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CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by Landon

  1. It isn't a "best of" list without someone shouting about the absence of something.
  2. It's the new math. Indiana Jones would be on the top of my list. I'd have to do some real thinking past that point.
  3. Wolverine and Cap punch each other. Cap stays down longer. X-Men win. Then they fight a mutual foe for the rest of the story.
  4. Wolverine and Cap will punch each other, then the rest of the series will be the two groups working together to defeat a mutual foe.
  5. Landon

    MLP topic.

    Way to ruin my theory with FMA. Heeheehee
  6. Landon

    MLP topic.

    Also: One of the Flim Flam brothers has a slice of an apple for a cutie mark. The other has an apple with a slice cut out of it. The one with only the slice is a homunculus created by his mad scientist con man "brother," who had to offer up part of his "soul," his cutie mark, to create life.
  7. Landon

    MLP topic.

    About damn time they pulled a "Dear Celestia, I learned jack shit" joke.
  8. Landon


    Saw Haywire and Underworld this weekend. Haywire was awesome. Action scenes that you CAN ACTUALLY FOLLOW! HOW INNOVATIVE! *vulgarity* you, hand-held shaky-cams and ADD quick editing. Underworld was shocking not crappy. Didn't care much for the other movies in the series, mainly because what few actions scenes they had were completely spoiled in the trailers. That wasn't the case with this one. It actually had a few cool bits in the movie I hadn't already seen. I especially liked the "Vampire CPR" scene (you should know what I'm talking about if you've seen the movie). That was pretty creative.
  9. The Demons bickered too much amongst themselves to even handle ONE comparatively normal samurai, much less seven of them with super powers.
  10. Landon


    Went on a bit of a movie binge this week. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (US version): OK. Not sure why people are enthralled with this story, since it's a typical murder mystery. The parts that are meant to be shocking or whatever are pretty damn tame. Lisbeth is cool and all as a character, but she's the only thing that keeps the actual story from being completely mediocre. Everything else that was good about the movie had more to do with the direction and soundtrack. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Awesome. All about getting into the minds of people caught up in the Cold War. If Gary Oldman doesn't win best actor for this movie, the Oscars can go *vulgarity* themselves even moreso than they do already. Easily one of the best movies from 2011. Contraband: OK. Typical "criminal forced back into the business" story. Far from the worst example of that genre, but far from the best. Not much to say about it other than that.
  11. This thread is proof that Surfer's trolling skills are nonexistent.
  12. Landon


    Saw Mission Impossible 4 at the IMAX. Got to see that Dark Knight extended preview thing. Great little action scene that sets up Bane pretty well, but yeah, people are NOT gonna be happy with Bane's voice. I understood most of what he said, but I missed a few words and I usually have no problem with that sort of stuff. Hearing him and Gravely-Voice-Action Batman talk to each other will be almost as painful as listening to the Chipmunks. And MI4 was awesome. One of the best movies I've seen this year. Between it and Fast Five, this has been a great year for straight-up action movies.
  13. Landon

    MLP topic.

    Nope. The ponies were always deviant, evil masterminds in the Dexter's Lab cartoons. I consider them prophesies of the bleak days ahead of us.
  14. No. It only gets worse as it goes on. Quit while you can.
  15. We should follow the Riot Gear model. Don't write set-ups. Don't spellcheck. Be assholes (moreso than usual). That'll revive the CBUB.
  16. Landon

    Video Games

    Finished all three Uncharted games and wrote up a little review thing. http://mecha-guignol.com/2011/12/04/uncharted/
  17. Seeing Bond and Penguin play off of each other would be a hell of a lot of fun, but Penguin's organization's got nothing on the likes of SPECTRE or whatever else Bond's faced.
  18. Landon


    My dislike of the new Muppet movie has everything to do with it being TOO nostalgic. Too much crying over the Muppets not being around and not enough actual Muppet stuff. Walter sucked. Kermit had little of his manic side. Animal was sedated until the last two minutes. The Kermit/Piggy love thing was a rehash of stuff we'd already seen in Muppets Take Manhatten. Gonzo didn't get to do much of anything. The only Muppet that got to DO anything that resembled their actual style was Fozzie. So yeah. Too much nostalgia and not enough Muppets.
  19. Landon

    Video Games

    About halfway through Uncharted 2. WAY better than the first game.
  20. Landon

    Video Games

    Probably me. I tend to only play fighting games or quirky stuff like Katamari Damacy.
  21. Landon

    Video Games

    Bought all three Uncharted games on Black Friday. Beat the first one late last night. It was a decent game. Gameplay was kinda repetitive, since it boiled down to either "hide behind a box and shoot" or "dangle from a ledge and jump." The game was at its best when it went into action scenes, like when you have to outrun a collapsing bridge or shoot from the back of a jeep while trying to escape from bad guys. And I didn't care much for the late-game twist where things became more Resident Evil-like rather than modern day Indiana Jones-ish. Glad I only played ~$20 for it. There definitely wasn't $60 worth of game in there. Hopefully the next two games improve on things.
  22. Landon


    The Muppets wasn't about Muppets. It was about whiny fanboys crying about the lack of Muppets. Then, when the movie was almost over, they remembered they were making a Muppet movie. But it was too late.
  23. Landon

    MLP topic.

    So yeah, I finished the first season and I'm caught up on the second season. MLP is a solid kid show. I still fail to see why so many people are downright obsessive about it, but I dig it about as much as I've liked most CN cartoons. It isn't as awesome as Adventure Time, and I don't like it nearly as much as I like "adult" stuff like Venture Bros or Archer, but it's cool.
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