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Tournament - Titanus vs. Tor The Shuttlezord

Venom 2009

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Zombie Power Rangers: Part 18


Previously: Back at the Command Center, the Original Power Rangers were losing to the Time Force Power Rangers. Before the future warriors could finish off the Rangers of the past, Alpha 5 was able to trap the Time Force Rangers inside a force-field cage. The Quantum Ranger refused to give up, and called for the Q-Rex to attack the Command Center. With the Shogunzords, the Ninjazords, and Titanus still under the control of the Zombie Rangers, the Original Rangers had no choice, but use an old zord. Tommy powered down his White Ranger suit, and used the Dragon Dagger to call for Dragonzord to fight off the Q-Rex.


On the Moon, Finster was still hiding on top of a cliff. He was in a state of shock as 5 minutes ago, the Moon Rock Aliens had ripped apart the Zombie Frankenstein. Right now the giant bugs were eating the remains of the zombie. Finster looked on as he saw no signs of Moon Rock Aliens turning into zombies. Even the ones that had bite marks on their bodies were acting ok. Finster then looked at one insect that got killed earlier in the fight. While the Rock Alien was nearly eaten, for some reason the zombie virus wasn’t reanimating the dead bug.

Then it hit Finster as he realized these insects were immune to the virus. The Moon Rock Aliens maybe the key to stopping this Zombie Outbreak. Finster maybe a villain, but as long as this zombie virus existed, the whole universe was in danger, and he needed to survive. To make a vaccine, Finster would need to catch a few of the bugs; best alive. But in order to do that, he would need a monster. Which means he needs to get to his workshop. Finster could only hope there were no more zombies back at the Moon Palace. The old monster maker then teleported away.


Finster then found himself in the hallway. The dog-like alien looked around to see any signs of zombies. He let out a sigh of relief as he didn’t see anything. Finster took a peep at the Chamber of Command, and was shocked by what he saw. The chamber was completely destroyed. On the floor was the headless corpse of the Zombie Zedd. Master Vile was nowhere in sight. The body of Rita Repulsa was gone, along with the statue forms of Goldar and Spider-Man.

Finster hated to do this, but he needed to know if anyone was in the palace. Alive or Un-dead.

“HELLO!” He yelled.

The old alien waited for something to happen, but everything remained quite.

“Looks like I’m the only one here.” Finster couldn’t help, but feel sad. Lord Zedd, Rita, Goldar, Squatt, Baboo, Rito. They were all gone. But where was Master Vile? If the evil mastermind did beat Lord Zedd, then where was he? Did Master Vile decide to leave here, seeing the Earth was no longer worth conquering? Did Vile take Rita’s body to bury her somewhere? What happened to Spider-Man and Goldar? Finster shook his head. None of that matters now. If he was going to stop this Zombie Outbreak, he needed to start working now. Finster started to make his way to his workshop.


In Florida, there were bodies of the Ranger Sentries and civilians allover the ground. The only Ranger left standing is Lord Drakkon, who is badly beaten and weakened. He couldn’t believe his army has been defeated. Even the Ranger Slayer was lost. Standing before the Evil Ranger was the Super Hero Taisen Army, made up of Super Sentai teams, Kamen Riders, and Metal Heroes. To make matters worst for Drakkon, the army of heroes have not lost a single member.

“Ah! So much for your army.” Tyranno Ranger said to Drakkon.

“You might as well give up.” Tricera Ranger said.            

“And let us kill you.” Ptera Ranger said.

“Shut Up! You may have beaten my army, but not me! Once I go back to my universe, I will rebuild my army. It will be more powerful than before. You all will be sorry once I come back!” Drakkon yelled.

Before Drakkon could teleport away, a portal opened up behind him. All six Timerangers came out of the portal, just as Lord Drakkon turned around. Time Red used his Time Vector to cut off Drakkon’s head. The body of the Ranger fell to the ground, while the head rolled on the ground.

“About time you guys showed up.” Tiger Ranger said to the Timerangers.

“Give us a break. We didn’t know you all were fighting an evil Power Ranger, until AkaRed told us.” Time Red said.

“Good thing we got here in time to beat him.” Time Yellow said.

“Hey, we were going to finish him off, until you six showed up.” Kiba Ranger said.

“So did you destroy the Zombie Power Rangers?” Mammoth Ranger asked the Timerangers.

“Unfortunately, the enemies of our counterparts got in our way, and the Zombie Rangers were  teleported away.” Time Blue said.

“Kimberly was teleported as well. The boss of those Power Rangers must still have a use for them.” Dragon Ranger said.

“Hey, everyone, take a look of this.” Akarenger said after he opened up Drakkon’s helmet.

Everyone of the Super Hero Taisen Army became shocked as Akarenger was holding up the head of Drakkon.

“Is that... Tommy Oliver?” Time Pink asked.

“But how? Isn’t Tommy supposed to be the White Ranger at this point of time? I never heard of him having this Ranger suit before.” Time Green said.

“He did say he was from another universe, and that there are other Power Rangers from other universes. So this guy isn’t the Tommy of this universe.” Tyranno Ranger said.

“An Evil Tommy. Why am I not surprised.” Dragon Ranger said.

“That may explain the dead Kimberly here.” Houou Ranger said after she unmasked the Ranger Slayer.

“So now what?” Akarenger said after he threw Lord Drakkon's head away.

“What do you think? We go to Angel Grove, and kill everyone there. Un-dead and Alive.” Kamen Rider 1 said.

“But first we need to destroy the corpses of the Ranger Sentries. Don’t want someone to use their powers against us.” Blue Beet said.

“Right.” Time Fire said.

