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Match 19115 Normandy Crew vs. Tyr Anasazi


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Megastory 24.1


Previously: Suffering attacks from the monster planet Unicron, The Shiar empire sent a task force armed with the M’Kran Crystal, to destroy it. Their force was devastated and a single ship survived, to be discovered by the crew of the Serenity. As the motley crew tried to find treasure, the crew of the Normandy arrived and took them into custody.

After that, the Shi’ar emerged from their vessel. Following a light skirmish, Commander Sheppard and the Lilandra negotiated a cease-fire and they reconvened at the Babylon 5 space station. The base was infiltrated by The Operative who killed the Serenity crew and kidnapped River Tam.




“There was one prisoner missing.” Garibaldi reported. “The young girl.”

Captain Sheridan knitted his eyebrows. “Something tells me she’s the one they wanted. Killing these others was just a cover to distract us.”

“If we leave now, we might catch them.”

“I can’t leave the Shi’ar negotiations.”

“You don’t have to.” Ivanva approached with Commander Sheppard in tow.”

“We can get him.” Sheppard offered.

“I’d like to go with you.” Marcus announced. “I’m ticked that guy got away from me.”

The SSV Normandy left Babylon 5. They were able to track the culprit’s vehicle and discovered that it docked with a larger Federation style ship.

“What’s the IFF say?” Shepard wanted to know.

“USS Vengeance.” Garrus answered. “Never heard of it but I don’t know much about the Federation. We’re not a member planet.”
“It’s pretty big.” Wrex observed. “Looks like a war ship.”

“Federation isn’t a war organization.” Ashley Williams protested.

“They fight well enough.” Garrus argued.

“This non-war Federation vessel sure has a lot of weapons.” Tali commented.



* * * * * * * *


The Operative was unexpectedly welcomed by Khan.

Wheeling River Tam in by gurney, he explained the situation. “She was pretty docile but I sedated her anyway.”

“So long as she is unharmed.” said Khan.

The doctors took charge of the girl as Khan spoke further with The Operative.

“You’ve done good work. I’m glad to have you with me.”

“The world has lost its way. We’re facing threats from all around the Universe.” The Operative mused. “I simply can’t trust the powers that be to protect Earth.”

The ship suddenly went on red alert.

Khan and the Operative went to the bridge.

“You were followed.” Captain Bright snarled at The Operative.

The other man looked at the screen.

The ship was one of a kind. “The Normandy.” Its executive officer notorious. “Commander Shepard. They’ll try to board and take back the girl.”

“The Normandy is no match for the Vengeance.” Noah Bright boasted.



* * * * * * * * *


Commander Sheppard thought this through. “I know a lot of Federation guys. They like to talk. Send them a helm.”

“Not getting any response.” Tali reported.

“Oh we’re getting a response.” Garrus corrected her. “All those weapons they have. They’re getting them ready to shoot them at us.”

“I know, I know!” Joker snidded. “Evasive maneuvers!”

The much smaller Normandy avoided the Vengeance’s first phaser blast.

“We’re no match for this Federation war vessel!” Wrex commented.

“True.” Commander Sheppard snarled. “But we don’t want them to get away. Get out of weapons range but not scanner range.”

The Normandy started to pull away, The Vengeance giving chase.

“We’re gonna have to call for help.” Sheppard hated saying that.

“They’d better come fast!” Joker said through gritted teeth. “Their phasers are precise!”

The ship shook suffering a hit.

“New plan!” Commander Sheppard announced. “Abandon Ship!”

They all looked at him appalled.

“We can’t beat them in a fight and they seem intent on destroying us. The only way to survive is to get off!”


* * * * * * *


“They’re abandoning ship.” the Vengeance’s watchman reported. “Destroy the Normandy.” Captain Noah Bright commanded. Then he turned to his leader, Khan. “Should we hunt them down, sir?”

“Absolutely.” said the world conqueror.

Walking over to the communications station, Khan spoke confidently. “Mr. Anasazi. Our enemy has fled by foot per se. Stalk them and finish them.”

The response came back right away. “It will be done.”

Tyr Anasazi belonged to a sort of religious sect known and Nietzscheans. They believed in genetic perfection and bread accordingly. When the genetically enhanced Khan came on the scene many Nietzscheans looked upon him as the pinnacle of their objective. They forgave that he took a shortcut.

