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Match 20456 Tommy Shelby vs. Raymond "Red" Reddington

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🎶Take a little walk to the edge of town

And go across the tracks 

Where the viaduct looms…


🎶Where secrets lie in the border fires

In the humming wires…


🎶On a gathering storm comes 

A tall handsome man!

In a dusty black coat with 



Tommy Shelby Vs Raymond “Red” Reddington




“My goodness! Why is it always raining in this quaint little country?” Raymond “Red” Reddington fussed as he quickly made his way into the pub and out of the pouring rain.


“Allow me to get your coat Sir,” The ever loyal Dembe helped Reddington’s now thoroughly soaked off to hang up.


“Much appreciated my dear Dembe,” Red straightened his coat and made sure his hat was on right before making his way over to the table where three figures awaited him. “Gentlemen! So sorry for being late! I’d blame it on this horrible weather, but truth be told I also ran into this old acquaintance at the airport who let’s just say owed me “an arm and a leg” if you know what I mean?”


“No worries mate, weren’t waiting too long. Have a pint on us ‘fore you catch your death yeah?” One of the figures pushed a glass of whisky towards the shivering American.


“Oh don’t mind if I do!” Red eagerly took the offered drink and took a quick swing of it. “Hmmm, a bit more rustic and harder then I’m used to. But I suppose it’s charming enough in its own way. Kinda like this nice little town you have here. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear I’d gone back in time to the 1920s!”


“We like things the way they are round here fancy pants. It’s traditional and simple,” The man in the middle with the mustache spoke tersely.


“Here, here for tradition! The cornerstone to every great society! But let’s talk turkey shall we? So you three are the infamous ‘Peaky Blinders’ are you? Quite the unique name I’ll admit, if a little simple. Now don’t tell me your names! Let me guess: the one in the middle, I’m sensing your the bruiser with a fiery temper, but lovable heart underneath it. Arthur Shelby Jr I presume?” Reddington smiled warmly at the mustached individual.


Arthur snorted and took a swing of his beer rather than answer.


“I’ll take that as a yes. Now you on the left, too small to be the muscle, too wide eyed to be the leader, but just loyal enough to be a moderately useful pawn. John Michael Shelby, called ‘John Boy’ by his family?” Red guessed again.


“Careful mate. That sounded awfully close to an insult there,” John Boy warned the portly man.


“My boy, if I was going to insult you I’d make certain you know it. Then that just leaves the ringleader himself: Tommy Shelby! You know I’ve heard from quite a few tales of your astonishingly quick rise to power! Why it would make it one heck of a BBC crime drama in the right hands!” Red said in a flamboyant tone.


“I’ve heard a few tall tales about you too Mr Raymond Reddington. Some of it good, some of it not so good, hence our little sit down here. What’s your business in my neck of the woods?” Tommy Shelby cautiously asked.


“Believe it or not Mr Shelby, I’m actually here to help you. A little birdie told me that Shelby Company Limited is needing some new backers to keep rates up and I just so happened to be interested in expanding my business into jolly old England. Let’s help each other out shall we? Dembe the map please?” At Red’s direction his right hand man laid out a map of England on the table.


“Just so we’re clear, I ain’t interested in drugs or trafficking, human or animal,” Tommy Shelby warned as his brothers moved their drinks out of the way of the map.


“Oh come now Mr. Shelby, I can assure you my business is as squeaky clean as the Pope’s bedchambers. Now then I’ve already started setting up some spots in southern England that are already making quite a lot of money, but my ultimate goal involves involves opening up businesses here, here, here, and-“


“Oi! I don’t like you setting up shop in the Midlands. Local businesses might not survive you stealing away their customers,” Arthur sternly said.


“Calm yourself Arthur, they’ll barely know that I’m there. Anyways I’d also like to set a few more shops over here on the Eastern coast and I’d like very much if your men can help me set up,” Red finished drawing up the spots he wanted.


“Are you thick or something? My brother said no to you setting up in the Midlands!” John growled at Reddington.


“Quiet now John Boy, the grown ups are talking. So what do you say Mr. Shelby? The two of us working together could stand to make quite a lot of money,” Raymond Reddington offered the head of the Shelby clan.


Tommy Shelby stared Reddington down for a few moments, and then took the pencil out from Red’s hand and then started erasing half of the marked points that Reddington had written down.


“You’re welcome to expand into the South to your hearts content. But as my brother said, anywhere north of the line is off limits. Deal?” Tommy Shelby gave his counter offer.


“Oh my I do believe there’s been some misunderstanding about the nature of this meeting Mr. Shelby. This isn’t a negotiation, this me giving you a courtesy heads up on what is gonna happen. I’d like your help setting it up, but make no mistake it’s happening with or without the Peaky Blinders approval,” Reddington arrogantly said.


Arthur Shelby stood up abruptly and made to move around the table, only for Dembe to move himself in front of Arthur. A tense stand off endured as the Peaky Blinders eyed their foes with barely concealed hostility.


“I get it mate. Across the pond you’re used to acting out whenever you like, knowing you got the FBI backing you up and such. But you’re not in America anymore Red. You’re in my backyard now, and over here you play by my rules or you don’t play at all,” Tommy Shelby slowly warned his adversary.


“But you see I’ve never been one to play by the rules, Thomas. My father had this little saying; ‘good men follow the rules, but great men create their own rules,” Reddington’s previously friendly smile took on a more sinister look as he spoke.


“You’re not setting up shop in the Midlands Red. You cross that line and I’ll take it as an act of war,” Tommy said in no uncertain terms.


“I’ll take your words under advisement Thomas. Come along now Dembe, we got much work to do,” Raymond Reddington stood up and grabbed his coat from the hanger.


“Oi! Red!” Tommy Shelby stood up from his table to stare Reddington in the eyes as he neared the door. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told every other tossed that thought they could beat me. You don’t want me as your enemy.”


“I’ve had dozens of enemies just like you Thomas. But I can assure you, you’ve never meet someone quite like me,” Reddington gave the Shelby leader one last smile before he and Dembe left the pub.



Wanted to put in one last matchup before the website get’s overhauled. Got inspired after a friend recommended The Blacklist to me and I saw a lot of similarities between Red and Tommy Shelby.


Anyways basically Raymond Reddington is trying to muscle into the Peaky Blinders territory and Tommy Shelby is trying to stop him. Let’s just say that both Red and Tommy have all their resources and influence from across all seasons of their respective shows. Which villain protagonist wins?

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.50 - Fox

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.50 Total Combined Score
9.50 / 2 = 4.75 Final Rating on the match

Tommy Shelby: 1
Raymond "Red" Reddington: 3

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