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Michelangelo (Mirage) vs. Guile
Michelangelo (Mirage): 7
Guile: 3

Vindicator vs. Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
Vindicator: 1
Magik (Illyana Rasputin): 2

Rumble 20550 Bazooka vs. Steve (Minecraft) vs. Jackson Storm
Bazooka: 0
Steve (Minecraft): 2
Jackson Storm: 0

Archangel vs. Gambit
Archangel: 1
Gambit: 4

Rumble 20548 Maui (Moana) vs. Skar King
Maui (Moana): 4
Skar King: 1

Match 15436 Moff Gideon vs. Cal Kestis


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Shots rang out from the blasters of the Bad Batch as the terrifying Rathtar made its way toward the unusual clones! Each one of them scattered into a defensive positions as they had never encountered a beast quite like this before. Wrecker let out a giggle as he tried charging at the rampaging beast head on, while blasting at its body. One of the many tentacles of the deadly creature knocked Wrecker into several cargo containers. Tech quickly made his way towards a control panel. He knew if he could keep this thing contained, his brother in arms could defeat the beast.
Getting on the highest point, Crosshair started blasting the creature with precision, but it was still moving toward Hunter. Multiple blasts rang out of Hunter's blaster as the Rathtar came closer toward him. He swiftly took out his blade and cut through a tentacle or two, as the Rathtar attempted to capture him. Wrecker threw one of the cargo containers at the beast, but the Rathtar was able to knock it away with ease. 
From his vantage point, Crosshair saw a fuel cell not far from Tech. He told his team of what he saw, and Hunter commanded that Tech get the fuel cell to Wrecker. After closing off the doors and getting the dangerous beast contained in the hanger; Tech raced toward the fuel cell. With all of his strength he lifted it up and made his way toward the brute that is Wrecker. Wrecker let out a laugh as he took the fuel cell in his hand, and tossed it directly at the Rathtar. After shooting and slicing through more of the Rathtar's tentacles, Hunter jumped for cover as the fuel cell came close toward the horrifying monster. 
With a single shot, Crosshair took out the fuel cell as it flew in front of the creature. A large explosion echoed throughout the hanger! The Bad Batch watched as the smoke cleared. At first there was no sign of movement, but the weakened Rathtar sprang to life. Before the creature could wreak anymore havoc, Hunter charged forward blasting the creature with his rifle. Without hesitation, Wrecker jumped onto the beast and started cutting through its flesh with his blade. Finally, the Rathtar had been defeated. The Bad Batch stood over the creature and let out a sigh of relief.
Clone Force 99 reported what had just occurred there to the Jedi Council, and their findings that there were reports of a pirate vessel in the area prior to the Rathtar outbreak. With their victory over a massive fiend, the Bad Batch had received their new orders. They watched as clone reinforcements secured the area; and then they departed from the asteroid outpost, unaware what truly transpired on that Outpost and on the planet Hoth.
As the Clone Wars waged on, Count Dooku never had the opportunity to return to his home planet of Serenno. He had the upmost intention of discovering the secrets of the artifact known as the Convergence and the power that it contained, but fate had other plans. With an end in sight of this dreadful war, the Count met his end after being defeated by the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker.
After Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Seperartist droid leader, General Gravious; the war was all but over. Most know the events that transpired after Grevoius' demise. Palpatine rose to power as the Emperor and the Jedi Order had fallen with the execution of Order 66. Years of tyranny and dread swept through the stars as darkness had seemingly overcame the light. The artifact that Count Dooku had fought to obtain was now lost on Serenno.
"Some things that are lost should never be found."
The Clone Wars were but an era in the galaxy's history now. With the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the First Galactic Empire, hope had faded from the stars. For many, the Light was extinguished and only the Dark had prevailed amongst the many systems. Few sought to Rebel against the hold that the Empire had on the stars with the spark of hope, while others imprisoned themselves in exile. It is widely believed that the Jedi had fallen, there were few that still lived on. While these few may have survived the Great Jedi Purge, they were hunted by the Dark forces that served the Emperor. The Chief of these Dark forces was a former Jedi Knight but is now a face of dread for the entire Galaxy, Darth Vader. Lord Vader has led Inquisitors to hunt down the remaining Jedi for years now. While they have found success in the deaths of many of the few survivors of the Jedi Purge, there are some that have escaped their grasp.
One of these that stood face to face with Lord Vader himself, is Cal Kestis. After stopping the Dark Lord of the Sith and ultimately the Empire from obtaining the Holocron that contained the location of so many children that had connections in the Force; Stinger Mantis searched the stars for their next adventure. Being led by the Force, both Cal and Cere Junda felt called to continue their fight against the Empire. After their confrontation with the Sith Lord, they knew they would be no match for him. They had to find other ways to fight against the Dark side and they had to find alternate ways to help the people of this vast Galaxy.
After traveling through the endless abyss of space, the Stinger Mantis found rest in the Black Spires Outpost of Batuu. While Imperials marched through the Black Spires markets, the crew found ways to blend in with many visitors on the planet. Cal Kestis and Cere Junda found themselves drawn to a trading post within Black Spires. This trading post, Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiqities has seen much over the years. As the two Jedi strolled into the shop, they saw the Ithorian collector standing behind a counter. The infamous collector watched the two strangers make their way past much of his collections.
The eyes of the two Jedi wandered around the massive collections. Many objects from throughout history had found themselves within this very shop. Along the walls, there were head mounts of creatures from the most dangerous corners of the galaxy. Cal gazed upon the head of a Wampa that was mounted on the wall, and a small thought raced through his mind as he could not help but wonder how some of these antiques found themselves here. He wondered how this Wampa head found itself upon this very wall.
