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Match 15165 Iori Yagami vs. Charlie Nash


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“Help! Help!” shouted the shop owner as he ran down the street. He turned a corner where he was immediately confronted by Mature.  (REF: VICE VS. CASSANDRA)

He yelped in terror. “What do you want from me? Take all the money you want, just don’t hurt me.”

Mature glared at him. “What I WANTED from you was to not move and stay quiet until we were finished.” Mature pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on her hands. “Instead you ran out here screaming like a lunatic.”

“I’ll go back, I’m sorry. Please..” he pleaded.

“It’s a little late for that,” Mature said flatly.

She smacked him, grabbed his head and snapped his neck. Mature then walked back to the shop, where the fight between Vice and Cassandra Alexandra was taking place. Mature came to a stop when she looked through the window to see Cassandra standing victorious over her defeated body of her partner. 




An assistant approached Urien in his office,

“I have some news for you, sir. Charlie Nash has reappeared and is looking for Kolin. He still only knows her as Helena, so that is the name that is popping up. But I thought you might want to know. It is only a matter of time before he may become a thorn in the side of the Secret Society,” he reported.

“Charlie Nash is still alive and kicking? What a waste of time and energy that was.” Urien waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “He is living on borrowed time. He will keel over long before he becomes a threat. What important news do you have. Have we received an update from Shermie?”

“No sir. Not since she siphoned off two of Helena Douglas’s recruits and sent them to Vice and Mature.  (REF: BRAD WONG VS. LEI WULONG)  We don't know what has happened to her since,” Urien’s assistant responded.  (REF: BONNE JENET VS. LILI ROCHEFORT)

Urien’s phone buzzed and he looked down to see that Mature was contacting him. “Speak of the devil.” He answered the call. “Hello. The courier carrying Sarah Bryant recently arrived. I assume you are calling with more good news.”

“Just the opposite. One of those old warriors in pursuit of your precious sword tracked us down. She cut up Vice. In addition, some beefed up blonde rambo mucked up our plans to eliminate those two recruits sent over by Shermie,” Mature informed.  (REF: BASS ARMSTRONG VS. ALEX)  “It’s a disaster now.”

Urien clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. “What is your plan to overcome these obstacles?”

“My plan is to fall back for now. Eventually I want to take on that lady knight, but I am outnumbered by enemies here now,” said Mature. “I’m thinking of tracking down Iori Yagami and asking for his help.”

“Iori Yagami?” Urien stammered in disbelief. “The man who murdered you during a Riot of the Blood? You would ask for his help?”

“We are bonded to him in a way that you wouldn’t understand.” Mature grew more irritated. “In fact, I feel no need to explain my actions to you.”

Urien exhaled loudly in an attempt to remain calm. “Ok, there is no need for us to argue over Iori, our partnership has been so mutually beneficial thus far. If he is the one you need to complete your missions, I will track him down,”

Urien hung up with Mature and saw his assistant’s confused expression out of the corner of his eye.

“You know where Iori Yagami is. You have had Kolin working undercover for him for a little while now,” the assistant stated.

“I am aware,” Urien retorted. “Speaking of which, what news do we have from her? She is another one who has fallen behind on her updates.”

“She updated the council very recently. I can forward you the notes from the call.”

“What?!? She is supposed to report to me directly. She knows that,” Urien growled.

“With all due respect Mr. Vice President, what does it matter? It is all for the benefit of the Secret Society is it not?”

“Of course,” replied Urien.

His mind raced. This blunder by Kolin would likely lead to the rest of the Secret Society learning about Urien’s secret plotting. He wanted to strangle Kolin because of this. But, a better idea entered into his brain.

“I want you to get word to Charlie Nash of Kolin’s location through anonymous sources,” Urien ordered.


“Iori Yagami’s demon sealing ability is a threat to our plans, no matter what Mature may think of him. The desired result of giving Kolin’s location to Nash is that Iori will get caught up in the confrontation. Two potential threats squaring off against one another means less work for us,” Urien explained.

“I see. Should we warn Kolin?” Urien’s assistant asked.

“Nothing can be gained by telling bait that they are bait,” said Urien. “She is a tough girl. She can take care of herself.”



 Charlie Nash arrived at a jazz club in Japan on the hunt for the woman known as Helena. His only leads to her whereabouts were multiple pictures of her at this jazz club.It had not been that long since Helena had played a hand in resurrecting Charlie to defeat M. Bison. Although now back among the living, his new body was never meant to last and would soon deteriorate. He knew it and Helena knew it as well. They never got the chance to discuss it in detail after having a fall out when Charlie admitted he was not strong enough to take down Bison on his own. Charlie thought it would become a moot point when he attempted to sacrifice himself in order to eliminate the evil leader of Shadoloo. Yet, here he was still alive, and still harboring an intense rage to destroy M. Bison. He needed answers, and the only one he could think of that may have a few was her.

Inside the jazz club, Kolin (“Helena”) sat with Iori Yagami.

“Have you finalized the gig for my band yet?” asked Iori.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Excellent. What about Kyo and Chizuru? Have they still been calling asking for my help?” Iori wondered.

“Surprisingly no,” Kolin answered. “Whatever it is they needed, they must have figured it out for themselves.”  (REF: RACHEL VS. SHURA)

“Good. I am glad I elected not to waste my time then.” Iori leaned back in his chair. “I was actually starting to worry that it might be something serious, maybe even connected to my dreams.”

“Your dreams?”

“For a long time I have been haunted in my dreams by two women, Vice and Mature, but it has stopped recently,” said Iori. “I told you about them, right?” 

“Your former assistants, who were secretly Orochi worshipping cultists, that you viciously murdered. Yes, you have mentioned them once or twice,” stated Kolin.

“The fact that information did not send you running and screaming is almost incredible,” Iori remarked.

“I am going to go get a drink,” Kolin announced.

She stood up and was immediately accosted by Charlie Nash.

Kolin stared at him in shock. “Charlie? What are you doing here?’

“I came here for you,” Charlie declared. “I need answers about my condition, and you are the only one that has them.”

“I told you before our business has concluded. There is nothing more to talk about,” Kolin insisted.

“That’s not good enough!” Charlie shouted.

Iori pushed Charlie off of Kolin. “Hey relax pal. If the lady wants nothing to do with you then you need to leave.”

Charlie seethed. “This has nothing to do with you, stay out of it.”

“Look. I am not the chivalrous type, but I can’t have you threatening my assistant. She has been great and good help is so hard to find. If I lost her I would have to interview for a replacement and I’m not exactly a people person.”

Kolin felt a small bit of gratitude from Iori’s semi compliment.

“I will get what I came here for. No one is getting in my way,” Charlie announced as he stepped into his fighting stance.

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This is a really good entry. I'm not sure why but I like Urien scene the most. Gave us more of the secret stuff going on.

Anyway, I want Charlie to win as I actually like his character and fighting style. But to be honest, his combos are kind of shit and I think Iori is a much stronger competitor. Charlie isn't at his best either so I don't think it will take much for Iori to knock him out.

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This will be an interesting match. Charlie got a massive upgrade in his abilities and is probably one of the most powerful people in his world. Unfortunately for him, he's probably facing one of the best. Iori's ability to use his flames to paralyze his foes will be especially useful to ground Charlie.

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