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Everything posted by Vincento

  1. Seems like the only way yoshi can harm boo is to hit him with the eggs when Boo decides to materialize. There aren't many animals for yoshi to consume on Mt. Everest so his ammo is going to be limited, and Skulker is just way more competent than Boos.
  2. I mean Mr. Clean vouching for a house is a strong argument
  3. I think the 'not in season' can be a metaphor for Diane being a reformed thief. Like Blade was originally hired to hunt her down but learns she changed her ways. I think Blade might back off then since he's doesn't really go after good people?
  4. "Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle. I will become the coked up bear" - Bruce Lee. I don't think I could find a single thing about Izzy's power level without power ranger powers.
  5. What if Conan... pick up the bike?.. and run with it?
  6. Just watched Captain Crunch turn two kids and a dog into floating piles of cereal and telepathically move them into his ship. Anyway here's the commercial in question
  7. I would dig a grimdark version of barbie. Look how popular Monster High was. "Goth Barbie, Life In The Nightmare House".
  8. Even though kobolds are cowardly and afraid of pain, they will still put aside their own wellbeing for the sake of their clan. In their DND page entry, I believe there's an example where a kobold would set a trap to close off adventures from the rest of their tribe, even if it means they get trapped with those same adventurers. So they will do noble acts while pissing and shitting themselves with fear. And that's why kobolds are AWESOME. Zombies are STUPID and SMELL and CAN'T BUILD TRAPS
  9. I think it's easier to adapt Kool-Aid Man into a medicine themed mascot. Maybe he's filled with kool aid flavoured cough syrup, maybe filled with blood that's going to be donated aka red cross style?
  10. Gaston has a gun and muscles, Mickey has the power of toon force so I'm gonna go with the rat on this one Not my man Gaston getting perma stun locked by mirrors.
  11. "Ermm, but what if Jack wished for Djinn to stop being evil? Surely it won't backfire since Djinn is now a good entity and won't monkey paw the wish?" Will Jack have my big brain? Now that is the real debate.
  12. Master Mold? More like Master BALD. He has a very unhinged way of dealing with problems, seeing as he decided to murder all humans. I don't think he is capable of nuance and will just fall for roughly the same solution Thanos came up with. Brommie does take the edge with being exposed to different civilizations.
  13. It's a lot harder to quantify Batter's power level since we don't really know how exactly to scale the enemies he meets. The reason I will give this to Batter is if you go into his stats some attack have 100% accuracy. Hollow Knight beats his bosses by dodging, he's not very durable. If we look at end game batter, he has 3 extra turns per round and let me break down how broken that is: One turn for Batter where he can either deal 100% accuracy damage or heal/revive teammate One turn for add on who can blind opponent with 100% accuracy or deal 100% accuracy dmg One turn for add on who can heal/revive One turn for add on who can 100% accuracy hit or boost defense of any ally
  14. the winning condition for this fight was who could kill the Manticore first though. I think the winner will still stay the same, so I guess it doesn't matter haha.
  15. Woah, is that Green Lantern's death battle reference?!
  16. Ecto-1 more like ecto-won amirite? *sweats*
  17. *looks at both mascots* *eyes pop out of socket when I see it's an underwear challenge* AUUUUGAAAA AUUUUGA No but for real, I think Tiger has a better chance cause I can't see this company making sexy/cute female underwear and I think Tiger will have an easier job rocking plain whities <----- not a furry btw
  18. Black spider big and strong. Red spider small and puny.
  19. Both of these men look stinky and I would not want to smell like them. However, I'd rather smell like citrus schnapps than cheap pizza.
  20. Yeah there's no way a robot can harm a ghost. Easy win. 😅
  21. I don't think Saitama is immune to suffocation, can't Ego just alter his terrain and stall until Saitama runs out of breath and dies. Plus having Saitama start on Ego or close to him feels too convenient for Saitama. If he's on Earth, Ego's projection can get to him, but I doubt Saitama can superjump to Ego.
  22. "My sweet child... this Christmas I give you... one lego piece". He's also a construction worker, which is the opposite of girly Fluffy cute toy all the way.
  23. This sucks neither of them held a screwdriver in their LIFE Mello will just tape two guns together and then shoot you with it (with the bullters) and Barnum will try to pawn off something from Barnum's American Museumâ„¢ as his own invention while rubbing his lil snake oil covered hands
  24. Both villains are proficient in art of manipulation and political games. They both have high status in their respective franchise. However while Jafar is a cruel narcissist, Claude is a delusional sadist. Through the movie Claude prosecutes good people all while thinking he is executing the will of God. And this man only works in ultimatums. Jafar will frame Hopps to further his agenda, Claude will assume she's an evil being who needs to be eradicated. Judy Hopps is also skilled enough fight back and while I can see Jafar bailing halfway, Claude will not stop. He will fully commit to destroying Judy Hopps. Human wickedness has no limits if the person thinks he's in the right. Claude would sacrifice his title, break every bone in his body, lose his life if it means he fulfills his duty to God.
  25. Soma: "Who are you?" Joichiro: "I'm you but after travelling the world, studying the culture, ingredients and recipes of different cultures" If this was Japanese/French cuisine which Soma already studied, my neurons would have to activate to decide who will wins this, but right now it's still old man Joichiro
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