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Everything posted by leroypowell3

  1. Not sure. Kalibak is stronger but something tells me Sabretooth is more vicious. Plus the healing factor. I think I'll go with Sabretooth. Unless someone has insight I may be in the dark on.
  2. Yeah but this isn't an unarmed fight. Robocop has some firepower. Sektor isn't bullet proof is he? Plus it's a double team. Plus Sektor didn't win Mortal Kombat. Humans did, so he ain't 'that' bad. Good fight though. Because of the gun and backup, I'll go with Robocop and Cameron.
  3. Nice idea. Nice match. Just needed a little more. I was originally thinking Jaws but man Moby Dick is big. Jaws wouldn't even be able to eat him. So I'll go with Mody Dick on this one. Give us another. Let's see what you got.
  4. Welcome aboard! I'm voting for Captain Falcon. Ada's cool and whatever, but Falcon can take her.
  5. Sorry to comment on my own fight but I have to get in on this. Between ultra paranoid Batman and the assumption that somebodies probably been trying to take them down forever, I don't think a sneak attack against the Justice Lords would work. They're not expecting The Illumiati, but they've been looking at their earth so they know that there's some powerful, yet whimpy heroes that they'd have to overcome. Martian Manhunter grew up in a telepath culture. Anything that Professor X can do, Jonn knows of and can counter. Whoever is more powerful is a different matter. The Justice Lords don't have a magic person, but I'd imagine that Batman has, at least some warning detection system of some kind. Pre-emptive fails in my opinion. The Brawl- many of you have done play-by-play so I'll just say the Justice Lords are too powerful and too determined to be taken down by a group of heroes too scared to rid the world of Doom and Magneto.
  6. I agree with that. Iron Man isn't up to par with Green Lantern. Any Green Lantern in my opinion.
  7. Never knew Spartan and Void combined but it doesn't make a difference. Superboy-Prime is too powerful for him.
  8. Babylon 5 wins. They are much better equipped than the Rebels. My goodness, it's almost a stomp match.
  9. Come on people! Tom is the Bomb! 'Nuff said!
  10. Now I hate that I missed all the episodes with the Shadows. This would be a fantastic battle. Minding my complete ingorance of the Shadows, I think Deep Space Nine can come out of this. It's a good thing they got the Klingons with them because they'll take the losses that the rest won't. If it were the federation alone, Bajor would be gone.
  11. Okay, without all the play by play (I know ya'll like that stuff bit but I'll end up talking myself right out of my decision). Iron Man would run out of juice. Black Bolt would have to hold back too much so that he doesn't kill his own people. Namor will eventually get wore down especially if the other combatants can keep him out of the water. Magneto has no reason to hold back. He could kill all of the generic people on the battlefield. All the tech stuff would go down with a magnetic shockwave. Since he's a general and not just a guy with powers, he'll know not to do that until the larger threats (Black Bolt, Iron Man, Namor) are taken out. Three X-Men are no match for him. Then there's Juggernaut who is unstoppable. He doesn't have any physical weaknesses that any of the others can exploit. Being on Magneto's side makes them the winners of this battle.
  12. Welcome and very good setup, giving Blade a lightsaber. Since those blasted Jedi/Sith weapons tend to win in for them everytime, it actually comes down to the skill of the fighter. I don't think Darth Maul has any real strength compared to Blade. His moves are not going to impress or overwhelm Blade either as Blade can do all that stuff too. It sounds like Blade should win this. However, we can't underestimate the force. Darth Maul doesn't use a lot of tricks like other Sith, but can catch Blade with some force choaks and throw stuff at him like Vader did to Luke on the Death Star. Blade can dodge that stuff but then Darth Maul will have him distracted enough to catch him with his lightsaber. Still, Darth Maul is just the kind of foe that Blade would be used to fighting. Since the lightsaber is thrown out of the equation, Darth Maul doesn't have anything else that undo a vampire hunter so my vote goes to Blade. (That was kind of tough)
  13. Obi Wan is going to have a tough time with Titanium Man. Good thing Greivous doesn't have a bunch of these guys. Of course the lightsaber can gut him but Titanium Man has more powerful weapons than Fett. A lightsaber can't block everything. I'm starting to think Titanium Man will overpower the jedi before Obi Wan can find away around his weapons.
  14. Titans East win. Kid Flash, Superboy. Too much for the other team.
  15. I've never seen the TV Doomsday but from what's being said here, Wolverine loses after a very violent fight.
  16. I like this. I think my vote goes to Babylon 5 because the Dominion aren't expecting to fight Mimbari technology. I assume they were trying to go back to early Federation days (Maybe Enterprise era). It would be a good fight but the Dominion just isn't preped for this level of enemy.
  17. I'm leaning towards Magneto's powers. Storm's powers could destroy a continent but it would take time. Invisible Woman's powers are leathal but it would take a lot of imagination to use her powers effectivly. Magneto's powers could shift the Earth's polarity or whatever and throw the whole planet's atmosphere into chaos (Storm on a global level). Person to person, I think Invisible Woman's powers could kill someone the quickest as long as they have some imagination. But I still vote for Magneto's powers because his methods are more obvious.
  18. LOL! Funny. I was going to have Lion-O think to himself "That sword is huge! How does he fight with it?" But I let it go.
  19. Very very nice! You really captured the Die Hard spirit with the dialogue. Marvel Man is right though. This is too much for John. Maye if he had a better partner (Sorry Family Matters Dad). Vote goes to HYDRA.
  20. Okay, you got me. Solomon Grundy wins it for team 2.
  21. Does Surfer even know that he can send M back to his own dimension? I think we can all agree Surfer would loose and outright fight. He has to trick him. And if he doesn't know that he can do that, well...
  22. I'm with you there. Darth Maul would be just fine without The Emperor's powers. Movie X-Men are weak. But since it's three of them, they could take him down. Somebody's gonna get sliced him half though. That lightsaber is the reason I have such trouble setting anybody up against Jedi and Sith.
  23. Nina is more vicious that Johnny, but Johnny has fought in Mortal Kombat. I'm not a fan of Johnny Cage but given his experience, I think he can handle a female killer. That Shadow Kick will break her pretty face.
  24. Pretty good. I'll have to think of this though. Blade can take Mileena but Grudy's gonna be a problem. Colossus is a top ten (proabably top 5) strongest guys out there but I don't see him beating Solomon Grundy out of commision. He and Blade will have to think of something. Niether of them is really a 'figure an opponent out' type of fighter but they're well trained and smart. But I don't know.
  25. Looks like I'm standing alone here. Against a handful of Jedi Cable and Deadpool may have had it. Pretty much all of the Jedi from the Clone Wars time is somewhere around. That means Cable and Deadpool will get the drop on a good many and then the others will start to feel a distubance in the force. The Jedi will be able to mount a counter-attack and overwhelm the two if not out fight them. Think about it, how many Jedi are at the temple at any given time! 30? 100? It's a big galaxy.
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