As the two Jedi explored this vast collection, they slowing made their way closer to the Ithorian collector. Cal quickly glanced over at Cere and they nodded at one another as they started to turn their attention to Dok-Ondar. The Ithorian stood looking over some of the antiques that he had acquired recently, and looked up as the two Jedi were about to approach him. Before Cal and Cere could meet with the Ithorian collector, a sound pierce through the doorway.
An Imperial Officer marched through the shop with the aide of two stormtroopers. The Imperial officer had a stern look on his face as he made his way toward Dok-Ondar. Cal and Cere Junda kept their heads down and steadily backed away, as they did not want to draw attention to themselves. The Imperial officer stood before Dok-Ondar with a repulsed look on his face.
"By orders of the Emperor, we are here to take possession of the unauthorized contraband that you have recently acquired in your possession!" The Imperial officer declared.
Through a translator droid, the Ithorian responded to the Imperial officer. "Do you mean that protocol droid that was sold to me?" Dok-Ondar said as he leaned toward the Imperial Officer.
With the corner of his eyes, Cal watched as the Imperial Officer confronted the famous Ithorian collector. As he slowly walked around the shop, one of the stormtroopers that had accompanied the Imperial Officer in the shop commanded that Cal turn his attention elsewhere. Cal quickly looked away as the Imperial Office made a quick glance at the confrontation. The Officer then turned his attention back to Dok-Ondar.
"That droid was obtained illegally and is property of the Galactic Empire!" The Imperial Officer said as he coldly looked upon Dok-Ondar.
"You mean stolen? I have done no such thing, as I purchased this droid from a passerby. With that said, most droids are taken to the Droid Depot." Dok-Ondar replied.
"So you sold it to the Droid Depot?" The Imperial Officer asked.
"No. This droid was fascinating to me! I am sure that you are aware that it once belonged to Count Dooku of the Seperartist movement during the Clone Wars." Dok-Ondar said as he started shuffling through parts behind his counter.
With those words, both Cal and Cere's ears started to rise as they both recognized the name of Dooku. They tried to avoid suspicion as they listened in on the conversation.
"That is none of your concern! That droid is property of Emperor Palpatine himself. If you do not hand over the droid, then I will have no choice but to burn this wretched place to the ground!" The Imperial Officer commanded.
"I have no quarrel against the Galactic Empire!" Dok-Ondar said as he walked over to a container. With a quick movement; the container opened, revealing a protocol droid that had been lost throughout the years. "Here is what you are searching for." Dok-Ondar said as he pointed the droid that once belonged to Count Dooku.
With a nod of his head, the two stormtroopers took possession of the droid and the three Imperials left the shop behind. As the Imperials were gone, the Ithorian collector turned his attention to the two Jedi. 
"Long has it been since I have seen a Jedi!" Dok-Ondar said as he gazed upon both Cal and Cere.
"Wait! How? How do you know that we are Jedi?" Cal asked with an astonished look on his face.
"I have met many over the years and after a while, I know who people really are!" Dok-Ondar said as he went behind his counter.
"Why did those Imps want that droid?" Cere asked as she walked closer to the collector.
"It once belonged to the Seperartist leader, Dooku." Dok-Ondar responded as he started shuffling through different items.
"Yes, we heard that but what is important about that droid?" Cere asked as she continued to press the Ithorian collector.
"Rumors! Probably." Dok-Ondar replied as his attention remained on the items before him.
"Rumors of what?" Cal asked as he stepped closer.
"Rumors that Count Dooku had a treasure chamber on Serenno. A chamber that contains secrets that even the Empire was unaware of until... well until recently!" Dok-Ondar replied. 
"What happened recently?" Cal asked.
"Some looters and thieves got their hands on that their droid those Imps just took. They found a lot more in it than they bargained for! After losing a couple of their friends, they thought they would just pawn off the droid to me. Word got out though and here we are!" Dok-Ondar responded as he looked up at both Cal and Cere Junda.
"Why are you telling us this?" Cere asked as she looked in Dok-Ondar's eyes.
"While I do not have quarrel with the Empire, I do not care for them for very much! I copied the droid's memory drives and I will give you that information." Dok-Ondar responded.
"In exchange for what?" Cal asked as he looked at both Cere Junda and Dok-Ondar.
"Count Dooku was a wealthy individual and he came from wealth. I imagine that his vault has a history that only few have ever seen. I want what is inside that vault!" Dok-Ondar responded.
Both Cal and Cere looked at one another. "Whatever it is, we must not allow whatever secrets Dooku had to fall into the Empire's hands!" Cal said to Cere.
"Agreed!" Cere said as she turned her attention to Dok-Ondar. "You have a deal."
The two Jedi left the Ithorian Collector behind as they set their sights on their next adventure. As they journeyed through the crowds of the Black Spires Outpost. The thought crossed through Cal's head of what could Count Dooku have hidden in his vault that the Empire sought after. Could there be some dangerous weapon that Dooku had planned for the Clone Wars, but never had the opportunity to use? Or perhaps it could be a Jedi Holocron that he had stolen? Maybe a Sith Holocron that he acquired. The possibilities were endless as Cal and Cere Junda approached the Stinger Mantis.
Aboard an Imperial Light Cruiser
Moff Gideon stood patiently as he waited for an update from a squad that he sent to Batuu. As the Imperial Leader watched over his troops, he reflected back to the Clone Wars. It has been nearly 5 years since the ending of the Clone Wars, and Gideon could not help but be amazed by how far the Empire has come since Palpatine declared the rise of the Galactic Empire. The Imperial army contained power that the Jedi could never begin to dream of. As he stood in patience, he heard foot steps from behind.
"What news do you have for me?" Gideon asked with a calm voice.
"That Ithorian had the droid!" The officer said with a look of satisfaction. "We are looking in its memory banks now!"
