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Rumble 20618 SCP-682 vs. The Avengers
SCP-682: 2
The Avengers: 1

Flash Gordon vs. John Silver (Disney)
Flash Gordon: 4
John Silver (Disney): 1

Beast vs. Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Beast: 1
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski): 4

Cloud City vs. Cloverfield Creature (Clover)
Cloud City: 2
Cloverfield Creature (Clover): 4

Rumble 20614 Lydia Frye vs. Cana Alberona vs. Eve (Stellar Blade)
Lydia Frye: 0
Cana Alberona: 0
Eve (Stellar Blade): 2

Match 15015 Mila (DOA) vs. Vanessa Lewis


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Mature’s signature sinister laugh echoed through the gym as she scratched and clawed at Sarah Bryant. A battered Sarah Bryant was struggling to defend herself as Mature landed more combos on her opponent. (REF: SARAH BRYANT VS. MATURE) Mature then tilted her head back and unleashed an energy geyser from the ground that smashed into Sarah and put her down for good. Mature casually kicked Sarah’s motionless body.

“You were not nearly as challenging as I hoped you would be,” she sneered.

Mature looked over to the broken window caused by Vice throwing Sarah’s friend through it. She exited the gym to locate where the two women had run off to.

Down the road, Vanessa Lewis attacked Vice with Vale Tudo style boxing strikes. Vice lifted her arms to block the assault and waited for her opportunity to counter. The opportunity would never come as a black heel crushed into the side of Vanessa’s head from behind her and sent here crashing into a garbage dumpster.

Mature smiled at the sight of her successful sneak attack.

“What did you do that for?” asked Vice.

“The mission is complete. We’re done here,” replied Mature.

“Doesn’t mean you couldn’t have let me have my own fun,” Vice insisted.

“My guess is there will be plenty of time for that with what we are doing,” said Mature.

Vice crossed her arms with disappointment as Mature pulled out her phone to ring up Urien.

“Good job,” stated Urien after Mature told him of her success in subduing Sarah Bryant. “I will arrange to have a courier pick up the vessel at once and we can begin the reeducation process to prepare her to be a candidate for Soul Edge. Meanwhile, I instructed Shermie to divide and conquer the army being built by DOATEC’s Helena Douglas. (REF: BONNE JENET VS. CERVANTES DE LEON) A couple of Helena’s recruits should be on their way now to your location under the pretense that they are also looking for Sarah Bryant.”

Mature turned her head toward Vice. “Sounds like some more action is headed our way.”

Vice clinched her fist with excitement.

Mature noticed Vanessa Lewis beginning to stir as she regained consciousness.

“Sarah had a friend here who tried to protect her,” Mature said into the phone. “Actually got the drop on Vice, and appears to be pretty strong. What would you like us to do with her?”

“Hmmm, the way I see it, you have two options. You can dispose of her or you can use her as a tool against the targets that are headed your way by utilizing the fragments of Soul Edge I gave to you. I leave that decision up to you.” said Urien.

“Understood.” Mature hung up the phone and then repeated the options to Vice.

Vice was quick with her preferred choice. “I say we dispose of her.” 

“I don’t know. I know you are excited about the opportunity to thrash some poor fools, but don’t you want to see how these magic shards work? Aren’t you curious to see them in action? Because I know I am,” said Mature.

Vice relented. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

Mature pulled the black pouch out of her pocket. “Urien said that whoever is infected by these goes into an uncontrollable rage and can be easily manipulated.  (REF: CHRISTIE MONTEIRO VS. ELENA)  Should be entertaining at the very least, and if she fails you can run in and finish the job.”

 Vice nodded in agreement.

Back in his office, Urien felt pretty good about his ongoing partnership with Vice and Mature. It was working better then some of his other ventures  (REF: MAI SHIRANUI VS. TIRA), and their success was swift. The first candidate for Soul Edge would soon be in his possession.




As Mila and Bass Armstrong walked down the city street, Mila tried her best to hide her goofy grin, but she knew Bass had noticed.

“Why do you keep grinning like that?” he finally asked.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I’m just so excited that I'm on a mission with THE Bass Armstrong,” Mila confessed.  (REF: BRAD WONG VS. LEI WULONG)

Bass blushed. “Hey, c’mon now. Cut that out.”

“I must thank Eliot when I see him again for putting in the good word with Chun-Li or else I might not be here,” said Mila.  (REF: LING XIAOYU VS. PAI CHAN)

“Nonsense. All he did was beat Tina and I to the punch. You were the first one we had in mind when we heard Helena was recruiting more fighters,” Bass insisted.

A broad smile appeared on Mila’s face. “Thanks, that means a lot.”

“No. Thank you. You are one of the best friends my little girl has. If not her only true friend,” Bass remarked.

“Oh, that reminds me. This gym we are going to holds a lot of memories for me. It is actually the first place Tina and I sparred at before the 5th Dead or Alive tournament. You could say it's where our friendship first blossomed. It’s also where she originally met Sarah.  Man, I hope Sarah is okay,” said Mila.

“I’m sure she is.”

The two remained silent during the rest of their walk. The silence was broken once they reached their destination.

“Has this place always had a big broken window?” asked Bass.

“No,” replied Mila with mild panic creeping into her voice.

“We don’t know that anything really bad has  happened for sure, but we should be cautious,” Bass suggested, “You check up here. I am going to look around the back.”

Mila nodded. She entered through the front of the gym.

“Hey is anyone here?” Mila called. “Sarah! Sarah! Are you here? It’s Mila.”

A  pair of orange tinted eyes pierced through a dark corner of the gym. 

“What did you say your name was?” a voice demanded.


Vanessa Lewis stepped into the natural light of the broken window. Rage radiated throughout her entire body.

“What have you done with her?” shouted Vanessa.

“With who?”


Mila’s mind raced as total confusion set in. “Sarah? Sarah Bryant? I haven’t done anything with her. I am here looking for her”

“Liar!” declared Vanessa. “I know you are involved. I heard the other two talking about you before they disappeared.”

Mila pleaded. “I promise you I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“If you won’t tell me willingly then I will beat it out of you!”

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Noticed that you have the wrong part number here, Johnny. Better fix that or things will get confusing lol.

Good set-up. I like Vanessa's chances here based on what I've seen of their movesets. Plus I think the plot would be more interesting if she won.

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4 hours ago, SSJRuss said:

Noticed that you have the wrong part number here, Johnny. Better fix that or things will get confusing lol.

Good set-up. I like Vanessa's chances here based on what I've seen of their movesets. Plus I think the plot would be more interesting if she won.

Ahh, good eye. Dang roman numerals, should have just stuck with basic numbers lol.

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