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Kylo Ren vs. Jacen Solo
Kylo Ren: 2
Jacen Solo: 9

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Match 17970 Captain Amelia vs. Bloth


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Megatory 21.4



Previously: After a small adventure, Tula returned to Captain Amelia’s ship only to find that Ioz had taken her and some others for a night in the town.

Ren ambushed them demanding that they hand over Kida. Ioz refused and the two fought.



Ren and Ioz only fought for a minute before they were interrupted.

Captain Amelia took a few of the tougher members of the crew to bring back Ioz’s party bunch. Ren and his two companions could only surrender.

To his confusion, he wasn’t treated like a prisoner. He had a guard naturally, but The Captain seemed interested in getting his help. Seeing no manipulation in this, Ren cooperated.

“My name is Ren. Prince of Octopon. I’m arranged to marry Princess Kida to strengthen our two kingdoms.”

“Why doesn’t she know you?” Tula wondered.

“We haven’t met yet. I only know her because she was taken and I was dispatched to find her. Her kingdom is struggling with warriors.” He looked like he regretted saying that as soon as he said it.”

“Well let me tell you how I found her.” Tula began. “Kida was a prisoner in Bloth’s ship. Do you know who Bloth is?”

“I do actually. Bloth has raided small settlements. We have suspected that it was him behind Kida’s kidnapping.”

“Well that’s where she was. She had this.” Tula pulled out a jar filled with black ooze.

Ren started. “That’s dark water! Do you just carry that stuff around?”

“You know what it is?” Captain Amelia asked eagerly.

“I just said it’s dark water. Some of the most dangerous material on Earth. The contents of that jar could easily destroy the world. You just carry it around like that?”

It was the second time he asked that question.

“We never knew what it was.” Captain Amelia explained. “Do you have advise on how to store it?”

“You don’t store it.” Ren said. “You destroy it. On site. Immediately.”

In his pouch the prince removed a small gem. He took the jar of dark water, opened it and dropped the gem inside. In less than a second the dark water began to bubble, then fizz and then dissipate.

Once it was over he regarded the others. “Does Bloth have any of it?”

“I don’t know.” Tula answered.

“We have to be sure.” Ren said determinedly. “I was going to take Kida home but if there’s dark water out there I have to find it and destroy it. In the meantime, may see Kida?”

“Of course.” Captain Amelia smiled.

She led Ren to the room and Kida shared with Snow White. The later opened the door and looked at Ren nervously. It was understandable being that that last time she saw him he was threatening them.

To his credit, Ren bowed humbly and apologized for the misunderstanding. He then regarded Kida.

“Princess. My name is Ren of Octopon. I’m here to take you home.”

“These people are very nice.” Kida replied. “I want to help them destroy the dark water.”

“I do too. But my mission is to return you home safely.”

“You can do that but we both know that no one is safe as long as dark water is loose in the world.”

“Then it’s settled.” Ren said. “We’ll stay and see this threat vanquished. We’ll return home after that.”

A loud whine that sounded like an alarm screeched.

The spirit on the ship changed and Ren went out to investigate.

Far out, Ren could see a monstrous ship. It had to be the size of a battleship at least. It was on fast approach to the Legacy which was like a tugboat in comparison.

Captain Amelia scowled. “Bloth has found us.”


Fight Parameters:


For the votes sake you’ll be deciding if Captain Amelia can defeat Bloth in ship to ship battle (or escape him or something).

I might cheat and do some of the other related battles in the rumbles.


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