever working on a virus specifically, but it's fair to speculate and say yes. Would she? Absolutely not
  14. Yeah Jigsaw has this for sure. The puppet is far more iconic than Kevin's look
  15. As we've discussed several times, I think that interpretation is way too literal and makes it impossible for the hunter to lose unless the Hunter is as dumb as Elmer Fudd or the animal is a reality warper. In my eyes, for all intents and purposes, getting the hunter to abandon the hunt counts as convincing them they are not in season He was able to hunt the Beast after the Beast had fallen into a depression after Belle left. When the Beast fought after Belle returned he clearly had the advantage. Also, Chewie is a better combatant than the Beast by a long shot. Chewie has a range advantage, decades of combat experience, and The Beast was incapacitated by a few wolves.
  16. They don't actually make Amy turn into an Angel, Amy basically has an Angel in her mind/eye. She hallucinates she's turning into stone at one point, but the Angels say that they're just going to kill Amy. They don't say she's going to become one of them
  17. They actually can just kill you the old fashioned way. They "eat" by feeding in time energy after sending you back in time, but their second story showed that they are fully willing to just physically kill people if they need to
  18. I wouldn't want to buy a house from a vampire. A hillbilly I feel would not try the usual real estate swindles on me. However, I also doubt he would know anything about making sure a house is above board in the important ways. Hmm...
  19. Yeah, the more prep you have, the worse you do against Bugs. Trevor would ironically have the best chance if he just went in guns blazing, but he would still not be able to catch the rabbit
  20. Yeah Leprechaun simply doesn't have the power to do what Heat Miser does. Even if we assume he is granted the power he still lacks the experience to do it well
  21. Is it 150 spores though? Those things weren't really that hard to pop and a predator could probably figure out how they work from observation though to avoid them.
  22. Doesn't the Jedi Mind Trick only work on weak-willed people? Grodd's telepathy should be far more powerful. He can control or manipulate multiple Flashes, Superman, Wonder Woman, and many other DC heavy hitters. Grodd should take this handily still, even with Bossk's limited telepathy resistance
  23. Unlucky pull for IG-88. Yakko is a classic trickster who can easily keep himself alive for three days while being hunted with ineffective tools
  24. Unfortunate pull for Bossk. Grodd can convince pretty much anyone of pretty much anything
  25. Yeah, Po can literally just expell the predator with a single hit. Even the wrist bomb wouldn't destroy enough of the forest to count as a win, and it's a suicide bomb, so it would instantly end the fight
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