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CBUB Match Judges
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Status Updates posted by Bergy_Berg

  1. This could very well be our final day. It's been a ton of fun everyone. Hopefully our internet paths cross again.

  2. Yes Dinsdale, I am replying to your martial arts tournament the moment you post.

    1. Bergy_Berg


      Yes, that is me outside.

    2. Bergy_Berg


      Yes, I am impatiently waiting for the next group in round 2.

    3. Bergy_Berg


      Yes, Group D isn't even posted yet and I know I'm voting for Snake Eyes and Jackie Chan.

  3. I wrote a thing in the FPL fan fiction. It's stupid. I mean, you can read it if you want or whatever.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bergy_Berg


      I was actually really hoping to see a lot of stories like that. Analogies for the end of the site/FPLverse, or a fic about the end.

    3. Bergy_Berg


      So Darkender, do please bite. Bite hard, that's how I like it.

  4. Currently the only non admin/match judge logged in. I feel like I'm being watched.

    1. treacherous


      You are always being watched.

  5. Fox is old as dirt.

    1. Fox


      I'm gonna party like it's 1899!

    2. treacherous


      Maybe Dirt is as old as Fox!

  6. Hey, I wrote a match for the CBUB. Go check it out and tell me how bad at everything I am.

  7. I have been staring at the background of what is probably the best character idea I've had (not saying much really) for weeks, and I cannot get past that.

    1. Bergy_Berg


      I actually have a creed character about a 4th of the way written. Totally forgot about him.

  8. How did Force Echo become one of the popular tags? Is he just that likeable?

  9. First glance name recognition may just be the biggest factor in whether a fantasy team makes it or not.

  10. In my head, I see the character, the story. But on paper, not so much. If only there was some website where a bunch of creative writers hung out.

  11. Just noticed the text on the under the create an FPL team button. "Please do no use this if you are just screwing around."

  12. While I think my team is fairly good, I'm afraid of going up against Dinsdale. His science will be the end of us all.

  13. I think I just wrote a background that doesn't even fill a half page. Perhaps this character will be short enough to actually read in one sitting.

  14. Alright kids, finally finished one.

  15. Seeing if I can finally get a new character out tonight. Currently at 3 pages, and I'm only just now starting powers. Ugh.

    1. Bergy_Berg


      Maybe tomorrow...

  16. I have two finals in the morning, and all I want to do is stop studying and try to write stuff for the FPL.

  17. A page into a new character, and I haven't finished the background yet. This is gonna be long.

  18. I'm at 169 posts. The immature part of me wants to leave that number intact and never post again. Of course, this status may count as a post, effectively negating itself.

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