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Rumble 20716 Cleatus  vs. Frieren vs. Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy)
Cleatus : 2
Frieren: 1
Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy): 0

Rip (No Holds Barred) vs. Thunderlips
Rip (No Holds Barred): 1
Thunderlips: 2

Armor vs. Madison Jeffries (Box)
Armor: 1
Madison Jeffries (Box): 3

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Karima Shapandar: 1
Omega Red: 3

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Star Butterfly: 2
Luz Noceda: 1

Rumble 20480 Critters and Gremlins vs. Grid Alien and Chopper Predator

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Team 1 is being used as somewhat of a cleanup crew by a secret government agency to rid the predator pyramid of Team 2. Left with no other option to keep their species' alive, they strangely help one another. The Grid Alien will protect unhatched eggs that are in the sacrificial chamber. Chopper will be securing all other main chambers in the meantime. The government officials green light the mission and begin releasing hordes of Team 1 who have been withheld from food. 250 to 300 of each viscous monster will be released to "in theory" overwhelm the threats. 

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