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Everything posted by Landon

  1. Landon


    Didn't care much for the new Star Trek movie. The opening sequence is pretty cool, but once the main plot kicked in everything turned to crap.
  2. Johnny being black is easy to deal with. Just make it where he and Sue are no longer brother and sister. While their being siblings is important in the comics, you can easily rework things to where that's not an issue in a new movie. Far as Luke Cage goes, there isn't enough to go by in that clip to make a call one way or another. Would be cool if that's him, though. He's an actual super hero type AND his powers are easy to portray on a TV budget. The whole Vision thing is too convoluted. Just say "Live Model Decoy" and everything is solved. Granted, it's pretty lame that Coulson's coming back at all. His death is the only moment that grounds the first Avengers movie. Without his death that movie has no soul. Pretty explosions and Hulk smashing, but no soul.
  3. Give me a Star Wars game that has nothing to do with Jedi or Clone/Storm Troopers. Hell, just give me something Star Wars related without either of those elements. Give me like, a Metal Gear Solid styled game about the underbelly of the Star Wars universe-- all smugglers and bounty hunters and all that Han Solo shit. You know, the stuff about Star Wars that's actually cool.
  4. Daily Lives was pretty funny. One of the better anime comedies from the past year or so. The last scene in the last episode makes everything come together perfectly. Kore wa Zombie... not so much. Barf. Samurai Champloo is required viewing.
  5. In English-speaking countries, "anime" is used to signify animation made in Japan. Simple as that. Yeah, "anime" is a general term for animation in Japanese, but the definition was narrowed when the word was borrowed into English. That sort of change in definition often happens when words are borrowed into different languages, and it's a perfectly legit thing. So yeah, a dude in Japan saying that something made in Germany is "anime" is correct in Japanese context, but in English the word has a different meaning. At the same time, fans who get hung up on anime being referred to as animation/cartoons/whatever are also wrong. Anime IS a subset of animation. It's just Japanese cartoons. Insisting that people ONLY refer to it as anime and denying its roots is pretty damn stupid.
  6. Landon


    Pain and Gain was the movie Michael Bay was born to make. It takes all of his obnoxious quirks and stylistic choices and gives them purpose. I dug it. Oblivion sucked. Nonsensical story with nothing going on to divert you from its stupidity. It's pretty, but that's about it. The Evil Dead remake was solid. Good gory special effects, and a lot of it is practical stuff instead of cg. It keeps to the spirit of the original while being different enough, which is the ideal way to remake a movie. The new GI Joe: Brilliant mountain ninja sequence, not much else of interest. Worth watching for said sequence, though. Olympus has Fallen wasn't pulpy enough. It needed to be more Die Hard ripoff and less jingoistic propaganda. Taking itself seriously was its downfall.
  7. Landon


    Get back to me when they make a DC fighting game that isn't some lame dark EXTREME Elseworld wannabe grimfest where everyone's acting like a Mortal Kombat character in super hero cosplay.
  8. Landon


    That new Oz movie is about as mediocre as you can get.
  9. Zetman is kinda awesome. Good super hero show. Liked what I saw of Casshern, but never finished it. The others are manga and I don't read much manga.
  10. Family Guy redefined "lowest common denominator." At one time the phrase simply meant "something the masses agree upon." Now it means "if that's what the masses like, I hope an meteor wipes out all life on Earth before it gets renewed for yet another season." Also, Family Guy sucks.
  11. Badtz Maru Pen-Pen Pingu Penguin (Polar Bear Cafe) Gunther
  12. https://www.facebook.com/MechaGuignol Made a Facebook page for my anime blog. Yeah.
  13. This is an elaborate word count thing. It counts types of words in whatever you post and compares it to some arbitrary value that's "idea." It doesn't take a lot of factors into consideration. I'm not seeing much worth in this thing outside of "how many nouns do I use," and that isn't really a relevant fact.
  14. Landon

    MLP topic.

    http://mecha-guignol.com/2013/02/18/yeah-man-season-3-of-my-little-pony-pretty-much-sucked/ Yeah, I didn't care much for season 3 as a whole.
  15. Karnov's been a hero (his original game) and a fighting game boss (Fighter's History). Abobo's been a hero (his recent fanmade game) and a miniboss. One of these dude's been a bigger boss than the other. Karnov takes it.
  16. Landon

    Video Games

    Demon's Souls Ultrahard gameplay. Totally unforgiving. Little to no plot or character development getting in the way of the gameplay. Button mashing gets you killed almost instantly. Forces you to take things slow and think out your next move. It's almost everything I want out of a video game.
  17. When The Simpsons ends, most people will say "Didn't it already end five years ago?"
  18. A blog I follow actually explains what's going on in the screenshot Shockwave posted. I had no idea it was referencing some internet critic dudes until I saw said post.
  19. Terrible adaptation. They left out RoboJean and Ponpon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ING9kPgEU
  20. .Hack//Sign = 26 episodes of people waxing faux-philosophical in WoW Trade Chat while rarely going on and actually questing. Seconding the recommendation of Yu Yu Hakusho. One of the better Shounen Jump series and is a bit more toned down compared to more recent shows from the same magazine (Naruto and Bleach are more teen-appropriate). It's more in line with what people in the West feel is appropriate for kids. One Piece is probably fine for kids too, but I can't vouch as confidently since I haven't seen much of it.
  21. Landon

    Comic Books

    OK, so the preceding discussion makes me glad I haven't tried out that new Avengers comic. Was kinda interested when they said Cannonball and Sunspot were joining the team, but the above lameness turns me off completely. Now that I'm dabbling in super hero comics again, I've found a few worth buying on a monthly basis: Hawkeye FF (the new rebooted one with Ant Man and company) Wolverine and the X-Men X-Factor Those clicked with me since they aren't afraid to have a sense of humor. Most of the other comics I've checked out in the past few months (other X-Men related stuff mostly) are way too dour and self-serious for me to take them seriously. I blogged about the two X-Men related comics a few months back here and here.
  22. Most companies can't afford to make dubs for anime nowadays. DVD and Bluray sales aren't strong enough to warrant them in most cases, and few series air on English-speaking channels nowadays. Unless it's a big name title that's guaranteed decent sales, it's not gonna get dubbed. Also, many of the series on HuluPlus probably have dubs on their home releases (Pretty sure a lot of that stuff is from Funimation, the last US anime company that regularly makes dubs). If you absolutely can't stand hearing a language other than English and are too lazy to read a couple of subtitles, pony up the money. Or steal it. People who actually pay attention to anime with any seriousness don't give a damn about that old sub vs dub debate, since most of us watch stuff as it's released in Japan. Dubs are obsolete.
  23. In the end, Young Justice will be roughly 50 episodes long. That's a pretty damn good run, about as long as either of the Justice League series. If they wrap up the ongoing storyline decently by the time it's over, I don't think there'll be much to be disappointed about.
  24. Landon

    MLP topic.

    Don't remember anything about Optimus Prime, but I got a kick out of them continuing the David Bowie references in the Diamond Dog cave entrance.
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