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Buzz Line

CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by Buzz Line

  1. Kang's cool but the Dark Avengers are kind of sorry, I don't think he can make up for their shortcomings, and Sentry is selfdestructive. G-Girl and Giantess I think.
  2. Wiley will prevail! He's much more persistent and durable than Robotnic.
  3. I did a new years setup too...though it was supposed to be before then originally so don't sweat it. I kind of like Team 2 but I really don't know enough to vote yet. I'll read more on them later.
  4. I've never broken nineteen pages joker. I'll try not to break ten, at least for a little while.
  5. If this is the Hyrdra from the myth, well the vases had it around twelve feet long I think, twenty at most, though with as many as nine heads splitting from its tail its still pretty massive, just not massive enough to unapproachable. It is venomous, one of its heads is immortal and the rest of the body will regrow until the immortal head is separate...Heracles used fire to keep it from regenerating while he took the main head then buried it under a rock so it couldn't grow anymore. Werewolf can only be killed by Silver right? Or is this the kind you have to skin and burn? At any rate it is hard to choose a victor until I know which version is fighting. I'm not as familiar with werewolves as I am with Hercales's monsters. Poison would slow him down I guess but since he's not alone and the other two seem to know what a hydra is they may know to use fire.
  6. I think Lain may adapt to a new system faster than Neo? Or maybe I'm grasping for straws as to why she would beat someone CBUB said she would lose to three times before.
  7. I like that I didn't have to be the first to use Madea and I like this match.
  8. Thanks for it. Sometimes they are only two or three blocks, I haven't spit out one this long in awhile but I usually leave a summary in the form of a first comment for my longer setups. It does seem kind of dumb not to include notification for transitions looking back at it. --------------------- I've used those in the past, would that work? I'll try to remember that detail anyway. Maybe I'll play with other forms of dialog too, though I don't really know any besides script style.
  9. On and off since Thursday. I kept quitting before I finished but then came back so I guess it got really long. I told myself I would stop adding to it after today and announced so on the forum.
  10. Really the title should be Yune and Ashera vs Dark Kahn but I don't feel like adding them so I used Ike. This goes in three stages. First Ike must escape from Daein, hounded by his rivals, the Dawn Brigade. Second he must rally the forces of Crimea, Gallia and Phoenicis against those of Begnion, Daein and Kilvas(where the other two nations end up is up to you). Third he must defeat Dark Kahn in singles combat, powered up by Yune and Ashera to make it more fair. Who wins? The nations represented by Ike, or those by Dark Kahn?
  11. I'm going with the Hobo, Abigail didn't show the best sense in Blade 3(even though the plot never punished her for it).
  12. I've FINALLY got an idea on what to write for my next Fire Emblem match. Ike vs Dark Kahn, New Years day(hopefully I can get motivated to finish it by then). Look for it! Or don't. Enjoy your holidays!
  13. Hmm, in theory but do they both have to live? Hit Girl would not likely know much about Callisto.
  14. Jiro, beware of body contact! As far as I know Blade still sweats!(I'm assuming movie Blade but I don't recall any version not sweating.)
  15. Going for the Mass Effect Guy here, though I think you kind of need both Brawn and brain. Why specialize?
  16. Karnage wins. Krystal doesn't really keep up her staff work as far as I know.
  17. Dragon Ball will always be popular here and so will all other classic comic book fight topics(Batman, Wolverine). A lot of members were lost when CBUB transitioned from a stand alone system to part of the electric ferret forum. Dieing out it could be but some proper promoting is all that is really needed to replace the lost members or attract some back. The old format only got popular because it still had the back issues supporting it, even if everyone really did wait 5 years for that Spider-villains vs Bat Villains conclusion. If the current CBUB got something like the back issues inviting nerds from all over the internet to debate some of them would be bound to stick around and start posting their own matches. In short, it could be dieing but if it is we don't need to do CPR, just PR.
  18. If I was making it up, then yes, that would be me saying do it my way or get off. But nothing was fabricated, I'm not one to reject new members just because I don't like them or disagree with them. The point is to write a setup. Go to your control panel, pick two characters for a match and this is what you see. See, the website is asking you to write a setup. This is actually less demanding than what it used to be. Back when the CBUB was getting fifty or more votes on every match(even Blood Rayne vs The Killer Clowns From Outer Space got 71 votes) the setup standard was higher and scratches were much more common. People got turned off and left because many of their setups were discarded when the CBUB was integrated into the forum and many records were not kept.(Part of the reason so many characters have 0-0 records is that none of the matches their matches were kept in the transition and the people who were using them got mad and left). The point is, setups have always been a part of the CBUB since it shifted from the Back Issues to users matches. Even the back issues had their scenarios, they were simply after the votes, rather than before them. Back then the saying was if you don't want to read the scenarios go to WWF Grudgematch, now it's don't want to type them go the Rumbles Board. There is nothing wrong with the alternative, WWF Grudgematch had more back issues than the CBUB, arguably it was more popular. None the less the CBUB was a different beast. Scenarios have been a part of it since Callisto vs He-man, issue 1.
  19. Lugia has the speed but Raquaza has extreme speed. Raquaza has the power but Lugia has a signature move with a high critical hit ratio. Lugia has a flinch move but again, no good against extreme speed. Lugia has better healing, Raquaza has better boosts...I'd say Lugia wins 6/10 times.
  20. I guess this is the fight, I really don't remember but I think Ryo has the better chance of winning with his rapid fire punch thing. I'd be rooting for Cody though rocks would be less effective than fireballs I think. Then again, there wouldn't even be any rocks to throw here would they? At least Cody won't be in his cuffs right?
  21. 1.Post a match on the CBUB and it will tell you what to do about a setup-2. If you do not wish to write a setup, we have the rumbles board and there are other forums online if you don't want to use that. The purpose of the CBUB is to write scenarios then see how the voting turns out, the website tells you that much if one bothers to read it. Now, as for good writing? We aren't asking for books. Who, what, when, where why. What version, what condition, why conflict, what is the conflict, where is it taking place. You can tell all those details in three or four sentences. If you don't do that much then bad for you. If you don't want to do that much refer 1 and 2. There is nothing wrong with the rumbles board. Spelling, grammar, we all make mistakes but good spelling and grammar are good things to learn and if using them comes naturally life will go smoother as people won't have to look over your writing twice to try and figure out what happened. Remember, who, what, when, where, why are all you need for an okay setup. Or at least that's all I think you need for a setup, I'd really like to know why you all are so inconsistent with your grading. If I get a bad grade, so be it but knowing why would be helpful. Even being told "its bad" without much reason at least allows for guessing or questions on what's wrong before the setup becomes a jumbled mess in the archives. If people are telling you spelling errors are the reason they rate it down at least you know what to change. If you're just a bad speller then copy and paste into Microsoft Word(or any other typing program), see if anything with a red line under it needs fixing, copy and paste back in CBUB. Done. Now everyone can talk about Spider-man vs Batman without being bugged by Manhattan being spelled Menhittun.
  22. The Dark Devil Gundam was about the same size as Trypticon. Of course Burning Gundam did not fight it alone, on the other hand it could fly Tripticon can't...Trypticon has also handled things about the same size as Burning Gundam. I'm not telling you how to vote, I'm just saying I did not try to make a deliberate squash match.
  23. The Necromongers will defeat this version of the Star Ship Troopers. They are not terribly advanced by Sci fi standards and the Necromongers will dominate on the ground.
  24. Fight eh? I'd say Chun Li but if it is restricted I suppose it could go either way. I think if Faith just ran she'd have little problems escaping though.
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