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Marvel Man

CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by Marvel Man

  1. I call dibs on Dark. But yes, the Hood, as well as all those characters, should be added.
  2. Currently looking for picture for Jack of Hearts (Marvel).
  3. For the record, Luke Cage is not a martial artists. Still, Green Arrow, and Robi-...err-... I mean, Speedy, both die here.
  4. Well, so begins the new Age of Marvel! The last one died with Spider Man: One More Day. Man, I hate that book. As you can tell, this blog is basically me talking about anything I want to. I'll try to keep things interesting but c'mon, you're reading this. You're obviously bored. Any old joke/pop cultural refrence will get you to smile. Pull my finger. *crowd laughs* Marvel's Note: My blog also has a laugh track. Okay, time to actually write something. -------------------- Today's topic: The New CBUB. Well, after a long wait, the promise land (or a Beta Version of it) has finally arrived. I'll be frank with it. Marvel's Note: Where did the term "Frank" come from? That makes little sense. Why not be George about something? Meh, back on topic. Honestly, I like it. It's amazing that anyone has enough time to do this, but serge did it! *crowd laughs* Nah, I'm joking. Serge's awesome. He does this for free too. That's just pure skill. The forum works great, and it's very easy to use. I also like the whole, have an Avatar/Sig thing. I also like this whole, have your own blog thing (as you can tell). Still, the 2vs2, 1vs2, etc, is the actual change. I made a quick match to see how it worked (Sinister Six vs Super Skrull vs Iron Man). Works great. I'm also currently adding a character (Jack of Hearts), but I can't find a good image. Marvel's Rant: Darn you Bendis! You killed him off before he had a chance! Why?! The only thing I don't like is the way I can't tell if snatch has new comments. Still, this is just me being lazy. I'll get over it. I got over Red Hulk.... Marvel's Rant: Jeph Loeb. I. Will. Find. You. You better watch out!! Rrrrrr!! Also, I'm hoping we get the old graphics (background) back. I'm used to seeing it, so it might just be me not used to, or willing, to give it a chance. Well, so ends my first rant/blog. So, until I find something else to write about, this is Marvel Man signing off. Mar the Power Cosmic be with you....
  5. Hawkeye & Green Arrow fail to understand Fez due to his heavy accent (who does?), and become angry when Robin Hood actually tells a joke. They then proceed to rip him limb from limb. After that, they apply the same treatment to Fez (or whatever his name is). Still, afterwards, Green Arrow hits on Mockingbird, failing to realize that she's married to Hawkeye. Hawkeye then beats him down. Hawkeye ftw.
  6. You have to go to the forums (look up top. Go to Discussion). Then check your control panel, and edit your Avatar. Then you can pick any picture you want, and use it as your Avatar.
  7. Well, "It's Good" from me (That sounds kind of strange, don't it?) Deathstroke's one tough villain. He guts Bullseye like a fish. Now, if Moon Knight's smart, he turns around and runs for the hills. Still, more than likely, he leaps down and goes hand to hand with him. Depending on the Moon phase (which gives Mooney his strenght), Moon Knight might be able to take it. Might. Still, if the Moon's not full, then I'd give it to Deathstroke.
  8. Thanks. Note: A lesson is taught. Usually, by pressing enter, a line is put to make it look double spaced. I see that things have changed......
  9. Comrade, this is awesome! "It's Good" from me. I'd have to give it to Surfer. Note: This is an official, Tournament of Marvels match.
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