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Night Shift Chapter 12 Match 18028 Shroud and The Night Shift (Marvel) and Hannibal King vs. Spot (Dr. J. Ohnn) and Swarm and Deadly Ernest


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Chapter 12: Over the Castle on the Hill

Hannibal King looked out the window of the study as he listened to the busy signal on his cell phone.  Finally, there was a click and a voice.  “Hannibal?  Where the hell are you?!” 

“Hello to you too, Terri,” Hannibal replied.  “Did you get back from the restaurant alright?” 

“Are you drunk?” Teri said incredulously.  “That was last night!  You haven’t been answering your phone, you didn’t come in for roll call.  DeWolff is demanding explanations and Soap is ready to get you kicked off the force!” 

“Terri, please, just listen,” Hannibal said.  There was a sound of slamming doors and shouting from the upper floors.  “What’s all that noise?  What’s going on?” Teri asked.  “It’s alright.  I’m with the Night Shift.” 

“Nothing is alright if you’re with the Night Shift.  Is that what you want me to tell the captain?  You’re hanging out in a haunted house with a bunch of wanted criminals?” 

“Look, Teri.  Shroud’s been giving us some intel.  We have a new… organization in town.  They have people with powers and are extremely dangerous.  You need to get DeWolff to have LAPD on high alert.”  Hannibal heard Terri give a deep sigh.  “Look, Hannibal, I can’t keep covering for you.  You need to come in.  Tell DeWolff what you know and we can do something.” 

Hannibal turned to the stairwell as the sounds of arguing grew louder.  “That isn’t a good idea at the moment.  DeWolff will be forced to try to bring the Night Shift in, and right now they’re ready to rip each other apart.  If the cops show up, these guys aren’t gonna hold back.  I can monitor them and make sure they don’t…” 

There was a squeal of static across the phone, making Hannibal pulled his head away from it.  He put it back to his ear.  “Terri?  Terri, are you there?  I just had some weird interference or…” 

“Hannibal, keep quiet!”  Hannibal instantly heard the tone of fright in Terri’s voice.  Followed by the sounds of screams and gunfire.  “Terri!  What’s going on?”  Terri’s hushed whispers barely were heard over the tumult.  “We have intruders!  There are these weird…spots on the ceiling and these men carrying…swords?  Oh God!  They’re attacking the officers!  Hannibal!  Hanniba….” 

The phone line went dead.  “Terri!  Terri!”  Hannibal looked at his phone in shock, turned around, and saw the Shroud standing behind him.  “It has begun,” he said.  Hannibal pointed his phone at Shroud.  “You knew this was coming?  This is those Kali people you were talking about?”  Shroud nodded.  “In preparation for the ultimate transcendence, Nekra will send out her thuggee to eliminate any and all threats.  This will instill terror in the city, leaving them vulnerable for Kali to return and unleash her fury on the world.” 

“I don’t want to hear more about your damned prophecies!”  Hannibal snapped.  “Terri’s in trouble!  You have to help me!” 

“I’m sorry, Detective,” said Shroud.  “But the battle to come is a greater threat than just to one individual.  We must find Nekra and stop her bringing Kali forth.  This Brother Jonathan who follows Nekra has the power to create portals.  Perhaps that is how the cult will restore Kali to this plane.”  Hannibal pushed past Shroud and headed into the lobby.  “Fine.  You deal with Kali, and I’ll save Terri!” 

At the same time Misfit, Hangman, and Barton Grimm were storming down the stairs with satchels.  Percy Grimm, Tick Tock, and Tatterdemalion chased after them.  “You can’t just walk away!  Dansen and Moth are in trouble!” said Tick Tock.  “Yeah, and if what Shroud was saying about Kali was true, we’re all screwed anyway,” grumbled Misfit.  “I refuse to remain in this house of lies!” shouted the Hangman.  “Very well, then,” shouted Tatterdemalion.  “Go ahead and run away, traitors!” 

Percy looked over at Barton.  “Please, Bart.  We’re brothers.  We’ve been through all this madness together.  You can’t walk away now!”  Barton gave a disgusted look at Percy.  “Just watch me.”  He turned and headed for the door as Jack looked on.  He turned to Digger and Needle.  “Aren’t you going to say something?”  Digger shrugged.  “Needle’s a mute, and I never really cared for those guys anyway.” 

