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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

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Megastory 11.6


Previously: The Time Force Power Rangers came back in time to secure the Time Infinity Gem. They first went to get the Hourglass in order to protect themselves from the any temperal effects of their adversaries. This pit them against Geras, the Hourglass’ protector.



The Protector of the Hourglass was worse than any monster. Six trained Power Rangers were tempted to call in Zords to overpower one man. The problem was that after a herculean effort to fell him, he simply dissolved into dirt and reformed good as new. Their winning strategy came in the form of grabbing the hourglass and teleporting out before he reformed.

“That was a cheap move.” Eric complained.

“I know.” said Wes. But that was the only way to complete the mission. I didn’t see a way to keep him down.”

“Well now he’s gonna come after us.” Trip stated.

“We’ll deal with that when have to.” Jen supported Wes’ decision.

“So what do we do with this thing?” Wes wanted to know.

“With this, we can at least counter some of the effects of the Time Gem if it’s used. It’s not as powerful as an Infinity Stone but it’s as good as we can get to not being defenseless.”

“So we just keep it with us, then?”

“Yes.” Jen answered him. “For now we do.”



* * * * * * * *



Kronika stood in the hourglassless chamber radiating shock, outrage and confusion.

“What happened?”

“I was attacked.” Geras answered. “By Power Rangers.”

Elterian commandos. Kronka hissed.

“I’m not sure they were under Elterian orders. Some of them seemed not to understand their mission. There was confusion in their ranks. Eltar does not work that way. Even though they came for the Hourglass, one of them spoke of a search for ‘Infinity Stones’.”

Kronka went silent.



* * * * * * * *


“Now that we have the Hourglass, we can move on to securing the Time Stone.” Jen said, leading the briefing.

Wes listened intently, ignoring all of his internal questions.

“We’ll use the Time Shadow Megazord as our main transport. Of course we always have the Time Fliers available to us as well as the Quantisaurus Rex Zord.

“Whoever is after the Infinity Stones has hidden themselves from the standard time stream. But we know where the Time Gem is in this era. Our mission is to stop the Time Stone from being acquired.”

Wes couldn’t hold himself any longer. “You said there was more than one of these Infinity Stones. Don’t we need to secure all of them?”

“Absolutely not. All of the Infinity Stones together is bad news. We’re just after the Time Stone.”

They took off right away and in no time they arrived at their destination.

“Okay, here we are.” Lucus reported. “This is the planet that the Time Stone is hidden.”

“There should be a temporal anomaly.” Katie expounded. “Maybe a time vortex to hide it better.”

“I found it.” Trip announced. He put the location on screen.

“Do we land or transport down?
“I say land.” Wes said. “We may need the Zords to extract it.

The others agreed and they brought the ship down.


* * * * * *


Vilgax and Galvatron watched the ship. Vilgax drawing back as the identification registered.

“Power Rangers! What are they doing here?

“Who are they?” asked Galvatron.

“You’ve never heard of Power Rangers?” Vilgax was flabbergasted. “How I envy you, Galvatron. But you’re about to learn how incredibly annoying they are. Azonia!”

He called his Zentradi mission commander. A race of giants, Azonia stood nearly thirty feet tall. Her Zentraedi cruiser was Vilgax’s home base. Being constructed for giants, the ship was quite roomy when refitted for ‘micronians’.

Her race had been devastated in a war with the Shadows and then splintered hideously when they rebelled against their creators the Tirolian Robotech Masters.

When Vilgax found her, most of Azonia’s personnel had died of undernourishment. He gained their loyalty but supplying their needs and even acquiring Protoculture to power their ship.

“They appear to be landing.” she reported. “Our ground team already has their hands full. I was about to send them back up but this new development will need special attention.”


* * * * * * *


The Power Rangers exited their zords and surveyed the area with their own eyes.

“Okay, so where’s the Time Gem?” Trip wondered.

“We’ll have to do a deep scan.” Jen was staring into her instuments.

Looking up into the sky, Wes alerted his teammates. “Heads up everybody! We’ve got incoming!”

“Hostile?” Jen followed his gaze.

“Don’t see why they wouldn’t be.” he answered. “Get to the Time Flyers!”

The Power Rangers scrambled for their Time Flyers and went right into combat.


Fight Parameters:


The Time Force Power Rangers start out in their Time Flyers. They can form the Time Force Megazord.


The Zentraedi are lead by Azonia in female power armor.

There are four battle pods, one other Female power armor (worn by Azonia) and a Theatre Recon Scout Pod

Learn More About
Time Force Megazord
Read more about Time Force Megazord at Wikipedia
Official Site: Saban Links: Wikipedia Ranger Central The Morphing Grid

Read more about Zentraedi at Wikipedia
Official Site: Robotech.com Links: Wiki: Zentraedi Zentraedi Military Forces. Robotech RPG


I give it to the Megazord!


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Yazmal
5.00 - Venom 2009

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
10.00 Total Combined Score
10.00 / 2 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Time Force Megazord: 2
Zentraedi: 3

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