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CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by patrickthekid

  1. If we go by an initial defeat, I'd go with team 1. But if they need to make death permanent... I don't see how either can put down Scorpion for good. I don't think Akuma's signature more would work on him.
  2. This will be an interesting fight. In the end, I think Binding will be the most effective way to end the fight as he's been able to disable beings as strong as Mephisto. He'll just need to survive being torn apart by telekinesis, but I think he'll have the spells to survive long enough for the binding spell.
  3. Funnily enough, I think Kate would have an even easier time taking down the Witch King. She'd just need a well placed arrow between the eyes to get the job done.
  4. I don't see anything about Bilbo being good at cards, so I don't see him outsmarting The Riddler here.
  5. As much I hate to say it... I think Chloe takes it. Even when Eddy beat her his story, it didn't feel like she was really beaten.
  6. Hmm... I would give the advantage to Jirahs. Mu-12 can get in hits, but is extremely fragile and can get knocked down in a single blow. Meanwhile Tankor has a missile launcher, but Jirahs has an electric beam he can use to keep Tankor at bay.
  7. I'm going with Red Goblin. Blizzard would need to do an AOE wave of cold to get a hit on him, and it doesn't seem like he could do so. Tenaya is a non-factor.
  8. With those limitations, I think the Turtle will find a way to outsmart Ambush Bug.
  9. Oh, I was worried Evil-Lyn or Skeletor was taking part of this fight. With that lineup the Loonatics should be able to scrape by.
  10. Interesting fight. I think Ben has the speed feet beat being able to go faster than what cameras can track.
  11. Leela. No contest. Easily the best combatant out of all of the Doctor's companions. Has enhanced stats all around where Romana's own Time Lord physiology wouldn't even be a factor. It changes if guns are involved since she's the best marksman, but I don't think any of them have any weapons on them besides Leela.
  12. If this is Donna post-Journey, then she wins on the basis of being a Time Lord in itself. If not, I'll give the edge slightly to them as well. Clara actually started to have good instincts in problem-solving until the end, but Martha and Rose leveled up a lot in dealing with alien forces.
  13. I didn't agree with those results as I felt those explanations were flawed. Mass still requires force to move things even in space.
  14. Chris easily takes this. He doesn't even need to go to his Orochi powers to take it.
  15. Oh this is something I live for. Oh it's not a fight between the two. Still pretty interesting. Regardless, I'd give the edge to Susan and Zoe. Even with Susan's vulnerabilities, both her and Zoe are smart enough to handle the logistics. Zoe herself is pretty damn good in combat as well so the two compliment either other well. Ace is a firecracker to other people's plans, but she won't have the right guidance to be effective without getting herself killed. Sadly Tegan isn't the right fit for that.
  16. This feels like a pretty even match actually. The two are comparabl strength wise. I'd give the edge to Jack for his experience against vampires.
  17. The return zombies are definitely the smartest since they actually planned strategies against the humans they faced. They're also much harder to put down since even their body parts can still fight without their heads. So it would likely be a long drawn fight of the WWZ zombies literally beating them to a pulp.
  18. This will be an interesting fight. The ninjas are much faster, but Spidey has that Spider-Sense so they may not be able to hit him with speed or stealth.. He also has webbing that could trap them. That said, I think the Rangers can think of a plan to catch him with their combined powers.
  19. Hmm. It's hard to see who has the advantage. Sakura's much faster, but she's confined to a space Azula can blast away pretty easily. I think substitution jutsu will help Sakura close the gap and get the win.
  20. From what I saw in the movie, their magic didn't seem impressive enough that Edward couldn't dodge.
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