Before Barton could reach the door, a black portal appeared before him.  Barton jumped back in surprise as the rest of the Night Shift looked on in shock.  Out of the portal stepped Ohn, Fritz, and Ernest.  Ohn held up his hands to the ceiling.  “Greetings, those who have received the blessings of Kali!” he proclaimed in over the top style.  Digger rolled his eyes.  “Great.  We get to deal with dalmatian boy again.”  Ohn glared in annoyance at Digger.  “Excuse me.  I have been practicing this speech!  I would prefer not to be interrupted!  Hmm.  So.  Um.  Where was I?  Oh yes!”  Fritz and Ernest shared a look as Ohn raised his hands again.  “By the order of the High Priestess of Kali, Nekra, you are all ordered to join the followers of Kali for the goddess’ return.  All your blessings will be needed in order for the ultimate transcendence to take place.  Your two women have already been captured.  You either join them, or we shall strike you down with fury and.. and… um.. other stuff.  Um, yeah.  Kind of botched it up at the end but you get the idea.” 

Shroud stood in front of the Night Shift in defiance.  “Listen to the words of the Shroud, fool.  I told your priestess she isn’t welcome here.  We will make sure that your ritual will not succeed.” 

“Hold up!” Misfit said.  “What is it with this ‘we’ crap?  We aren’t on your team no more!”  Ohn shrugged.  “Oh well.  If you don’t want to come quietly, I guess we have to go with the ‘strike you down with fury’ route.  Have it your way!”  Ohn snapped his fingers and multiple portals started appearing around the room.  Thuggee soldiers jumped in with weapons drawn.  Barton looked at Percy and sighed.  “I guess I’ve got one more fight left in me.”  Percy grinned and raised his hand to his face. Barton followed suit.  “Once Upon a Time!” the two brothers shouted, and instantly transformed into their Grimm costumes.  Shroud turned to Hannibal, who held his revolver at the ready.  “Thank you for your service, Detective.”  Hannibal didn’t even look at Shroud.  “Spare me the gratitude.  I don’t care what happens.  After we deal with your Kali buddies, I’m out.”  Shroud inhaled and looked back and the army of thuggee.  “Very well.  Let us begin!” 


Fight takes place in the Tower of Shadows. 

Night Shift: Shroud, Tatterdemalion, Digger, Needle, Brother’s Grimm, Misfit, Hangman, Jack (not in Werewolf form), Tick Tock, and Hannibal King. 

Spot, Swarm, and Ernest are also accompanied by 30 thuggee. 

Can the Night Shift hold off the onslaught of the Cult of Kali? 

Stay Tuned and Find Out! 

Game On! 

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Learn More About
Hannibal King
Read more about Hannibal King at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics Links: Wikipedia Marvel Database Marvel Universe

Read more about Shroud at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics Links: Wikipedia Marvel Database Comicvine

The Night Shift (Marvel)
Read more about The Night Shift (Marvel) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Links: Wikipedia

Read more about Swarm at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics Links: Swarm's Wiki Article Comics Should be Good Official Website

Spot (Dr. J. Ohnn)
Read more about Spot (Dr. J. Ohnn) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Entertainmrnt Links: Wikipedia Comic Vine Marvel.com

Deadly Ernest
Read more about Deadly Ernest at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics Links: Wikipedia

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This is a tricky fight. Swarm will likely be unaffected with much of what the Night Shift will throw at him, Ernest can kill anyone besides the zombie and Spot will be unpredictable. Which is why I think Needle's precog abilities will come in clutch this time around to neutralize Spot and Ernest. Swarm will be handled by whatever item the Brothers Grimm can conjure up.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - patrickthekid

FPA Calculation:
1 Total Votes cast
5.00 Total Combined Score
5.00 / 1 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Hannibal King and Shroud and The Night Shift (Marvel): 1
Deadly Ernest and Swarm and Spot (Dr. J. Ohnn): 1

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The Tower of Shadows was filled the sounds of combat.  Needle’s blade cut down multiple thuggee as Digger leveled them with his shovel.  One thuggee grabbed a hold of Jack before getting shot in the head by Hannibal.  “Th… Thanks,” said Jack.  “Just get out of here!” Hannibal yelled.  “You’re useless without the wolf!  Move!”  Brother Frtiz sent a swarm of his bees at the pair only for them to be enveloped by a giant handkerchief conjured by the Brother’s Grimm.  The giant cloth wrapped itself into a ball, and hurtled across the room before opening over a group of thuggee.  The furious insects stinged mercilessly at the unfortunate henchmen.  “I guess they know what the buzz is about now, eh, brother?” Percy asked.  “Jokes like that is why I’m leaving this goofy gang,” said Barton. 

