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Match 12893 Green Lantern Corps vs. Space Godzilla vs. Unicron

Guest L.I.C. (-Large In Charge-)

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Guest L.I.C. (-Large In Charge-)

The evil Space Monster King Ghidorah is defeated and subdued by the mighty members of the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe. However the Planet OA has been ravaged and there was much work to do too restore the cities across planet OA. However the moments of peace was brief. Because from outer space and also from the skies appeared elongated crystal pyramids, lots of them and they surged with power. These elongated crystal pyramids started absorbing energy even the green energy of will.


The elongated crystal pyramids made a pattern all over the planet of OA and started draining the energies across the world. Then Space Godzilla himself appears and changes into his monstrous form and lands and feeds. Members of the Green Lantern Corps were falling to draining effects. Space Godzilla's wounds that he received in his battle against the ultimate machine-world Transformer named Unicron, were beginning to disappear. And Space Godzilla continued too feed and more and more titanic-sized elongated crystal pyramids appeared. Both regenerating and recharging this space energy monster.


Back at the Guardians temple, the Guardians were gathering a legion of Green Lanterns for a counter attack. And yes the heroic Hal Jordan was in the group.


The 1st Guardian:"We must find a way to defeat this monster!" "If it drains reaches the central battery all could be lost!"


Then Hal Jordan steps up.


Hal Jordan:"I know!" "We can make more Green constructs of giant monsters and use them as armor against this monster!"


The 2nd Guardian:"It's risky!" "If you use all the energy up you could die!"


Hal Jordan:"Not if certain Green Lanterns combine their powers together!"


The 3rd Guardian:"It could work!"


The 4th Guardian:"Yes we must destroy those spires as fast as we can!"


Then suddenly all the Guardian felt an even greater disturbance from space.


And emerging from a space rift was Unicron!


Unicron followed Space Godzilla to OA and now the Green Lantern Corps has a double menace to deal with. Either the space energy monster absorbs the central battery the source of all the Green Lanterns powers or Unicron devours the planet of OA


This is planet OA's darkest hour!

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Learn More About

Green Lantern Corps

Read more about Green Lantern Corps at Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics Links: Wikipedia Entry Green Lantern History DC Universe Guide


Space Godzilla

Read more about Space Godzilla at Wikipedia

Official Site: Toho Co Links: Wikipedia page Monstrous page Toho page



Read more about Unicron at Wikipedia

Official Site: Hasbro Links: Wikipedia Ben's World of Transformers Temple of Unicron



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Guest L.I.C. (-Large In Charge-)

Now the Green Lantern Corps has double trouble from outer space! And MOGO is out of reach too! Unicron is jamming the call!

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Ah, I see you're trying to continue the story our of earlier matches. I love it!. Since Space Gozilla is draining their power Unicron will be able to destroy Oa easily. I'd probably be in Unicron's corner in a fair fight too. But with the Guardians help they could teach any Lanters with the brain capasity to duplicate the power that The Matrix has (which is the only thing that can stop Unicron). But as it stands, I say Unicron.

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Match Final Results



A Was going to say B because I wasn't blown away, but dagmabit! I like the matchup, I like the story continuation and I'll remember this match long after it's over! leroypowell3


Green Lantern Corps: 9

Space Godzilla: 6

Unicron: 13

FPA: 3.0


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