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Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

Tournament - MST3K vs. Athena (Tomorrowland)
MST3K: 4
Athena (Tomorrowland): 0

Rumble 20540 Oroku Hiroto vs. Samael vs. Kim Minsu
Oroku Hiroto: 0
Samael: 1
Kim Minsu: 3

Rumble 20539 Whitespikes vs. The Xenomorphs
Whitespikes: 0
The Xenomorphs: 3

Cameron Poe vs. Castor Troy
Cameron Poe: 3
Castor Troy: 0

Match 19226 Ultraman vs. King Kong


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Downriver Comic Con Challange 

On a routine expedition in serch for missing the cruse ship the Pacific Princess  ,Science police officers spots a island shaped like giant  skull not on any charts.

They can see mountains and a huge primitive wall deciding the island .  

After mommints of spotting the Island a fog engulf  science police shuttle. A sudden  lose of power and forced to go down in water.
Officers Shin Hayata. And  Cindy SoJow  are separated  .

Shin Hayata wakes up on beach  on island. He is surrounded by what he assume island natives. 
He is taken by end of spears to village.

He trys to talk to them but they do not speak any language he understands .   He then spots Cindy in a white gown. He trys to get to her he is held back .
A old man appears dont try friend she is to be bride of Kong today. 

What who is this Kong  she could not be ok with this .   
He watches  as giant gate opens and they tie her to pole out side gate and close gate .
The  Old man says he been here a while and they considered it a high honor.  

They than feel ground shake than see head of giant lizard appears over wall. .  Shin go's to grab some thing in jacket. It's not there.  
What your looking for I think the Chef  took it.
Don't worry  that lizzared won't get close to her 
Kong is King of this island. They hear her scream than see giant  Lizard thrown threw air.      
They watch as a 40 foot black Gorrla  grabs Cindy in one hand and disappears into island jungle.

Kong takes his new bride in his hand like a doll and climbs to tallest Montana on Skull Island. Where finds I giant spider  .     He place her on cliff and over powers spider sending off the mountin.

It takes few hours but Shin Hayata convince older man has become known as McHale sneaks  in chiefs hut gets his space timer hits button turns into Giant Spaceman..........Ultraman

He runs at Ultra Speed using Ultra hearing and Ultra Vision to locate Kong

At top of mountain they face each other Kong puts bride down  beats his chest . Clear ready to defend his kingdom .
Ultra Man has taken half his time up the warning light starts to blink

.....................let the battle start.  ..........

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Welcome to the CBUB, UltraKong. 🙂

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.00 - broadwaybeyonder
5.00 - StormChaser
4.00 - Pizzaguy2995
5.00 - patrickthekid
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
5 Total Votes cast
23.00 Total Combined Score
23.00 / 5 = 4.60 Final Rating on the match

Ultraman: 2
King Kong: 4

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