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Tournament - Judge Doom vs. Carnage
Judge Doom: 2
Carnage: 7

Zurg (Lightyear movie) vs. Goliath (Evolve)
Emperor Zurg: 2
Goliath (Evolve): 0

Psylocke vs. Danielle Moonstar
Psylocke: 6
Danielle Moonstar: 2

Rumble 20570 Arkin vs. Komodo
Arkin: 0
Komodo: 1

Rumble 20569 Minsu Kim vs. The Avengers
Minsu Kim: 2
The Avengers: 4

Match 19534 Bigfoot vs. Dracula


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We find ourselves under the glistening full moon in the Pacific Northwest, where ominous shadows creep their way through the dense woods, seducing the night with their unsettling presence. Drizzle falls lightly on the thick foliage, casting a spectral glow upon the surroundings.

It's a macabre setting of wilderness, one that has brought two beings of legend to the same vicinity. Bigfoot, an enormous creature of fur and muscle, has claimed this region as its habitat. However, unbeknownst to it, Count Dracula, the renowned vampire, seeks this place as his new abode away from the meddling humans. 

Dracula, seizing the opportunity, scouts the area under the cover of darkness, marking out potential escape routes and strategic positions. His immortality is an undeniable advantage, but in this milieu, he's equally aware of Bigfoot's territorial prowess, who navigates the terrain as naturally as he breathes. The vampire is an intruder here, and he knows better than to underestimate his opponent's advantage.

Bigfoot, meanwhile, is dauntlessly erecting a barricade with rocks and trees, turning his abode into a fortress, to protect his turf. His mighty fists, capable of delivering a crushing blow, are clenched and prepared for battle. The silent chirping of insects is shattered by the ominous low growls emanating from his throat, a clear warning against the approaching enemy. 

Suddenly, an eerie silence envelops the woods, putting everything at a standstill. The nocturnal creatures sense the upcoming altercation and scamper away. Dracula, dressed in his regal black attire emerges from the darkness. His fangs glint under the moonlight, his eyes gleaming with a menacing warning.

"Leave, creature of wilderness. This place belongs to me now," he orders, his voice echoing through the valley.

Roaring in defiance, Bigfoot charges at the vampire, hurling a boulder at him with unmatched strength. The vampire, however, dodges with supernatural agility, flying across the treetops to land behind Bigfoot. Unfazed, Bigfoot whirls around, charging into Dracula, remote and towering. The impact sends Dracula flying back, crashing into a wall of the cave. 

Utilizing his night-commanding skills, Dracula beckons the nocturnal creatures swarming nearby, urging them onto Bigfoot. A surge of bats dive onto the creature of fur, nipping at him, obstructing his vision, but Bigfoot swats them off with mighty sweeps of his arm. Perceiving the distraction as an opportunity, Dracula lunges onto Bigfoot, biting into his neck. Bigfoot, shrieking in pain, keeps his ground, shaking Dracula off and delivering a thunderous punch, sending him sprawling back.

Getting back on his feet, Dracula digs deep into his arsenal of supernatural tricks, using his keen reflexes to prevent direct punches while launching quick strikes. Throughout the battle, he darts rapidly around Bigfoot, gnawing at his chances of landing a decisive blow. 

Frustrated and sensing it unable to play into Dracula's games, Bigfoot adopts a different tactic. Using the familiarity of the terrain, he heaves a tree from the roots, swinging it like a club. With a deafening roar, he lashes out, the tree connecting with Dracula and sending him hurtling through the air, crashing into the rocky mountainside.

Bruised and battered, Dracula struggles to his feet, the imprint of the tree visible on his form. He sees the determination burning in Bigfoot's eyes and realizes the folly in underestimating the magnificent beast.

"If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you will get," says Dracula, as he runs toward the lumbering ape.

Matchup: Bigfoot (American folklore) Vs. Count Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
Victory Conditions: Completely incapacitate the other or force them to retreat.
Battle prerequisites:
1. Bigfoot is not allowed to retreat deeper into the forest.
2. Dracula is not allowed to turn into mist or any other smaller creatures.

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As much as I love me some Bigfoot, Drac takes this. Even if we go by the most "powerful" versions of Bigfoot, and even if we composite them into one being, it would be very old and very strong, likely older and stronger than Dracula himself, and it would be fairly intelligent, but it would lack any real means of putting Dracula down. There are many stories of Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) Knocking down trees and cabins and such, but nothing that makes me think he can deal lasting damage to a vampire. If he could lure Drac to a river or into sunlight he could weaken him but Bigfoot wouldn't know to do that. Couple that with the hundreds of reports of people who have harmed or even killed Bigfeet with gunfire, I just don't see how he wins

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9 hours ago, Peypeypeypey said:

As much as I love me some Bigfoot, Drac takes this. Even if we go by the most "powerful" versions of Bigfoot, and even if we composite them into one being, it would be very old and very strong, likely older and stronger than Dracula himself, and it would be fairly intelligent, but it would lack any real means of putting Dracula down. There are many stories of Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) Knocking down trees and cabins and such, but nothing that makes me think he can deal lasting damage to a vampire. If he could lure Drac to a river or into sunlight he could weaken him but Bigfoot wouldn't know to do that. Couple that with the hundreds of reports of people who have harmed or even killed Bigfeet with gunfire, I just don't see how he wins

I wouldn't be so quick to disregard Bigfoot.

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Good set-up and story, Macklemore. It gives the reader a good atmosphere of horror and impending combat. 

As for the match, I think Dracula can take this through smarts and attrition. He may not be able to turn into mist or animals in this match, but he can still teleport, climb walls, create illusions, and as shown in the match itself, control other animals. He also can't really be hurt aside from garlic or sunlight. 

In the end, I think Dracula eventually wears Bigfoot down enough to go for the kill. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.30 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.50 - DSkillz
4.80 - Boratz
4.00 - broadwaybeyonder
4.00 - Pizzaguy2995

FPA Calculation:
6 Total Votes cast
26.60 Total Combined Score
26.60 / 6 = 4.43 Final Rating on the match

Bigfoot: 1
Dracula: 5

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