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Rumble 20589 Nathan Drake vs. The Xenomorph Queen
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Why where so many of my submissions rejected?

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I added some characters, one even had his own Wikipedia page and I got the "Wiki Text is unacceptable" response. I mean why? One has their own Wikipedia page. I also think just a link to the media they where in should be fine enough. Wikipedia are jerks sometimes.

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24 minutes ago, ViceCityMobster86 said:

I added some characters, one even had his own Wikipedia page and I got the "Wiki Text is unacceptable" response. I mean why? One has their own Wikipedia page. I also think just a link to the media they where in should be fine enough. Wikipedia are jerks sometimes.

Hi Vice,

I need to state something first,  I have nothing against you or your characters, so please don't take the rejections the wrong way, personal feelings have nothing to do with my decisions on said matters. If it ever seems that way to you, I sincerely apologize for that.

Now, as you know there is some criteria regarding character submission now, that is different from the standards we'd set before. In regards to that, the criteria for the character reviewers has also changed.

The following text found below is the criteria that each of the character reviewers can see when a character is found in the bins.

"Character Admin

Step One: Verify the link to Wikipedia goes to a page relevant to this character.

Step Two: Verify the link to Official (copyright holder) goes to some reasonable destination for this character.

Step Three: Verify the image is for this character and acceptable representation.

Step Four: Verify text included is a paste from their Wikipedia page, linked above."


Now, in regards to the text presented, some of the characters you've created don't adhere to the criteria presented for "Step Four", or "Verify text included is a paste from their Wikipedia page, linked above.", as they seem to lack the required  text from their wikipedia pages, primarily that of Anthony Gallen, James Horton, and a few others that included that message. This is an easy fix though, as all you need to do is copy/paste a brief summary from their wiki links into the description by their pictures in the gallery, and I will accept them for you.

In regards to some others, mainly your GTA characters, the information isn't really the problem so much as the information not lining up with the wikipedia links you provided, so in those regards, you may have to see if you can create some articles to accompany them on wikipedia, similar to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_Rebels_characters , but using GTA III text instead, now this may take some time, but it will allow you to insert these characters via "Step Four" in these other characters cases. I can see if I can help you with this matter, but I you will probably have to work on this, before I can help you further.

Again, please don't take these matters as anything against you or your characters, I'm simply trying to adhere to the criteria which Fox has provided for the character reviewers.



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