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Everything posted by TroytheRobot

  1. http://www.electricferret.com/cbub/cbubbattle/show?mid=3552
  2. http://www.electricferret.com/cbub/cbubbattle/show?mid=3552
  3. Troll has been suspended. For the umpteenth time, if you see a match like this just hit the report button. There's no use in aggrevating the situation.
  4. If you're really interested in knowing more about the events surrounding Dynasty Warriors, read Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Skirmisher did it pretty good job in describing the life of Lu Bu though.
  5. Could I borrow some? Forget the Universal Health Care bill. What they really need is the Universal Creativity bill.
  6. The heroes are getting all the love. I don't want the villains to feel left out. So the next pairing will be Darkseid or Dr. Doom. As always, feel free to continue to discuss the other pairings.
  7. Whoa. I didn't expect to see a match from you. Nicely done Soberguy. One of the more entertaining matches I've read in awhile. As for the winner, I honestly have no clue. Clint seems to be more of chainsaw guy though. I mean just look at him. He looks like he'd dice somebody with a chainsaw any day. Ollie, not so much. So um yeah... We'll go with Hawkeye.
  8. Another pairing for you: Spider-Man vs. Hulk Feel free to continue to discuss Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) vs. Iron man.
  9. With Barry, his ressurection really underminded the sacrifice he made with crisis on infinite earths. I mean he knowingly ended his life to save countless lives and in the process he was seen as making the ultimate sacrifice. However, they completely erased any chance of the readers feeling the weight and maginitude of what Barry did by having him come back. Honestly the whole ressurection theme might work more effectively if it wasn't used so extensively.
  10. This is a difficult choice, even for me. Stark, no doubt, has that flawed human element that makes him such an interesting characters. Not only is it the Alcoholism, but the heart problems and the day to day stress of running a huge bussiness empire . I guess you could say, that Tony is the more relateable of the two; seeing as how his problems are relatively common place in the real world. There's a certain level of intimacy in watching a character fall to his knees from his own doing, and there's nothing he can do about it. Admittedly, Stark's best years are behind him, and the whole deal with Civil War hasn't helped much. Nonetheless, he remains one of Marvel's top prosepects On the other hand, Hal Jordan takes on the flawed nature of Tony and brings it to a forefront. Ron Marz did a superb job with portraying the gut-wrenching anguish that goes along with witnessesing millions of people brutally murdered, and not being able to do a thing about it. Emerald Twilight, was the high-point of Hal as a character as it showed someone who was once a force of good, completely descend into madness. It was almost sad, if you think about it. It truly is amazing how well the GL staff was able to showcase Hal's fall, and really create a connection with the readers. However, after the whole ordeal with Parallax the quality of the character went downhill fast. Honestly, like so many other comic book characters I really wish they would have ended it when he died. The whole, being reborn as Spectre seemed a little bit as a desperate attempt to revitalize a character that should've been left alone. So, overall Iron Man is a slightly better character than Hal Jordan. However, if you compare Tony's high point to Hal's; Hal takes it with ease.
  11. We've all seen the countless threads attempting to prove how one character is more powerful than the other. Admittedly, these types of conversations are fun and produce some relatively interesting debates. However, I feel that we often neglect the writing aspect of comic books. Its always, "Who's Stronger? Hulk or Superman?". In this thread I'd like to take a completely different route with, who's the better written character, "Hulk or Superman". This topic is not merely for who is your favorite character but who you feel is the better written character. With so many prominent writers on this site, Id be interested in seeing your opinions regarding this matter. Do you think Professor Xavier was a better written character than Captain America? Does Wolverine deserve to be held in higher regard than batman? While "better written" is not quite as subjective as say, "Who's the best ever?!" it is still highly debateable either way, based not only on personal preference but on chosen criteria as well. With all that being said, let's make this into a game. I will start things off by posting two characters. Then we will discuss which one we feel is the overall better written character. When posting your opinion please provide a "why" with your choice, as choices without substance will be removed. Once the discussion seems to be dying down, I will introduce a new set of characters, and will (hopefully) rekindle the debate. Feel free to suggest character pairings. Any Questions? Let's get started then: Iron Man or Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Note: Since my knowledge of comics does not extend beyond Marvel or DC at the moment, a large majority of these matches will be from those two companies. However, don't let that keep you from suggesting characters from a different company.
  12. Hmmmm, a match that already has an outcome. Perhaps this is to serve as a reading comprehension test. In that case I applaud you.
  13. It'd be great if people actually voted according to the tournament system. Ah well, one can only dream.
  14. Just don't make it too great. Otherwise there'd be no point in doing one the next time around. Also, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask me.
  15. Skirmisher is correct. If anyone has any problems with another member on the site, simply click the report button, fill out the forums and let us go to work. Honestly that's a lot more effective than just randomly complaining about it.
  16. By all means be as biased as you want to. After all that's what the "biased" category is for. After that, yes, I'd prefer it if you were non-partsian as possible. Stop talking about voting and vote already.
  17. Okay kids, you can go "be fair" now.
  18. Well, put it this way all the winners will be recollected and once again randomly placed in matches. Its not "if this person wins he faces this person." Its more, "if this person wins he gets to be in the winners bag." So no, we won't be altering brackets because they don't exsist until the actual round is created. On the other hand, if people don't post their matches then, yes, there will be a few wins by default.
  19. Anyone who posted a write-up that did not follow tournament rules received a Pm from me. They know what needs to be done in order to make their submission qualified. Time is ticking people. Once Monday rolls around I will be locking threads with impunity. No sob stories will be accepted. /tyranical rant.
  20. Reboot. This is not to be used for general conversations. For those of you who haven't seen this topic yet; this is a place for "outstanding" CBUB set-ups. While the word "outstanding" may be somewhat subjective, look at this topic as a place for the absolute best the CBUB has to offer. Let that sink in for a moment... the best...outstanding. Really, only about 5% of the matches you have ever read in your entire time here would even be considered worthy of going in this topic. Some general Guidelines about using this topic - Do not post your own match. I can't stress this enough. DO NOT POST YOUR OWN MATCH. - Use this topic sparingly. Remember, this is for the legendary set-ups of the CBUB not the general "good" set-ups. - This topic is not for general conversations. - Please post the match title (The competitors) and the author. (You should also post the text of the match). MOD EDIT: Ever since the CBUB Monthly Match Tournaments started in earnest back in 2012, the winning matches of each tournament have been inducted in this thread as as well as in the CBUB Hall of Fame thread. However, the tourneys held since electricferret's re-opening have required multiple matches entered per contestant, so, in the interest of maintaining the exclusivity of this thread, only the highest-rated matches from each tournament winner will be placed here. If you have any other questions just let one of the moderators/administrators know.
  21. Yes, everyone is allowed to vote. Everyone. The voting system was designed so that people would grade based on writing quality rather than anything else. Sure the bias category might disrupt that, but our hope is that everyone's bias counters everyone else. However, Landon brings ups a good point, and I feel that his idea should be implemented as a new rule. No grading/voting on a match you were directly involved in, or competing against.
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