Despite the fact that this was Commander Sheppard- a rare human specter of the Citadel- Tyr only needed a small assault team. They weren’t Nietzschean but they were competent soldiers non the less.

The Normandy escape pods all safely set down on a mining asteroid near where the construction site of the Vengeance. In addition to mining, the asteroid existed as a rest resort for travelers. Being in Earth/Federation territory, it was predominantly human but extra terrestrials were welcome. The facilities weren’t exactly five star but, anyone looking for a good time off ship would be pleased.

En route Tyr assumed the strategy that Sheppard would make. The crew would break up, hide among the locals and wait for help to arrive. Little did Sheppard know, the Normandy crew would all be dead before anyone showed up to help them.


Fight Parameters:


Tyr Anasazi (along with two nameless soldiers) is hunting down the Normandy crew. The crew has dispersed among the population and don’t know Tyr is coming or who he is.


Vote for Tyr if he can kill them all.


Vote for the Normandy crew if at least half of them can survive until help arrives.


The Normandy Crew consists of the crew from the first game:

Commander Sheppard

Ashely Williams

Kaiden Alenko





There are some other support staff but they won’t be a factor for winning or loosing.

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Good set-up, leroy. I wish I had gotten more into the sci-fi stuff growing up, so I might be familiar with more of these games, shows, etc. 

As for the match, given what the Normandy crew seems to have gone through in the Mass Effect games, it appears that at least half of its members could probably evade Tyr and his men long enough to survive. 

Tyr, with his history on Andromeda, though, just might pull a heel/face turn here. 

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18 hours ago, DSkillz said:

Good set-up, leroy. I wish I had gotten more into the sci-fi stuff growing up, so I might be familiar with more of these games, shows, etc. 

As for the match, given what the Normandy crew seems to have gone through in the Mass Effect games, it appears that at least half of its members could probably evade Tyr and his men long enough to survive. 

Tyr, with his history on Andromeda, though, just might pull a heel/face turn here. 

Hmm, Tyr heel turning in this story. Hadn't thought of that. Considering what I have planned for this part of the story It wouldn't matter but who knows what. I do love Tyr.

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5 hours ago, leroypowell3 said:

Hmm, Tyr heel turning in this story. Hadn't thought of that. Considering what I have planned for this part of the story It wouldn't matter but who knows what. I do love Tyr.

Ah, I assumed Tyr was already a heel in the arc since he was hunting the good guys, and thought he might turn face. My bad. 

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17 hours ago, DSkillz said:

Ah, I assumed Tyr was already a heel in the arc since he was hunting the good guys, and thought he might turn face. My bad. 

Well he was the untrusted alley in the show. And then I think season 4 or 5 he betrayed them and became a villain. I think it was because the actor wanted out (such is the way of shows that run more than two years, one of the cast want to do some other projects and asks to be written out or killed or something). 

In this story I just made up some stuff about Tyr is in a religious thing looking genetic superiority and see Khan as the pinacol so that's why he works for Khan.

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Admittedly I know next to nothing about Tyr or the Andromeda tv series, but unless he’s some kind of super soldier tier guy literally up there with Master Chief or Captain America I don’t understand how he’ll take on ONE member of the Normandy crew. Shepard murders giant kaiju creatures capable of wiping out civilizations for a living, Wrex is a thousand year old battle master with a healing factor and telekinesis, Garrus, Kaiden and Ashley have all held off entire armies at several times during ME canon. Can anyone inform me of any feat of Tyr that remotely makes him comparable to the Normandy crew? Again never heard of the guy before this.

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Well I'll try...

Tyr would be Cap level.

In his first appearance he fought Dylan Hunt who is from a heavy world meaning higher gravity than Earth so that means denser musles and bones and stuff. Thing Charlie -27 from the original Guardians of the Galaxy comics but not that massive. He's most likely just under Cap level.

Anyway, when Hunt was fighting Tyr, Tyr told him flat out you can't beat me and Hunt made no objection, basically conceding the point.

I gave Tyr the advantage of surprise since the Normandy Crew doesn't know him or that he's coming. Plus two other guys just so he'd have some backup.

The Normandy Crew is dispersed in the colony's population and aren't expecting trouble so they won't know they're being targeted until Tyr makes a few hits.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - StormChaser
4.40 - DSkillz

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.40 Total Combined Score
14.40 / 3 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Normandy Crew: 6
Tyr Anasazi: 2

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