"Good." Gideon said as he turned to the officer. "Tell me. What else occurred on Batuu?" The Moff asked with that same calm voice.
"Wh... what do you mean, sir?" The officer asked as his look of satisfaction had quickly faded.
"Did you run into any complications? Anything out of the ordinary?" Gideon asked as he turned his full attention to the young Imperial Officer.
"Complications? No sir! Not really!" The young officer replied.
"Not really? Does that mean there were some complications?" Gideon asked as his look became a piercing glare into the officer's eyes.
"No sir! Ah... that Dok-Ondar knew more about the droid and Dooku then we initially believed. There were also civilians present in the shop, but they do not matter!" The officer responded as he tried catching his composure.
"Do not matter? What did the citizens look like?" Gideon asked.
"A woman with dark skin and a boy with lighter skin. The boy also had red hair!" The officer replied.
"Interesting... Very well, you may go!" Gideon commanded as he turned his attention back to his troops. 
Alone with his thoughts, Gideon came to the conclusion that the red head boy and woman were the Jedi Cal Kestis and Cere Junda that escaped from the grasp of Darth Vader. Walking through the corridors of his Imperial Light Cruiser, he came before multiple large squadrons of Imperial troops. He stood before them and briefed them with their mission to Serenno. He warned of the fugitives that would be on the planet, and ordered to eliminate them on sight.
Cal and Cere walked through one of the tunnels under Count Dooku's palace. Years have passed since the former Sith had walked through these areas. The two Jedi could see that years of destruction had taken its toll on the once elegant palace. Criminals and thieves had their ways with most of what was left. As the two Jedi went deeper into the tunnels, they realized that the late Count had precautions set in place. Traps were set and attack droids activated to face off against whatever intruder decided to step foot in the area and take the treasures of Count Dooku. 
The two Jedi were successful in defeating the droids and deactivating the traps. They finally reached the vault that the protocol droid had mapped out in its memory drive. Cere entered a combination, hoping that Dok-Ondar's intel was correct. With much relief, the vault door had opened wide. Cal and Cere sauntered through the vault door and found an object placed on a stand against the wall. Both Jedi could sense a great power from within this object. Cal and Cere glanced at one another as Cal used the force to bring the object to him. The artifact came into his hand. Cere started to approach him, but all of a sudden she was knocked back against a wall with a powerful force.
Cal fell to his knees as the artifact started floating over him. He felt great pain surge throughout his body, as he felt energy draining from him. Cere watched as a bright light came out of Cal and into the shifting artifact. The ancient relic absorbed the light, and as it continued to shift above the young Cal; a bright light and a dark cloud formed over the object! In an instant, everything came to a sudden holt as the relic fell down in front of Cal. Cal pushed himself off of the ground and looked down at the object. 
"Cal, are you okay?!" Cere asked.
"Ye.. yeah!" Cal said as he tried to process what had just happened. "What is that thing? What just happened?"
"I don't know! I've never seen anything like it!" Cere replied as she stood over the object. She could sense that the object had grown more powerful with the Force since they had been in its presence. 
"If this is what they're after.... we have to destroy it!" Cal said as he was about to ignite his lightsaber.
"Not yet! We don't know what it is or what destroying it would mean!" Cere replied as she leaned down to pick it up. "We must not let them have it!" 
"Okay... then let's take it and get out of here!" Cal said as Cere Junda handed him the relic. 
Cal threw the relic in a bag of his, and the two Jedi started to make their way for the exit. As they were preparing to leave, another trap sprung to life! The ground opened beneath them; and using the Force, Cal was able to jumped to the high ground. An underground river caught Cere and she was forced down further into the tunnels. Using the com, Cere told Cal that she was alright. She would meet him back at the ship.
As Cal left the hidden hidden chambers beneath Dooku's palace, he sensed that he was not alone. He stealthily walked to the window, and saw several Imperial Troopers on the outside of the palace. Several thoughts raced through his head as he tried to think of how he could escape from the Empire's grasp. While many thoughts flowed through his head, he heard a voice of an Imperial leader from the outside....
Moments before...
Imperial troops stormed the city that was once the home of Count Dooku. Moff Gideon stood with his men, and waited to hear what the latest report was. He was approached by a scout trooper who was carrying something that he found in one of Dooku's chambers. The trooper handed the Moff a hilt that was for a lightsaber. It was a curved hilt as some of the Imperials gazed upon it.
"Sir, what is that?" The scout trooper asked.
Moff Gideon gazed over the curved hilt as he pressed onto one of the buttons. A red blade ignited from the hilt, and a small smile formed across the Moff's face. "A weapon from a fallen order... Dooku must have kept a spare."
As the troopers continued to swarm the area, the scout trooper advised Gideon that there was one life form emerging from the lower sections of Dooku's palace. It appeared to be a male. Gideon approached the palace and was told that the lifeform was now inside the palace.
"Cal Kestis! You have something that I want! Give me what you found and I will let you live! If you do not, I will have my forces unleash an unspeakable force upon you in which you will die! There is no escape!" Moff Gideon yelled as his troops prepared to lay siege on the two Jedi.
This is not a straight up fight!
Cal is in Dooku's old palace and is surrounded by Imperial troops. Can he survive and escape with the relic? Will Moff Gideon defeat Cal or at the very least obtain the artifact?
Moff Gideon - has a couple dozen storm troopers, 8 death troopers, two scout troopers, an incinerator trooper, mortar trooper, and 2 purger troopers under his command. Gideon also has a blaster and a lightsaber that once belonged to Count Dooku
Cal Kestis - has his lightsaber, skills that he acquired from Fallen Order, and Force abilities that he obtained.
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Hope you all enjoy! Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors!

