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  1. Battlesphere 2 Part 20 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky (Stength) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Medusa (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Willy Wonka (Skills/tech) Lola Bunny (Toon Physics) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Kylo Ren uses Toon speed to blitz Xena but she just barely manages to get the Wrath Staff up to block! She fires an energy bolt but Kylo uses the Force to stop it in mid-flight! Andel Sanap: He sends the bolt into the sky where it is dodged by Hawkgirl! She extends her… slimy hair towards Miss Bourgeois. Miss Bourgeois opens fire with her pistols but the bullets are ricocheting away from Hawkgirl as she takes to the air! Al Rossi: Cain’s telekinesis working overtime! Kylo uses his lightsaber to push back on the Wrath Staff! He’s pushing Xena towards the ropes! That battle with Medusa and Hawkgirl has really taken it out of the Warrior Princess! Wait! Xena got a hand on the black-light projector! She hits the button! Kylo is shrouded in darkness, thrashing furiously with his lightsaber! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois hurls the top! She’s caught several locks of Hawkgirl’s hair! She pulls with all her might! She’s trying to power Hawkgirl down! A blast of Jack’s fire lifts Miss Bourgeois up instead! She’s over the top rope! She’s holding on to the line of her top for dear life! Al Rossi: Meanwhile, Xena has been acting quickly! She’s got a grappling hook attached to Kylo and another attached to herself! Now she’s firing another at the Battlesphere wall! Kylo is still stuck in the darkness from the projector! She’s running for the ropes! UP AND OVER! XENA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Andel Sanap: The grappling lines are linked together! Kylo’s getting pulled out after Xena! She launched a final grapple and detaches from Kylo! Al Rossi: Xena is swinging underneath the ring! The darkness around Kylo clears just in time for him to hit the Battlesphere wall! He was so caught up in his anger he didn’t even have time to use the Force to save himself! A HUGE elimination for Xena when she needed it most! Andel Sanap: But Xena still needs to pull herself back into the ring without touching the Battlesphere wall herself! She makes her way past Miss Bourgeois, desperately attempting to pull herself over the ropes! Hawkgirl is still hovering above the ring with her hair caught up in Miss Bourgeois’ top line. Al Rossi: But I think Hawkgirl has something in mind! She spats out some purple slime onto the top. It’s working down the line towards Chloe! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois’ eyes are wide! She still remembers how terrifying Gus was at the start of the match! Al Rossi: And knowing Chloe she’s probably not that thrilled about getting slimed! She looks disgusted as the slime gets closer! She’s let go! She let go of the top! With a final wail Chloe Bourgeois has dropped out! Andel Sanap: An incredible turn of events! Chloe Bourgeois was the last returning combatant from last year’s Battlesphere, and now she has set a new record time of over an hour and 2 minutes! Al Rossi: And now it’s down to two! Two of our new combatants have managed to outlast 28 others to reach this point! Their power ups have already been provided, Andel! Let’s check them out! Andel Sanap: Xena is now up to full strength following her elimination of Kylo Ren. And while she now possesses the combined gadgetry and skills of Carmen Sandiego, the Phantom Lady, and Astronema, Kylo’s mastery of the Force could make her the favorite here! Al Rossi: Certainly impressive, sporting an outfit that is part Amazon/part Phantom and tapped off with a Kylo robe in Carmen Sandiego red! Meanwhile, we’ve already talked about how dramatic a change Hawkgirl’s power ups have caused for the Justice Leaguer. Now she’s sporting the outfit of Queen Bee dressed in Cain’s coat, containing a slimy, monstrous frame! Will these mystical power ups give Hawkgirl the edge? Or can Xena finally defeat her? Andel Sanap: The two women acknowledge each other! Xena ignites her won lightsaber! Hawkgirl pulls out the First Blade and powers up her Nth metal mace! Al Rossi: Hold on to your hats, folks! We’re about to have our 2nd ever Battlesphere Battle Royal winner! OK: Hawkgirl (Full strength plus Gooey Gus, Spring Heeled Jack, Cain, Medusa, and Chloe Bourgeois’ powers/weapons) vs Xena (Full strength plus Carmen Sandiego, Phantom Lady, and Astromena’s tech/abilities and Kylo Ren’s Force powers). Whoever throws their opponent over the top rope and have both of their feet hit the Battlesphere wall wins the match! If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match went. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  2. Battlesphere 2 Part 18 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Callisto (Skill/weapons) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Willy Wonka (Skills/tech) Lola Bunny Emma Peel (Skills) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Kylo Ren has caught Chucky in the Force Choke! He flings Kitana’s fans but Ren batters them away with his lightsaber! Al Rossi: Xena fires her staff at Medusa! The Inhuman dances out of the way and extends her hair! She’s got Xena! Hawkgirl swoops in but is forced to parry a sword held in Medusa’s hair! Andel Sanap: Kylo Ren slices the arms off of Chucky! The doll is lifted up and pushed over the ropes and straight back into the Battlesphere wall! Al Rossi: Hawkgirl’s mace is making quick work of Medusa’s swordYOWCH! She had another tendril of hair stab her in the back with Sam’s knife! Hawkgirl is looking mad as she tries to get out of range. Andel Sanap: Now Medusa is pulling in Xena! She has her by the throat! The combined aggression of Sweet and Sam’s powers must be clouding the Inhuman Queen’s judgement! She’s bringing the knife and remnants of Callisto’s sword to Xena’s face! Al Rossi: And look at Medusa’s face! Twisted by her demonic power ups! She looks like she’s enjoying this! You’ve got her beat! Just go for the elimination! Hawkgirl: SLIME ANYONE?! Andel Sanap: BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Slime to the face of Medusa! She’s trying to pull it off, but it just gives Hawkgirl an opening to blast her again with Jack’s fire! Xena’s dropped to the canvas gasping for air! Hawkgirl nosedives in swinging the mace and… BOOOONG!! Al Rossi: Fore! Andel Sanap: Medusa is sent tumbling over the ropes! She extends her hair to stop her fall, but Hawkgirl’s mace batters them away! Medusa has been eliminated! Medusa falls short once again, but another impressive showing from the queen of Attilan! Al Rossi: Nearly an hour on the clock and we have reached the final 5! Kylo Ren has finished getting his power up! And… well, it’s not all that much to look at. Kylo’s just looking like a life-sized doll version of himself. Andel Sanap: But he is also now possessed by Chucky’s bloodlust. He glances around the Battlesphere! Hawkgirl is still getting her power up from eliminating Medusa. Miss Bourgeois and Miss Bunny are still brawling in the corner. Al Rossi: Which leaves a weakened Xena! Kylo Ren advances on her! He’s pulled out one of Chucky’s knives and deactivates his ‘saber! WHOA! Andel Sanap: The Warrior Princess hurls her chakram! She was luring Kylo in! Kylo re-activates his lightsaber as Xena rises to her feet! Al Rossi: Xena may have just had a rough battle, but she’s not backing down from anybody! OK: Kylo Ren (Full strength plus Jordan’s strength/skill, Speedy Gonzales Toon force, and the Bride and Chucky’s strength) vs Xena (Weakened plus Phantom Lady, Carmen Sandiego, and Astronema’s skills/tech). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  3. Battlesphere 2 Part 19 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky (Stength) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Medusa (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Willy Wonka (Skills/tech) Lola Bunny Emma Peel (Skills) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Lola judo tosses Chloe back to the center of the ring! These two have been playing nice all match but now Lola has had enough! Andel Sanap: Miss Bunny advances on Miss Bourgeois but the Parisian hero jumps to her feet! Chloe Bourgeois: Venom! Al Rossi: Nails Lola with the Miraculous! The Toon is frozen mid-punch! Now it should be easy for Chloe to… um, look inside her Wonka coat? Andel Sanap: She is pulling out something, a small object of some kind. I don’t like the look of that grin on Miss Bourgeois’ face, Al. Al Rossi: Me either, Andel. What is she up to? Hey! Whatever it was, she shoved it in Lola’s mouth! Now she’s forcing her jaw up and down to chew it? Oh. Oh boy. I think Lola’s in real trouble now! Andel Sanap: Miss Bunny is changing! She’s turning… blue?! Al Rossi: It’s the three-course gum! Gum that gives you a whole meal! Soup, beef, and then… Andel Sanap: By the Force! Mis Bunny is blowing up larger and larger! She can’t even stay on her feet! Al Rossi: Chloe’s loving this! Come on, you’ve had your joke! Throw her out before she explodes! Chloe heaves the now very rotund Lola over the ropes, and she drops like a rock to the ‘sphere’s floor. Mercy! Get the juicing room prepped! Lola’s gonna have to be seen to quick! Andel Sanap: An undignified elimination for Lola Bunny, who lasted a full hour in the Battlesphere. Al Rossi: But Chloe couldn’t care less! She jumps around the ring celebrating her victory as she receives Lola’s Toon powers. The Battlesphere also is giving her a more ‘animated’ look and… er, rabbit ears and a tail? She doesn’t seem too happy about that for her new look. Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois better start focusing on more important problems than her appearance. Hawkgirl has completed her power up! She has Medusa’s hair, although combined with her Gus powers her hair is now tendrils of slime. Of the four combatants remaining, Al, Hawkgirl’s upgrade have made her undergo the starkest transformation! Al Rossi: And with some of the most dangerous powers in the Battlesphere to go with it! Chloe pulls out her pistols! Hawkgirl blasts Jack’s fire and Gus’ slime! We have reached the Final 4! OK: Hawkgirl (Full strength plus Gooey Gus, Spring Heeled Jack, Cain, and Medusa’s powers) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Full strength plus John Spartan, John Wick, and Willy Wonka’s skills/weapons, and Lola Bunny’s Toon powers). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  4. Battlesphere 2 Part 17 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Callisto (Skill/weapons) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Chloe and Lola have been completely focused on targeting Wonka. Emma tried to defend him but she was no match for the pair. Now they’ve got both Peel and Wonka on the ropes, and it’s only a matter of time, Andel. Andel Sanap: Yes, Al. Miss Bunny moves towards Miss Peel… but Miss Bourgeois stops her? Al Rossi: Uh oh! These two have been working alright together. They’ve clocked up the longest time in the Battlesphere! What’s gotten into Chloe? Andel Sanap: She appears to be telling Miss Bunny to eliminate Mr. Wonka and leave Miss Peel to her. Al Rossi: And Lola doesn’t look thrilled about that! This would be her first elimination! I’m sure she’d rather have the skills of a secret agent to a chocolate maker! She’s arguing her case! Chloe already has the skills of Wick and Spartan! She points at Peel! Chloe points at Wonka! Lola points at Peel! Chloe points at Wonka! Lola points at Wonka! Chloe points at Peel! Wait, what?! Andel Sanap: Al, Miss Bourgeois is trading places with Miss Bunny! They run towards the still dazed Mr. Wonka and Mrs. Peel! Double clotheslines to both! Al Rossi: Lola got out Emma and Chloe got out Wonka! Look at Chloe! Even she’s shocked! Andel Sanap: How did Miss Bunny trick Miss Bourgeois?! Does she have access to the Force? Al Rossi: Nope, just some Toon physics and the good old ‘Duck season/Rabbit season’ gag! The Batlesphere grants them their power ups! Lola is now sporting Emma’s jumpsuit, while Chloe is in Wonka’s hat and coat. Andel Sanap: Much to Miss Bunny’s amusement. I can sense the rage of Miss Bourgeois from here! Al Rossi: Chloe flings herself at Lola! There are no friends in the Battlesphere! This fight just got utterly ridiculous! OK: Lola Bunny (Full strength plus Emma Peel’s skills) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Full strength plus John Spartan, John Wick, and Willy Wonka’s skills/weapons). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  5. Battlesphere 2 Part 16 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Kylo and Chucky speed across the ring with their Toon speed, landing strike after strike! Al Rossi: Xena blasts Callisto with the black light projector! Catches her with a grapple and swings her towards the ropes but Callisto cuts the line! Uh oh! She’s starting to turn silver! Andel Sanap: If she accesses Moonwalker’s ‘star power’, I don’t know how Xena will withstand it! Al Rossi: Check out Cain! He’s attached the First Blade to the Ladybug yoyo! He lets it fly but Hawkgirl swoops out of the way! Yuck! And she replies with gusher of Gus slime! Andel Sanap: The yoyo is completely enveloped and glued to the mat! Cain charges towards Hawkgirl and BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Mace to the face! Cain lifted off his feet, over the ropes, and out of the fight! Andel Sanap: Medusa is still struggling with Astronema, but she sees Callisto continuing her transformation! She starts to… snap her fingers? Al Rossi: Yes! She’s summoning Sweet’s magic! Astronema is starting to dance with her staff! She pirouettes and fires! Down goes Callisto! Andel Sanap: A nod between Xena and Medusa and they leap into action! Xena hurls the chakram to disarm the dazed Astronema! Medusa’s hair takes hold of Callisto! Al Rossi: And Xena’s got a hold of Astronema too! Xena muscles her over the ropes, gives her warcry and one more punch to the face! Andel Sanap: She’s falling off the apron and a screeching Callisto is tossed after her! Two more combatants are out! Al Rossi: So we’ve got Medusa, Xena, and Hawkgirl getting power ups, Kylo and Chucky still going at it, Emma Peel unconscious, and Chloe and Lola beating the hell out of Willy Wonka in the corner! Welcome to the Battlesphere! Andel Sanap: As the lights fade we start to see the new forms of our combatants. Medusa still has her demonic features and Sam’s outfit, now accentuated by Callisto’s armor and blonde hair. Hawkgirl is looking even more deranged in her Slime/Jack form, brandishing the First Blade! Al Rossi: And Xena now is the holder of Astronema’s staff! These three ladies were already fierce combatants walking into the ‘sphere. Now they are on a whole new level of power! Andel Sanap: Normally I believe these three would try to stop Miss Bunny and Miss Bourgeois’ attack on Mr. Wonka. But judging from the way they are looking at each other, I would guess these warriors are looking test out their newly acquired abilities against each other. Al Rossi: Strap in, folks! We’re in the home stretch of this battle royal and business is about to pick up! OK: Medusa (Full strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers, and Callisto’s skills/weapons) vs Xena (Full strength plus Phantom Lady, Carmen Sandiego, and Astronema’s skills/tech) vs Hawkgirl (Full strength plus Gooey Gus, Spring Heeled Jack and Cain’s powers). The combatant with the most votes gets the powers/abilities/weapons of the combatant with the least votes. Ties for most votes means the two combatants share the bonus powers. Ties for least votes means both combatants are eliminated, and all their powers go to the winner. A combatant who finishes 2nd in the voting takes damage, but stays in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  6. Battlesphere 2 Part 15 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Mrs. Peel goes for a judo throw on Miss Bunny but Miss Bourgeois catches her! The pair deliver punches to the British secret agent before they begin to stomp on the fallen Mr. Wonka! Al Rossi: Meanwhile it appears that Kylo Ren and Chucky are finished with their upgrades from the ‘sphere! Kylo has grown a few inches in height thanks to the Jordan elimination, and his black robes have become white due to the Bride. Even his hair has the iconic white stripe! Andel Sanap: Chucky has grown to human size, but his outfit has turned blue. He’s holding both of Kitana’s fans at the ready and flashes a smile to show off his newly won vampire fangs! Al Rossi: And both of them still have Speedy’s… er… speed. Kylo surveys the scene, looking for a targetHEY! Andel Sanap: Sneak attack by Chucky! He used Toon speed to get close, then delivered multiple strikes with the fan blades! Al Rossi: Kylo pushes back with the Force! These two didn’t earn their reputations by being team players! Kylo is enraged and Chucky is loving it! OK: Kylo Ren (Full strength plus Jordan’s strength/skill, Speedy Gonzales Toon force, and the Bride’s strength) vs Chucky (Full strength plus Kitana’s powers/skill, Speedy Gonzales Toon force, and Bella Swan’s powers). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  7. Battlesphere 2 Part 13 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Apologies for the interrupted feed, ladies and gentlemen, but we are back from TCC Arena to continue our coverage of this incredible battle! Al Rossi: We’ve got Chloe and Lola trying to double team Emma Peel, only for Medusa to swat them away with her hair. Wonka appears to have taken some fizzy lifting drink to hover out of range of the fray and DUCK! Andel Sanap: A blast from Astronema’s staff takes out everyone! Cain and Callisto are looking impressed by that maneuver! But Kylo Ren doesn’t have much time for scouting! He has the Bride in a Force choke! Al Rossi: He’s using Toon speed! Hey! He’s leapt over the tope rope with the Bride! The Bride’s howling to try to get to Kylo, but he chucks her down and uses his Toon speed and the Force to zoom back into the ring! The Bride couldn’t get flying before she hit the sphere wall! She’s out! Andel Sanap: Miss Swan rushes in avenge her partner only for Chucky to meet her with a Kitana fan to the throat! The vampire’s head, followed by the rest of her body, is dumped over the top rope, as well! Al Rossi: Meanwhile, Astronema is stepping over her fallen adversaries. She moves past Emma Peel and is standing over Medusa. Her enhancements must be at their limit right now! Astronema powers up the staff! Xena: Yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi! Andel Sanap: But here comes the Warrior Princess! Al Rossi: And a slightly