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Everything posted by Indolent

  1. Actually. He retains it in his own mental memory. It's why he loses other memories when he adds the skills, technique, and moves from people he copies. So if this is current Taskmaster, removing his power won't remove his stored knowledge.
  2. Fluttershy practices her bear murdering skillz
  3. ...The Statue of Liberty was a Weeping Angel? WHY ISN'T NYC OBLITERATED FROM THE MAP. Other than that, I know jack shit about Dr. Who (Well pertaining to the characters extensively but I know bits and pieces there from the wikia - you know this obviously but others might not.) so not much to input other than: I thought the 9th was hardcore, love the 4th for his personality (JELLY BABEH), etc, etc, tid bits of useless common commentary.
  4. Eh, Itachi also fought off Orochimaru (and pwned him) in the same scene - but yeah, Sasuke didn't directly kill him but he was the cause of his death since you know, Itachi expended the last of his stores fighting Sasuke, mangling Orochimaru as to stop him from hijacking Sasuke's meatsack, and removing the Seal Curse only to slump against his little brother, apologize, then dropped dead. It was his illness that claimed his life and Sasuke pretty much aggravated everything that led to his death. ANYWAYS SORRY ABOUT THAT ADDITION TO THE DERAIL I'm already a member of the CBUB group on Facebook so if anyone else joins/wants to bump me, feel free to poke me on Facebook or even send a message. Or just stalk me in the #UWT room on the Blitzed irc server.
  5. ...I thought you were aware of his capabilities. I guess I shouldn't assume based off the Avatar. >.> Anyways he's consistently portrayed as making tactical and strategical judgement and calls throughout many mediums of Star War's fiction, as Anakin Skywalker and as Darth Vader - there's plenty of this shown in the Star Wars Clone Wars CGI series and certainly more so in the other mediums - I know this but I can't namely point out specifics - though I do know he planned the ambush at the Cloud City in one of the films.. The wookiepedia states he's a brilliant strategist as well (though it doesn't go into detail beyond this). Etc, etc. And Batman has no reason to work with the others - If any would it'd be few, not all - so a moot point i would think.
  6. We all know he watches My Little Pony in that little meditation zone of his.
  7. ...Vader can easily do the same thing just as well _-_ I'm not saying he's better than Batman. I'm saying he has a higher likelihood of success in that respect.
  8. He's overconfident because he's got more advantages than friggin' Batman. Not only that but he has no reason to get emotional here?
  9. ... Dinsdale Piranha broked
  10. I dunno, I thought we were going by the EU, not the actual movies - they're far more competent there. And yes, I know AvP but while Vader would be a cockmongler - it's not like he's going to throw you into a holding cell with bare minimum essentials - you're clearly important and he'll accommodate adequately - just the interaction with him might be ball busting to the extreme heh. But I do think since Vader naturally has far more resources and means than Batman, kinda why I went with him. Unless of course you're pulling in the JLA and the other superheroes, which honestly, is a step up above Vader's Resources - not to mention Batman's already got his own considerable amount of resources >.> And not entirely Dinsdale - I should've said overanalyzing because from what the image says, the others have to kill you. That already goes against some of their personalities (i.e. Batman, unless someone wants to make the argument that this Batman reverts to the older personality where he actually killed for the sake o the greater good as well as the Predator, unless this is a Bad Blood.)
  11. ... Okay people. Read this clearly again: All there is to it for them is that their mere sole job is to protect your pathetic sorry ass. From the others bearing down on you to snuff you out. Personality aside, they will do the damn job, and killing their ward goes against such.
  12. Darth Vader could do the same thing except he could put you in his Super Star Destroyer and surround it with Imperial and Acclamator Star Destroyers. The result? No one gets to you without bypassing the armada...
  13. ^ He summed it right the heck up. A simple question - STOP ANALYZING IT.
  14. Problem is - he still has to protect you so that doesn't matter. And his armor is capable of deflecting Lightsabers... so durability isn't entirely an issue for Vader. >.> And Vader can cut Hellboy apart and Wolverine can be choked to death. So yeah
  15. If Batman has prep - this would mean Vader has access to the Empire too @ AvP In all seriousness, if the goal is to really protect you - it'd be Darth Vader for me.
  16. I'm aware of that - I'm arguing that it's not only science but that there's a presence of magic. Do you have actual evidence of this or is it hearsay Aside that, Loki's also regarded by the Asgardians themselves as a master of magic - does this mean Loki from Thor and The Avengers is technically a scientific genius in respect to the entirety of the science that composes of Asgardian "Magic"? A simple google search and I find that it's more so science but there's some traces of magic, hence a blend - many others think the same and many others have observed the same film as you and I. It looks easy to determine from the surface but get down to it and it's not exactly easy. And it wasn't throughout the entire movie - the only mention of Clarke's law was Thor's elaboration to Jane Foster before the campfire iirc. The Rosen Bridge was mentioned prior to Thor's arrival and that was all there was afterwards. >.>
  17. I actually understand that - and I actually disagree there.
  18. Thor explicitly states to Jane Foster that Science and Magic are one and the same, indistinguishable. My understanding from that is a blend of both, not purely science and that there is presence of magic. It would explain why Loki's capable of using magic without having seemingly anything on his person, you know, technological, aside throwing daggers, in the early stages of Thor against the Frost Giants (His illusions). Anyways...
  19. Eh I know wikia's aren't typically reliable but I presume they take this off of official information - so have a gander: http://marvel-movies.wikia.com/wiki/Loki_Laufeyson But given the wikia outlines actual shown abilities, it helps clarify anyways I guess?
  20. It's both - technology and magic - more so magical than technological. And Loki's innate abilities are magical from my understanding - he's a skilled magician. The only thing that might be technological (and technically also magical), is the scepter he utilizes that enhances his powers.
  21. Thor and Hulk fought evenly - Thor restrained himself whereas the Hulk was effectively letting loose, raging and under Loki's effects. The point is - Thor's not entirely behind in strength and he has the durability to withstand Hulk's blows (he took a good few licks). Not to nitpick - stopping the space whale, while a grand show of strength, wasn't entirely impressive as it was still ongoing in motion and was double-teamed by Ironman blowing it to bits. Thor isn't far behind in strength as you might believe - but yes, Hulk is stronger and the difference in the strength is negligible. If it's significant - it's easily offset by Thor's other powers. And I don't need to mention an Uru Hammer thrashing Hulk about once Thor actually used it - which makes me think a Thor tempted to end the foray would likely do so swiftly.
  22. Post didn't go through as I'd like.
  23. The only thing Hulk has on Thor is superhuman strength. Overall Thor is more powerful than Hulk. In their fight in the Avengers - they were pretty even. And Thor was literally restricting himself at the time since the Hulk was an ally. And Thor literally has the firepower to destroy Iron Man if he desired. If it were Comics version, debatable, but seeing as it is the movies' version, Thor outclasses Tony in terms of capabilities. Aside the mental aspect of course.
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