The Super Sentai teams, Kamen Riders, and Metal Heroes were using their weapons to destroy the bodies of the Ranger Sentries.


Far away from the Command Center, a badly damaged Q-Rex was on the ground. Even in its Megazord Mode, the Q-Rex was no match for Dragonzord. While the zord from the future did loose, the robot did do a lot of damage to Dragonzord, but the Dinozord was still functioning.


Inside the Command Center, the Original Power Rangers (Tommy, Jason, Zack, Trini, and Kimberly) were cheering as they saw Dragonzord win the fight on the Viewing Globe.

The Time Force Power Rangers, who were still trapped inside a force-field cage, were not happy. “You have got to be kidding me!” The Quantum Ranger yelled.

Inside another force-field cage were the Zombie Power Rangers (Rocky Adam, Aisha, Billy, and Kat), who were happy that the Time Force Rangers lost. “Ah! So much for your jail break.” Adam said to the future warriors.

“It must be really sore to loose two zord fights in a row.” Kat said.

“Shut up, you walking corpse! I like to see you zombies try to get out of here!” The Quantum Ranger yelled.

The Zombie Rangers looked at each other, and smiled as they looked back at the Time Force Rangers. “You know what? That’s not a bad idea.” Billy said.

“We need Titanus!” Rocky yelled.

Both the Original Rangers and the Time Force Rangers were shocked by what they just heard, followed by the alarm to the Command Center going off.


Dragonzord heard something behind him, and turned around to see Titanus heading towards him.


“Titanus! Attack Dragonzord!” Aisha yelled.


Titanus obeyed, and fired a barrage of orange fireballs from his mouth. Once Dragonzord got hit by the attacks, he fell to the ground. Since Dragonzord was already damaged, the fireballs were strong enough to knock the zord offline.


“Dragonzord, No!” Tommy yelled.

“Good. Now get us out of here.” Billy ordered Titanus.


Titanus went past Dragonzord and the Q-Rex as the Dinozord was heading towards the Command Center


The Red Ranger looked at the Quantum Ranger. “You just had to encourage them!” Jason yelled.

“What do we do now?!” The Yellow Ranger yelled.

“The only Zord we got left is Tor.” Zordon said.

“Tor should win, since the Thunderzords are more powerful than the Dinozords.” The Black Ranger said.

“Yes, but Titanus was upgraded to fight alongside the Ninjazords and Shogunzords. Tor may be no match for Titanus now.” Alpha 5 said.

“Alpha, is there a way for us to regain Titanus?” Zordon asked.

“If I can by-pass Billy’s code, I might be able to get Titanus back in our control. But I’m going to need some time.” Alpha said.

“Someone better do something, because Titanus is going to be on us any moment now!” Kimberly, the Mutant Pink Ranger, yelled.

“Alpha, go ahead and work on Titanus. We’ll use Tor to hold him off as long as possible.” The Red Ranger said.

"Right away." Alpha said, starting to work on the control panel.

“Ah. Good luck on that. Breaking my code is going to be impossible.” Billy said.

“Billy, I hate to say this to you, but shut your mouth!” The Yellow Ranger yelled.

“I call for the power of Tor!” Tommy yelled.


Before Titanus could get near the Command Center, a green ball of light appeared in front of the robot dinosaur. The green light then transformed into Tor the Shuttlezord. Tor let out a roar at Titanus, while the Dinozord roared back at the metal turtle.


“Titanus will turn Tor into turtle soup.” Aisha said.

“We’ll see about.” The Black Ranger said.

“Tor! Protect the Command Center!” Tommy yelled.

“Titanus! Destroy the Command Center!” Adam yelled.


So there you have it.


-Tor wins, if he can beat Titanus, or gives Alpha enough time to shutdown the Dinozord.

-Titanus wins, if he beats Tor before Alpha can shut him down.

Who will win?

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Very cool, a tournament entry and a continuation of your Zombie Power Ranger arc all rolled into one. Props for thinking of that.

I think Alpha 5 might be right that Titanus upgrades would make him stronger then Tor and that in a prolonged battle Titanus would probably win. But I will say that if Tor focuses on fighting defensively and on just stalling Titanus, then I think it might have the defense and firepower to hold off Titanus long enough for Alpha 5 to shutdown the rogue zord. I’ll vote Tor.

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Good set-up and entry, Venom. I was starting to wonder when we'd see the next Zombie Power Rangers chapter. 

I'm thinking Tor could at least tank Titanus's attacks and could probably even use its firepower to help keep it stalled. If Tor could withstand some of Serpentera's worst, I'm not sure if any Zord can destroy it. 

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This is an entry in a writing tournament, and I am forced to treat it as such. I must evaluate the writing style, creativity, clarity, mechanics and entertainment value to the reader.

It may be hard to imagine, but I have never seen an episode of any Power Rangers at all.  So it is challenging to come into the 18th part of a continuing story when you don't know what's going on or have any context on the characters.

However, it is creative and the writer is clearly excited to be telling us this story about things they enjoy, and that comes through. Thanks for the read!

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.90 - Boratz
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.10 - Pizzaguy2995
3.90 - Fox

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
17.90 Total Combined Score
17.90 / 4 = 4.47 Final Rating on the match

Titanus: 1
Tor the Shuttlezord: 4

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@patrickthekid participated in this months tournament, so their ratings cannot affect the Tournament score.  That's in the rules - you can't rate your competition.


Member Ratings:
4.90 - Boratz
4.10 - Pizzaguy2995
3.90 - Fox

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
12.90 Total Combined Score
12.90 / 3 = 4.3 Final Rating on the match



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