This is a follow up to my previous entry in Star Wars matches - albeit about 5 or 6 year time jump from the end of the Clone Wars 

Again this is not a straight up fight! Mainly it is the question of whether or not Val can escape with the artifact from Gideon and his forces

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Again this is a great setup, I liked the transition to the Empire era. One thing, I'm not sure Gideon is a Moff yet. I could be wrong, but I think he would still just be an intelligence officer at this point in SW history. 

Anyways, I think Cal and Cere can escape, it will be tough but they'll make it out probably by the skin of their teeth. Hmm, wonder if Night sister Merrin is around... 



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24 minutes ago, Mercenaryblade said:

Again this is a great setup, I liked the transition to the Empire era. One thing, I'm not sure Gideon is a Moff yet. I could be wrong, but I think he would still just be an intelligence officer at this point in SW history. 

Anyways, I think Cal and Cere can escape, it will be tough but they'll make it out probably by the skin of their teeth. Hmm, wonder if Night sister Merrin is around... 




I wasn't sure either so I just made a guess. I know more than likely an error but thought it'd be fun to use him

Glad you enjoyed, didn't know how the time jump would go over. I kind of want to do more in Clone Wars era.

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Sorry I missed this one. It certainly deserves a 5 star though. Your use of the Star Wars universe is fantastic. And this is an interesting fight between two great additions to the universe.

I may have given Gideon my vote, but he is younger here by quite a few years. He may not have the experience he needs to trump Cal's overwhelming power.

Okay, I'm off to read the next one.

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