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Beast vs. Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Beast: 1
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski): 4

Cloud City vs. Cloverfield Creature (Clover)
Cloud City: 2
Cloverfield Creature (Clover): 4

Rumble 20614 Lydia Frye vs. Cana Alberona vs. Eve (Stellar Blade)
Lydia Frye: 0
Cana Alberona: 0
Eve (Stellar Blade): 2

Tournament - Adrian Monk vs. Lt. Columbo
Adrian Monk: 1
Lt. Columbo: 4

Rumble 20613 Batman (Terry McGinnis) vs. T-X (The Terminatrix)
Batman (Terry McGinnis): 2
T-X (The Terminatrix): 0

Match 14251 Vanessa (King Of Fighters) vs. Crimson Viper


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No matter how much punishment Maxima dished out to Bryan Fury, the sadistic cyborg kept coming back for more. (REF: MAXIMA (KING OF FIGHTERS) VS. BRYAN FURY) Finally, after a powerful blast from Maxima severely damaged Bryan's right leg, Bryan fell to the ground and the battle was over.


"Tell me! What happened to K'?" Maxima demanded.


Bryan looked at his right leg and laughed. "I guess I'm not as indestructible as I thought."


"What happened to him?!?" Maxima repeated.


"It's like I told you before. When I came to his apartment, he wasn't there. It's a real shame too because I came all this way to fight him." Bryan looked around at the mangled street signs, the destroyed cars, and all the other carnage he had caused on this block before Maxima intervened. "I guess you could say I was frustrated and wanted to blow off some steam."


"Why did you come here looking for him?" Maxima asked.


"One day I was approached by this real crazy broad, what was her name? Uh...Kira... no Tira that was it. She was a fiesty one and you could definitely tell there were some screws loose, I actually kind of dug her. Although she was a little on the young side..."


Maxima rolled his eyes.


"Anyway she paid me a lot of money to come fight some bloke named K'. She yammered on and on about how he might be the perfect vessel for something called Soul Edge. She wanted me to test him out and see how powerful he really was," explained Bryan. "I think the promise of a good fight was more enticing then the cash. But, here we are."


"Tira? Soul Edge? I have nothing in my databases on either," Maxima stated.


Bryan shrugged. "You can run your little lie detector scan on me, that's all that I know."


Maxima turned around and walked away from Byan Fury.


"That's it? You're not going to at least help me up?" Bryan called. "We just had a blast with that fight."


"I'm sure the police will help you up once they arrive to arrest you," Maxima replied.


Maxima left the scene and immediately called Heidern.


"Is everything okay?" asked Heidern.


"I received some damage, but all systems and functions are operating normally," Maxima answered.


"Did you find K'?"


"Negative. I do have some leads. But, I'm not sure where to start. I could really use your help," said Maxima.


"I will do what I can, but that would mean I would be running two operations at once and I am little short handed at the moment. Clark Still was badly hurt in a fight against a Mishima Zaibatsu soldier (REF: BAYMAN VS. CLARK STILL) and I, myself, am currently hobbled courtesy of an android they sent to finish off Clark." (REF: KULA DIAMOND VS. ALISA BOSCONOVITCH) Heidern looked over to Kula Diamond who was standing next to him. "Lucky for me, your little princess here saved my life."


"She's good at that."


"I sent Leona, Ralf Jones, and Whip on a recruiting mission, but I've yet to hear about its success or failure," Heidern continued. (REF: ROLENTO F. SHUGERG VS. RALF JONES) "I also reached out to Blue Mary, but it seems she is in the middle of a an operation of her own." (REF: BLUE MARY VS. ANNA WILLIAMS)


"What about Seth and Vanessa?" suggested Maxima. "They are highly capable mercenaries and always seem ready for a good mission."


"An excellent idea," said Heidern. "We can have Seth go meet up with you and Vanessa can assist me in my campaign against the Mishima Zaibatsu. We can work out the other details and more strategy when I reunite with the rest of my team."


"Sounds like a most agreeable plan," stated Maxima.





Several months ago after her successful undercover work at S.I.N. helped bring down the tyrant Seth, Crimson Viper was rewarded with some vacation time to spend with her daughter, Lauren. However, that vacation time was cut short when her bosses informed her that she was the only one skilled enough for their next mission, infiltrating the Mishima Zaibatsu. Crimson Viper was upset that she was being taken away from her daughter again but, as always, was professional.