slimy Hawkgirl is backing her up! But here comes Cain and Callisto to even the odds! OK: Cain (Full Strength plus Ladybug’s powers/weapons), Callisto (Full Strength plus Moonwalker’s powers), and Astronema (Half Strength) vs Medusa (Half Strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers), Xena (Full Strength plus Carmen Sandiego and Phantom Lady’s abilities/tech), and Hawkgirl (Full Strength plus Gooey Gus and Spring Heeled Jack’s powers). Team with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the team with the most votes. If there is a tie, both teams take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  8. Battlesphere 2 Part 14 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Cain batters away Medusa’s hair with Ladybug’s yoyo! Astronema fires a blast at Hawkgirl only for the Thanagarian to spew some purple slime at her! And it appears that Xena and Callisto are getting into a dance off! It can only happen in the Battlesphere, folks! Andel Sanap: But the situation is not looking good for Miss Peel. Miss Bourgeois and Miss Bunny have gotten back on their feet after Astronema’s attack, but the British agent is still staggered! Miss Bourgeois is looking to pick the bones but Miss Bunny stops her! Al Rossi: She’s wanting to eliminate Emma herself! To be fair, Chloe already has two eliminations that have given her a similar powerset to Emma anyway but uh oh! We got a shoving match! Andel Sanap: While Willy Wonka watches from above! That fizzy lifting drink has allowed him to avoid the conflict, but now he’s looking concerned at Miss Peel. He adjusts his hat, takes a deep breath and… belches? Al Rossi: Down comes the candyman, crashing down on Chloe and Lola! Emma pulls Wonka out of the pile! Now Chloe is looking furious and Lola is still looking for that first elimination! OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Half Strength plus John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities/weapons) and Lola Bunny (Half Strength) vs Emma Peel (Half Strength) and Willy Wonka (Half Strength). Pair with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair with the most votes. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  9. Battlesphere 2 Part 12 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Ladies and gentlemen, we are over 40 minutes into the Battlesphere and nearly half of our combatants are still standing! Lola Bunny, our #3 entrant, is still fighting alongside her unlikely ally Miss Bourgeois, despite not having secured an elimination for herself yet. Al Rossi: Meanwhile, our last elimination has crafted a rather… heh… interesting new look for Cain. Not sure if the first murderer is a fan of a red and black polka dots, but at least got a boost of strength and a Miraculous! Andel Sanap: But through all of this Miss Swan and the Bride of Frankenstein have been using Miss America’s power of flight to simply observe the match. Al Rossi: Check out Kylo and Chucky! Those two have been eyeing them for a while! Wait! Here we go! Kylo extends his hand! He’s Force choking Bella down to Earth as Chucky brandishes Kitana’s fans under her! Andel Sanap: The Bride lets out a screech and flies down! She slams into Kylo, breaking his hold on Miss Swan! She pulls out McCloud’s blaster and fires! Chucky flips out of the way! Al Rossi: These 4 are through watching and waiting. They are ready for a fight! OK: Kylo Ren (Full strength plus Michael Jordan’s abilities and Speedy Gonzales powers) and Chucky (Full strength plus Kitana’s powers/weapons and Speedy Gonzales powers) vs Bella Swan and The Bride (Both at full strength plus Miss America’s powers and Fox McCloud’s abilities/weapons). Pair with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair with the most votes. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  10. Battlesphere 2 Part 11 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Moonwalker Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Hawkgirl None Spring Heeled Jack None Cain None Callisto None Ladybug None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is howling with rage as she fires her pistols at Ladybug, but the yoyo causes the bullets to ricochet into the Battlesphere wall. Al Rossi: Hawkgirl is flying dangerously close to top of the sphere! If her feet or Jack’s touch then they would be out! Jack’s clawed hand tearing into her wings! She swings her mace! YOWCH! Right in the face! Andel Sanap: He slips off Hawkgirl’s back and tumbles down, only to be met with another taste of Nth Metal! Carried over the ropes and out of the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: We got Xena still trying to fend off Phantom Lady and Carmen while Gus lets loose a blast of slime towards Hawkgirl! The clock is winding down! Here comes #28! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: The candyman can! Al Rossi: Uhhh, what? Andel Sanap: The most unlikely of combatants! The master confectioner Willy Wonka has entered the Battlesphere. He doesn’t seem all that impressed by the chaos around him. Al Rossi: But I hope he has a heck of strategy! Here comes the demonic Medusa! Wait! Wonka’s pulling out a flask! What’s he drinking? Andel Sanap: Medusa lunges for him and By the Force! Al Rossi: He’s floating in the air! He must have some of that Fizzy Lifting Drink stuff! Look out! Hawkgirl zooms past him on a dive towards Gus! The Battlesphere is trying to give her Jack’s powers as she charges up her mace and HOLY CRAP! Andel Sanap: Gooey Gus has been reduced to a puddle of goo that flies over the ropes the drips into the bowl of the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: Carmen and Phantom Lady are shocked by the brutality of that elimination! But in comes Xena! A throw of her chakram and both them are sent over the ropes onto the apron! Andel Sanap: Xena crouches down! She runs towards the ropes where her opponents are stunned! Crowd: 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A: The end of your era… and the beginning of mine. Al Rossi: A lot just happened there, folks! Xena hit a double missile dropkick to Carmen and Phantom Lady, eliminating them both just as the buzzer sounded! And now, we’ve got Dark Specter’s favorite warrior joining us at #29! Andel Sanap: She charges up her Wrath Staff and aims it but… um, now she appears to be dancing with it. Al Rossi: Medusa’s tapping into Sweet’s magic! She unleashes her hair and catches a hold of Astronema’s arm as Callisto works over Moonwalker in the corner! Andel Sanap: He opens his mouth for a sonic scream but BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Hard to sing with a sword in your mouth! Callisto lifts Moonwalker by the remains of his throat and tosses over the top rope! Andel Sanap: The Battlesphere is quickly providing the combatants their new powers. Hawkgirl looks barely recognizable with the twisted purple body of Jack and Gus, Xena is in Phantom Lady’s outfit and Carmen’s coat and hat… Al Rossi: And Callisto is sporting the Moonwalker’s look. Which, to be honest, isn’t that bad. Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Mrs. Peel, you’re needed. Al Rossi: And with that we’ve reached #30! Emma Peel is our final entrant! Wonka burps down and offers her a chocolate. Andel Sanap: A gesture of friendship? Mrs. Peel smiles and accepts. Al Rossi: Then she delivers a karate chop to Wonka’s head! Andel Sanap: Which allows him to miss the flying bodies of Miss Bunny, Miss Bourgeois, and Ladybug! Another display of Cain’s power! Ladybug and Miss Bourgeois desperately hurl their Miraculous to catch the bottom rope! Al Rossi: Lola scrambles into the ring, only to be met by a slash of Cain’s knife! He grinning wickedly at the two Miraculous ropes as Chloe and Ladybug try to pull themselves up. He’s pointing the First Blade back and forth between them, then brings it crashing down! Andel Sanap: I can’t believe it! The First Blade cut Ladybug’s line! The young hero falls and is eliminated! Al Rossi: Chloe clambers up the rest of the way and rejoins with Lola! They watch as Astronema fires blasts at Medusa and Wonka desperately flees Peel! No time to rest! Back into the battle! OK: Medusa (Full strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers/weapons) and Emma Peel (Full strength) vs Willy Wonka (Full strength) and Astronema (Full strength) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Half strength plus John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities/weapons) and Lola Bunny (Half strength) Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  11. Battlesphere 2 Part 10 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Moonwalker Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Hawkgirl None Spring Heeled Jack None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: The Battlesphere has been working overtime to get our combatants their upgrades, Andel! We’ve got Kylo and Chucky both looking a little Toon-ier as the zoom around the ring with their newly won speed, Bella and the Bride are sporting Starfox gear! Andel Sanap: But the most dramatic change is Medusa! Her outfit now resembles Sam’s, but her face is now twisted to look like Sweet’s! Al Rossi: Well, at least it matches her hair. Here’s entrant #25! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Am I my brother’s keeper? Andel Sanap: By the Force! Al Rossi: You can say that again! The first murderer is in the Battlesphere! And he makes a beeline for… Moonwalker?! Andel Sanap: It’s not too farfetched, Al. Cain can sense how much power Moonwalker possesses. Cain’s demonic abilities combined with Moonwalker’s could make him unstoppable! Al Rossi: And check out Lola and Chloe! I think they’ve had their fill of dealing with Gooey Gus! Lola jumps in with a kick to Moonwalker and Chloe gets off a few pistol shots! WHOA! Andel Sanap: A telekinetic backhand by Cain! Miss Bunny and Miss Bourgeois desperately cling onto the ropes! Al Rossi: Cain doesn’t like to share his kills, I guess. Lola and Chloe scramble back into the ring! Andel Sanap: Kylo Ren and Chucky are setting up in the corner! Kylo is gesturing to Bella and the Bride, who are using their won powers of flight to stay above the ring. Al Rossi: Not for long though! They have to dodge out of the way of Hawkgirl as she struggles with Jack! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: I will never stop hating you, Xena! Do you hear me?! NEVER! Al Rossi: That got Xena’s attention! But she’s too busy with Gus to deal with her archrival Callisto! Andel Sanap: Moonwalker is starting to go silver! He blocks a stab from Cain a delivers a shot of his own, but here comes Callisto! Al Rossi: She thrusts her sword into Moonwalker’s chest! If he wasn’t in mid-transformation, that would have been a killing blow! Andel Sanap: But Moonwalker is still staggered! His transformation has stalled! He’s partly silver but hasn’t gotten into his mech form! Al Rossi: But here comes Chloe and Lola! Lola bum rushes Xena and Chloe uses her top to stun Cain! Andel Sanap: Takes out her pistols and dual wields to pepper Moonwalker with lead! Al Rossi: Chloe isn’t messing around! Lola and Callisto are still scrapping as Chloe stands over the downed Moonwalker! Andel Sanap: All the other combatants are focused on there own battles! Moonwalker may be finished! Al Rossi: Chloe is making him sweat! He better hope his lucky star is with #27! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Tikki, spots on! Al Rossi: AND IT IS! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is irate! Ladybug teleports in and runs towards Miss Bourgeois to aid Moonwalker! Al Rossi: The two Miraculous heroes are going head-to-head! We still have 3 more combatants and whooooole lot of eliminations before we got ourselves a winner! OK: Moonwalker (full strength plus Michigan J. Frog’s Toon physics) and Ladybug (full strength) vs Chloe Bourgeois (half strength plus John Spartan and John Wick’s skills and weapons) and Lola Bunny (weakened) vs Cain (full strength) and Callisto (full strength). Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  12. Battlesphere 2 Part 9 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Moonwalker Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Sweet None Speedy Gonzales None Fox McCloud None Sam None Medusa None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Chucky uses his stolen fans to send Speedy Gonzales spiraling into the air! Al Rossi: Then hurls a fan as Kylo swings his ‘saber! Yowch! One dissected mouse! Multiple pieces of Speedy hit the Battlesphere wall! Tell Mercy she’s working overtime tonight! Andel Sanap: And Fox McCloud may be in similar need of help! His pistol has little effect on Bella and the Bride as they grab hold of him! Al Rossi: They take flight and hurl Fox over the ropes and out of the match! Andel Sanap: 30 minutes of action and the ring is still extremely crowded! Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Shayera Hol, Hawkgirl! Al Rossi: And it’s about to get even more crowded above the ring! The Thanagarian Leaguer surveys the chaos! Andel Sanap: Al, our first 5 entries are still in the Battlesphere and have been going at each other non-stop! Miss Sandiego and Phantom Lady are attempting to regroup as Miss Bunny and Miss Bourgeois are desperately trying to calm down Gus! Al Rossi: But in charges Xena! She’s got that look in her eye, Andel! She’s loving this brawl! She stabs her blade into Gus who just stares at it in confusion! Andel Sanap: Xena isn’t giving up though! She’s trying to power it out of Gus’ slimy hide! Hawkgirl looks impressed! She’s charging up her Nth metal mace! Coming in for a dive! BOOONG! Al Rossi: And clobbers Gus! He felt that one! That mace does have a history of disrupting magical beings. This might be the thing that spells in the end for Gus! Andel Sanap: Look! Medusa has caught Sweet and Sam in her hair! She’s carrying them to the ropes! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Heh heh heh heh! Andel Sanap: First timer Spring Heeled Jack enters the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: And there goes Sweet and Sam out of it! With a toss of her tresses Medusa puts an end to the musical demon and the spirt of Halloween! Can’t wait to see how those upgrades will effect Medusa! Andel Sanap: But Jack has leapt onto Hawkgirl! Xena has freed her blade and goes for another attack on Gus! Al Rossi: And Carmen and Phantom Lady look ready to go another round themselves! OK: Carmen Sandiego (weakened) and Phantom Lady (weakened) vs Gooey Gus (weakened) and Spring Heeled Jack (full strength) vs Xena (half strength) and Hawkgirl (full strength). Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  13. Battlesphere 2 Part 7 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Sweet None Moonwalker None Michigan J. Frog None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: A blast of fire shoots from Sweet’s fingertips and Moonwalker anti-gravity leans out of the way! Al Rossi: Jumps into a kick that catches Sweet right in the face! Lola and Carmen are going at it in the corner, Phantom Lady gives another projector blast to an even madder Gus, and Look out! Chloe’s trying to get Xena over the ropes! Andel Sanap: But it seems that Kylo and Chucky have caught the eyes of our monstrous brides! Bella and the Bride have been using Miss America’s flight to hover above the ring, but here they come! Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Arriba! Andale! Eppa eppa YEEHA! Al Rossi: The fastest mouse in all of Mexico! Speedy Gonzales is here! He tears around the ring, hopping onto the ring ropes! Andel Sanap: He breezes past Mr. Frog, who looks annoyed that his dance routine on the middle rope was interrupted. He goes back into his routine, but look out for Moonwalker! Al Rossi: Goes into a spin that kicks the legs out from Sweet and sends Moonwalker flying towards the ropes! Spinning backfist clobbers Michigan and that frog is history! Andel Sanap: Already the Battlesphere is starting to give Moonwalker his earned upgrades. Toon power mixed with the considerable magics that Moonwalker possesses? A dangerous combination! Al Rossi: Speaking of dangerous combos, look at Bella and the Bride! They cornered Speedy at the turnbuckle! Looks like there’s a disagreement over who should eliminate the Toon and get his powers! Andel Sanap: But Kylo and Chucky are right there, as well! Chucky brandishes his Kitana fans and you can see the look of determination on the face of the Knight of Ren! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Let’s rock and roll! Al Rossi: And another new combatant! At #20 it’s Fox McCloud! He sees Speedy surrounded by some unpleasant company! Whips out his blaster and fires! Andel Sanap: Kylo blocks with his lightsaber, Chucky leaps for Speedy who darts away! Chucky slams into the Bride and Bella lunges for Kylo! Al Rossi: Two thirds of the way through the field of 30, and this battle royal has no signs of slowing down! OK: Kylo Ren (Michael Jordan’s strength/skill) and Chucky (Kitana’s weapons/powers) vs The Bride (Miss America’s powers) and Bella Swan (Miss America’s powers) vs Speedy Gonzales and Fox McCloud All are at full strength and also possess their normal weapons and powers. Also currently in the ring: Chloe Boureois (John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities and weapons), Carmen Sandiego, Gooey Gus, Lola Bunny, Phantom Lady, Xena, Sweet, and Moonwalker. The combatant with the most votes gets the powers/abilities/weapons of the combatant with the least votes. Ties for most votes means the two teams share the bonus powers. Ties for least votes means both teams are eliminated, and all their powers go to the winners. A team who finishes 2nd in the voting takes damage, but stays in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  14. Battlesphere 2 Part 8 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Sweet None Moonwalker None Speedy Gonzales None Fox McCloud None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Almost half of the field of 30 is still in the Battlesphere! Sweet is leaning in the corner dazed following the strike who took from Moonwalker! Al Rossi: Which explains why none of our combatants are breaking out into any dance numbers at the moment. Moonwalker has finished his upgrade and he looks like he’s been transformed into a cartoon version of himself! Andel Sanap: He sees Xena getting overpowered by Miss Bourgeois and leaps in to lend a hand! Al Rossi: A giant Toon sized hand! He throws a punch that sends Chloe colliding into Gus! They both fly over the top rope! Chloe is holding for dear life as Gus’ body adheres to the ring apron! Crowd: 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Trick ‘r Treat! Trick ‘r Treat! Give us something good to eat! Al Rossi: Hope you checked your candy, folks! The spirt of Halloween, Sam, enters at #21! Andel Sanap: He seems unbothered by the chaos around him as he joins Sweet in the corner. Al Rossi: Some kind of demonic alliance? Sheesh! Get a load of all the monsters in this fight! Chucky is using Kitana’s powers to pursue the Bride into the air! Gus is roaring in Chloe’s face for running into him! Andel Sanap: Miss Swan has Speedy cornered again! But the mouse leaps up and over the vampire! He’s got her by the cape! Speedy is dragging the teenager around the ring! Al Rossi: And we got Fox trading shots with Kylo! Something’s got to give, Andel! Not even the Battlesphere could possibly contain this much action! Andel Sanap: And Sweet and Sam are watching it all! They may be waiting for the right moment to strike! Al Rossi: Carmen’s fighting to get Lola over the rope, and Chloe yanks Carmen off of her! But here comes Gus again, getting in Chloe’s face! If she gets slimed, it’s game over for the Parisian hero! