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Tournament - Judge Doom vs. Carnage
Judge Doom: 2
Carnage: 7

Zurg (Lightyear movie) vs. Goliath (Evolve)
Emperor Zurg: 2
Goliath (Evolve): 0

Psylocke vs. Danielle Moonstar
Psylocke: 6
Danielle Moonstar: 2

Rumble 20570 Arkin vs. Komodo
Arkin: 0
Komodo: 1

Rumble 20569 Minsu Kim vs. The Avengers
Minsu Kim: 2
The Avengers: 4

Match 19364 Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers vs. Zantestu


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Megastory 3.22

Masters of Evil


Previously: Baron Zemo has begun a new Masters of Evil. After several battles and loses a recruitment drive went into effect.




One of the highlights of The Masters of Evil recruiting campaign was the influx of ninjas. The Lin Kuei renegade Frost had been killed in an earlier altercation so until now. The group was ninja less. No more.

Surviving the destruction of Cobra, Stormshadow offered his services. Zemo took him as a personal counselor for all things ninja. Stormshadow spoke highly of master Zantestu. He was the last of his ninja clan- a once highly respected group that produced assassins of the highest caliber. Stormshadow even declared what a shame it was how they had declined due to the more technological incorporating clans.

Zantestu answered the Masters of Evil’s invitation in order to prove his skills and perhaps find a student so that his style would not be lost.

With such an eager operative available, a quick decision needed to made for whom to set him against.

The Power Rangers were an underrated organization. There were many teams all over the world. Some of them were government sponsored while others worked independently.

The Lightspeed Rescue team was about the most public of the Power Rangers. People knew who they were, where they were. Problem was, The Masters of Evil were not ready for the inevitable frontal attack required for a hit like this. The Lightspeed Rescue team had support personnel and military oversight. A public, drawn out battle would surely draw in the army if not other Power Ranger teams let alone other costumed heroes. A strike against Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue needed the ninja touch.

In his mission briefing, Baron Zemo instructed Zantestu to kill the commanding officer of Lightspeed Rescue. A certain Captain Mitchell. But Zantestu argued for a more challenging assignment- kill the Power Rangers themselves.

Such a loss would impact the mental fortitude of the heroes. Baron Zemo approved of the amendment. He even offered backup but the ninja declined claiming it would stifle his effectiveness since no one knew his clan’s techniques.

Within three days, Zantestu was ready to begin.



Fight Parameters:


Zantestu is out to kill the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers.


He intends to catch them in civilian activities assassinating Carter, Kelsey, Chad, Dana and Joel one by one. True ninja style. He’ll also kill Captain Mitchell if he can but he’s not the primary target.


All rangers will begin unmorphed and unsuspecting of danger. If they survive the planned attack, Zantestu will kill them the hard way, face to face.


Kelsey- the Yellow Ranger- is on a rock climbing expedition guiding some adventurers on a hike.


Carter- the Red Ranger- is with a rescue squad answering a three alarm fire.


Joel- the Green Ranger- is at Lightspeed Aquabase, preparing to demonstrate the zords for some military brass.


Dana- the Pink Ranger- is actually at the same scene as Carter, as a paramedic, helping victims of the fire.


Captain Mitchell is at Lightspeed Aquabase hosting the military brass that Joel is doing the demonstration for.



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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.00 - patrickthekid
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.00 Total Combined Score
9.00 / 2 = 4.50 Final Rating on the match

Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers: 1
Zantestu: 1

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