Crimson Viper was allowed to keep the battle suit that was created during her time undercover at S.I.N. Her mastery of its abilities impressed Jin Kazama enough to offer her a temporary position at the Mishima Zaibatsu. Jin informed her that if it all worked out she would be one of his bodyguards at the next King of the Iron Fist tournament.


Four months into her mission and Crimson Viper still did not feel comfortable. Jin Kazama wasn't as arrogant and oblivious as Seth. Crimson Viper had to remain on her toes so that her true motives would not be discovered. On this day, she stared intently at Jin's office. He was having a meeting with his right hand, Nina Williams, and a man Crimson Viper had never seen before but was sure was not a businessman.


Inside his office, Jin rubbed his chin as he organized his thoughts. "From the sounds of it, this Soul Edge sword might be just what I need. Hopefully it can be utilized to finally rid myself of this cursed devil gene."


"It just might," said Bayman.


"I am sure the G Corporation and Shadoloo have scoured the entire area around Yoshimitsu and the Manji Clan's original location by now. But, they might have missed a useful clue somewhere." Jin's eyes moved over to Nina Williams. "Send Alisa there to do a full scan and report."


"Alisa Bosconovitch has still not returned since you had me send her after that rag tag group of mercenaries that attacked us when we first met Bayman," Nina informed.


"Is that right? That group must be tougher than I thought. Give the tracking device to that new girl... the Viper, and have her retrieve Alisa for me. Tell her to eliminate any threat to Alisa that she finds. We, on the other hand, have a sword to find," Jin instructed.


"Understood." Nina began to leave Jin's office but suddenly hesitated. "I still don't trust her."


Jin chuckled. "You don't trust anyone. That is why I like having you close to me to watch my back."


Many hours later, Crimson Viper arrived at the location where Alisa Bosconovitch had attacked Heidern and Kula Diamond. Alisa stood motionless in a half thawed block of ice. Her system had shut down.


"You are in some rough shape girl," said Crimson Viper. "Lucky for me that homing beacon of yours is still online."


Crimson Viper started to thaw the rest of the ice away as another woman entered the room and leaned against the doorframe.


"What exactly do you think you're doing?" asked Vanessa.


"This is Mishima Zaibatsu property and I'm returning her home," Crimson Viper answered.


Vanessa grinned. "And to think Heidern wasn't sure if it was a good idea for me to retrace his steps. I told him the Zaibatsu would send some flunky to pick up their killer robot. And here your are."


Crimson Viper stopped what she was doing and turned to face Vanessa. "Do I look like a flunky to you?"


"Not really. In fact, I really like your style. It seems very familiar to me," Vanessa remarked.


Crimson Viper moved her eyes up and down as she looked over Vanessa. "Right back at you."


Vanessa stepped into her fighting stance. "Well then, since I can't let you leave here with that android, shall we get down to business?"


Crimson Viper lifted an eyebrow. "Hmmmm, A female boxer? You don't see those around everyday."


"You box?" asked Vanessa.


"No," Crimson Viper said flatly. She adjusted one of her gloves and electric sparks resonated off of it. "But I do pack a good punch."






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Guest KibaxHinata

This would be shockingly close. Viper, meet Vanessa's fists. Fists, meet face. In the end, Viper will take this. Not only does she have the aerial advantage thanks to her suit giving her flight (as seen in the infamous Cammy vs. C. Viper scene in the SF IV OVA), but she also has electrical and pyrokinetic skills that would easily knock Vanessa on her butt. I'd say Viper wins if she plays if smart.

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Another good set-up, Johnny. 


I just looked up vids and bios of both women, and I think Viper's got this. While Vanessa seems to be quicker, Viper might have too much power to lose with the gadgets she fights with.

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Match Final Results


leroypowell3 gives it a grade of: A

Dark Spider-man gives it a grade of: A

KibaxHinata gives it a grade of: A

DSkillz gives it a grade of: A Another good story and matchup here!


Vanessa (King Of Fighters): 6

Crimson Viper: 12

FPA: 4.0


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