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: ALL HAIL MEDUSA! Andel Sanap: The Queen of the Inhumans, and the first Battlesphere’s number one entrant! Al Rossi: Medusa surveys the chaos but there’s Sam! A quick slash of his lollipop knife and Medusa shouts in pain! Andel Sanap: Sweet charges in to pick the bones but Sam leaps onto to him, swinging his blade wildly! Al Rossi: Well, guess this is one alliance that was short lived! Medusa gets to her feet, and she looks ready for a war! OK: Sweet (half strength after his last battle) vs Sam vs Medusa (both at full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Boureois (John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities and weapons), Kylo Ren (Michael Jordan’s strength/skill), Chucky (Kitana’s powers/weapons), Bride (Miss America’s powers), Bella Swan (Miss America’s powers), Carmen Sandiego, Gooey Gus, Lola Bunny, Phantom Lady, Xena, Moonwalker, Speedy Gonzales, and Fox McCloud. The combatant with the most votes gets the powers/abilities/weapons of the combatant with the least votes. Ties for most votes means the two combatants share the bonus powers. Ties for least votes means both combatants are eliminated, and all their powers go to the winner. A combatant who finishes 2nd in the voting takes damage, but stays in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  15. Battlesphere 2 Part 6 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Sweet None Moonwalker None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: The King of Pop has arrived! In what many would say is his most powerful form! Andel Sanap: The Moonwalker points at Sweet, who walks through the mass of dancing combatants. He’s got his eyes set on Sweet! Al Rossi: And the music demon is looking more than happy to oblige! Hits a jazz hand pose and flames shoot from his fingertips! Moonwalker spins out of the way! Andel Sanap: And there isn’t much room left in the ring, Al! All of the other combatants are fully under Sweet’s spell as they dance and fight with each other! Al Rossi: Except for Bella and the Bride! Look! The Battlesphere has finished copying Miss America’s powers onto to them! They are both in red, white, and blue variations of their outfits and are floating above the ring, taking in the chaos below them! Andel Sanap: Moonwalker grabs a hold of Sweet and tosses him to the center of the ring. He pushes past Kylo Ren as he tangos with Chucky! Al Rossi: Okay, this is definitely looking nuttier than the last Battlesphere! What next entering at 18?! Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Hello, my baby! Hello, my honey! Hello, my ragtime gal! Andel Sanap: When you said ‘nuttier’, Al, did you mean to say ‘toonier’? Al Rossi: The flippered face of the WB, Michigan J.! Looking dapper as always as he is beamed on top of Sweet’s head! The demon goes to grab him, but Michigan leaps off, and OH! Yuck! Andel Sanap: Michigan has just used his tongue to deliver a strike to the face of Moonwalker! Al Rossi: Moonwalker looks more annoyed than hurt. But these three new combatants are now the center of the action in the Battlesphere! There’s gonna be blood on the dance floor! OK: Sweet, Moonwalker, and Michigan J. Frog are all at full strength. Also currently in the ring: Chloe Boureois (John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities and weapons), Kylo Ren (Jordan’s abilities), Chucky (Kitana’s powers, skills, weapons), Bride of Frankenstein (Miss America’s powers), Bella Swan (Miss America’s powers), Carmen Sandiego, Gooey Gus, Lola Bunny, Phantom Lady, and Xena. The combatant with the most votes gets the powers/abilities/weapons of the combatant with the least votes. Ties for most votes means the two combatants share the bonus powers. Ties for least votes means both combatants are eliminated, and all their powers go to the winner. A combatant who finishes 2nd in the voting takes damage, but stays in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  16. Battlesphere 2 Part 5 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Kylo Ren None Chucky None Michael Jordan None Kitana None Bride of Frankenstein None Miss America None Bella Swan None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Kitana delivers a quick series of kicks to Kylo! The Knight of Ren is falling back from the furious assault! Andel Sanap: He extends his hand towards Chucky, who’s been backed into a corner by Jordan. Chucky is being lifted into the air! He delivers a slash with his knife to the face of Jordan as he is pulled cackling wildly towards Katana! Al Rossi: Her back’s turned! She doesn’t see him coming! He hits his target! He’s stabbing wildly at Kitana while perched on her back! Andel Sanap: Jordan is staggering towards Kitana! He isn’t finished with ChuckyBY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: The lightsaber may be red, but Kylo clearly is no Bulls fan! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: ALALALALALALALALALA! Al Rossi: Make way for the warrior princess! Andel Sanap: Xena beams in and quickly pulls Miss Bunny off of Miss Sandiego! She tosses her across the ring into Miss Bourgeois who was attempting to get a bead on Phantom Lady! Al Rossi: And as much as Chicago might not want to hear this, Kylo is using the Force to pull MJ off his lightsaber! With a wave of his hand the basketball GOAT flies over the ropes out of this battle royale. Andel Sanap: Speaking of flying, Miss America’s attempt to fly above the ring has been halted by the firm grips of Miss Swan and the Bride! They drag her back to ground and Bella bares her fangs! Al Rossi: Owch! I can’t believe our first Battlesphere winner is getting manhandled like this! And Kitana isn’t doing much better as Chucky has been carving her up like a turkey! She’s hanging limp and bloodied on the ropes! Chucky takes a hold of her legs and heaves! Andel Sanap: And the empress of Outworld is the next combatant eliminated! Crowd: 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Once more, with feeling! Al Rossi: And a new face enters the fray! The musical demon Sweet! Andel Sanap: And he has teleported into the middle of an intriguing face-off: Xena has rallied Miss Sandiego and Phantom Lady, and they are nose to nose with Miss Bourgeois, Miss Bunny, and Gooey Gus! Al Rossi: Kylo is busy getting Jordan’s abilities, but who knows how useful basketball skills will help in this situation. Chucky is growing bigger and is now sporting Kitana’s fans, and look! Bella and the Bride have laid waste to Miss America! Not like this! Andel Sanap: They lift up the battered Golden Age heroine above their heads and toss her over the top rope! An unfortunate result. No repeat victory for Miss America! Al Rossi: So it looks like we’ve got a brawl about to go down and… wait. Why are all the combatants snapping their fingers and doing jazz squares? Andel Sanap: It’s Sweet! He’s turned this battle royal into a dance battle! Al Rossi: Xena pirouettes and tosses her chakram! Lola ducks into the splits and Chloe delivers a high kick to Phantom Lady! GOOEY GUS IS MOONWALKING?! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: OW! OK: Carmen, Phantom, Gus, and Lola have all taken damage. Xena is at full strength. Chloe has John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities as well as her own. All of them are also under Sweet’s spell. Also currently in the ring: Kylo Ren (Jordan’s abilities), Chucky (Kitana’s powers, skills, weapons), Bride of Frankenstein (Miss America’s powers), Bella Swan (Miss America’s powers), and Sweet. The team that gets the most votes gets the losers powers, skills, and equipment. If the score is tied, all six advance. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  17. Battlesphere 2 Part 4 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Kylo Ren None Chucky None Michael Jordan None Kitana None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Michael Jordan is in hot pursuit of Chucky and Kylo Ren lunges for Kitana! Kitana teleports out of the way and Kylo’s lightsaber clashes against the ring ropes! Good thing those were reinforced or he’d brought the whole ring down! Andel Sanap: Kitana teleports behind Ren and catches him the back with her fans! Ren howls in rage and stabs with the lightsaber, but Kitana takes to the air to avoid him again. Kitana’s strategy might serve to keep Ren off balance, and allow her an opening to take advantage of his rage. Al Rossi: Meanwhile, we’ve got Chloe aiming her newly acquired pistol at Carmen as she struggles with Lola! Crowd: 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Al Rossi: Another newcome to the ‘sphere! Here comes the Bride! Chloe Bourgeois: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Al Rossi: And there goes Chloe! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is certainly having a difficult time some of the more monstrous combatants. Al Rossi: She’s running back to the corner but check the Bride! She’s checking out Gooey Gus as he delivers a clubbing blow to the head of Phantom Lady! Andel Sanap: She slowly moves towards Gus, her arms extended! The Slime Monster looks bewildered at a fellow creature of the night! Al Rossi: But Phantom Lady takes advantage of it! Another hit from the black light projector and Gus is staggered! Andel Sanap: With a hiss the Bride advances on Phantom Lady! She tries to fire the projector but the Bride knocks it aside! Al Rossi: Look at the strength! She hoists up the Golden Age heroine in the air with one hand! She tosses over the ropes! Phantom Lady just barely holding on to the bottom rope! Andel Sanap: The Bride moves to the ropes! Phantom Lady is at risk of elimination! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: God Bless America! Al Rossi: The winner returns! In comes Miss America! The winner of the first Battlesphere Battle Royal is here! She flies into the Bride and sends her into the turnbuckles! Andel Sanap: The crowd is cheering wildly as Miss America helps Phantom Lady back into the ring. Al Rossi: Not the brightest of moves, Andel. Miss America has said she wants to be a two-time Battlesphere winner. She isn’t going to get that way saving her competition! Andel Sanap: But there is something to be said about good sportsmanship, Al. And the bond these two World War II heroines have with each other. Al Rossi: But here comes the Bride again! Miss America pushes Phantom Lady back and catches the Bride by the wrists! Phantom Lady goes to pick up and repair her projector! Andel Sanap: The Bride seems to be able match Miss America strength for strength! Miss America takes to the air, but the Bride delivers a gouge to the eyes that brings her back to the canvas! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: I’ve never given much thought to how I’d die. Al Rossi: Oh boy. Andel Sanap: The vampire’s wife! Bella Swan is number 14. And she looks around the ring and see’s the Bride struggling with Miss America! She runs towards them and BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: A cheap shot to the back of the head! Don’t know whether this is a case of a vampire helping a fellow monster or Bella seeing a chance to take out the odds-on favorite. We’ll have to see how it works out for her! OK: Miss America vs The Bride and Bella Swan (Vampire) Also currently in the ring: Carmen Sandiego, Gooey Gus, Lola Bunny, Phantom Lady, Kylo Ren, Chucky, Michael Jordan, Kitana, Chloe Bourgeois (Wick/Spartan skills and weapons). The team that gets the most votes gets the losers powers, skills, and equipment. If the score is tied, all three advance. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  18. Battlesphere 2 Part 3 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Chloe Bourgeois None John Spartan None John Wick None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Wick and Spartan are trading gunfire! All the other combatants are dodging and looking for cover! Al Rossi: Except for Gus! He’s just standing there looking at bullets going into his chest! Wick’s out of ammo! Spartan is too, but he’s going straight at him! Andel Sanap: The Demolition Man has Wick by the throat! He swinging his pistol into Spartan’s head like a club! Al Rossi: They are both on the ropes! Wick’s still trying to fight out fo Spartan’s grip, but the future cop is too strong! And check the clock! It’s almost time for our 8th combatant! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ PA: Let the past die! Andel Sanap: By the Force! Al Rossi: You said it, partner! Kylo Ren has beamed into the Battlesphere! Spartan and Wick have stopped at the sight of the new combatant. I think they both know that this is going to be a tough customer! Andel Sanap: Spartan releases Wick! They are reloading their weapons and aiming them as they advance on Ren! Al Rossi: But not so fast! Kylo’s extending his hand! He’s using a Force choke on both of them! He activates his lightsaber and YOWCH! Andel Sanap: He’s cut off Wick’s arm! He uses the Force to lift up Spartan and hurls him into Wick! Both men are on the ropes and look! Look at Miss Bourgeois! Al Rossi: Chloe’s been watching from the corner! She runs over to the two battered combatants and grabs each by the leg and heaves! They’re over the rope! They tumble to the Battlesphere wall and are beamed out! Andel Sanap: With an assist from Kylo Ren, Miss Bourgeois has secured the first 2 eliminations of the night! Al Rossi: From the way she’s celebrating, Andel, you’d think she did all by herself! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: You are my buddy! Andel Sanap: But there is no rest for our combatants! Chucky has entered the fray! Al Rossi: And Kylo doesn’t look all that impressed with him! Phantom Lady jumps in with a kick to Kylo who sends her ducking from a swing of his lightsaber! Andel Sanap: Meanwhile, Miss Bunny and Miss Sandiego are returning to their struggle. Lola Bunny unleashes with a flurry of strikes! Al Rossi: Would those qualify as ‘rabbit punches’? Andel Sanap: … No. Al Rossi: Ahem. Uh, anyway, let’s check in on Chloe! Remember, folks, if you eliminate a combatant, the Battlesphere will give you their powers, abilities, and equipment! That glowing, white light is fading around Chloe and whoa! She certainly got an upgrade! Andel Sanap: Indeed, Al. She has grown in height and muscle mass, thanks to John Spartan. And she also now has access to both his and John Wick’s fighting skills. Her outfit has even been altered slightly, her black and yellow Queen Bee costume now featuring Spartan’s beret and Wick’s coat. Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: From North! Carolina! At guard! 6’6”! MICHAEL! JORDAN! Al Rossi: Are you kidding?! Andel Sanap: Well, Al, he was featured in a TCC match up. Al Rossi: Yeah! A basketball match up! This guy’s a basketball player, not a fighter! Andel Sanap: And perhaps Steve Kerr may agree with you. However, the Chicago Bull and the one many fans have dubbed ‘the GOAT’ has entered the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: Oh boy. This is gonna hurt! Here comes Chucky! He’s got a knife out and swings at Michael! Hey! Andel Sanap: Jordan dodged it! He seems more amused than afraid of Chucky! He picks up the possessed doll and holds it at arm’s length to avoid the blade! Chucky is slashing wildly but Michael is headed for the ropes! Al Rossi: But stops short! Oh no! Not Kylo again! He’s holding Michael in place! Chucky finally lands a blow with the knife! Mike yells in pain and drops Chucky! Andel Sanap: Ren is advancing on Jordan! He holds the lightsaber close to Jordan’s face! Al Rossi: Mike is trying not to show any fear, but Kylo and Chucky are just toying with him now! Crowd: 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: From this day on, may all our peoples fight together as one! Andel Sanap: The new ruler of Outworld has entered the fray and is ready for Kombat! Al Rossi: Here comes Kitana! She hurls her fans to drive back Chucky and Kylo! Kitana might not be a typical team player, but in a battle royal that is already getting pretty crowded, she might need help from another Earthrealmer! Even if he doesn’t come from her version of Earth! OK: Kitana (MK10) and Michael Jordan (In his prime) vs Kylo Ren (Force Awakens) and Chucky (2019 remake) Also currently in the ring: Carmen Sandiego, Gooey Gus, Lola Bunny, Phantom Lady, Chloe Bourgeois (Wick/Spartan skills and weapons). All have their normal powers, skills, and equipment. The pair of combatants who gets the most votes get the losers’ powers/abilities/equipment. If the score is tied, both pairs advance. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  19. Battlesphere 2 Part 2 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Carmen Sandiego fights to her feet! She swings and misses a punch to Lola! Meanwhile, Gus is going ballistic trying to get Phantom Lady! Andel Sanap: The Golden Age heroine nimbly dodges the flailing Slime Monster. If she can just blind him long enough, she may be able to get him over the top rope and eliminate him! Al Rossi: Gus spats out some slime at the projector! Phantom Lady tosses it aside! She’ll need to wipe that stuff off if she wants to use her weapon again! If the slime touches human skin it’ll envelope it’ll envelope the victim and leave them helpless! Andel Sanap: Miss Bunny bends Miss Sandiego over the top rope, trying to force her over, but the thief if fighting back! Crowd: 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: You are ridiculous! Utterly RIDICULOUS! Al Rossi: Well, she swore she’d be the winner of the Battlesphere this year, and here she is! Queen Bee Chloe Bourgeois is beaming in! Andel Sanap: And instantly runs over to Miss Bunny! She’s trying to eliminate her and Miss Sandiego! Al Rossi: Lola scrambles and grabs the rope to steady herself and both her and Carmen come back into the ring. And neither one looks thrilled to see Chloe. Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois isn’t backing down, but Miss Sandiego and Phantom Lady remember how opportunistic she can be. Queen Bee is in the middle of the ring, looking from Miss Bunny, to Miss Sandiego, to Phantom Lady, to… Gooey Gus: SLIME ANYONE?! Chloe Bourgeois: AHHHHHH! Andel Sanap: To Gus. Al Rossi: Chloe runs to the corner as the other combatants return to their struggle! Chloe might be better off biding her time here. Her Venom attack gives her a great advantage in this match type. Andel Sanap: And a potential target to eliminate to gain that power for oneself. Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Send a maniac to catch one! Andel Sanap: And here’s one of our new entrants! Al Rossi: All the way from San Angeles in the year 2032, it’s the Demolition Man John Spartan! He beams in and takes in the scene, pistol drawn! Andel Sanap: He does seem slightly baffled by the sights of the Battlesphere. Al Rossi: Well to be fair, Andel, you don’t see a Toon rabbit and a living pile of grape bubblegum fighting a thief and a World War II super hero every day. Andel Sanap: But here comes Miss Bourgeois! She swings her top at Spartan and clocks him in the head! She leaps in for a kick and, BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Spartan caught Chloe by the leg and slams her down to the canvas! Even he seems shocked by that, Andel. This guy battles hardened criminals not kid super heroes! Andel Sanap: He takes Miss Bourgeois by the arm but she easily tosses forward into the turnbuckles! You can see the rage start to build in his eyes! He won’t be taken off guard again! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Whoever comes, whoever it is, I’ll kill them. I’ll kill them all! Al Rossi: Oh yeah! Now we’re talking! The master assassin has entered the Battlesphere! Andel Sanap: And Spartan has spotted him! Wick aims his pistol and Spartan aims his! Al Rossi: Listen to this crowd! They want to see these two throw down right no…HEY! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois’ top wraps around the two men! Wick fires off a few shots, forcing her to run for cover! Al Rossi: With Chloe loosing her grip the cord falls, and Spartan turns to deliver a punch to the face of Wick! OK: Currently in the Ring: Carmen Sandiego, Gooey Gus, Lola Bunny, Phantom Lady. (Fighting each other) Chloe Bourgeois, John Spartan, John Wick. (Fighting each other) All have their normal powers, skills, and equipment. The combatant who gets the most votes advances and gets the losers’ powers/abilities/equipment. If two combatants tie the low score, both are eliminated and the winner gets both of their powers. If two combatants tie the high score, they both split the losers powers/abilities/equipment. If there is a three-way tie, they all advance. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  20. Battlesphere 2 Part 1 *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Hellooooooooo, fight fans! It is nearly time for the return of the TCC’s most unpredictable match type! Yes, it’s the second ever Battlesphere Battle Royal! Along with Jedi Master Andel Sanap… Andel Sanap: May the Force be with you. Al Rossi: I’m Al Rossi here to bring you all of the action! And with no chance of the 8 showing up to spoil the party, Andel, this is gonna be a real barnburner! Andel Sanap: Indeed, Al. We have already revealed 13 of the 30 participants in this contest. First, the 6 ladies making their return to the Battlesphere: Medusa, Carmen Sandiego, Ladybug, Chloe Bourgeois, Phantom Lady, and the current Battlesphere winner Miss America. The TCC has also revealed the names of 7 newcomers: Lola Bunny, Kintara, Xena, Kylo Ren, Speedy Gonzales, Cain, and John Wick! Al Rossi: Which means there’s 17 more people that neither you or I know about, partner! The crowd has packed the TCC Arena, and the giant transparent sphere is hovering before us with the wrestling ring inside. Let’s send it down to Justin Roberts for the ground rules! Justin Roberts: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Battlesphere 2! 30 combatants will enter the sphere and attempt to toss their opponents over the top rope. If a combatant is thrown out and both feet touch the sphere’s interior, they are eliminated and will be instantly teleported from the Battlesphere. Their powers, abilities, and weapons will be given to the combatant who eliminated them. The match will begin with 2 combatants and a new combatant will teleport in every 90 seconds until all 30 have entered. The last combatant standing, wins the match and earns the right to choose one of their powers to use in TCC competition for one calendar year! And now, let’s bring in the combatant that drew number 1! P.A.: DO IT, ROCKAPELLA! YEAH! Al Rossi: Whoa! It’s Carmen! Justin Roberts: From an undisclosed location, she puts the ‘miss’ in misdemeanor… CARMEEEEN SANDIEEEEEGOOOO! Andel Sanap: Miss Sandiego has teleported into the Battlesphere and acknowledges the cheers of the crowd. Al Rossi: But see the look on her face, Andel! She knows that she had to start the first battle royal at number 2, now she’s stuck at the start again at number 1! Andel Sanap: She is not looking particularly happy. But she earned her second chance by lasting nearly a full hour in the Battlesphere. If anyone can go the distance, it’s Miss Sandiego. Justin Roberts: And now the combatant that drew number 2! P.A.: SLIME ANYONE?! Andel Sanap: Oh dear. Al Rossi: You were saying something about ‘going the distance’? Justin Roberts: From parts unknown! He is Gooey Gus, THE SLIIIIIIIME MONSTEEEEEEER! Al Rossi: You don’t suppose Gus will go easy on her? I mean they both worked for PBS, didn’t they? Andel Sanap: I believe you are mocking me. Al Rossi: Well, if Carmen is going to win this, first she needs to get past 6 feet of slime! The crowd is buzzing with anticipation! The referee signals! Referee: Combatants ready? 3! 2! 1! Commence combat! Andel Sanap: Gus unleashes a torrent of purple goo at Miss Sandiego, but she quickly leaps out of the way! Al Rossi: And we are underway! The slime slams against the Battlesphere wall and sizzles as it is broken down by the reinforcing defensive screen. Andel Sanap: Miss Sandiego pulls out a grapple and fires it at Gus! It latches on his arm and the beast roars his pre-recorded catchphrases in rage! Al Rossi: He’s trying to break free but Carmen is holding on tight! She’s trying to pull Gus towards the ropes and… wait! Why is she climbing over the ropes?! Andel Sanap: She’s going to try to swing down and pull out Gus! There she goes! She leaps off the apron still holding the grapple! Al Rossi: But Gus isn’t budging! He’s grabbing the line and yanking Carmen back up! It was a risky play, Carmen would’ve had to grab onto the rigging under the ring to keep from eliminating herself! Andel Sanap: Gus tosses Carmen across the ring! She slides under the bottom rope and grabs a hold of it! She wouldn’t be eliminated because she went under, but the fall wouldn’t do her any favors! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Don’t call me… ‘doll’. Al Rossi: And history repeats itself again! Last time it was Minerva Mink entering at 3, today it’s Lola Bunny! Andel Sanap: She’s teleported right in front of Gus! The Slime Monster looks stunned at the sight of the Toon. Al Rossi: Funny, I thought he always looks like that. But get a load of Lola! See that look in her eyes? She takes hold of Gus and… what is she doing? Andel Sanap: I believe she is feeling the muscles in his arm. Al Rossi: What game is she playing? I mean, I know that these Toon girls have a way to get guys wrapped around their finger, but I don’t know if her ‘charms’ work on Slime Monsters. Andel Sanap: But here comes Miss Sandiego! She pulled herself back into the ring and blindsided Miss Bunny! She pulls her over to the rope! Al Rossi: Lola’s trying to kick loose but Carmen’s got her….HEY! Gus got Carmen! He pulls her off Lola and knocks her back! Andel Sanap: Miss Bunny’s strategy worked! She’s calling to Gus, urging him to eliminate Miss Sandiego! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Forward, Freedom Fighters! Andel Sanap: And another Battlesphere veteran enters the fray! Al Rossi: The Phantom Lady teleports by the turnbuckles and blasts Gus with her blacklight projecter! Lola charges in with kicks to the downed Carmen! Battlesphere 2 is well and truly underway! OK: Currently in the Ring: Carmen Sandiego, Gooey Gus, Lola Bunny, Phantom Lady. All have their normal powers, skills, and equipment. Whichever pair gets the most votes, advances and gets the losers powers/abilities/equipment. If there is a tie, all four will advance. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  21. Battlesphere 2 Update #3 Andel Sanap: Greetings, fight fans. This is Jedi Master Andel Sanap speaking. Al has given me this opportunity to reveal to you four more combatants for Battlesphere 2. These will be four of the 15 male combatants entering the match. First, from a galaxy far, far away… Kylo Ren! From my home dimension, the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa will be calling on all the powers of the dark side of the Force to be victorious. A fierce combatant to be sure, who’s rage will make him a dangerous adversary. Next, speaking of violent combatants, will be… Cain! The first murderer, hailing from the Winchesters dimension. Armed with his blade and tapping into the full power of his mark, Cain has been shown to be able to defeat demons and angels in combat. Will he up to the challenge of the Battlesphere? Next, from Sonora, Mexico… Speedy Gonzales! The smallest combatant in the field, but the fastest mouse in Mexico is not one to back down from a challenge. With his speed and Toon physics on his side, Speedy may be the toughest opponent to eliminate from the match. And our final combatant, from an undisclosed location… John Wick! A man some have declared the most dangerous assassin of the 21st century. While not as powerful as some of his fellow combatants, Mr. Wick’s tenacity and killer instinct might just be enough to outlast them and allow him to walk out of the Battlesphere victorious. We have revealed 14 of the 30 combatants entering the Battlesphere this year, but before the battle begins, we have one piece of business remaining. The 6-woman escort match is drawing to it’s conclusion, and there is one more preliminary bout before we proceed to the main event! The three Battlesphere veterans looking for redemption who will be in competition against each other are… Daenerys Targaryen, Poison Ivy, And Minerva Mink! The contest will be taking place within the next few weeks, so be sure to stay tuned. Until then, for Al Rossi, this is Jedi Master Andel Sanap saying, ‘May the Force be with you all.’
  22. Battlesphere 2 Update #2 Al Rossi: Helloooo, fight fans! Al Rossi here, running solo today to give you some more info on Battlesphere 2! I’m going to be introducing you to 3 of the first time combatants who will be making their debut appearances in the Battlesphere. First off, coming to us all the way from Looney Toon Land… Lola Bunny! A skilled athlete and fearless competitor, Lola is definitely going to be a fan favorite and difficult to eliminate. And with her Toon based powers, there will certainly be a lot of people gunning to toss her over the top rope. Our next combatant, from Outworld… Kitana! The Edenian Empress is ready for kombat! With renewed interest in Mortal Kombat being sparked throughout the multiverses, will she be able to finish off her competition? And finally, making here return to TCC action… Xena! The Warrior Princess was last seen during the reign of the 9, where she dispatched Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now she’s once again looking for glory in the Battlesphere! She’s faced gods and monsters of all shapes and sizes, but will that be enough to prepare for what she is about to dive into? Only time will tell. But now we have a new battle to announce! As you read in the last update, the TCC have arranged a couple of preliminary bouts before the Battlesphere begins again. The first match is going to include a woman who just missed the cut to return for the battle royal! The runner up from the first Battlephere Battle Royal, Cassie Cage! But joining her will be 5 other ladies who are hungry for a chance to redeem themselves! The fairest of them all, Snow White! The cruel terrorist, Red Claw! From her enchanted kingdom, Cinderella! From El Dorado, Chel! And Cassie’s mother, Sonya Blade! What kind of match up has the Transdimensional Combat Commission cooked up for these 6 combatants? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out! For now, time’s just about up! Our next update will feature Andel Sanap taking a look at 3 of our male combatants who will in action in the Battlesphere. An incredible 6 woman contest will be coming your way soon! Until then, this is Al Rossi saying goodnight, everybody!
  23. Battlesphere 2 Update #1 Al Rossi: Helloooooo, fight fans! It’s Al and Andel, back for this special report! Today we are going to be introducing you to 6 of the 30 combatants that will be entering Battlesphere 2! Andel Sanap: All six of these combatants will be entering the Battlesphere for the second time. Each one of these women were able to qualify for Battlesphere 2 by meeting 3 criteria set by the TCC. They needed to make it to the final 10 of the first Battlesphere, they each had one of the 10 longest match times in the sphere, and they each eliminated 2 other combatants! Al Rossi: So let’s get this started! The first two of our returning six will be… Al Rossi: Medusa and Carmen Sandiego! Appropriate that these two ladies get a second shot, due to the fact that they both entered at number 1 and 2 last time and managed to stay in the Battlesphere for over 50 minutes each! Andel Sanap: And they did not waste their time in the sphere. They both secured 2 eliminations and finished in 8th and 6th place respectively. We were able to secure an audience with the queen of the Inhumans for her thoughts. Ladies and gentlemen, Medusa! Medusa: It seems so long ago since I entered the TCC Arena and took part in the Battlesphere Battle Royal. Through all of the chaos I encountered warriors of all shapes and sizes. Now I am told I have another chance to achieve glory for my people. And this time, Carmen Sandiego, I will not underestimate you, and you shall not defeat me again! Hail Medusa! Al Rossi: Well, seems like Medusa still is holding onto some frustration after Carmen eliminated her in the last go around. Andel Sanap: Perhaps there will be a chance to settle some unfinished business. Speaking of which, also re-entering the Battlesphere will be… Andel Sanap: The Miraculous Ladybug! In her last attempt, the Parisian hero managed to last over 27 minutes in the Battlesphere and score 2 eliminations on her way to 5th place. A participant in the first match to take place in TCC Arena, she is anxious to not only prove her mettle once again in the Battlesphere, but to go all the way and win. Al Rossi: And where Ladybug is, it’s almost assured you will find our next Battlesphere veteran… Al Rossi: Chloe Bourgeois! The Queen Bee and TCC’s resident… er, interviewer had a most impressive outing in the first Battlesphere. She clocked in 43 minutes, a 4th place finish, and secured the most eliminations with 5! With her thoughts, here’s Chloe! Chloe Bourgeois: Hellooo everyone! That’s right! It’s your favorite superhero/backstage interviewer in the world, Queen Bee! Of course, I was going to qualify to get into the Battlesphere again! Everyone knows how awesome I was last time! And I would have won too, if that show off Ladybug didn’t get in my way! So does anybody actually think that any of the 29 losers the TCC will bring in will be able eliminate Queen Bee and stop me from winning this time? Ha! Ridiculous! Andel Sanp: Miss Bourgeois is never without confidence, but we still as of now are unaware who the TCC have selected for the 24 other combatants. We only know that they participated in and won scenarios crafted by the broadwaybeyonder. Al Rossi: But we do know the final 2 returning ladies who will round out our 6! And they are… Al Rossi: The Golden Age heroines Phantom Lady and Battlesphere winner Miss America! Andel Sanap: Both heroes clocked in 31 minutes in the Battlesphere with Phantom Lady finishing in 3rd place. Not only do they 2 and 4 eliminations as individuals, they also have a shared elimination by teaming up to take on Elsa. Al Rossi: And it was Elsa's power that Miss America chose to use as her prize for winning the first Battlesphere. Little did we all know that it was all a plot by the 8 to become the 9 and gain their own private enforcer. Miss America had these thoughts about potentially going undefeated in the Battlesphere! Miss America: People have asked me what it was like to be under the control of the 8. Was I aware? Did I try to fight it? Did I know what I was doing? And the answer is always yes. I was helpless, a prisoner in my own body, watching as those monstrous men used me as their weapon. But now I’m free, able to fight when and how I wish to fight. And right now, I’ve decided to enter the Battlesphere again, not for any prize or glory. But to fight for you fans. To give you a battle like you’ve never seen before. And as for the TCC bringing in 15 men to enter the fray? Hmm. Just remember, fellas. It may be a man’s world, but it’s this woman’s Battlesphere. God bless America! Al Rossi: Sounds like we’ve got some fired up combatant for Battlesphere 2! Andel Sanap: Yes, Al, but sadly these developments are not without controversy. There were 3 combatants who failed to qualify for Battlesphere 2. Chel and Poison Ivy both met the requirements on match time and eliminations, but neither made it to the final 10. Al Rossi: But the biggest disappointment has got to be for Cassie Cage. Despite making it to the final 2 with 3 eliminations, the Special Forces sergeant was unable to last long enough in the Battlesphere to break into the top 10 match times. Andel Sanap: However, the broadwaybeyonder and the TCC have decided that these 3 combatants will be given an opportunity to compete in specialty matches leading up to Battlesphere 2. And I have heard rumblings that these matches may also involve some other combatants looking to redeem their past performances. Al Rossi: We’ll be sure to keep you posted, folks! For now, we’re just about out of time! Stay tuned for more updates as Battlesphere 2 draws near! Until then, for Andel Sanap, I’m Al Rossi! Goodnight, everybody!
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