Tick Tock took hold of Jack’s sleeve and started pulling him down the hall.  “Quickly!  This way!”  Hannibal followed after them, firing a few shots at the thuggee chasing after them.  They darted around a corner, and Tick Tock moved aside a picture hanging a wall to reveal a series of levers.  “What’s all that for?” Hannibal asked.  Tick Tock made a final adjustment then grabbed a lever.  “This was Digger’s home before it became our headquarters.  He rigged the defenses himself!”  Hannibal looked around the corner to see the pursuing thuggee.  Tick Tock pulled down on one of the levers, and a trapdoor opened in middle of the hallway.  One thuggee was not able to stop fast enough, and fell into a pit of spikes.  Another lever pulled, and jets of flame began shooting out of the walls. 

Shroud and Tatterdemalion stood back to back on the second floor landing against the thuggee.  Tatterdemalion snared one swordsman with his scarf, and swung him over the landing to the hall floor.  Meanwhile, Shroud projected darkness onto two thuggee, before delivering a strike to the throat to one and kick to the gut to the other.  Misfit thundered down the hall and off the landing with three thuggee on top of him.  He roared with glee as he crashed down in the hall.  “Yeah!  Now this is what I’m talkin’ about!”  A thugge rushed behind him with sword raised, only for Hangman’s noose to slip around his neck and tighten.  Misfit turned to see Hangman finish off the assassin.  “Why don’t you watch what you’re doing?” Hangman snarled.  He ran passed Misfit toward Ohn and Brother Ernest with his dagger at the ready.  Ernest removed his glove and dodged Hangman’s strike.  He delivered a chop to the vigilante’s arm, then put both hands around his throat.  “Terribly sorry, mon ami,” Ernest said, his calm voice cutting through Hangman’s screams of agony.  Within seconds his body had withered and decayed.  Tatterdemalion looked in shock as Hangman’s corpse fell.  “Shroud!  They…” 

“I know,” said Shroud grimly.  “Ignore the thuggee.  We need to focus on the powered acolytes!”  Shroud leapt off the landing and Tatterdemalion followed.  Brother Fritz turned to Ohn as the Night Shift gathered before them.  “Enough of thizzz foolishezzzz!  Take them now!” 

“Brother Fritz is right, Brother Johnathan,” agreed Ernest.  Ohn looked awkwardly at his allies and took a deep breath.  “Ok, ok.  It’s still a lot of people.  But here we go!”  Tick Tock flinched as he received the vision of what was going to happen.  He shouted to Jack.  “We need to run!  Now!” 

“Why?  What’s gonna..”  Ohn closed his eyes and threw out his arms and multiple spots appeared in the hall.  The portals swept through the Tower of Shadows, engulfing every one in their path.  “Look out!” Percy cried, shoving Barton out of the way, only to get taken himself.  “Percy!” he yelled, before disappearing.  Shroud charged toward Ohn, who pointed at the floor in front of him.  A new portal opened at Shroud’s feet and he disappeared into the darkness.  Within seconds, the Night Shift and all surviving thuggee had vanished. 

Ohn looked proudly at Fritz and Ernest.  “I did it!  I got them all!  That was great, huh, guys?”  The two acolytes looked at each other then glared at Ohn, who coughed nervously.  “Just get us back to the Heademn’zzzz headquarterzzzz,” buzzed Fritz.  “True, mes amis,” said Ernest.  “The ultimate transcendence draws near!  All praise Kali!” 

“All praizzzz Kali!” 

Ohn summoned a portal and Fritz and Ernest strode in.  “Um, right.  All praise Kali.”  Ohn gave a last look at the wrecked Tower of Shadows before leaping in after his comrades.  The portal sealed, leaving the Night Shift’s home empty and silent. 

Next Time, the Finale: Darkness Falls Across the Land!   

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