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Tournament - Judge Doom vs. Carnage
Judge Doom: 2
Carnage: 7

Zurg (Lightyear movie) vs. Goliath (Evolve)
Emperor Zurg: 2
Goliath (Evolve): 0

Psylocke vs. Danielle Moonstar
Psylocke: 6
Danielle Moonstar: 2

Rumble 20570 Arkin vs. Komodo
Arkin: 0
Komodo: 1

Rumble 20569 Minsu Kim vs. The Avengers
Minsu Kim: 2
The Avengers: 4

Match 17162 Roman Torchwick vs. The Dreadnoks


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The bar was sparse and that was probably a good thing. Most of the fishermen were out to sea.

Tula prayed that this meeting would go smoothly. Considering what she was opposing, her objective would require this level of expert.

So far, he was a no show. But it wasn’t time to worry yet. She had come early and the wait felt longer than she wanted it to.


At last he came in. How long had he scouted the area before entering? How many people did he bring with him?

Rude questions.

If he was a professional and as long as she behaved, everything should go smoothly.


To identify herself she included a password for her to say. Just so he didn’t take a job from the wrong person by accident.

She watched him approach two different people and casually walked away from them when the password clearly wasn’t uttered.

When he came to her, Tula’s heart raced. She didn’t let on outwardly, but she silently scolded herself for staring.

You got a drink?”

Only dark water.” Tula said.

The man sat right down, satisfied that he had found his potential employer.

Tula went straight to the point.

There’s someone who may need to be killed.”


Do you need to know why?”

Not unless it helps with the mission.”

Tula was disappointed. She wanted to explain the situation. It was a tale that would recruit even the Avengers. As far as she could understand it, the threat required Avenger level involvement. If it could be nipped in the bud now though...

Who’s my target?”

It’s not simply kill and walk away.” Tula stammered. “If there was another way... but I don’t see any other options. He’s not himself. He was never really a good guy but now he’s gone overboard. Sometimes I wonder if he’s even in control of himself.”

Her companion listened politely. Before she could really get going, Tula stopped her yammering she got back on point.

His name is Bloth. He captains a ship, commands a whole crew of men.”

Got a picture?”

Tula dug it out and handed it over. A blurry street cam photo that she obviously pulled off the internet.

The man glared at it then set it down.

I’ll do my own research but anything you want to tell me about him? Is he s mutant? A metahuman. Got friends that won’t like what happens to him?”

He’s not meta.” Tula told him. “Besides his crew I don’t think he has any friends.”

The man leaned back. “Alright. We already worked out payment. Put it through and I’ll get started. If it takes longer than a weak to get it done I’ll contact you and renegotiate.”

Okay.” said Tula.

She was so focused on the conversation that she didn’t notice the last few comers and goers. Hearing her name shouted out rhythmically sank her spirits.

Tula Tula Tula! You stole from me!”

There were a lot of people she had cross. For various reasons.

Roman Torchwick coming after her was no surprise. In fact it was a bit of a relief. There was worse.

Torchwick marched over to her table and regarded her contractee.

And what do we have here? A boyfriend?”

Just a guy. Leaving now.” He calmly stood and walked out with no regard for Tula’s predicament.

She wanted to be insulted but she understood. This had nothing to do with him. If she couldn’t pay him, he wouldn’t finish the job. Coming to her defense was not a part of the deal. Luckily, Tula was smart enough to use some of the money she had acquired to hire some backup.



Aye mate!” A blonde man shouted. It was Buzzer, the lead guy of Dreadnocks she hired. “You best get lost before you get trouble!”

Roman glared at the man. Then he saw a few other patrons with that ready for action posture.

Guys, guys!” He tried to sound as cool as he could manage. “This is between me and the lady! She stole from me! Better be careful or she’ll steal from you too!”

We already got our money!” Torch snarled. “I, for one, was hoping we could earn it.”

Me too.” Ripper stood up. “I’m really glad you showed up.”

Torchwick maintained a proud smirk as he counted his adversaries.

You might be interested to know. I brought backup too.”

A pair of thugs took up positions covering the Dreadnocks.

If you wanna do this!” Buzzer spat. “Let’s get it on!”


Fight Parameters:

Roman Torchwick has two hired guns to back him up but they are irrelevant as far as voting is concerned. They are just there to keep Torchwick from being dog-piled.

The Drednocks present are: Ripper, Torch and Buzzer- the original three.

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